The Change (Fated Series: book1)
Chapter 32 - Can of worms

Alpha Marcus “Ned” Edwards

(Nessa’s room in Blackwood’s Pack House)

Marcus grinned as Nessa threw her pants at him with the comment, “It’s hot in here.”

He smiled enjoying the view of her curvy figure as she kept undressing in front of him.

Whatever medication the Pack Doctor had given her, suppressed her pain and accounted for her uninhibited behavior. Marcus had spent a couple of glorious hours in her company. Nessa was wild, carefree as never before and solely on him. Marcus wasn’t complaining about the attention and affection she had surrounded him with. When her playful seduction did not get her what she wanted, she dropped all games and just talked about her proposed ways to eliviate the sexual tension between them. Since then, she was slowly torturing him with pleas, some more insistent than others to complete the mating.

He watched her sway her hips, provocatively dancing in front of him to a tune she could only hear, clad in nothing but hot pink boxer shorts and a vest which just covered her bra, providing him a marvelous view of her delicious body. Knowing what it was to have her, panting and screaming out his name, was making this torture almost unbearable. He tried to avoid physically touching her as he knew he would not be able to stop himself. She was his drug. And there was no point denying it, he was weak when it came to her needs.

Her emerging wolf didn’t help. The first time her Beast tried to take over body, Marcus was caught off guard. Her eyes changed, and a second later she was on top of him, gently humping against him. Not that Marcus didn’t enjoy it. No. It took every ounce of his will to wait for Nessa and not complete the mating with her wolf.

Needless to say Marcus quickly resorted to vacating the bed, which he had been leisurely occupying. It was a danger zone. The way she swayed her hips against him made him think and wish things… Marcus shook his head. It was not going to happen. He would not take advantage of her.

The second time her wolf resurfaced and caused her to partially shift, Marcus was prepared. He laid his Alpha Commanded over her wolf. At least now, when Nes came down from her high, she would not feel any pain. Marcus felt very accomplished and was thinking about the ways she could thank him for that.

“No, don’t go there,” Marcus scolded himself then added with a smirk, “just yet.”

His favorite part of her high was when she started sharing random information about all things Marcus. He swelled with pride; he had a whole category in her mind. He liked the way she responded to him – blunt and up to the point. He did not think Nessa would volunteer so much information on her own. A little nudge and her wolf was spilling the details. All those little off-handed comments that Nessa let slip during their short courtship, her wolf explained in detail.

That was how he learned she found him delicious even the first time they met in Rover Grove Pack House. How irritated she was he was handsome as hell and quite full of it. How unsecure she felt about her body.

“Do you know how frustrating you’ve been? The sexual tension between us knows no boundaries! And I have needs, you know. I made such a fool of myself because of you,” she leaned towards him waving a finger at him. “You leave me high and dry; and when I find someone who would take care of it for me, I keep on comparing him to you. That’s such a high bar to clear. But then who would have thought I could land Ry? Damn, why did I have to blurt about the sofa! What was I thinking? Seriously, never,” Nessa sat down on the couch with him and then leaned into him as if she was telling him a secret, “and I mean NEVER talk about sanitary issues if you want to get laid. That’s a no, no, no, no,” Nessa shook her finger in front of Marcus’ face. Marcus smiled and tried to hide his anger of another male having laid his hands on her.

“And then what happened?” Marcus tried extracting more information.

“Nothing. And that’s the problem! Aren’t you listening to me?” Nessa asked. “Don’t you smirk, Mister! It is not funny how frustrated I was before I ran into you in the damn supermarket. Did you know how close I came to frisk you just to figure out your name? I should have done it then I’d know you’re my Alpha but you kept on flexing your muscles in front of me, teasing me till tomorrow, knowing full well that I was drooling all over you!”

Marcus grinned. He remembered the supermarket too well. He flexed his arms in front of her again. Her eyes widened and she swatted his arms.

“Marcus, not funny. You’re doing it again! Not cool man, not cool,” Nessa exclaimed and slipped her hand over his biceps and onto his abdomen. Marcus quickly snatched her hand before it landed onto his groin. “Don’t be so stiff. We are mates! I am supposed to be able to take advantage of inspecting your body parts whenever I bloody choose to!”

