The Change (Fated Series: book1)
Chapter 35 - The mating


Nessa giggled as they browsed through the aisles in the pharmacy. Cameron cringed as their small group halted in the health section. Noting his reaction, Nessa decided to really familiarize herself with the instructions of the packages. She held a box of condoms then read excerpts out loud to add to his obvious discomfort.

“For Goodness sake,” Cameron growled, quickly snatched the box out of her hands and tossed it into the cart. He proceeded to grab random varieties of condoms left and right. She arched her eyebrow at him as he gently but firmly took hold of her elbow. He steered her down the aisle, continuing to grab condom boxes from the shelves. He quickly filled the basket to the brim. Cameron flushed bright red and off-handedly wrapped his hand around Nessa, smiling politely at the elderly lady who was now giving him the stink eye. Nessa giggled at his embarrassment and decided to save him.

“Newlyweds,” Nessa beamed brightly at the elderly lady. Amazingly, Cameron flushed an even deeper shade of red. As the lady passed, Cam asked.

“What did I do to deserve such treatment?”

“You felt uncomfortable as she stared. I just thought you might….”

“Might have a death wish?” Cameron asked her seriously. Of all the things that her brain could come up, she had to go with that! Cameron shook his head. “He’s going to have my hide if he hears about this! Literary! Don’t laugh!”

Nessa smiled and patted his arm.

“Oh, please, we all know I’m joking,” Nessa exclaimed at his pointedly serious face. “Not that there’s anything wrong with you. In fact you are quite charming.”


“Gosh, you’d think I am an old hag or something with the way you are reacting,” Nessa started jesting but Cameron shook his head in a warning. She huffed, “Fine, killjoy! If you get in trouble, I’ll protect you!”

“Must I be the one to give you a 101 crash course on how Alphas are with their mates? Alphas are territorial, possessive, protective. Your jokes will cause me a premature death if Marcus so much as gets a whiff of them,” Cameron told her sternly.

“Fine, fine, fine,” Nessa agreed.

Marcus would clearly see the joke, wouldn’t he?

“Ness,” Michelle popped her head in the aisle. “Should we grab a snack before we get home?”

“It’s a date!” Nessa winked at Michelle and then pointedly looked at Cameron. “You never know, with some food in your belly, you might perk up.”

“Yeah, yeah, just let's get out of here!” Cameron responded and rushed them to the cashiers.


Marcus quickly made his way to his office and reached out for Nessa by the pack link. He needed her scent to calm down the beast inside him. If all of the accusations and statements Stevens made were true, they were dealing with a much more complicated plot and enemy. The irritating part was this vital piece of information was coming from no other than the devil himself. Marcus needed to investigate but it wasn’t like he could casually bring up the subject without raising suspicions with Alex, especially if he was involved in this. He needed to know what exactly went down in that council meeting.

He was distracted, constantly going over Stevens’ statements from earlier and did not listen to Eamon’s report until the narrative focused on Nessa. By the expression on Eamon's face, he definitely did not approve of Luna's actions. So much as he actually decided to include them in his report.

“She what?”

“She took the Beta and Travis downtown,” Eamon told Marcus. Now that was an interesting piece of information. He raised his eyebrow for Eamon to elaborate. “The Beta looked pissed off when he went out to accompany Luna and her friends.”

“What on Earth would they want downtown this late?” Marcus asked.

Surely, his Beta had a soft spot for her, but Marcus knew Cameron would never challenge him for her. Which only left fewer reasonable explanations. Going out clubbing was the first to come to mind, but Marcus crossed it off immediately. Nessa wasn’t the clubbing type, but Nicole was and her life mission was to entertain Nes. At least they didn’t go downtown alone. If anyone was better suited to protect Nessa than Travis, that would surely be his Beta who wouldn’t have put up much of a fight if it helped him get out of the paperwork duties. Cameron was Nessa’s biggest fan and would kill for his favorite author. The fact that Vanessa was his Luna, would have only amplified the need to keep her out of harm. He only wished they had taken more enforcers with them.

No parties, then.

Eventhough, Marcus had so many things to worry about his mind constantly went back to his Beta being mad at his favorite author. Nessa was writing a sequel to Taken, which made it even more confusing.

