The Change (Fated Series: book1)
Chapter 36 - Between Mates


Nessa stretched in the bed and rolled over face first onto the other side of the bed, fully expecting to come crashing against a certain very naked and mated Alpha. Her nose buried in the bed sheet and she sighed. So much for him sticking around for round two… Or was it four? She had absolutely lost count last night.

Damn, why wouldn’t he just stay still in bed with her? Wasn’t that what mated wolves did? Nessa stopped pondering on that and immediately shifted heading for the shower. Absentmindedly going through the shower and dressing up, she couldn’t help but think about Marcus. Was this how mated wolves were supposed to feel? Always eager to be within their mate’s reach? Nessa sighed and opened the bedroom door in search of her mate.

She went through the kitchen and grabbed a coffee and walked towards his office, surprisingly not seeing anyone on her way there. Where was everyone? Probably a pack meeting. She sighed and knocked on the door and as nobody answered she went in only to discover a very empty office. His scent was still heavy in the room, telling her she must have just missed him. Her eyes trailed down on her coffee. Had she not taken it she might have gotten to Marcus in time. Looking down at her hands, she quickly smirked as her eyes landed on the sofa and memories invaded her thoughts focusing on her boldness on the said sofa. She walked around the desk and took a post-it, writing down, “Miss you, sexilicious!”

Curling up in his leather office chair, Nessa took a deep breath and enjoyed drinking her coffee in peace.

Nessa grinned as she finished her coffee and glanced over at the clock. It was almost noon which meant she was drooling over Marcus’ scent for the better part of an hour! No wonder her coffee tasted stale. Daydreaming was a new thing even for her. She had to blame him for this. Yes, it was all Marcus’ fault. She grinned remembering the mind-link.

Alphalicious, where are you?”

“My sleeping beauty is waking up now? I must have tired you last night or was it this morning?”

“You, Stud!” Nessa shot at him as he chuckled. “Lunch?”

Sorry, love, meetings all day.”

“You better have meetings with grumpy old bats,” Nessa’s jealousy peaked. She slapped her lips. Where did that come from? A chuckle came from the link.

I am a thoroughly mated Alpha, who has eyes only for his little minx!” Marcus reassured her.

“Just saying,” Nessa tried to play it cool as if she had been jesting.

I love you, Hothead!”

“I love me, too!” Nessa grinned as he growled. “Fine, I will share some of the love with you!”

Nessa smirked as his annoyance flooded the mindlink. Serves him right for making her drool over him! She shook her head and closed the office door walking to the kitchen. Washing her cup, she almost screamed as she felt hands on her shoulders.

“We need to talk,” Brandon told her. Despite the fact how much she didn’t want to face him, she knew he’d never give up. Shutting down the running water, Nessa took the towel and dried her hands, effectively putting some distance between them. She looked at him expectedly and as the silence settled, she opted for a more direct approach.

“Waz up?”

“Nessa!” He snarled her name the moment his eyes rested on her mark. She had to fight the urge to snap a hand at it and make sure it was still there.

Why hadn’t she paid attention to it before?

“You were busy drooling over our mate,” her wolf supplied.

“I wondered when you’d show up,” Nessa shot back at her wolf then quickly looked at Brandon who looked like he was fighting the words he wanted to say. Instead, he growled at her.

“Gee, someone is in a pissy mood today,” Nessa rolled her eyes, seeming unaffected by his snarl.

“Don’t talk to me like that!” Brandon hissed.

“Or you are going to do what exactly?” Nessa arched her eyebrow at him. In all honesty challenging an Alpha was not the brightest idea she ever had, but she couldn’t help but feel smug. “You are no longer my Alpha.”

“Vanessa Heinsfeld,” the way he said her name sounded like hushed caution, instead of the threatening way he intended judging by the way he tried to stare her down in submission.

“Yes?” Vanessa smiled at him, feeling proud of herself as his cold glare did not affect her.

Yes, she was suicidal and blamed it on Marcus. He was the reason for her bubbling self-esteem and the sudden urge of confidence. She got side-tracked and started comparing Brandon with Marcus and it was clear. Brandon was a pup compared to her badass Alpha mate.

“You should address me properly, Luna or not,” Brandon tried his Alpha voice on her. If he was supposed to look threatening, he failed. He looked constipated.

“You are welcome to tell my Alpha to spank me for talking back at you, Bran,” Nessa smirked at the thought of Marcus spanking her. Something was telling her Marcus would definitely enjoy the idea. She tried pushing the image to Marcus and internally chuckled at the frustrated growl through the bond.