“When you are more yourself,” Marcus told her.

“I am myself. I’ve always been. You’re just getting the uncensored version of me. Besides, I’ve seen everything. I am merely making sure that all my toys are in place,” she winked at him, making him chuckle. When flattery didn’t work she rolled her eyes at him. “Fine, be like that,” she pouted then quickly shifted lying down on the couch, resting her head on his thigh. She fanned her hair on his lap and demanded, “you are playing with my hair then.”

Marcus arched his eyebrow at her.

“You don’t want to mate. You don’t want my touches. I feel rejected. I need your attention. You ARE playing with my hair. Now.”

Marcus grinned at the surge of power in her voice. Was she really trying to command him? Her wolf was more dominant than he thought if she was attempting that.


His hand traced the curls covering his lap. She closed her eyes and purred in delight which made him grin. So she did like her hair to be touched. He made a mental note to use that against her if she ever put a ban on their bedroom activities.

“That’s so much better. Marcus, I knew you’d see reason. Ask me a question.”

“How’s your hand?”

“You commanded me, remember? It’s fine. Now something less boring… chop-chop,” Nessa prompted.

“You know you’re on pain meds and you are high, right?”

“You are boring. Fine. I’ll ask. How many women have you played hokey-pokey with?” Nessa asked and Marcus’ hand froze in her hair. Marcus blinked. Did he hear her correctly? As if noticing his confusion she rephrased, “I mean how many women have you slept with?” Where was this coming from? “That bad then? Ten?”

“Nessa…” Marcus began not sure what to say.

“More than 20 then?” Nessa shifted and sat on the couch focusing on his eyes.

“Fifty?” Nessa prompted. “Sixty?”

“Nes, this is ridiculous!”

“No, it is not,” Nessa argued back, making a hurt expression “I told you about Ry. Come on, I can handle it. Tell me. Hundred?”

“Seven,” Marcus replied. Her eyes widened. Maybe being honest was not the best strategy. She gulped and Marcus quickly tried to take control of the situation: “Nes…”

She put her finger on his lips and then took a deep breath.

“Seventy?” She asked, still stunned and in awe.

“Seven. Without the zero,” Marcus explained and then she nodded, relaxing in his arms.

“All right.”

“All right?” Marcus asked.

What just happened?

“For a moment there I thought it was in the triple digits. Seven is a low number for such a hunk like you. Are you sure you are not lying to me?” Nessa asked.

“Just seven!” Marcus replied. She took it rather calmly. That surprised him. After making such a big deal out of the kiss he did not even participate in with Danielle, this went remarkably well.

“No shit?! But you are…. YOU. So how come?”

“I was committed, mated, then grieved. There’s not much time to play hookey-pokey when you are an Alpha,” Marcus explained and then decided to ask. “What about you?”

“Three and not for the lack of trying,” Nessa huffed dismissing her answer as boring, then slowly laid back down on his lap. “Apparently, I am not good at seducing men.”

Three? Marcus’ mind quickly comprehended the information. He knew about Brandon, but he never thought… He shook his head. He should not go there. Then he remembered her obvious regret that she did not have a bigger count.

“Who?” Marcus tried to pry more information disguising it as a very vague question. Who did you sleep with? Who did you try to seduce? Nessa could pick whatever question she wanted to answer.

“You are not playing with my hair,” Nessa pouted. He quickly laced his fingers through her hair, which prompted a smile on her face.

There was one more person out there who had seen his mate naked and Marcus couldn’t help but inquire.

“Rifkin?” Marcus asked and she closed her eyes.

“I told you, nothing happened with Joel. Not that I didn’t shamelessly throw myself at him.” She giggled at a memory and then applied. “Haven’t you read my book?”

“Who’s the third guy?”

“My irritatingly handsome greened eyed devil…” Nessa giggled and made herself more comfortable on his lap, burying her face into his side.

“Before that…” Marcus prompted as he realized she was stating them in chronological order.