“I don’t know the specifics,” Eamon immediately caught Marcus' mood.

Marcus nodded and reached out to Nessa only to find her mind completely closed off for him. He firmly pushed his thoughts into Cameron’s mind, ramming through any blocks his Beta had.

“Where are you?”

“She’s fine. Be there in 5mins”.

Marcus stood up and nodded at Eamon.

“Anything else?”

“Well, it’s not my place to say,” Eamon trailed on but Marcus expectedly focused his eyes on him. “Juliet Gray has been seen associating with Alexander Heinsfeld.”

“And?” Marcus prompted.

“It’s interesting how old friendships rekindle here. Mrs Gray is actively seeking Pack Law’s attention, while Alpha Brandon has requested a private meeting with Alpha Stevens.” Eamon continued bringing Marcus up to date with the latest developments.

Brandon was an annoyance of epic proportions. First reaching out for Pack Law on behalf of Nessa, now trying to establish a connection to Stevens? That did not sit well with Marcus. He still could not take Stevens at his word. It didn’t take a genius to figure out Brandon was having second thoughts about his Fated and his contact with Stevens was more than formality. It was a calculated decision which undoubtedly was against Marcus’ claim on Nessa’s neck.

Marcus sighed standing up. There were far too many problems and unknowns that would not get resolved tonight. The world would still be there in the morning. He was a wolf needed by his mate and she was his first priority. Marcus silently walked towards the front door and down the stairs to the driveway.

Where were they?

Just as he was about to reach out for Cameron to ask if they were fine, he saw headlights. Few anxious minutes later, the sleek black Lexus, which Cameron lovingly called his Lexi, pulled to the curb. Marcus rushed and opened the driver’s door, ready to haul up Cameron, only to discover Nessa occupying the driver’s seat. The vivid conversation died down the second he opened the door.

Marcus was relieved Nessa had blocked him when driving, and upset at himself for giving her a cold glare which obviously was meant for Cam. Marcus pecked Nessa’s lips in apology then he quickly tugged her seat belt off.

“Hey, babe,” Nessa smiled at him and kissed his cheek. Marcus narrowed his eyes on her then slowly let his eyes focus each of her accomplices before he snarled at nobody in particular, “Where were you?”

“Pharmacy. Is everything alright?” Nessa replied, concern laced in her voice. “Are you okay?”

Marcus smiled. She was concerned for him.

Adorable, his wolf supplied.

He could take care of himself. Her hand landed on his cheek and Marcus immediately turned, focused on her warm brown eyes.

“It’s almost midnight,” Marcus asked and before she could reply, he stepped back, helping her out of the car.

“Oh, we just had to run an errand,” Nessa giggled and then quickly poked her head in the car only to get a paper bag shoved into her hands by Travis. “I bought you these,” Marcus’ attention was split between her bending over in front of him and the silent exchange in the car. Nessa quickly grinned at Travis and winked at Cameron, which made Marcus growl at the familiarity between them. She handed him the bag and then quickly told everyone in the car. “See, I can handle your Lexi,” and then stuck her tongue out at Cameron, who groaned. So driving was her idea. “night-night.”

“Good nightie,” a chorus of good nights replied back just as Nessa was closing the car door.

“I think you’d want to peek inside,” Nessa smiled at him knowingly.

Marcus looked at her suspiciously and then opened the bag to see condoms. He blinked at the bag and then at her smug face.

“I’m an overachiever,” Nessa quietly whispered. His growl would have cautioned anyone but her. “We’ll have to work on your people’s skills, but it can wait, my grizzly bear!”

She arched on her toes and kissed his cheek, looping her hand around his and ushering him into the Pack House. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Now that we have those, I hope you’re not too tired,” Nessa told him her plan.

Marcus blinked at her then quickly pushed the bag in her arms, pivoting on his heel and roughly crushing his lips against her, which made her giggle at his enthusiasm.

“I knew you’d agree,” Nessa mumbled against his lips, only to be roughly lifted up into his chest, her legs looping around his waist. She tugged at his hair, while they were still wrestling for control over the kiss. The sudden motion of him walking, startled her enough to let her guard down and he growled in satisfaction as he took charge of the kiss, dictating its intensity.


