Chapter 38 

Alex waved his Brandy in front of him to show he wasn’t buying Liam’s latter reply. 

You do love her, would it hurt so much to admit it?” He asked 

“I don’t! We’re only bound by the darn contract! Liam shouted exasperatedly 

*Calm down boy Alex said, laughing and took a swig from the bottle. 

“I’m trying to “Liam replied in frustration 

“No you aren’t Alex countered back and slurped. 

*Ewww*Liam muttered, sounding disgusted 

Alex smiled sheepishly Sorry, my bad. So what’s up?” 

“With? Liam asked 

“I thought you ran here, being the safest place, because there’s trouble in paradise?” Alex asked with a small frown. 

Liam glared at him There’s no trouble and definitely no paradise anywhere” 

“Yeah sure “Came Alex’s sarcastic reply 

*Look, I’m tired of going around in circles so let’s get down to business, why are you here instead of being between your wife’s legs?” Alex asked in all 


Liam shot him another death glare before the hard stare finally disappeared, replaced with a calm one 

“I… I don’t know.. The thing is, we kinda argued before I left home “He said with a weary sigh. 

Alex didn’t look as surprised as he expected “So?” 

Liam gave him a hard stare” So I’m here” 

Alex shook his head “Dumbass, I meant to ask what you intend to do now that you fought, I know you have the hots for her ” 

Liam closed his eyes briefly, trying to figure out how to reason with his idiotic friend “I didn’t fight her, I said we kinda got into an argument” 

*Yeah I get it, so what do you wanna do now? Alex asked, finally succumbing to his friend’s explanation. 

“I don’t know honestly Liam replied with a frustrated sigh. 

“Well, go to her and apologize, you should be with her anyways” Alex suggested casually and popped his feet on the table before him. 

“I can’t “Liam muttered with a shake of his head to emphasize his strong decision. 

“Why?” Alex countered, starting to get irritated by his friend’s attitude. He knew Liam loved the girl but he was just too stubborn to admit it, even to himself. He should spare himself the torture and go to her but knowing how stubborn his friend was, he would reject his suggestion instantly 

“She… She… “Liam struggled to get the words out but finally ended up sighing. 

*Well” ” Alex prompted with a raised eyebrow. 

“I… Just can’t “Liam replied with difficulty 

Alex shot him a dark glare “Then why did you ask to talk if you were going to do the exact opposite?” 

Liam sneered in return “Believe me, this is the last place I want to be, I came here because I can’t go to work without speculations arising, I ought to be with my wife, remember? He took a pause and looked at Alex 

Alex scoffed The wife you’re scared to go to” 

Liam ignored him and continued “I can’t go to work without my employees throwing questioning looks in my direction, I need to protect her reputation” 

Alex smirked “Coming from someone who doesn’t seem to care for a certain someone 

Liam glared at him I did not say I don’t care about her, I just don’t love her, we’re bound by a contract, remember? 

“Yeah, the damn contract” Alex muttered in reply 

“Just cut yourself some slack, will you? You know what you feel for Carla is much more than that “He added with a grimace. 

“I care for her. Alex, I promised her I will “Liam said quietly, more to convince himself than to his friend. 

“And you love her, would it hurt you so much to admit that?” Alex asked 

Okay I’m done with this “Liam said, getting up “On second thought, I think I’d better go to work than sit here and listen to more gibberish you’re saying ” 

* Oh you wouldn’t do that Alex said confidently and smirked, before taking a long swig from his drink. 

“Go to hell” Liam spatted out 

“Oh, we’re definitely going together Alex said with a laugh and slurped. 

“I’m off “Liam said, already going out. 

“Love you too baby!” Alex yelled after him 

“Jackass ‘Liam muttered under his breath as he drove off. 

His phone rang the moment he drove into the executive parking space of his company. He checked the caller ID and a smile escaped his lips as he saw who it was. It was no other person than his wife, Carla  sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Hi” Came her sweet voice from the other end. She sounded uncertain, somewhat. 

“Hey” He replied coolly 

“Where are you? She asked in the same uncertain voice 

“Work “He replied in a monotone voice, making sure he sounded emotionless 

“Oh“Now she sounded disappointed, as if she couldn’t believe he actually went through with his threat and went to work when they were supposed to be together as newly wedded couple. 

“Yeah” He replied and waited for her to say something. When she didn’t say anything after some minutes, he asked “Well?” 

“Uh… Nevermind She replied quietly and was on the verge of hanging up but his voice stopped her. 

*Carla Blake, what is it? You would call me without a reason, you know that “Liam said, in a bid to make her talk. 

*Uh… Yeah, I just wanted you to…” She paused and took a deep breath before she went on “I just wanted to tell you to come home 

*Why?” He asked with a frown, wondering why on earth she woy ask him to come home when she could barely tolerate his presence that she locked herself in the bathroom. He was still pained by the action, he knew. Running away from him didn’t bade well, he hated it when someone did that. 

*Surprise, so are you coming?” Her voice had taken on a sexy tone. 

“Sure “He replied eagerly and made a U–turn to the bewildered look of the security guys. 

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