“Is Daniele one of yours?” Nessa suddenly asked and looked up at him.

“Nes?” Marcus started. Maybe asking for names proved to be far more inconvenient than his wolf initially thought. Confessing to your mate the names of your past flings was surely uncomfortable.

“Fine. No names….. Names….” Nessa mumbled and then chuckled “Neddie and Nessie…. Our names rhyme,” Nessa giggled burying her nose against his torso. “You smell so good,” was the last thing she said before she drifted to sleep, leaving Marcus with more things to think about than he bargained for.


Marcus did not want to leave Nessa’s side. Her high eventually gave way to exhaustion and she had fallen asleep. Marcus found it extremely calming to be with her even despite the questions swirling in his mind from their conversation. Everything felt easy with Nessa and he was surprised he dozed off himself only to be awaken from the mindlink. It was time for his meeting.

He summoned his best Fighter to guard her door as he reluctantly untangled himself from Nessa. He hoped his beautiful Goddess did not try to escape her appointed guard especially with the uncertainty Stevens’ presence brought. Travis was resourceful in fighting and exceptional at tracking which made him his first choice for a Luna’s guard. He could have all the training but if their personalities did not work together, Marcus would have to reconsider his next appointee.

Marcus ran his fingers through her hair. Goddess only knew, he loved her with every breath he took.

“I think you should hear him out,” Lee pointed out as Marcus finally arrived at his office. It still didn’t make any sense why Stevens, his enemy for over six years, had reached out through Lee to facilitate a meeting. Marcus was not sure of the specifics of that conversation, but if Stevens had persuaded Lee to pursue this option, Marcus owed it to their friendship to look into the matter before he casually dismissed it. That was the point of this whole meeting. Should he grant him the audience or not? What were the possible consequences? Could it be a trap?

Marcus was unconvinced one way or another. The proposed secret meeting in the middle of nowhere did not sit right with him. Not only did it leave room for ambush, but it strangely reminded him of another meeting with Stevens which proved deadly. Marcus knew he would never survive losing Nessa. It wouldn’t matter how much his pack would need him. Marcus would die the moment Nessa took her last breath. What would be the point of continuing to exist if he were already dead inside? Cameron was more than prepared to take over. He would find his own Beta to handle the paperwork for him.

“What if it is a trap? He came with 20 men that we know of, but this could still be a set up,” Cameron reasoned.

Marcus’ eyes landed on his Beta. The point was well made. Could you trust the honor of your enemy?

“I say we go guns blazing, see what he wants,” Vince was a man of few words and when he decided to speak, Marcus always relied on his insight. “We go in prepared, severely outnumbering him. We also take the meeting on our terms. We choose the location, send a team then inform Stevens of the location. If he is planning an ambush, we’d know.”

That could actually work. If Stevens was so desperate to talk to him, Marcus didn’t see any problems with making him jump through hoops before he granted him the audience. Even Stevens’ wording of the meeting was irritating Marcus. Audience. As if they were in court.

Marcus wanted to control the high ground and would disclose the location mere minutes before Stevens would have to leave. The plan could work.

“Cam, would you stay with Nessa?” Marcus asked.

Cameron nodded immediately. Travis and Cameron were enough to take down any possible threat coming her way. Cameron was the safety net, if Travis and Nessa didn’t find a common language. At least then Cameron would spend time with her. They were friends.

Marcus nodded to himself. Yeah, that would work.

Cameron avoided eye contact. Marcus had seen that disappointment every time that he left his Beta in charge. Cameron was still his Heir, and stayed behind far more often than he would have liked. Once Stevens was sorted out, and Nessa and Marcus were fully mated, things would change. Cameron would finally live a little wilder, Marcus smiled at the prospect of having his pup as an Heir. Cameron would be ecstatic.

“You’ll tell Stevens after dinner. That way he would not have time to prepare,” Marcus repeated the plan.

“Do you have a location in mind?” Lee asked standing next to the fireplace.