Nessa knew he was angry. Marcus had never been so determined to dominate. She enjoyed this possessive, passionate side of him. By the end of the kiss, she was breathless and winded, definitely not caring who would see his uninhibited passion for her. That both excited and scared her. His tongue hinted promises, while his embrace reassured her he would never let her go.

The mating was happening.


Was it wrong she found his strict and dangerously lethal side attractive? His affection for her was unwavering. He was this strong and gorgeous werewolf who single handedly moved possessiveness into a new category of hot. Nessa smiled at the effortlessness with which he carried her. She wasn't heavy, nor a burden. She was loved, and it showed in every little thing he did. To her, for her.

He growled, making her blush. Her wolf either projected to him or he had smelled her arousal.

Contrary to the impression she left her readers with, she was not as open-minded and experienced in this thing called relationships. In fact, if she dug deep in her past experiences, both Brandon and Clay would be defined as hook-ups. Marcus on the other hand, well, he was everything. He was enough to make her less self-conscious about her curves, about what she wore and how bold she was in public. Marcus was a much needed boost to her self-esteem. And she loved him for it.

As Marcus made his way up the stairs, Nessa reminded herself karma was an unforgiving bitch. In response she gripped the paper bag with CVS logo firmly. It would be an ironic cosmic punishment to spill out the condoms down the stairwell. She didn’t know about Marcus, but she would die out of embarrassment if that were to happen.

The scrutiny of the stares from pack members watching their Alpha carry her up the grand staircase made Nessa’s cheeks flush in even brighter shade of red. She buried her face into Marcus’ shoulder, while he growled his acceptance of her surrender. It was almost comical how all shifters took that as a warning and found the floor particularly interesting and worth observing.

Nessa brushed her lips against Marcus’ neck in a thankful peck kiss, which quickly escalated to nibbling at her claim on his neck. It motivated him to reach their room in record speed, almost running over Juliet, who was trailed by Brandon. Juliet’s eyes had a slight puff to them, undoubtedly a result from an argument between the couple. She quickly sidestepped Marcus and Ness, accepting their current proximity as the most natural thing she could witness. Brandon, on the other hand, stopped dead in his tracks. Nessa could see the internal turmoil, the debate, whether to say something or follow his mate. Marcus’ confident stride did not falter.

“I suggest you lower your eyes right now before I do that for you,” Marcus warned him without so much as glancing at Brandon.

This “Me-Tarzan, you – Jane” assertiveness turned her on, more than she wanted Marcus to know. If the smirk on his face was any indication, he already knew.

Marcus kicked the door shut before asking her, “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

“No,” Nessa whispered as she watched his canines, eyes and the bridge of his nose shifting. Nessa did not want to make acquaintances with his wolf when he was so territorial or when she was all but hanging around his torso.

“What is this business with the condoms?” Marcus started his interrogation. His tone carried more strength and displeasure than she thought.

“You want to mate tonight, don’t you?” Nessa asked. “I figured I could surprise you.”

“But we didn’t before,” Marcus sounded confused.

Oh, well, maybe this conversation wasn’t a complete disaster waiting to happen.

“I was on the pill,” Nessa explained and looked at him carefully to notice the surprise then hurt lace through his face.


“Well, they finished. I didn’t pack all of my supply because this Green Eyed devil was keeping watch and I didn’t want to give you any ideas,” Nessa started. “I’d die out of embracement if I have to ask anyone to lend us some condoms. So we either could go to my apartment for my pills or the CVS there. I figured you’d prefer the center of the pack compared to the outskirts. I made Cam come with as I thought you’d approve if I am protected.”

“That was smart,” he replied, but then asked “You don’t want kids?”

He tried to hide his hurt but his voice betrayed him. She smiled reassuringly. Who would have thought that after her unfortunate go at mates, she’d end up with a mate who was so family-oriented.

“I want them. But not right this very minute,” Nessa replied, watching him carefully. “Besides I didn’t want to discuss the pup topic before we were fully mated.”

“How many?”

“Two-ish?” Nessa suggested.

“When?” Marcus continued his interrogation.

“After things quiet down, maybe get married first?” She offered.

“Good,” Marcus nodded approvingly and quickly placed her on the bed. At her surprised face, he only growled, “Strip.”

