The Cambion's Hoard
Chapter 64-Thatcher

Rose had be quite when we’d going to the grocery, and the ride home. I watched her as she put produce into the refrigerator. Her hands shook as she put some bananas on the counter.

“Rose.” Her hands stilled. “What’s wrong?”

She turned to me, her eyes were glassy. “I want to talk to you about something, I’m not sure how.”

I let out a soft sigh. Going to her, I wrapped her in my arms. “Honey, I can’t help if you don’t talk to me.”

She pulled away, and pulled me towards the living room. “Lets sit down.”

I pressed my tongue to the back of my teeth. Rose had been fine when Kelley and I had gone back upstairs. What had I said to upset her?

We sat on the couch and Rose fiddled with the edge of her sweater. I reached over and slid my hands over her thighs. Trying my damnedest to sooth her.

“Do you want children?” She keep her eyes low avoiding my gaze.

I’d never thought about having children with Rose. The thought had always been buried beneath everything else. It was never in the forefront of my mind, never a concern or even a want. Did I want children? I had always loved the idea of children, but that had been with Henson. That was mainly because he wanted children.

“No.” I didn’t want to lie to mate, she deserved my honesty.

She looked up then, tears still bright in her eyes. “Really?”

I shook my head and then cupped her cheeks, forcing her to look at me. “All I want is you Rose. All I need is you. I truly have no desire to have children.”

She grabbed my wrists. “What if I want children?”

“If you want children with me, then I would give you that.” I pressed my head to hers.

Rose closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “What if your brother and Henson want children too? How do we explain that to all of them? They’d be siblings and cousins. I know with Others its more common but not with humans.”

“I know that they want children. They’ve always wanted children. I was always apprehensive, I like kids but I travel too much. I am heavily focused on my business. I love being able to come home to you, share your bed and wake up beside you. I love you and what we have, I don’t need more, when I already have everything I’ve ever wanted.

“That being said, I would spoil the fuck out of your children with those two. I am going to be the best uncle. They’ll have dozens of uncles but I will be present for EVERYTHING. I won’t be missing out on anything. I’ll get to see you pregnant, I’ll get to be there when they’re born, I’ll get to see all the things that comes with being a parent without being a parent. My brother and I twins, what’s mine is his and vice versa. Not that he’d see it that way.” I kissed her softly.

Rose smiled softly. “I don’t want children with you. I know you’d be a wonderful father but, I need you. I need the foundation you provide, the comfort you give me. I want your undivided attention because you give me that so freely. I love you.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“You say that but something is still gnawing at you. I can feel it.” I leaned back pulling her with me so we were laying down. My hands roved her body, providing comfort and reassurance.

“Biggs told us something. Something that I haven’t fully wrapped my head around.” She fiddled with the neck of my shirt.

She stayed quite and I let her so she could gather her thoughts. “Last night, when I sought out Henson, really all week, even when I was with you I still needed him. he was the only one that sated me.”

A thought hit me. “You were driven to procreate.”

Her breath shuddered. “Biggs fully believes that last night we were…successful.”

“You and Hen?” I had only had sex once with her this week, she had tasted too good for me to fuck for the most part. Her drive for a baby changed her and I had only wanted to pleasure her with my tongue.

“Henson, Biggs and me. Its something I may need Lyandra and Patti to help me fully understand. It had to do with the baby’s soul. Biggs and Henson give up a piece of their souls. While Henson and I provided the pieces for the physical being. Its all so far over my head.” She cuddled down next to me and I turned to hold her easier.

“Are you afraid?”

“I’m terrified. I, when, when Biggs was dying in the back of Patti’s car, I told him I wanted to start a family. With him. We didn’t talk about that before, I had never said those words. I wanted him to have something to cling to, a hope to help him survive. A reason to come back to us. Now, if I really am pregnant that’s a whole new…”

“It is not a problem. Its a new chapter, one that I am grateful to witness. I’m so happy for the three of you. I’m over the moon for you. I get to be an uncle, and in a weird way a step dad.”

Rose let out a soft giggle. “No, you’re going to be a bonus parent.”

I squeezed her and kissed the top of her head. “I like that. A bonus dad. This baby is going to be so over protected. They may hate us by the time they’re a teenager.”

“No, they’ll be happy to have a family that loves them fiercely.”

She was right, they would have the family that Biggs and I didn’t growing up. One surrounded by warmth and love.

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