Brandon’s expression darkened, thinking she was mocking him. She wasn’t per se. Well, not directly. There was so much history between the two, and Brandon needed to be reminded she was no longer dependent on him in any way. She learned to live without him and most definitely she didn’t want to let him think she fondly remembered him. When he reached out to grab her shoulders, Nessa immediately swatted his hands away from her, stepping back into the dining room table,scraping the hard wood.

“I suggest you take a step back, Alpha Brandon,” Travis’ voice boomed in the room. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Now that was a challenge and Nessa felt proud of her guard. It wasn’t that she would allow a fight to happen but Travis had defended her regardless.

“This does not concern you. Leave,” Brandon dismissed Travis issuing an Alpha Command. While Nessa recognized it as such it didn’t affect her. Travis cringed at the command, but managed to withstand it as he was not part of Brandon’s pack.

“He’s my Guard. Now, you will apologize to Travis,” Nessa stepped closer to Travis, narrowing her eyes on Brandon.

“Fine, he may be relevant,” Brandon muttered.

“Too big to say sorry?” Nessa urged him.

“Nes, I am not going to apologize. You might be my mate, but you will not manipulate me,” Brandon growled at her.

“Was not is,” Nessa corrected him. “I don't talk to rude people.”

“It was not my choice,” Brandon’s words stopped Nessa from walking away with Travis. She turned silently waiting for an explanation. “It was not my idea to mate with Juliet. It had to be done for the good of the pack!”

“You went with it,” she pointed out the most important part. He made a decision and there were consequences for everyone. “Now Juliet is your mate.”

“Yes, but so are you,” Brandon insisted.

“I was until you rejected me. Now, I have Marcus, and you – Juliet. Remember?”

“Vanessa, you don’t understand. The Council chose it. I only hurt you for the good of the pack!”

“So you hurt me because you cared,” Nessa recapped.

“It was the right thing to do,” Brandon sighed. “We would have never been able to run away. You would have not made me choose between you and my duty! It is not a choice a man can make lightly.”

“You made a choice, so honor it!” Nessa replied and was about to turn and leave, while his words stopped her:

“You had to hate me in order to survive the rejection.”

“How noble of yours!” Nessa sarcastically replied. “You did it for my own good and I am this ungrateful bitch! Well, I survived. You helped your beloved pack. The Beta turned Alpha. Congratulations!”

“I did it for the pack, for you!” Brandon exclaimed.

“You didn’t have to cheat on me to make a point. A swift rejection would have been just fine. But no, you had to betray me.”

“If I were to be your Alpha, you had to stay away!” Brandon interrupted. “I didn’t want to give you mixed signals.”

“You could have handled the whole situation much better. But tact has never been your strong side,” Nessa sighed and shook her head.

“What good would it have done?”

“It could have saved me some heartache. I was convinced it was my fault. I was not good enough, pretty enough, thin enough! Oh, thank you so much for telling me that it is the Council’s fault. That all makes it so much better! But hey, what’s six years when you are happily married?” Nessa retorted.

“Nessa, calm down,” Brandon tried to caution her.

“You are right. I should calm down. It’s all in the past and right now I am happy. Thank you for rejecting me. I didn’t see it before but you did me a favor.”

“Ness,” Brandon smiled and attempted to reach for her, but she took a step back away from him.

“Sorry it took me so long to reject you back. I had to find my Marcus to understand just how screwed up my life had been and what I was missing this whole time.”

“I was your first…”

“Oh, please don’t flatter yourself. You and I were a hook up, my first one night stand. That’s what it was and nothing more will come out of it. So go to Juliet and try to make up, be with your family and pack. I’m finally home,” Nessa replied and then looped her hand around Travis hand, “Now where were we?”

“If you are so adamant not to give me a second chance, then at least read this,” Brandon said and shoved a folder into her arms before storming out.

Nessa rolled her eyes.

“You okay?” Travis asked.

“Of course,” she patted his hand. “He has always had a flare for drama.”

“What are you going to do?” Travis asked.

“That depends what do you want to eat? Breakfast or Lunch?” Nessa asked and looked at Travis who kept on following her descent back into the kitchen.

“You’ll cook for me?”

“For us,” Nessa corrected him and opened the fridge. “Any ideas?”

“Steak,” Travis shot quickly and she nodded, busing herself in the kitchen.


Travis kept an eye on her and once she relaxed and seemed indulged into cooking, he pulled the folder closer to him. Their conversation shared light into so many events that seemed unrelated at the time. No wonder why the Alpha expected him to guard her even in the pack house or why he had beaten up Brandon, regardless of Pack Law’s presence.

