The Change (Fated Series: book1)
Chapter 31 - The public eye


“Aha, I told you, I would help you find him. Good afternoon, Alpha Ned. I assume this is the famous Luna everyone is talking about!”

Cameron rolled his eyes behind the elderly man who pushed his way towards them. Of all the living souls in the Pack House, they had to run into Stevens! Why didn’t the years decrease his vigilance and preferably make him a blind old bat?

Marcus could clearly sense the level of discomfort, radiating from his Beta. It was not a small thing to ask of Cameron. Hosting and handling public enemy number one, even on one’s own turf was a tough job at best. Strangely now Marcus’ own decision to leave Cameron to handle the situation was starting to seem immature. Of course, Cam could handle it, and it was not like the Alpha was leaving the territory. They did not have to keep the getaway a secret per se, but the pang stunk – he was deserting his Beta.

Marcus regrettably looked down at Nessa. Their getaway plans were not only interrupted, they were derailed. He could have never left, knowing the state of chaos his absence would bring. As if Nessa felt his thoughts, her voice echoed in his mind, “Busted.”

“She is. We were looking for you,” Marcus made the best of the situation, putting himself between Nessa and Stevens. Not that the old bastard would try something in the presence of so many witnesses. Rifkin especially.

“Don’t be coy now, and do tell, why is she unmated? No dysfunction down there, I hope,” Alpha Stevens continued in his irritating voice. Insults Marcus could handle and dish right back, but what did not sit right with him were the wandering, lustful eyes currently roaming Nessa’s body.

“Your personal experience doesn’t apply to us,” Nessa smiled brightly. She must have noticed Marcus’ mood or felt the impulse he was fighting to just reach and strangle the bastard in front of Pack Law. Cameron unsuccessfully hid his chuckle in an attempt to clear his throat.

“Cranky mate already?” Stevens asked with amusement. Marcus wrapped his arm protectively around Nessa and pulled her to his side, before she could have the chance to knock some sense into Stevens herself. Having a temperamental mate was a dual edged dagger. His spitfire of a mate was unpredictable and didn’t even notice she was insulting an Alpha, when she mumbled:


“Nessa,” Rifkin’s voice was cold.

“Did you just insult me, young lady?” Stevens asked.

“I was merely returning the compliment,” Nessa retorted. Marcus smirked. Politics was rubbing onto her nicely.

“Feisty. I wouldn’t have thought you had it in you. How did the pup manage to scoop you?” Stevens asked out of necessity to save face. Not that he cared. Marcus was sure Stevens did not even expect her to answer back. Which of course she did in a challenging voice:

“You got the facts wrong. I chose him,” Nessa bragged.

Joel cringed, giving them both a warning glare. It was clear. The Pack Official was instructing an Alpha to keep his pack member in line. Marcus let his hand wander to Nessa’s lower back and chose not to interfere. Maybe Vanessa could provoke the old mutt to declare open war, or challenge hjm. Then he wouldn’t have to wait for his revenge. Marcus wondered if she had purposefully taken to this task or she was just defending him as any proper mate would do.

They were truly partners in crime. He grinned remembering the very first definition of their relationship.

Nessa eyed Stevens, examining him head to toe as some annoying insect that obviously disgusted her.

“Seeing something you like?” Stevens asked and before Marcus could snarl at the suggestion, Nessa snapped back dismissively.

“Far from it.”

That didn’t sit well with Stevens.

“If you are ever tired of the pup, you can always look me up”.

“Because saggy old bats are so attractive,” Nessa sarcastically replied. Marcus suppressed a grin. Stevens had no idea that smart retorts were her forte and that she would not back down. She definitely could stand her own ground. No rescue was needed. It was refreshing to have a mate that was so independent and strong to go head to head with an Alpha. That made all those times when she relied and put her trust in him to lead so much more meaningful and in a way intimate. He tenderly looked at her and shook his head dismissively. Now was not the time to think about all the things he wanted to do with her.

