Chapter 33 

Sitting in the driver’s seat and seeing Christy’s face paled from the reverse mirror, Joshua smiled triumphantly. What exactly do you want before you’re willing to save my son?Christy asked as she trembled with fear. Didn’t I tell you previously? You and your daughter follow me back to the Melendez Villa and don’t go anywhere without my permission Joshua answered

Joshua Melendez, you’re so despicable! How dare you use my child’s life to threaten me! What kind of man are you?Christy shouted in rage

Aren’t you the one who knows the best whether I’m a man or not?Joshua teased playfully

Christy was speechless in anger at Joshua’s remarks

Six years ago, on that desperate night, the man in front of Christy raped her and caused her to be stranded in another country. Yet now Joshua dare to tease her with such a thing

Christy was so furious and shaking in anger

Christy, how much longer are you going to pretend? The twin looks exactly like me. How are you going to explain that? When exactly did you carry my babies?” 

Christy’s whole body shivered with fear when questioned by Joshua

They’re my children! I gave birth to them! They have nothing to do with you!Christy immediately denied it angrily while she began to panic

Hah, without my sperm, how can you give birth to them? Christy, I never expect that you don’t even know such common knowledge. Joshua snickered.. 

You’ve no proof! Don’t spurt nonsense!Christy was flushed with rage

Who says I don’t have proof? I have taken a paternity test and confirmed that I am their father.Joshua sneered before continuing

Christy, 14 billion dollars is not a small amount, and I’m the only one in this county who can pay for it. There’s only one choice for you to make, and that is to follow me back. Otherwise, don’t regret it.” 

How dare you investigate us?Christy was in a fit of anger, and her heart was being tightened again

Fourteen billion dollars was really too much for Christy, but Alan was in the hand of the kidnappers, and his life was in danger. For the sake of Alan, Christy had no choice but to give in

Upon thinking of this, Christy gritted her teeth hatefully and stared at Joshua resentfully. Fine. I’ll go back with you! But you must promise to save Alan back. Otherwise, I’ll never forgive you!” 

Hah. This poor woman can’t even pay up 1,400 dollars and still dares to call the shot? Who did she think she was?Joshua thought furiously

However, when Joshua saw that Christy was finally willing to give in, he felt inexplicably satisfied

Christy’s weakness was her children, so as long as Joshua used this, Christy would never be able to run away

Christy got out of the car with a dejected look

Mommy, how did the chat with Uncle go?As soon as Clara saw Christy get out of the car, she ran up to Christy happily

Looking at Clara’s innocent face, Christy immediately forced a smile and kept away her sorrow before answering, Clara, we’re going to stay at the Joshua’s house for some time.” 

Clara had long agreed with Leslie to play at his uncle’s house

Now that Clara heard about the news, she clapped her little hands happily and cheered. Mommy! I’m happy to go to Joshua’s house! Let’s go quickly!” 

Seeing the happy reaction of Clara, Christy’s heart sank as if a knife had stabbed her and the most important thing had been stolen away from her

Clara had only met Joshua for the first time, so why was she so attached to him

Christy glared at Joshua fiercely

This jerk is not only good at deceiving women. Even the children aren’t spared! The top scum of all!” 

Clara, come here!Joshua smiled as he walked over to them

Joshua changed his usual domineering vibe and smiled so kindly, and actually emanated some kind of benevolent fatherly 


Chapter 33 

This fits perfectly the image of how Clara imagined her father to be like

Clara rushed into Joshua’s arms without a second thought

Joshua’s wide and strong arms carried Clara, and upon feeling the soft and warm little body in his hug. Joshua’s cold heart. seemed to be melting… 

A longlost feeling was being found as it surged into his heart unexpectedly

Joshua did not even have such a feeling when he carried Leslie, who he had raised since Leslie was young

Could this be the socalled blood being thicker than water and the linkage between father and daughter

Seeing Joshua pick up Clara, Christy was startled and scolded, Clara, what did I normally teach you? How can you just let strangers hug you just like this? Come down quickly!” 

Joshua was immediately displeased

This woman is deliberately against me, isn’t she

After so long, before I got to hug my child, she had to tear it apart immediatelyl Joshua complained in his mind

I don’t want to, Mommy! I like Joshua carrying me! You’ve been carrying me for five years already, so don’t be so stingy and let Joshua carry me a little while more!Clara pleaded softly and pitifully

Joshua laughed happily upon hearing Clara’s pleading

Joshua did not expect Clara to be on his side. They really have a connection between father and daughter

Christy, do you hear her? It was your daughter who requested it of her own accord.Joshua smirked and glanced at Christy

Christy’s face once again reddened with anger like an apple

However, Clara was now clinging to Joshua. If Christy tried to snatch Clara away from him, Clara would definitely cry. That was not what Christy would want to see

Hey, woman. Stop daydreaming and get into the car!Joshua had already carried Clara into his luxurious car

However, Joshua did not sit in the driver’s seat but in the back seat

It was a rare opportunity for Joshua to carry his daughter, so he did not want to let go. Thus, Joshua sat at the back with Clara on his lap

The person who was driving was one of Joshua’s subordinates

Christy stomped her feet. Although she was unwilling, her son’s life was still in the hands of Joshua, so she had to give in

Christy was uncomfortable leaving her daughter with Joshua, so she was unwilling to sit in the front passenger seat. Christy forced herself into the back seat and sat sidebyside with Joshua

Yet, damn it, the back seat was supposedly spacious enough, but Joshua was too tall and broad and took up half of the space

What made Christy even more uncomfortable was that Joshua’s long leg was already pressing against her. Christy could even feel Joshua’s firm muscles and warmth through his pants Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Christy’s cheeks were instantly flushed again

Not only was Joshua being so shameless, he even tried to take advantage of Christy while Clara was still nestled in his arms. If Christy argued with Joshua, it would certainly scare Clara

Christy had to resign and move closer to the car door to fork out a little more space to keep her distance from Joshua

However, the little space Christy had managed to squeeze out was quickly gone, as if nothing had happened when Joshua tried to stick his legs beside hers again

Poor Christy was so sandwiched in a small space that half of her body was tightly pressed against Joshua

What are you doing?Christy could no longer hold back and yelled

Christy, why are you so harsh? Can’t you see that I’m carrying Clara? Of course, I’ve got to take up more space!Joshua smirked while carrying Clara as an excuse

Fine. You won!Christy thought grumpily

Christy did not want to talk to Joshua anymore

The corner of Joshua’s lips curved up into a revengeful smile as he did it on purpose because Christy dared to reject him. previously 

Chapter 34 

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