He opened the folder eyeing Vanessa as she had her back turned to him, busy preparing lunch for them and quickly scanned the documents. Just an old Elder’s Council meeting transcript. His eyes scanned further down and quickly came to a halt. They were arranging Juliet Gray’s mating and the candidates were not half bad. He quickly turned the pages until his eyes landed on a name “Alexander Heinsfeld”.

Shit! Her own brother knew?

Travis must have spent longer than he initially thought, because when he lifted his head Nessa gave him a drink and he quickly picked up the pages, straightening them into the folder.

“He’s hung up on you,” Travis stated the obvious and she shrug her shoulders.

“What’s in the folder?”

“Council meeting transcript,” Travis replied. “In all honesty, he did fight for you”.

“Not hard enough,” Nessa replied and flipped the folder staring at the date.

“Maybe you shouldn’t read it,” Travis offered. She deserved to know the truth of the meeting but he suspected she wouldn’t appreciate the details.

“That bad?” Nessa quickly guessed. She then opened the folder reading while Travis carefully observed.

“You are rather calm,” he concluded after a while.

“It doesn’t hurt as much as it used to,” Nessa replied then after checking the internal temperature of the meat she asked, “Plates?”

“I’ll get them. Where did you read up to?”

“Till about the end,” Nessa replied and fetched them two drinks and clarified. “I am a fast reader. And even though there were some very interesting points, it gave a closure of sorts!”

“Your brother…”

“He’s still blood, and it’s complicated. They were right. I would have never cut ties with them. In the long run, they did me a favor. I landed Marcus!”

“True, but they betrayed you,” Travis said.

“It’s bygones,” Nessa replied and served them both lunch. “Since now you now know my whole life story, would you mind telling me about Emma?”

“Sure. What do you want to know?” Travis asked and started eating as soon as she sat on the table against him. “Damn, this is good!”

“Thanks,” Nessa settled opposite him and then prompted, “What was she like?”

“Beautiful, polite, generous, timid,” Travis recalled absentmindedly.

“So… nothing like me?” Nessa concluded with a pang of jealousy. How was one supposed to compete with a ghost? “You are not joking, are you? Seriously?” Travis asked and then at her insistent glare he continued, “Luna Emma was quiet, reserved. She didn’t like rowdy get-togethers so we kept things quiet around her. We didn’t hang at the Pack house. I couldn’t blame her and I didn’t really got to know her. She was just adjusting to her duties when she was attacked.” Travis explained and as she still kept her eyes on him, he added. “You know she was a Delta, right?”


“Well, she was. Which explains why the Alpha had us on a short leash,” he replied then swallowed, “you know, as to not scare her. We were tip-toeing around her. While with you,” he smiled. “You’re a badass Luna. You tamed the Alpha so we’d gladly throw you at him.”

Travis winked at her serious face.

“He was broody, in a very dark place, running drills all the time. Then you met and he lit up like a Christmas tree,” Travis replied, making Nessa laugh. “He needs you and relies on you much more than you think. It seems he started living again because of you! That’s why I can’t compare you with Emma. She was good for him then, you are perfect for him now. I’ve seen your kind wind up yourselves for something smaller than this, so I am telling you. If she was his Moon, you are the Sun that brought him to live.”

“My kind?”

“She-wolves,” Travis informed her. “I hope you didn’t just hear that part!”

“I didn’t. It’s just… Marcus never speaks of her,” Nessa replied out of hand and continued eating.

“You never talk about Brandon either. Had I not been around, I would still not know what a douche he is. I imagine it is an awkward conversation to have with your Choice mate.” Travis visibly shrugged and then changed the topic. “This is delicious. Are there any left-overs for the Alpha?”

Nessa laughed and continued eating.

“Seriously, are there?” He asked again.

“No.” Nessa replied and quickly added ad she recognized his discomfort at the news. “Eat your lunch. If he wanted a home-cooked meal on a Sunday, he should have stayed home!”

“That’s mean,” Travis grinned.

“No, it’s a teachable moment. I don’t like waking up alone,” Nessa replied.


Jonathan raised his head in anticipation the moment he heard the rhythmic clicking of the high heels. He could recognize her gaze through the halls.


His heart started beating quicker as soon as it drew on him the clicks were coming closer to the door. Then they stopped. He gulped.

This was the fourth time that she had made her way to the Pack Law Quarters. He half expected to hear her heels moving past the door. So when the rasp knock on the door came through, he couldn’t help but smile.