“Now that we have all grown to know each other, shall we?” Rifkin interrupted before more comebacks were exchanged.

As the group started slipping through the dining hall doors, Nessa looked up at Marcus with mischief.

“I’m sorry,” Marcus told her, placing a kiss on her forehead.

“You can start making it up to be by,” Nessa started then lowered her voice pulling his shirt towards her, “by properly kissing me.”

Marcus didn’t need another invitation and quickly went for the kiss, wrapping his hands around her and pressing her against his torso. His stubble brushed against her soft skin, before his lips roughly descended onto hers, capturing them in a very lustful kiss. Tasting her was marvelous. Dipping his tongue between her parted lips and inflicting a moan from her made him feel invincible. Finally, when he pulled away, he grinned at her dazzled face.

“Properly and thoroughly kissed now or shall we have a repeat?” Marcus asked her.

“A repeat is always welcomed,” Nessa started.

“The things I do for you,” Marcus mumbled and bent down to kiss her again. She giggled in his arms and moved back.

“Later, when we can thoroughly do other things too,” Nessa added.

“I knew you’d see reason,” Marcus smiled and eagerly ushered her towards the dining hall. The sooner they got this meeting over with, the quicker they could resume more pleasurable activities. He’d be a fully mated male and claimed by his sweet, little mate. He could not wait. His hand slowly lingered on her hip as they were walking side by side. She swayed her hips into him and playfully nudged him with her butt. He shook his head at her playfulness. If he was a man of lesser will, she’d be butt naked in less than thirty seconds. He could not go there just yet.

Her next provocation succeeded in rattling him. The little minx actually spanked his behind! Marcus could not believe the audacity of the situation. Had it been anyone else – he would have simply disposed of them…. Permanently. With Nessa he found himself strangely torn between hauling her up onto his shoulder to their room to have his way with her or swatting her behind in a similar fashion. If she started this, she should be ready for the consequences. Was she actually lifting the mating boycott? Or was he reading too much into her playfulness? He arched his eyebrow at her demanding explanation to which she calmly smiled.

“I couldn’t help it. You have such a well toned, perfectly shaped and perky buttock,” Nessa giggled and even stuck her tongue out. Marcus shook his head. Marcus’ wolf was ready to pounce at her and give her a good tussle to establish his dominance and finish the bonding. Marcus, on the other hand, was strangely attracted to receiving all of her attention on his person. It didn’t matter to her that they were going to attend a meeting. She was continuously pushing his buttons and turning him on. As if he needed any more provocation. That’s when he decided that yes, indeed, she had lifted the ban. Or she better be. After the meeting, she was going to be persuaded to see to reason. Marcus simply could not have it any other way.

“Young lady, I’ll have to punish you for this now,” Marcus tried to be stern.

“Can’t wait,” Nessa replied eagerly.

“Behave,” Marcus snarled at her, barely containing his wolf, who was pushing to shift. She must have noticed his wolf peaking as her eyes widened in surprise and she calmly replied dismissing her own actions.

“Me, I’m always behaving,” Nessa dismissed him and placed her hand onto his arm then slid her hand into his. Marcus smirked. She was certainly aware of his intentions. Although he did appreciate she was backing down and trying to calm him down, it came too late. He was already worked up. Walking into a meeting with a hard on was beyond embarrassing. Unless he kept her in front of his body. That would work. Or would it? He’d be even more riled up because of her presence. He quickly tried to calm down and focus on something else.


What did the bastard want? Strike that. Marcus knew what he wanted. Stevens wanted to destroy him and he had nearly succeeded. Now it was Marcus’ turn to respond.

“After you,” Marcus smiled at her concerned face. She must have felt the shift of his thoughts.

“No, after you,” Nessa said and gestured. It didn’t take a genius to figure out why she wanted him to lead. She was obviously anticipating he would spank her behind as soon as she was in front of him. The idea by itself was tempting, but Marcus knew he would not be able to stop.

