Chapter 61 

Aren’t you going to work today?She asked curiously as they sat down to eat

Of course I’m going to work He replied casually 

She eyed him So why are you still home this time? It’s unusual of youShe pointed out

He shrugged I’m the boss, I can pretty do whatever I want” 

*Does that include breaking the rules you made mister? She gave him a hard stare

He looked up sharply Of course not, He took a deep breath I just wanted to make sure you’re okay, now that carrying a child and all that ” 

Carla sighed I’ve told you Liam, I’m fine. You don’t have to watch over me like some nanny, I’m okay” 

Liam searched her face Really? You’ll be okay by yourself?” 

She smiled at him sweetlyOf course, I won’t die before you get back or do anything stupid, you know” 

Liam sighed deeply Okay then, let’s do this” 

He stood up and came over to her sideTake care, huh?He said softly, staring at her so intently that Carla looked away. Why did she look away anyway? It was not like she was guilty of anything, was she? She questioned herself

He kissed both of her cheeks Stay safe, hmn? I need to go get dressed, I’ll be with you in ten” 

Carla nodded happily, quite satisfied with herself. Suddenly, she felt a vomit up her throat and stood up immediately, dashing past Liam who had started going upstairs 

CarlaHe shouted after her but she was in no position to reply or look back at him. She ran into the toilet and emptied all the food she ate. Then she rested her head on the wall, feeling too weak

Hey! Are you okay?He asked frantically, looking her over

She nodded weakly Yes, I’m good” 

Is this throwing up of a thing part of the whole business?He asked as he helped her back to the bedroom. He laid her gently on the bed

Yup it is, now get me the damn blanketShe said irritably and groaned

He quickly pulled it up for her and tucked her in properly

Thank goodness I haven’t gone to work yet He remarked quietly

She peered up at him You can go ahead, I’m perfectly capable of… 

He nodded and cut her off Taking care of yourself yeah I know, now get some restHe placed a light kiss on her forehead and got up

Where are you going?She asked 

To look up some things that helps when an expecting mother throws up He replied casually and turned to go

Carla blushed I’m fine really, aren’t you going to work?” 

Why do you want me to leave so badly?He asked, staring at her intently

She looked startled by the question UhNothing, I just don’t want to disturb you when you obviously want to be at work” 

*Listen Carla, I want to be with you not in some company that can even handle itself if I’m not available for a weekHe insisted gently 

Carla sighed but said nothing

*You want me to leave so you can run off to the hospital again? No way, this time you have to tell me whatever it is you’re feeling She shook her head quickly NoNo I’m okay! And I won’t run off to some hospital so you can leave, please She begged softly He was on the verge of replying when his phone rang. He threw her a look that said We’ll talk about this later and picked up

*Liam BlakeHe said into the feceiver

Carla couldn’t hear the other person’s side of conversation but she quessed it was a serious issue because Liams whole countenance changed but he was calm after a minute

Can you handle it? At least block it from happening. I’ll be at work tomorrowHe said calmly

Carla’s eyes widened, so he would rather spend time with her than go to work where she was sure had a serious issue going on? No she wouldn’t allow that. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she made him stay with her knowing he could have prevented it if he was at work

He dropped his phone on the table and came to her Hey, are you okay?He asked softly, caressing her cheeks Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She gave him a hard stare Liam Blake, you’re going to that work, now get up and go get dressed” 

Of course he protested but she had braced herself up for that, she knew he wouldn’t go down without a fight

I’m going nowhere, I’m staying here with you, everything happening at work could wait till tomorrow Came his strong refusal

I’m fine and will be, I promise! She exclaimed, exasperated

Not enough to convince me * He muttered and played with a lock of her hair

She sighed, thinking of what to do. She finally arrived at a solution You know what? I’ll get dressed too so you’ll drop me off at Jenny’s restaurant 

He frowned Why?” 

She crossed her arms under her breasts Obviously, you don’t want me to be here alone so I’ll just spend the day at Jenny’s until you get back from work 

He nodded slowly, that sounded like a good idea. He really didn’t want to leave her here on her own so going to her friend’s place might be a good idea after all

He regarded her suspiciously And you’re not going to try anything funny?” 

She rolled her eyes Like?” 

He scratched his head I don’t knowWell, it’s fine if you’re cool with it” 

She smiled at him sweetly Good, now go get dressed” 

Chapter 62 

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