“Enter,” he called out and not a second later the door opened and she was in a rush. It seemed like she almost rammed her way into the room, in fear she would turn back and retreat. Just like he had heard her do three times over the last couple of hours.

Her face flushed as soon as she noticed she had his full attention. She quickly hid it behind her confident stride carried her right up to his desk. So close. So near. Damn, she was beautiful. Her black heels accentuated her long legs. Her pencil skirt hugged her hips and showed him the shape of the woman underneath. Her buttoned up blouse hung loosely around her breasts, hinting of the feminine globes that lied beneath. Her eyes fluttered and looked to his side for a second before the Alpha in her took over and looked him straight in the eyes.

Jonathan could clearly see how her blue irises enlarged, taking him all in. If the pull of the bond was the same with her as it was with him, she was currently drooling over him. He smiled, there was no place for anger in his heart for the stunning blond stood on the other side of his desk. She had suffered too. Now they could move on.

How could anyone do something this awful to such a delicate person? Oh, yes, he had done his homework. It was only once that Juliet Gray was allowed to sneak behind his defenses and shake his world upside down.

How could he even think he would resent her for not waiting? She was perfect. His mate.

His eyes trailed down her face and landed on the hideous mark on her neck. It took everything in him not to growl at her. Instead, he leaned back in his chair and continued looking at her. For all he cared, they could stay like this forever. He knew that Rifkin would approve in a heartbeat. After all, mates came before everything else.

Shamelessly drooling over her was not enough anymore. He needed to hear her musical voice.

“You’ve made your choice?” He prompted. She took a deep breath.

“It’s more complicated than you think!”

She looked confused. Devastated. Lost.

Oh, how badly he wanted to reach over and pull her towards his body, promising her help with everything that was wrongfully done between them. But he couldn’t. Not until he knew he had her heart.

“How so?” He would not help her like he wanted, but he could at least guide her.

“I have a son,” Juliette announced.

“I know.”

“I can’t just leave him…” She started pacing in front of him. Was that what she was afraid? Unnecessary waste of energy. He would never ask her to. But did she know?

“I never asked you to. I told you to make up your mind about me or Brandon. Your pup is irrelevant to this choice,” Jonathan explained slowly.

There. Now she knew. He almost grinned like the fool he was as the confusion disappeared off her face. He patiently waited to hear any other protests. What he didn’t expect was the anger in her voice.

“How could you say that? Of course, Roland is relevant. I can’t just shatter his world because I met you!”

She was a lioness protecting her cub. Such passion.

His mind quickly started concocting lustful images of better use of such passion.

“Juliet,” Jonathan spoke firmly, quickly silencing her and then calmly informing her. “I don’t mind raising your pup. Hence, he is irrelevant to your choice, which is between your True mate or Choice mate.”

There. All was clear now. Jonathan wished she would just hurry along and give him his sentence. The not knowing part was tearing him apart. Would she choose him or that sorry-excuse of an Alpha?

“He will always be relevant,” she stated with less anger now. Jonathan sighed. It was always one step forward and two steps back with her. He needed his answer before he was tightly wrapped in the illusion of love that his mind and wolf were vividly creating. “How could I even begin to explain to a five year old about you or Bran?”

“Try the truth,” Jonathan offered the most rational solution to yet another problem. Had their Elder’s Council never meddled in her mating, Pack Law would have been called much earlier, preventing all these complications she so vividly acknowledged now. Had Pack Law been called, he would have met her much earlier.

“He’s five!”

“He’s old enough to know…” Jonathan replied. After all he was the same age when his pack was destroyed. There was no way of sugar-coating certain truths. They had to be told. You either manned up to the moment or you didn’t.

“No, he’s not!” Juliet interrupted.

“....about mates,” Jonathan finished as if he was not interrupted. “I won’t make the choice for you and neither should Roland.”

“How can you be this cold and distant?” Juliet mumbled sitting on the chair in front of his desk. Jonathan looked at her. Was she really asking him that question?

“I am not. I am simply reserved until you commit to your choice,” he told her truthfully.

“But how can I make a choice to accept you when you are offering me the cold shoulder?”

“I am yours,” Jonathan said and she knew he meant it. But what was holding her back? A promise, a vow for the illusive happiness with a man, who was still in love with another? How would that qualify as devotion or love? Somehow what he was openly giving her seemed more than enough. He was truthful, loyal and honest with her. He even gave her a Choice! Why wouldn’t she make it already and quit twisting his heart in her hand every time he got a whiff of her intoxicating scent? He ran his hand through his hair. Damn woman. She was frustrating to no end.