“Alas, my dear, after you,” Marcus inclined his head toward the door. She smiled at him and shook her head. “Admit you simply can’t take your eyes and hands off my butt and I’ll go in first.”

She opened her mouth to protest then closed it regretfully realizing if she rebutted his statement, she would have to go in first. If she went in first, then she’d receive a spank onto her perky little behind. Either way, Marcus won. She took a deep breath.

“Of course, I can’t contain my admiration for my Alpha.”

That would work. Marcus grinned and slowly walked in the room, mind linking her.

“And here I thought my front was eye-candy.”

Her gasp and the gentle swat at his butt proved he got her. Ever since he found out her lingering eyes on his torso, he had made sure to parade shirtless whenever possible. He stole a glance over his shoulder and noticed the blushed on her cheeks. The moment their eyes met, she looked down and blushed even in a brighter shade of red. Marcus wrapped his hand around her shoulders, fully aware how her hand lingered on his behind before it moved to his hip. As his eyes finally left the rosy cheeks of his mate, he met several sets of astonished and disapproving eyes.


Brandon, Alpha of the Rover Grove, kept on pacing in front of the neat fireplace which only further infuriated him as it complimented the otherwise very classical and simple dining room. No amount of self-assurance and control could replace the feeling of impending changes, vibrating throughout his body for the last couple of hours. He took a deep breath and tried to relax. He chose not to believe until he was able to see it with his own eyes. If the rumors were true, then Nessa had officially severed the last remnant of their relationship by letting Ned mark her.

Then there was the issue of consent. Had he flat out marked her without her consent? And if so, how would Rifkin and Alex handle it? A part of him wished they would hang Ned by the scuff for marking Nessa, while the other, the more rational and human side of him, simply could not handle the loss. Cross that. Brandon could not handle the ultimate rejection, the lack of interest and attention from the woman who was genetically made to be ONLY HIS. To add insult to injury he knew what it was to have her.

In retrospect, Brandon knew he deserved it. He was the sole culprit of their situation today. If only he had not pushed her away.

Brandon’s anger seeped through his control over his wolf and his hand clenched his fist, crushing the glass he had forgotten he was holding. The golden whiskey drops dripped onto the rich carpeting. His eyes followed them with interest, realizing the burst of power was solely because of anger.

“Babe, you’re bleeding!” Juliet rushed to his site and pressed a napkin at the gash.

Brandon could never understand what was the big fuzz for spilling a couple of drops of blood here and there. Sure, his hand was bleeding, but it was not like the wound would not regenerate in a couple of minutes. An hour at most. Nevertheless, he let Julie pamper him with her attention. Usually that was enough to set his mind right and concentrate on the task at hand. But not today. Not now. Not when he felt so empty.

Knowing what it felt like to have a true mate instead of arranged marriage made it worse. He was never quite ready to completely commit to Juliet and choose her as a Choice Mate. Something in him always made him hope, against all odds, that her mate would finally make his appearance and Brandon would be able to have his forever after with his true mate. She only had to wait for him. Was it too much to ask? He’d gladly step down and spend his lifetime making it up to Nessa for all the hurt he caused her. He never wanted to be an Alpha. Not really.

“Liar,” his wolf shot back.

The power of course was invigorating. Like a drug it kept seeping into his veins, making him stronger, faster and more resilient than ever. But he would gladly walk away from it all.


“I would,” Brandon replied to his wolf.

“What about Juliet?”

“I’ll wait till she finds her mate, then she will see reason.”

“And Roland?”

Brandon froze. He hadn’t thought about him. If Juliet found her true mate, his pup would likely be the outcast, the rightful heir to the title by chronological age, but not by blood. Would Juliet choose her second born to lead? If she did, Brandon knew that he’d take Roland with. Nessa surely would not mind a little pup to help start off their family.

“Delusional. She would never accept you back. She has found her Choice mate.”

“That is an easy fix.”

Brandon's eyes shone with new determination. He knew what he had to do and the perfect ally had managed to gracefully appear right when Brandon needed him. Alpha Stevens was a long time friend-enemy of Alpha Ned’s and as such could be able to play a vital role in his plan.