“So much for being romantic,” Nessa huffed and slowly started undressing in front of him as he was still standing, towering over her, his eyes lovingly locked on her hands.

“If you are not out of those clothes in 15 seconds,” his voice was strained, “your clothes will be ripped off your delicious body.”

“Promise?” Nessa asked and that urged him in action. He pounced at her.


The little minx had the nerve to question his resolution. He lunged at her, jumping on the bed and successfully straddling her underneath him. Her provocative expression never left her face. She wasn’t scared of him, which pleased his wolf to no end. His nails changed into claws enough to tear the clothes away from her body. He felt like a child, unwrapping his most desired Christmas present, discarding the annoying wrapping as soon as it came in contact with his hands. And she was more than a holiday present to him.

She was his one and only.

The person who made him smile and enjoy life again.

Nessa was at his mercy and he liked her silent surrender. The vulnerability of her position made him think how she never flinched, or trembled in fear. He had growled, snarled in her presence, harshly spoken to her. The Alpha Ned had peeked into their relationship and she had still stayed. And even when even the most vicious rogues would crumble in fear, she had not even blinked and called him a grizzly bear. He smiled. It was clear. She was his person even without a completed mating. She ultimately, profoundly trusted and loved him. He slowly kissed her lips then moved to her earlobe, earning him a moan from those perky lips of hers. Marcus smiled and bit down into the earlobe.

“That’s for worrying me!”

“Yes, Alpha,” Nessa accepted her punishment eagerly, surrendering to his authority. Yet her hands travelled to his nape and pressed his face against his claim on her, her fingers now roaming though his hair and tugging at it. Marcus followed her suggestion, ran his tongue against her mark, leaving a cool trail over her skin, before nibbling again. She moaned, no longer passively accepting his advances, but actively gyrating her pelvis against his.

Her smooth, velvety skin felt like a furnace against his fingertips. Nessa might have not noticed it, but her HEAT was becoming apparent. He gladly vowed to tend to her needs. Pride and confidence as never before surged through him at the knowledge she needed him. His independent, spirited fireball of a mate desired him. And the need, the want, the hunger would only intensify over the next five days, urging her to mate and breed.

Marcus trailed kisses alongside her collarbone, reaching the dip between the two bones. Hearing her breath hitch in anticipation every time his lips were to touch her skin, made him wish he could prolong this play. He was about to make his way to her chest, while her hands snapped on the side of his cheeks. He quickly complied with the silent request and looked up to meet her eyes.

“Teaser, out of those clothes already!”

Marcus laughed. He didn’t need to be told twice. He quickly snuck out of his pants, while Nessa was trying to help him get out of his shirt. Her help was more of an obstacle than help, but he was not going to be the one to hinder her enthusiasm. Even when she pushed him against the bed, reaching for the unnecessary protection, he didn’t say a word. If she wanted to wait, he could wait. For her.

Right now, they needed to feel, taste and be with each other.

As her hands slid down his chest and traced a spiral down to his navel, he couldn’t help but grin at the little smile forming on his lips. He could not wait to see what brought that teasing smile on her lips.

“Yes, I am staring,” Nessa admitted, causing her own cheeks to blush.

“Drooling,” Marcus corrected her just before her hand finally made its way and held his member in her hand.

“Do you think that it’s such a bright idea to contradict me right now?” Nessa smirked as she squeezed his length and looked at him expectantly. Damn, she had him cornered and she knew it.

“You may spank me?” Marcus offered, returning her cheeky grin. Her cheeks blushed even more and right before he was about to add something her thumb brushed against his throbbing shaft.

“You were saying?”

“Shit,” Marcus growled as her fingertip traced the ridge on the underside.


“Lovely shit,” Marcus corrected himself which earned him another grin. “You know what I mean.”

“No, I don’t know what you mean, Alpha,” Nessa said playfully, prolonging his agony, while her hand was gently stroking him. Marcus growled at the title. Playing along with his title, showing him obedience and respect, when she was fully in charge of the situation was something his wolf found amusing. His wolf was a sucker for her surrender, submission. Her boldness and sass suggested so much.

“Nes, please don't tease me! I won’t be able to restrain my wolf much longer,” Marcus confessed.

