The Alpha and His Contract Luna
60. This can't be happening

I try to open my eyes but it's like they are full of lead. The ground beneath me is hard and my head is aching. I hear the shouts and feet running, but I can't figure out why.

"Oh my goddess” I hear the gasp.

Why was the person gasping? Is something wrong? And why the hell can't I see anything? I groan when I try to get up but I am unable. A splitting pain in my head forces me to keep my body still. “Call an ambulance. They both need medical attention”

Something wasn't right. Who were they talking about and where were Jax and Krystal? Nothing made sense and the more I tried to piece it all together the more pain I felt.

“Ma’am can you hear me?” someone asks.

I nod my head but the action makes me want to scream in pain.

“That's good. Are you hurt, can you get up?”

I wasn't sure if I was hurt but I couldn't get up. I tried that and I failed. My head felt like it was weighing down my whole body. Like it was too heavy.

“Try to apply pressure on the wound. He is losing a lot of blood" a different voice says.

I try to speak. To ask who they were talking about but my lips refuse to move and nothing but air comes out of my mouth.

Fuck. I needed to get up. Needed to check on the kids. The last thing I remember is having lunch with them. They must be worried sick. Where were they?

“Shit! She's also bleeding. Looks like she hit the back of her head hard”

“Try to gently lift her and place a towel on the back”

“Start CPR. He is going into cardiac arrest” someone shouts.

Fear grips me. I didn’t need to be told who they were talking about. I am paralyzed and not because of my head wound. Something unfamiliar seizes me. Grips my heart refusing to let go.

“We're losing him!”

No this can't be happening. This is all a dream. Maybe if I shut my eyes I'll fall back to unconsciousness and wake up in a different reality. Why did the idiot have to jump in front of a bullet meant for me? Now he was going to die and I couldn't do anything about that.

How will I explain this to Jax? I promised him his father will be coming home in a few days only to have him come home but in a coffin. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I feel someone squeeze my hand. Strong hands. It must be Micah. I don't know whether he was trying to reassure me or himself.

I lay there, helplessly. Unable to do something as the heart monitor starts to slow down into a steady continuous sound.

“It's not working. He is flat-lining”

"Start the defibrillator now. We are not gonna lose him damn it!"

A tear falls from the corner of my eyes. I want the continuous sound of the monitor to stop. It was making my ears bleed. Please moon goddess let him be okay. I may be angry with him but that doesn't mean I want him dead.

I don't know whether it's because I didn't want to face the truth of what was happening. That Sebastian's heart had stopped. But my mind shuts down and I fall into unconsciousness.

When I wake up I am in the hospital. This time though, my vision is clear and I can see.l look at the door when it opens. Lilly, Claire and Doctor John, the pack doctor enter.

“Luna, it's good to see you awake” he mumbles, his eyes focused on the clipboard in his hands. The two women come and stand on each side of my bed. Each one taking one of my hands. They look at me in sympathy and I start to panic. Has something happened to Sebastian?

“Well, you have a concussion and CT scans indicate you don't have any brain damage. I will need to keep you in the hospital for a day just to monitor your progress because of the wound and also the fact that the drug is still in your system. You inhaled a combination of wolfsbane and nightshade.” "What about...” I try to cut in but he just continues on as if I have said nothing.

“Now I gonna need you to take it easy the next couple of days. We have ruled out any complications that might occur but I still don’t want to risk your health”

I scream to get his attention. Fed up of him ignoring me when I am trying to speak. My health right now didn't matter. I wanted to know how Sebastian was doing.

“Calm down Renny. Let the doctor speak” Claire tries to soothe me but it doesn't work

“Don't fucking tell me to calm down” I snark before turning to John. “Now you better tell me how my mate is doing or I swear on the goddess I will fucking rip you into pieces”

He swallows looking at me in pity. He wouldn't be looking at me like that if Sebastian was okay. Meaning he wasn't.

"At this point it's too early to tell. He was already a bit weakened when he took the bullet. It pierced his heart, the silver coating the bullet seeped into his heart causing him to go into cardiac arrest and flat-line twice. We were able to revive him but he slipped into a coma”

"When will he wake up?” I ask, shaken. My whole body was trembling.

“We are not sure. He might wake up tomorrow or in one week, a month, a year or he might never wake up. Like I said it too early to tell”

With those parting words he leaves my room. Claire and Lilly try to talk to me, comfort me, but nothing but the guilt registers. This was my fault.

That man was after me. I was his target and now Jax might lose his father because he got shot protecting me. How the hell was I supposed to live with that?

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