Brandon was convinced part of the reason why Nessa stuck up with Ned was solely in spite of him. She did not want to return to Rover Grove. She was being simply stubborn and difficult. Would it have been all that bad, if things stayed the way they were? Brandon surely didn’t mind. After all this time, his wolf still needed the assurance she was well and taken care of, which was why he had insisted she remained within reach. The human in him recognized the possessiveness and utter worship that he was feeling for her. It couldn’t be helped. Brandon struggled to find any other explanation than the obvious. Was it possible to be jealous?

The moment the door opened, his eyes immediately snapped at the small group that entered the room. Alex nodded to him in sign of respect, while the Enforcer with him only slid his eyes through Brandon, lingering on Juliet. Juliet did not even seem to register the fact, but Brandon made sure to note to have a word with him before the night was over. He was not sure what order Rifkin imposed, but it was clear a Pack Law official was being disrespectful.

He heard her voice much sooner than the group entered. She was trailing behind Marcus. Alphas led and everyone else followed. That was the rule. The sole exception was when it came to mates. They were allowed to walk in front of Alphas. It was a privilege, a sign of respect. Having your mate trail behind you, head down was considered obscurely old fashioned and it was frowned upon. Had the bastard made her heel to his COMMAND? Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Brandon saw red.


As soon as the group stepped in the room, Juliet became aware of the slight shift of Brandon’s attention to Nessa, who was giggling and bickering with her mate. For once in so many years, Juliet saw glimpses of her old friend – the one that smiled, teased and danced even when she was having reasons to break down and cry. Juliet has always wondered what drove Nessa to become the closed, melancholic and antisocial person. There was always a cloud of sorrow and sadness that lingered around her. She was never quite the same after Papa Grey passed away. Surely the whole pack was affected by his untimely death, but Juliet had risen up to the challenge. Even the Elders were proud of how things developed. And that was saying much.

The pack slowly accepted her choice, but somehow all the time Juliet spent negotiating, convincing Elders of the changes they needed to undertake in order to survive, consumed her. She had no time for friends or acquaintances. Everything was scheduled, planned and fitted in the mere hours the day would allow. By the end of the week, she was exhausted. It was not until she mated with Brandon that some of the burden eased off her shoulders. He quickly managed to integrate himself in her life and her schedule, taking upon even more responsibilities she had originally planned on giving. It was understandable – she needed the relaxed pace if she was to carry to term the future of the pack.

Juliet wanted Nessa to be part of it all. But it seemed, she never got past Papa’s passing or something else was eating her alive. Everyone grieved differently, but by the year’s end, Juliet saw the permanent stain of stress clear on Vanessa’s usually plump face. No matter how she tried to approach her friend’s moods, Nessa was always vague. Eventually, Juliet gave up. You could reach out only so many times and be turned down, before you reach the point of giving up.

It seemed the furious Alpha Ned had managed to cast those clouds away. Nessa was bubbly once again. Juliet sometimes regretted not being persistent enough as Michelle has been in order to preserve their friendship. But how could you possibly hit pause on a friendship and resume when you so chose? Juliet felt like the outcast in their trio. She could never allow to be publically seen fraternizing, nor aimlessly giggling after unmated males. She could not condole gibberish about mates. After all, not only was she mated, but she was the Alpha.

Nicole has quickly emerged and taken up the spot next to her friend’s side. Juliet was still not fully aware of where Nicole came from and whose allegiance she carried. One thing was certain, Nessa never spend more time with Juliet than she absolutely had to. If Juliet didn’t know any better, she would have said that Nessa was actively avoiding her, closing off and slipping into depression. Which was impossible. For once, Nes would have never been intimidated by her title as an Alpha, nor would she stop hanging out with her because of her mating. More importantly, werewolves never got depressed. The inner wolf was always too active for werewolves to be able to experience depression. Surely, they could be hyper, but never down. Seeing that her friend had recovered from whatever it was, Juliet made a resolution. She would have her friend back.