“Oh, am I teasing you, Alpha?” She repeated his title in that sexy voice of hers.

Damn it.

She knew exactly what she was doing to him and did it anyway! Marcus feared if she kept on teasing him that he wouldn’t be able to give her time to get accustomed to the idea of mating with him.

“Put the damn rubber on, or you’ll end up thoroughly mated and very pregnant,” Marcus warned her. She rolled her eyes on him and opened a random package, gently resting it against his hard on. She bent down and before Marcus knew, she slowly and teasingly used her lips and mouth to slide the condom down his length. Marcus growled as he felt her suck down on him, then slowly popping him out of her mouth. Damn, her sparkly eyes told him she was having too much fun at his expense.

Marcus growled at her, pinning her under his weight in one fluid motion, while quickly and roughly burying himself into her. Her yelp suggested she had not expected the invasion, her walls desperately trying to push against the intrusion. She shivered underneath him, her hands leaving nail imprints on his shoulders.

He had hurt her!

Closing his eyes, Marcus tried to rein in the beast inside him not to mate her right away, despite her obvious discomfort. In all honesty, he warned her, but he felt bad for taking her like this. Why would she of all times think of teasing him like that, when he specifically told her what was going to happen.

“Ness,” Marcus softly said, trying to focus her attention on him.


Nessa opened her eyes and slid her eyes up from his well defined abs through his toned chest plates and sculpted shoulders to his handsome face. Nessa still could not believe this mountain of pure muscle and witt, lovingly towering over her, caging her against the bed, was actually her MATE.

“Marcus,” she tried the same intonation but failed miserably as her voice sounded more like a moan. He shifted his weight, trying to roll off her, while she pulled him back to her. “I got distracted, but I am good,” she pressed her feet against his buttocks and pulled him down into her then reminded him, “Move your hips.”

“Just my hips,” he teased.

“I won’t be picky, but if you don’t then I’ll spank your perky behind, Alpha!” Nessa scolded him and at his surprised face actually went ahead and gave him a loud smack on his naked butt.

“Oh, no you didn’t,” Marcus chuckled teasingly, pressing his hips forward, letting her feel him pull back, only to slowly press back in. “You like that or this?”

Marcus lowered his torso against hers, letting his pubic bone brush against hers stimulating as many nerve endings as he could. He knew the answer before she even spoke.

“Please, yes,” Nessa moaned as his skin rubbed against her throbbing nob. Her breath fanned across his neck as he was busy nibbling at her earlobe. “MORE.”

Marcus trailed kisses down her chin and covered her mark with his lips, gently sucking on the sensitive skin. Nessa pressed the heels of her feet against his upper thighs in attempt to pull him into her again. Without breaking the seal of his lips around her mark he bit down on it, anguling his body to press further into her body, while keeping a lazy rhythm. Slow and steady she continued to spiral upwards, as he rubbed her internal spot head on, allowing her no time to recuperate from the intense energy that they were creating.

There was no need for words. Marcus sped up his thrusts, becoming more forceful and his caresses - rougher as his existence collided again and again into her warm embrace never to let go.

Nessa felt breathless. His assertiveness was demanding, making it hard to concentrate on anything but him. Her world was about to spin off into bliss, when she felt his canines pierce her flesh. Nessa arched her neck welcoming the intrusion, giving him access and at the same time snatching his mark between her lips. What she didn’t expect was for her canines to extend, sinking in the soft flesh, marking him as hers forever. Sweat covered their bodies, as they arched and gyrated against each other until there was no beginning or end.

There was only bliss.


(morning after)

Marcus smiled and cooting to spoon her tiny body against his. He brushed her hair off to the side and smiled at the rawness of the mark. She was finally HIS. His hand wandered on her breast and cupped it. This was what mornings were designed for – to be awaken by the heat of the beauty, sprayed on the bed next to you. Their scents were now fully intermindgled, the musky smell of sex still heavy in the air.

Nessa had brought laughter back into his life and he knew, he had whole heartedly accepted her as HIS much before this mating. It was not even a month since he had met her at the Rover Grove’s Pack House meeting and he could not imagine his life without her. She belonged to him. She was HIS LIFE. His harbor in the world of constant power struggles.