“Southern Ridge. We’d have a good vantage point and see them coming though the clearing,” Marcus replied and noticed how Lee kept on glancing at the framed photos Marcus had long forgotten were even displayed. Photos of when life was much easier. Pack functions were never the same since Emma’s passing. The picture holding Lee’s attention was of one with Emma and Lee proudly by Marcus’ side. The three Musketeers. Before memories threaten to overcome his concentration, he quickly refocused his thoughts to the future. He had Stevens to deal with.


As soon as Michele was down to the last four steps, she leaped at Vince, who effortlessly caught her with a smile on his lips. What would you do with a Greek God for a mate? We’ll, Michelle had a bucket list.

Amusement played in his eyes and he smirked at her.

“Couldn’t stay away now, could you?”

“Are you trying to tell me, you can stay away from all this?” Michelle moved her hands down to herself, which due to the way Vince was still holding her off ground left her hand awkwardly pointing to her breasts. Vincent did not need an invitation and buried his face into her chest. Michelle chuckled and ran her fingers through his short brown hair. He inhaled her scent, sighed against her chest, pecking her through her clothes and finally set her down on her own two feet.

“The Alpha wants to see you,” Vince reluctantly informed her. Michelle quickly went through the list of possible offenses. Coming up short of offenses that were worth a death sentence, Michelle relaxed.

As they walked hand in hand to the Alpha’s office, Michelle could not help but remember how stressed she had been the first time she was summoned by the notorious Alpha. She smiled. Nessa did have a point. Once you got to know him, he didn’t seem half mad. Of course, dear Nessa had put it in much loving terms, but Michelle got the point. He was just. The punishment equaled the crime and for the love of everything holy, she had committed no crime. If teasing Nessa was a crime, the Alpha would have found himself guiltier than others. He always managed to work Nessa up to the point where either she was furious at him or simply could not stop giggling about his mischief. What did the Alpha want from her? The only logical answer was this was a social call. Which was a code word for “Nessa talk”.

As soon as they entered, Marcus dismissed Vincent who reluctantly left her side.

“You’ve grown closer.”

“Thank you, Alpha,” Michelle politely replied, stealing a glance of him behind the heavy mahogany desk.

His green eyes sparkled with mischief and contrasted against the tanned high cheeks and strong jaw. His five o'clock shadow gave him a rough, masculine appearance which would have intimidated her, had she not seen the small smile that was beginning to form on his lips. If Alpha Ned was to smile and relax, he definitely would be considered a charmer. And he was that and more to Nessa. Everyone else got a different first impression. And impression, few survived to talk about.

“I need your help,” Alpha Ned started, which only confirmed Michelle’s suspicion of “Nessa talk”. His eyes lingered on the fireplace and Michelle’s attention quickly followed the direction. Framed photos. “Would they upset Nessa?”

Would they?

Michelle stood up and walked over the fireplace, quickly looking through them. These were pictures of Alpha Ned, Alpha Lee and a woman, who based on the arrangement of the photos was his Fated mate. The one that passed away.

“Put some photos of Nessa, and it would be balanced out,” Michelle replied only to quickly bite her lip. Did she just tell Alpha Ned what to do? She wasn’t very politically savvy about the way she should handle her besties’ mate.

“I was thinking of removing them,” Ned’s voice came closer than she would have wanted.

How did he move so freakishly fast? And silent. That quick ninja step put her on edge.

“Nes will eventually discover them and it may seem like you were hiding them. It would make you look guilty for keeping them then discarding them before she noticed,” Michelle explained the inner workings of the female mind.

“I don’t have pictures of Nessa,” his voice sounded regretful.

“We can easily fix that. I have plenty and some are quite embarrassing,” Michelle pointed to her phone. The movement caught his attention and a small smile played on his lips.

“I want them all.”

Michelle smiled at this enthusiasm and pointed to his laptop.

“Air drop or an app? Or direct download?” She asked, her eyes wandering off to the laptop.

What she didn’t expect was Alpha Ned to stand up, vacating his chair and turning it towards her, silently offering it for her to use. Michelle chuckled. When else would she sit on an Alphas desk? As she made way downloading pictures, she wondered if it would be too much to ask for a selfie sitting in the Alpha’s chair?