Lee approached Nessa and Marcus the moment they entered.

“I hear congratulations are in order,” Lee loudly spoke and his eyes trailed down to Nessa. Marcus grinned and reassuringly squeezed Nessa’s hand in his, before he let it go and enveloped Lee in a tight bear hug. Nessa waited for the exchange to be over, then quietly accepted Marcus’ outstretched hand. “Take good care of him.”

Nessa smiled, nodded and before she could respond, Brandon’s voice cut through the silence.

“Edwards, why was she not first to enter?”

Nessa blush intensified and she stepped closer to Marcus.

“Mind your own mate,” Marcus shortly responded, ignoring the question all together.

“Alpha Brandon is right. It’s a sign of respect,” Stevens pitched in which only served to establish a smirk on Brandon’s face.

“I made him go in first. But that’s not important right now. It is important however you all know that we are happy to have you under our roof and that Commander Rifkin would be the liaison between the Alphas,” Nessa took the initiative and despite her flaming red cheeks delivered a quite sophisticated speech, judging by their gaping mouths. Marcus rubbed her back.

“We have so many wolves under one roof so please direct any sleeping arrangements questions to our housekeeper Ashley, who will try her very best to accommodate the new arrivals. Stevens, welcome to the Blackwood Pack,” Marcus concluded and stood by Nessa’s side.

“Until you’re mated, you should refrain from acting as Luna. It doesn’t sit well with the conservative minds,” Lee spoke as soon as the room buzzed with conversation.

“Lee,” Marcus warned his friend. “We were derailed from rectifying that.”

“He approached me to facilitate an audience with you. Wasn’t he seeing Rifkin?” Lee asked in a hushed voice. Marcus bit his lip, his stand showing utter indifference and calmness.

“How many did he bring?”

“Four SUVs.”

“Twenty,” Marcus’ thought invaded Nessa’s mind. Before she could wonder what twenty meant, Marcus linked her the explanation, “He has twenty wolves with him.”

Nessa smiled at him. Being included into their conversation was a much bigger sign of respect than who would go in the room first.

“Commander Rifkin?” Marcus prompted as the hushed conversations died down.

“As Alpha Marcus said, I will listen to any reasonable petitioners,” Joel started taking the attention away from the Blackwood pair.

As the conversation restarted, Nessa made her way to the refreshment table. She picked up a water bottle and a can of soda and was going to head back when she felt presence.

“You happy?” Alex asked.

“Yes. You approve?”

“As long as he makes you happy,” Alex shrugged. Nessa smiled. Maybe talking to her brother did not have to be so hard. He quickly dismissed her of his presence in typical Pack Law fashion. Nessa took the time to look for a straw. A straw was handed to her by a set of manicured fingers.


“Welcome to the mated club,” Juliet gently said as Nessa traced the hand to the attached body and then slowly shifted her eyes to Juliet’s face, who decided it was about time to give her a friendly hug. Nessa was surprised and awkwardly patted Juliet’s back. “I’m happy you are finally settling down. He seems like a good guy, rough around the edges but that’s nothing that could not be fixed.”

Nessa looked at the gorgeous she-wolf in front of her. What would possess her to think Nessa would discuss her mate with her of all people?

“He’s amazing,” Nessa acknowledged, shutting down all possible questions or suggestions.

“He sure is something. I’m actually surprised he let you greet everyone, seeing that you are not fully mated,” Juliet replied and Nessa followed her eyes to Marcus who was talking with Joel. Nessa took a deep breath. By the looks of it at least they were not going to kill each other. She really wanted them to be able to coexist – Pack Law or not.

“Why is it anyone’s business but our own?” Nessa mumbled.

“Because it will signify your union and station. A mated Alpha is a more powerful Alpha,” Juliet answered. “Technically, you are not the Luna until you mate after the marking. Afterwards, you can be welcoming guests, taking part in meetings and taking over all the Luna duties. It’s highly unusual for an Alpha to allow someone who has not pledged allegiance to attend such functions.”