His thoughts drifted to the meeting with Stevens once again. Vanessa had managed to completely occupy his attention and make him forget about his newly acquired problem. Was the old mutt telling the truth? Marcus knew if all else turned out to be a twaddle of a troubled sick old mind, Stevens was absolutely right about one thing: he was not going to let anyone take HER away from him. She was the reason why he lived and Marcus would be damned if he let anything happen to her.

His hand slipped down to her navel. He still couldn’t believe the audacity of their mating. She had known exactly what he needed, even before he realized it himself and hadn’t thought twice about giving it to him. He smiled and snuggled closer into her sleeping frame, yearning to feel her, to smell their scent.

She offered comfort, when his wolf had been frustrated by the lack of respect the old bat had shown. Stevens’ words had made Marcus anxious to complete the mating. Nessa had felt his need to dominate, and had successfully rattled him just enough to summon his wolf to take over, all the way seducing him into a passionate release of all the stress and frustration.

Marcus fingers slipped towards her folds on their own accord. Touching her while she was still sleeping made him feel like a creep, but then again, he was her creep. He grinned as he remembered how proud he had felt when she had decided to mark him again during their mating. She wanted him just as badly as he did her. Her scent was intoxicating, making him bolder and even more possessive than he realized. He didn’t need to dip a finger into her to know she was moist and ready. The werewolf HEAT assured matings would continue in rapid succession until she was with a pup. Her desire to enjoy him meant she would crave him twice as bad. Going against nature had its consequences, but he was determined to give his mate whatever she wanted. He would gladly oblige, of course. His index finger gently flicked her pearl just enough to start building some tension. He fully expected her to wake up shortly after he started playfully exploring her body, but when she didn’t, he decided to show her his devotion.

His thumb took over exerting pressure on the throbbing nob, while his middle finger slowly made its way between her folds, gently slipping, her moisture enough of a lubrication to allow the invasion. He held his breath as the pad of his finger reached her inner spot and pressed. She stirred in her sleep, mumbling his name. He grinned and slowly rubbed the area, wetness easing his massage, as he altered the pressure. He moved closer to her, gaining more space for his wrist to move effortlessly, firmly pressing the heel of his palm over the clit. As the whimper escaped her lips, he pecked his claim on her, his finger continued its exploration. Marcus intensified the pressure until she moaned, riding off the pleasure waves he created. When her breath normalized and a smile spread over her lips.

“Less staring and more doing,” Nessa gruff voice came in a whisper, her smile breaking her otherwise relaxed features.her mark.

“Greedy much?” Marcus caught her ear lobe between his teeth and tugged.

“Entitled,” Nessa corrected him, holding his hand closer to her groin as he attempted to remove it. Marcus gently moved closer to her, letting his hardness rest against her behind. “Hmm.”

“I assume you approve.”

“Very much,” she agreed as he continued stroking her.

“Still don’t want pups?” Marcus asked and she nodded, releasing his hand from her grip as he reached out for protection. He quickly tore the wrap away and unfolded the hated rubber down his length. His hand reached to her waist. “Nes.”

“Hm?” Nessa breathed into her pillow, pulling his hand to her chest. Marcus chuckled at her exhaustion and kissed her shoulder, slowly moving his knee against hers. She shifted just enough to guide him in and then lazily closed her eyes. “You gotta love lazy mornings!”

Marcus chuckled, “By all means, leave me with all the hard work!”

“And boy, it is HARD,” Nessa mumbled as he started rocking his hips against her, his hand cupping her breasts. “We should do this more often! It’s so relaxing,” Nessa moaned her agreement to his rocking moves. His hand lowered to her groin, effectively massaging her pearl as he built up the tempo. Soon Nessa needed more to set off the release of the built in tension, “Marcus.”

“I know,” Marcus replied, reached out to pull a pillow, propping it against her front and swiftly rolled her onto her belly. Nessa moaned as she felt him slip deeper inside and roll on top of her. She moaned loudly. Indeed he knew! She felt him lift his body off her back effectively sitting on the bed, steadying her with his hands firmly pressed onto her lower waist. She was about to lift her body to be on all fours, while he growled, “Let me take care of you.”

Nessa smiled into the pillow, letting him worship her body with all his attention once more.

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