Vanessa stretched on the couch and wondered where Marcus went. A smile spread across her face as her nose dipped into the seat where he had occupied. She could still feel his cologne. It was vague and she took a deep breath, trying to contain his scent. He must have gone out on business. The moment she sighed, Michelle’s voice came to her ears:

“If you so much as moan right now, I swear Luna or not, I am going to spank you! Could you be more whipped than this?”

Nessa quickly shifted and managed to flop on the floor. Stupid couch was not as broad as she thought. Vanessa narrowed her eyes on Michelle who turned on the lights.

“It’s about time you woke up! That Pack Doctor did not withhold any of the good stuff! How are you?”

“Where’s Marcus?”

“I am glad to see you too, Michelle. You look so radiant. Oh, why, thanks, Nes! Thank you so much for watching me sleep for the last three hours. You’re surely my bestie!” Michelle chanted and Nessa laughed, sitting back onto the couch. Her eyes landed on her hand and investigated it with interest. It didn’t hurt. Michelle continued. “But no, you have to ask for the Alpha straight away.”

“But you do look radiant,” Nessa mumbled as bits of her memory finally started resurfacing. “I broke my hand on Brandon.”

“Unfortunately, you didn’t manage to smack common sense into him. Just gave him a shiner. He’s in the dog house with Juliet,” Michelle quickly caught her up on the events. As Nessa’s face paled, Michelle quickly added. “Nes, what’s wrong?”

“Shit!” Ness continued biting her cheek. “Not that. I remember. I might have asked Marcus how many women he was with.”

“What on Earth possessed you to do that? That’s a HELL NO question,” Michelle scolded her then curiosity bubbled in “What did he say? Twenty?”

“Michelle, focus!”

“I’m focused. Details, spill now, girlfriend,” Michelle bouncingly sat at the sofa.

“He knows my count,” Nessa leaned forward and panicked.

“Oh, please, three is hardly a count!” Michelle dismissed her and then continued. “Holly manolly! He’s going to get possessive on your ass! If he finds out about Cole, he’d be dead by sunrise.”

“Shhh,” Nessa replied and then rested her head against the couch. “He’s going to ask me follow-up questions.”

“Distract him,” Michelle shrugged.

“With what?”

“Shake that booty in front of him. He’d forget everything, and focus on you,” Michelle giggled and then slapped her hand over her lips, “SHIT.”

“What?” Asked Nessa, while Michelle paled.

“No, no, no,” Michelle started and quickly ran out of the room. As Nessa began to follow a masculine voice warned her.

“Luna. If it gets out I’ve let you go out undressed, I would be painfully dead.”

Nessa looked at the man that was blocking the door and her way out. She squeaked as she realized she was undressed. Nessa smacked the door in the Enforcers’ face and quickly grabbed some pants and pulled on a sweatshirt. When she opened the door, the Enforcer nodded at her in approval, moving to the side allowing her to go out.

“Could we pretend, I just opened the door for the first time?” Nessa asked hopeful he’d say yes.

“Much appreciated, Luna,” he replied.

“Nessa,” she corrected him automatically.

“Travis,” The man responded, pointing to himself, hand over his heart and a slight bow in his frame. Broad shoulders, open smile, high cheekbones and warm brown eyes.

“Nice to meet you. Where did Michelle go?”

“Second door in the end of the hall,” his voice gave her the needed direction.

“Thanks,” Nessa smiled then ran down the hallway and didn’t even bother knocking. Travis was a step behind her as she tried to close the door again.

“I’m your Guard today. I go wherever you go,” Travis explained. The scream from inside the huge bedroom refocused their attention to Michelle.

“I’m late!”

“Shit,” Nessa said and then eyed her guard suspiciously.

“I’m your security. This doesn’t affect me,” Travis quickly explained.

“Nes!” Michelle refocused Nessa's attention to her.

“How long?” Nessa asked.

“Four days!”

“It could be stress,” Nessa offered.

“You THINK? Gee what else is new!” Michelle snapped. “I’m going to kill him if he got me preggos first week we met.”