“Does that offend you?” Nessa shot. Juliet shook her head.

“You don’t understand. This meeting is not just exchanging pleasantries. They are making allies,” Juliet hushed her and then whispered. “Did he mark you without your consent?”

“It was implied,” Nessa replied.

Nessa wanted to shut down the conversation but somehow Juliet remained relentless to sustain it. Marcus picked up on her distress, and started making his way to the two.

“It wasn’t vocalized and puts more strain as to him dominating the relationship especially as he entered first. I can guide you through the logistics,” Juliet offered with a friendly smile.

“That won’t be necessary,” Nessa replied.

“Nonsense,” Juliet ignored her turning to see Brandon making his way to her.

Nessa turned in the same direction only to see the anger on Brandon’s face. His eyes were trailing down the mark on her neck and she had to wonder why he cared. Wasn’t he happily married with a kid?

“Alphas don’t like losing things,” Marcus thought invaded her mind. She quickly looked in Marcus’ direction, who wrapped his hands around her frame, gently brushing her sides. “He doesn’t like seeing you with me!”

Nessa looked up at Marcus, “Too bad.”

Marcus chuckled at her response then placed a kiss on her temple which quickly progressed to kissing her neck seconds before Brandon made his final approach to the pair. Marcus nibbled her mark further frustrating the visiting Alpha. Nessa patted Marcus’ cheek to signal him to behave but he was relentless.

“Maybe next time you’d think before you give me a hard-on right before I walk into a meeting,” Marcus mindlinked.

“Prickly, let go,” Nessa’s hushed voice was loud enough for anyone to hear. Marcus kissed her temple in response then sized up Brandon.

“Fine, let’s get you a blade.”

“Now?” Nessa asked surprised the meeting was over.

“No get-away, but we have some time before the evening discussion,” Marcus immediately explained.

“She obviously does not want to leave,” Brandon replied, slowly easing Juliet behind his back.

“Did I not tell you to mind your own mate?” Marcus snapped. Juliet quickly sidestepped around Brandon and tried to control the situation.

“Alpha Ned, Brandon has obviously misunderstood.”

“Did he now?” Marcus pressed.

Juliet looked at Brandon expectedly.

“You should treat her better.”

That was enough for Marcus to unwrap his hands from Nessa, and to quickly invade Brandon’s personal space. Nessa would have cracked a joke of their proximity, had it not been the look in their eyes which hinted the situation was beyond volatile.

“Do you need a repeat?” Marcus snarled and kept his eyes on his prey. Juliet unsuccessfully tried to pry Brandon away.

“It’s just a show of good fate to let her walk in front. Is it too much for you to do that even after you marked her without her consent?” Brandon voiced what everyone else was thinking.

Marcus could feel Nessa’s hands slipping and holding his right hand back. He smirked as his little mate was already in tune with his mood. She could probably feel it through the bond how his right fist itched to connect with the smug face of the stupid pup in front of him. Marcus could care less Pack Law was present, and that somehow the only person who was missing the tension was the person who would benefit the most from such an altercation – Stevens. Marcus seemed to wonder where did the old goat go? Hopefully Cam had put someone on his tail. As Marcus’ concentration divided he missed the first couple of sentences the pup spat. He turned in when Rifkin’s voice tried to separate them.

“Enough, Alpha Brandon. Stand down!”


Joel could not believe the amount of taunting Alpha Ned managed to sustain before he started shifting. Apparently even not fully mated to Nessa, she had a calming effect on his wolf. Everyone knew that Alpha Ned warned once and then disposed of the problem… permanently. It has never been a matter of a short temper on his side. It was Ned’s own efficient way to take care of his pack. Joel respected him for that. Pack Law was seldom called in the region as other Alpha’s looked up to Ned for resolution of their conflicts. Ned was just and impartial. It only served to amaze Joel the Alpha in Ned did not react to the accusations, up to the point when his relationship with Nessa was questioned. Brandon should have never gone there. There was no stopping now.

