The Cambion's Hoard
Chapter 63-Biggs

I watched my mates’ faces fall. Then the panic, fear and guilt well up in both of them. That was not the reaction I had been expecting. Henson and I had wanted children, and Rose had been so willing to carry a child for us. Maybe I had misread the situation.

Rose pulled her hand away and wrapped her arms around herself. “How can you be sure that I’m pregnant? I wouldn’t be able to tell after one night?”

Henson pulled away too. “We weren’t trying to have a baby. If she is pregnant, I, I…”

This wasn’t how I envisioned this conversation going. I was excited, ready to welcome this child into our lives. I was going to be a father with my mates. My eternal loves. Why did they feel like this?

“Do the two of you think this is a bad thing?” I didn’t want them to think this was anything but wonderful. They looked at each. Again their features, flooding with guilt.

Henson rubbed his face. “I wanted you to be the first to have a child with her. It wasn’t my intention Biggs, I should have been more careful, I should have…”

“You seem so sure.” Rose was quiet. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Yes, I’m sure. I was there, I got to meet our child.” I already missed them, the little being we had created.

Rose smoothed her shirt over her belly. I leaned forward and pressed my hand over hers.

“I meant what I said. All three of us made this child. When the two of you would have sex, normally I’d simply ride your climax, Rose. Not this time, something told me to let my release go this time. So different than normal, but it was as real as yours.”

Rose ran her hand up my arm. “The heat you released last night. Fire. It engulfed us, it was sublime.”

“Mmm. Yes, I felt it too.” Henson leaned back over and hugged me.

I sat back. “As the two of you lay there, I felt this tiny essence, something unfamiliar. At first I thought it was your bond, finally snapping into place. I was wrong, it was our child. They were so confused.”

Rose looked up at me. “Why were they confused?”

“This babe was was supposed to be Henson and mine. They would have never existed, had this not happened. Henson and I didn’t know that we could have had children, together at least. This child is a true blessing, but they were still scared.

“They were missing a piece of themselves. A piece that only I could give them. They said you didn’t have that piece, but we figured it out. They’re whole because I was tethered to you Rose. I was able to give them the missing piece.

“I don’t want the two of you to feel guilty or scared that I’m upset. We are starting a family, and this child belongs to all of us. We made them, body and soul.”

Relief flooded me when Rose’s joy sparked. Her smile lit up as the fear of disappointment washed away. “I’m sorry I wasn’t excited before. I was afraid you’d be upset that you weren’t part of that. I was wrong. You may have played the biggest part of our child’s creation.”

I offered her my hand again. “I’d say the same about either of you. We all had a part in this child’s beginning. They’ll be special, they are special.”

Henson kissed my temple. “I’m sorry too. I should have known from your happiness that you weren’t upset.”

I laughed. “I think it will take us all a while to get used to the situation at hand. We’ve been separated, but if we’ve learned anything the last few months, its that we can handle this.”

Henson pulled me into a kiss. “We are finally going to be parents.”

My heart felt lighter, than ever before. This was my family, and it was only going to get bigger.

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