A chuckle came through the door and their attention landed on Travis who closed the door and sat on the couch.

“I’m not here,” Travis continued.

“I’ll tell the Alpha you saw her in her panties,” Michelle threatened and then as his face paled, she smugly looked at Nessa.

“I’m tasked with her security, so please proceed to tell the Alpha I was exceptional at my job,” Travis chuckled.

Before Michelle was able to charge at him, Nessa held her hand:

“Take a deep breath,” Nessa started calming Michelle down and at her expectant stare, she asked, “What?”

“What about you?”

“Birth control. Which reminds me, do you have any condoms? I haven’t been at my place to pick the rest,” Nessa casually replied, making Travis gasp.

“If I had, wouldn’t you think I wouldn’t be in this situation?” Michelle glared at Travis but replied to Nessa.

“We’ll run to get some tests from the pharmacy,” Nessa replied calmly

“Vince commanded me to stay inside with you,” Michelle sighed.

“Well, as a Luna I can lift that command. Come with me to the pharmacy,” Nessa said and then arched her an eye at her friend. “Anything?”

“Nothing,” Michelle replied disappointed.

Travis cleared his throat, catching both of their attention.

“Don’t they teach you anything in Rover Grove? You can’t just lift a Gama’s command like that. Puff and it’s gone. You have to say the words,” Travis continued.

“I release you from his command,” Nessa quickly said.

“Not working!” Michelle whined and both of them snapped at Travis.

“As I was saying, before I was interrupted the Luna can lift the command, if she was fully mated. Does the Alpha know about the birth control?”

“He is old enough so he should,” Nessa replied to Travis’ question, while Michelle elbowed her. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Please continue, Travis,” Michelle turned her attention to him.

“Have you thought about this from your mate’s point of view? Michelle, Vince is thirty-seven and you’re his new meaning. He wants a family and would be thrilled to be preggos with you the first week in. And the Alpha won’t like it that you’re on the pill.”

“He gets a vote after we complete the mating. Until then, my body, my choice,” Nessa told Travis. “Now, could you please go back to the lifting of the command?”

“If you’re not mated, the only two that outrank Vincent are the Beta and Alpha,” Travis continued.

“The Alpha left for a meeting with Vincent. Cameron is completing paperwork in the Alpha’s Office,” Travis supplied all the information Michelle needed as she quickly pulled Nessa out of the room and down the stairs.

“NICOLEEEEEEEEEEEE. I need youuuuuu,” Nessa screamed as she was going down the stairs. As several Enforcers surrounded Nessa, causing Michelle to halt her descend, Travis quickly took charge.

“You heard the Luna. Find Nicole.”


Juliet slammed the door behind her back. She still did not wish to believe it, but a part of her knew she had already accepted it. Her life was a mess and no Elder’s Council was able to fix it. She huffed. Some fixing they did. Bunch of pompous asses that had effectively screwed up her life! Her hands were itching to break something. How could he have been such an egotistical pig!

The little details kept on replying in her mind. The scent he carried when he first showed up to pledge allegiance to her in the wee hours of the night. How could she have been so naive to dismiss it so lightheartedly? The hesitation to mark her. The endless talk about the legitimacy of their mating. He wasn’t worried about her legacy. He was convincing himself to turn his back on his Fated.

She had assumed he had celebrated with the Heinsfeld siblings. How stupid she must have been to believe that?! How gullible was she to think that mating the very same night was to keep their privacy! He was breaking the newly established bond with Nessa.

She felt used.


If it had not been for the innocent brown haired boy who was currently waiting at home for her, she would have gutted Brandon right there and then. Alpha Ned would have looked the other way. Brandon was a thorn in his paw, as much as he was an irritant in Juliet’s life.

Juliet felt betrayed. All this time, Juliet accused and scolded Nessa for being distant, while in reality she was depressed. Juliet bit her lip. Brandon had made Juliet a hypocrite. She had stolen unknowingly the happiness of another and blamed Nessa for her own anguish. No wonder that at the very first opportunity to leave Rover Grove, Nessa ran.