“You’re telling me to stand down? What about the jerk face who can’t even defend his actions?”

Marcus’ wolf was starting to take over. His eyes shifted and canines elongated. Nessa might have helped with her presence but no Alpha would let this unpunished. Not when the offender was another Alpha, and the disrespect was in front of their mate.

Joel didn’t need to look at Alex to know he was questioning his next move. Alex had one silver chain in his gloved hands and could only restrain one person. The offender. And by the looks of things, Alpha Ned was going to be that offender. Another exposure to silver in less than twenty four hours would put him out of commission for days. Nessa was going to be pissed.


“No wonder she had not let you mate her,” Brandon spat in anger. He wanted to say that she hadn’t mated with him because she was his, but decided to error on the side of caution. It could only mean Juliet wasn’t aware of their situation. But how could that be?

Nessa didn’t have time to dwell on it. The moment Marcus let go of her hand, she knew that he was preparing to shift. And if he did, he would level the dining room with Brandon’s body. She had no doubt who would win such a tussle. Pack Law’s presence meant he’d end up wrapped in silver and that was too soon after last night.

She had less time than she expected. Her eyes moved to Juliet, who shouted over the commotion, “Hit him.”

Nessa didn’t know who she referred to as “him”, but decided that it should be Brandon. He needed a punishment so that Marcus’ wolf would get some satisfaction. She quickly swung underneath Marcus’ hand and stepped in front of him, swinging hard at Brandon’s unsuspecting face.

Brandon registered the moment and barely had any time to try to push her aside, before Alpha Ned completed his shift.


Brandon simply could not understand what possessed him to provoke the Alpha. Maybe it was the urgency of the situation. If he let them go, next time that he saw Nessa she would be fully mated. Brandon knew that once that happened he would never forgive her betrayal. Even if Juliet found her mate, even if he had to step down, he would never take Nessa back. She would be stained, used and dirty.

What he could not anticipate was the punch that Nessa delivered.

And all Hell broke loose.


It all seemed so easy, straight forward and preventable.

Don’t let Marcus shift. Distract him. Punch Brandon.

Concise. Precise. Easy.

A plan that was steady and that she confidently followed. The nerve Brandon had to question her choices. Nessa was furious, but all the fury washed away and gave way to pain as soon as she delivered the punishment. In retrospect, she never thought she would be able to complete the punch before someone stopped her. After all, there were Joel and Alex and they were Pack Law. Why on Earth were they idling and not preventing her from assaulting a visiting Alpha? Even if she was within the law, why would it not cross their minds that she didn’t know the first thing about punches?

The immediate pain which exploded in her right hand the moment her fist collided with Brandon’s smug face, astonished her. She stared at him for a whole second longer before moving her attention onto the offended hand. The moment she looked at it, she felt lightheaded and immediately turned to seek comfort from Marcus. His eyes widened at the way she cradled her fist. He didn’t need words. The bond was surely transmitting her pain. And he rushed to her.


Marcus regretted ever being distracted by Stevens. Had he been focused on the taunting that the pup was trying to make, he would have been aware of Nessa’s thoughts. While remarkable as it was for her to resolve to violence, there were two major flaws in her plan. One, she obviously did not even account for the strength an Alpha actually possessed. Until she was mated, she had no chances to inflict real pain to Brandon. Only to herself. Judging by the cracking sound, she had managed to break a bone or two in the otherwise perfectly executed punch. Marcus was both proud of her and angry at the same time. Brandon would get a bruise to sport for a couple of hours, while Nessa would have to suffer through the bone healing for much longer. Marcus was annoyed at himself. He should have been there to protect her even from herself. That was why the moment he saw the silver chair being thrown her way, he quickly pounced at her.

Pack Law was the second factor she underestimated. The Enforcer who threw the silver acted according to Law. Any offence in their presence was restricted by silver. Marcus could bet that neither Rifkin, nor Alex would be inclined to follow the law by the letter. But the nameless Enforcer had acted up on instinct.