Hell, Juliet wanted to run. As far away as possible.

But she couldn’t.

She had a pack that relied on her. A son that needed her.

She was so very, very mad, that when a masculine voice informed her, she jumped in fright.

“We need to talk now.”

Juliet just stared at the man as he moved gracefully from the shadows, taking each step with confidence. Purpose, she corrected herself. Juliet tried to compose herself and to stare him down as it was clear he was no Alpha. He had to respect her station. She especially didn’t like to have witnesses to the betraying wetness of her eyes which was threatening to spill any second now. Alphas did not cry. They especially didn’t cry in front of complete strangers!

He didn’t seem affected by her glare and as soon as he neared her, he roughly snatched her elbow, stopping her from pivoting around her heel and walking away. The moment his calloused fingers enveloped her hand, Juliet felt tingles radiate throughout her skin. She gasped as she recognized its significance.

“Our meeting is way overdue, my dear.”

The anger in his voice was noticeable.

“No, no, no,” Juliet chanted, shaking her head as she could not believe the man in front of her was actually her Fated. His icy blue eyes held hers captive, undeniably showing her the betrayal and sincerity. High cheekbones, raven black hair, that she immediately wanted to run her fingers through. Even the scar travelling down from his left ear lobe and disappearing underneath his collar complimented the deadliness of his stride. He was dangerous. A man of action and she had no dilution he was quite skillful with the saber that rocked against his hip. He looked like a medieval warlord, who dominated the room with his presence.

His hand wiped her tears tenderly while he made his unapologetic demand.

“Accept or reject me, but do it now.”


Paralysis by analysis. Who would have thought it would apply to men? There were simply too many good looking unmated males in Blackwood. A choice was impossible. Should she go with the tall blonde who was constantly eyeing her, or the mysterious brunette who had offered her coffee? Or maybe the Irish who continuously kept on refilling her glass?

She quickly rounded the corner and couldn’t believe her ears. Juliet’s voice was hushed, but the tone suggested arguing and her body language confirmed it. What were the chances to snap a photo of Brandon getting the boot? Nicole quickly raised her phone, finger pressing on the record button.

She quickly stepped around the column, catching his profile. High cheekbones, downward scar across his left neck, disappearing in his navy uniform.

What the hell was Juliet doing with Pack Law?

Better yet why would this fine male specimen press Juliet against his lean body and kiss her senseless? Juliet tried to push him away for a second then grabbed a handful of his uniform enjoying the ravishing kiss.


“Think about that,” his voice sounded angry as he released Juliet and stormed away.

If she didn’t capture the exchange in video, Nicole would not have believed it.

She hid behind a plant as Juliet awkwardly composed herself and walked after the Pack Law official.

Nicole did not have much time before she heard Nessa’s voice echoing through the large open floor plan of the Pack House.

“NICOLEEEEEEEEEEEE. I need youuuuuu.”

The chaos that followed only proved dear Nessa had seriously underestimated the power of her new station as soon-to-be-Luna of Blackwood. A wave of Enforcers descended down the staircase and easily captured Nicole, hauling her in front of the Luna.

“Next time, your Highness, send me the Blond or the Irish,” Nicole fixed her clothes and eyed coldly the two Enforcers who had all but lifted her up and brought her in front of Nessa. “What has gotten into you to shout like a madwoman? Neither the house, nor your pants are on fire!”

Michelle laughed at the expression of the enforcer most closely sitting next to Nessa. He paled, while Nessa knocked on the door, before letting her merry band inside the den.

Alpha Aaron Stevens

(Southern Ridge, Blackwood)

Alpha Stevens neared the clearing after following the goat path for what seemed to be forever. The massive face of the mountain still loomed above him. Blackwood enforcers formed a semi circle, wordlessly announcing he had reached the right spot.

About Goddamn time!

Ned had chosen this strategic location for a reason. The high ground was in his favor. Aaron expected this much.