Catching the flying chain and letting it wrap around his left hand, while he cradled Nessa to his body and away from the ends of the chain was probably the hardest thing to do. He underestimated the length of the chain as it ended up touching her shoulder leaving a hissing burning mark. He was not sure if she recognized the offence as her sole focus was on her hand and the bone peeking through her skin. Discarding the offensive object, he kissed the top of Nessa’s head and narrowed his eyes at the Enforcer. He would deal with him later.

Marcus quickly reached for the refreshments and poured his most expensive whiskey on Nessa’s hand and then tightly wrapped her hand in a table cloth.

“Look at me,” Marcus's words snapped her attention to him. The silent sobbing was tearing his heart, but he knew that he had to align the bone before it had any time to start healing. He would not be able to put her through the pain of breaking the bone again in order to align it. Even the Pack Doctor would take long to arrive. It was him or no one else. The tears were flooding her eyes and running down her cheeks. “I have to do this now. It will hurt.”

Nessa nodded and bit down her lip as soon as he pressed and straightened the bone. He wrapped her hand tighter and then gently brushed her lip with his finger. Her teeth immediately parted and let go of the bleeding lip.

“It still hurts,” Nessa whispered and moved into his arms, seeking comfort.

“Her wolf will respond to your command,” Alex made his way to the couple. Marcus narrowed his eyes on her brother. “Nes, he can take away your pain if your wolf accepts his Command”.

“No,” Brandon argued as if anyone cared about his permission.

“At least try it,” Alex pleaded, as if Brandon never spoke. Marcus looked at her tearful face. He had to try.

to her as she arched her eyes up to him in confusion.

“Your hand does not hurt you,” Marcus voice floated in the room. Nessa could feel the sizzling power washing over her and slightly dimming down the pain. “Don’t look at it. Look at me.” Marcus continued with a steady voice as soon as her warm brown eyes fixed his fiery green ones. “It will heal. You should not worry about it.”

“Didn’t work,” Nessa blinked and buried her head in his chest. Marcus narrowed his eyes on Brandon who was still too stunned. Had he not betrayed her wolf, she would have already responded to his Command. It was entirely his fault! Luckily for Brandon, Juliet understood the implication.

“Alpha Ned, we would like to apologize for the inconvenience. Is there anything we could be of service to you?” Juliet asked out of turn which earned her a surprised look from Brandon.

“It’s in your best interest to listen to your Alpha, pup,” Marcus insulted Brandon. Rubbing it in with the wording his mate was his Alpha. Brandon gritted his teeth but did not respond. If there’s any indication of what Juliet’s stern look meant, Brandon had to explain himself. “If you want to keep him alive, I suggest commanding him to stay away from my mate or me.”

“He will,” Juliet continued then looked over Marcus and Nessa before her her attention shifted to Brandon as they made their way out of the room, Alex voice came:

“Tell her, or I will.”


As soon as they reached their room, Juliet locked the door and shouted at Brandon.

“What the hell did you think you are doing? Are you trying to make me a widow? Have you thought any of this through? For Goddess sake, had Nessa not punch you, he was going to declare war on us,” Juliet went straight to the point.

“He’s taking advantage of her. As her friend YOU should have asked the hard questions,” Brandon retorted.

“Don’t make this about me! You know she has not confided in me for years,” Juliet continued, while Brandon cringed. This was getting way too close to the truth for his comfort. “What did Alex refer to?”

“Juliet,” Brandon started and tried to push back the hair off her face. Physical contact was going to calm her down.

“WHAT DID ALEX REFER TO?” Juliet repeated this time using all of her Alpha Command behind her question. Brandon tried to fight it for as long as he could but then his wolf submitted to his Alpha.

“She’s my true mate.”

The moment the words left his mouth, he felt the burden of the Command lift off his shoulders. Juliet opened her mouth, but no words made it past her lips. She closed her mouth, swallowing hard and then tried to say something again. Then regretfully shook her head.

“How could you!”

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