The surprise was left for his Enforcers who kept glancing behind Stevens expecting his entourage. Coming alone to this meeting was risky at best. Suicidal – probably; but Aaron did not have much time left for pleasantries. Discarding caution and daring the Fates made him feel young again. He missed his freedom. The rash decisions were never his forte but one had to cease every moment. Who would know better than a dying man?

The second his scouts informed him Pack Law arrived in Blackwood, Aaron knew it was time to pay Ned a visit. He quickly passed down the title to Junior, and headed to Blackwood to finish this while he still could.

“I see you brought the cavalry. No need for that, Ned,” Aaron greeted as calmly as he could, seeing how out of breath he felt. The trip up the old goat path was far from enjoyable. In fact, shortness of breath could as well be the very reason of his demise. Negotiating the slippery slopes of the mountain’s face after sunset had repeatedly reminded him he was not young anymore. It was quite a humbling experience for any Alpha, yet Ned probably only chose it for the vantage point.

Visiting Alphas could not shift in their approach for a meet and greet. Wolf form was more comfortable to travel, but considered an act of aggression if the packs weren’t friendly. Since Ned blamed Stevens for everything wrong with the world, Aaron didn’t want to further test his limits. There was no clear road up the mountain and there were no off road vehicles Aaron could use. Which left tracking. Damn, Ned outdid himself.

“Old age is such a bitch, your body slows you down. And as your mate so bluntly stated things begin to sag… Even shagging is not what it used to be. Do enjoy her now, before you grow old, pup!”

“Stevens,” Ned’s voice boomed through the quiet evening as a warning instead of a greeting. Stevens slowly pulled a napkin and spat. Looking down the ridge, he began regretting not bringing someone with. He was damn tired and the path downward seemed more traitorous than on the way up.

“How is she doing? I heard about her run into Brandon. She’s a little spitfire you know,” Stevens shook his head. Heinsfeld’s blood was strong and loyal. If he could say so himself, this union was far more advantageous to Ned than the one with Emma. Had Emma not been so meek, she would have been alive, and Stevens would have never had to climb this stupid Ridge in the middle of the night. Thinking ill of the death was bad, he knew, but he was soon going to join them, so a little leeway was more than deserved. It was Emma’s fault he was in THIS delicate situation today.

“Keep talking about her and you will meet an accident,” Ned promised him, and Stevens chuckled. Ned had not lost his dark sense of humor. He missed the rascal far more than he could care to admit.

“I’ve made my peace with it. It’s becoming more appealing to me than you’d know. I am dying anyway. Yes, your annoyance is going to be gone with or without your help,” Stevens coughed once again, catching his breath. His heart was still racing from the uphill climb. He could almost feel the tension. Unfortunately for Stevens, he was not bluffing. Ned had to still do all due diligence to check and verify his story. As of right now his arch enemy had arrived out of breath alone and had opted to sit down. Sitting down in front of your enemy was considered a weakness. Stevens waved his hand at Ned and the others. “Alpha Rylee thank you for facilitating this audience.”

Ned growled. On second thought, Stevens grinned catching the subconscious implication that he had just made. That they had came to have an audience with him. His relaxed sitting posture now held a different meaning. HE had SUMMONED them. Stevens shrugged his shoulders. He had not meant to offend Ned, but ultimately succeeded.

EXPERIENCE. His wolf supplied.

The years of handling disputes and ruling over Blue Moon had given the unique perception in politics. In the world of Alphas and Werewolves, perception was the key to a successful reign. The Goddess only knew, he did try to make his a memorable one.

Before Ned could get irritated any further, Stevens waved his hands in peace and then slowly dragged his shirt over his left flank, giving them a good look at the black veins running down his side. “I got this baby a couple of weeks ago from a rogue who later on helped make sense of all this.”

Stevens waved his hand pointing to everyone around him.

“Wasn’t voluntarily, of course, but a man has a right to avenge his own Toxin Argentous. This tinny scratch will do me in for good. And you, pup, will be the one Pack Law will like for it. Your mate does not deserve another loss. She suffered enough for a lifetime.”

“I am warning you once last time, don’t talk about her,” Marcus warned.

“They’ll take it all away,” Stevens continued. “Just wait and you’d see.”

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