“She is allowed,” his wolf reminded him. The sucker would bend over and submit if only she was ready to accept him. Jonathan had to admit, he would not be far behind his wolf on this. After all, she was their Mate.

“You say it, but I can’t see it…” Juliet reluctantly admitted.

“How do you imagine I could do that? You are the mated and wed one. I could Challenge him, but killing him will only take away your opportunity to choose. Just do it before the bond between us strengthens more.”

It felt like repeating himself all over and over again. How could she not see he was trying to give her the Choice that no one else had given her. The chance to stand up for herself. A chance to determine her own future. A chance for a love and utter happiness. She only had to pick him.

“But…” She started only to silence herself and retreat to her thoughts. He couldn’t stand it much longer. He could not just see her so torn. Soon if she did not make the choice for herself, he would made one for himself.

“You are the person who can ruin me with solely words. I can’t give my heart to you without knowing that YOU ARE MINE FOREVER. I rather be prepared for a rejection than be blindsided with one after a short affair. If that’s not enough, then I rather know it now.”

“What about Roland?”

“What about him? I told you I will raise him as mine. Hell, for you, I’ll even CLAIM him as mine,” Jonathan explained again.

“He’ll be the Alpha?”

“Are you that hung up on that shit?” Jonathan asked and then said, “I never cared for Alpha titles. I won’t begin now. He can have it.”

“How can you know you’d feel the same way after he turns of age?”

“He would be mine. Would you treat him any differently than pups we might have together?”

“He’s the first born,” Juliet said.

“He’s a child like any other that you can have.”

“He’ll be the Alpha in line.”

“Princess, what do you want me to say?” Jonathan was losing patience with her. She was constantly back tracking to one and the same question. No matter how she asked it, the answer would be the same. He honestly didn’t care about anything other than her. If she wanted reassurance for her pup, he would give it to her. After all, he knew she would never leave him behind. They were a package. HIS PACKAGE.

“Help me figure this out!” Juliet said and then placed her elbows on her knees bending towards him. From his angle he could clearly slide his eyes down her cleavage. He smirked. He was sure she hadn’t even thought of the view she was presenting him. Jonathan felt some of the frustration disappear. She was after all worried about her pup when faced with uncertainty of the choice that she had to make. “I don’t know what to do!”

“I won’t make the choice for you” Jonathan repeated.

“Then help me with mine! Fight for me, damn it!” Juliet snarled at him and he only arched his eyebrow at her.

“You do realize the magnitude of this situation? If I allow myself to feel more than I already do and you end up choosing him, I would not be able to stop my wolf and I will challenge him. And make no mistake, I will kill him,” Jonathan snarled. “But that would only make you resent me, even if he is out of the way. You see, I want to give you the option to choose and to be able to respect your wishes. I am not sure I would be strong enough to walk away from you as Vanessa did.”

“She didn’t…”

“Oh, but she did. It takes guts to bottle up all the anger and pain and still be in vicinity of your tormentor. While you were busy playing house, she had to witness your joy with the mate she was destined to be with. Do you know how hard it was for her to move on? To decide she wants to relocate and to actually do it?” Jonathan said and remembered the shell of a girl that Rifkin brought into the Headquarters, dressed in his own shirt. She had been devastated. All the will power was drained from her, her self-esteem demolished. He had no doubt that she expected to die, leaving her book as a best-selling suicide note. Rifkin was the one who brought her back. No wonder why he had all but volunteered their battalion to investigate the Alpha Gathering in Blackwood. He was all but convinced she was venturing between Blackwood and neighboring packs tempting fate to grant her a dead wish. They couldn’t have been more wrong.

Jonathan knew he would not be able to take it all in a stride. He doubted he would get a Guardian Angel like Rifkin to rein him in through the pain. He was a fighter. A trained beast who would lash out further than little Vanessa could have even dreamed off.

“If I lash out, it ain’t going to be pretty!”

It would be a massacre.

And nobody would be safe.

After all, he was of blue blood.


Just as Alexander was about to tell him what really happened that night, Marcus felt anxious. The footsteps outside showed too much commotion and he was just going to stand up and check, when the door busted open and Travis all but rushed with Nessa in his arms. Marcus’ heart would have skipped a beat, thinking the worse, had it not been the very loud and vivid way Nessa was scolding Travis.

“Hey, watch it! I’m so sorry, but that doesn’t give you the right to just randomly dispose of me like this! Or freak him out,” Travis, quickly dumped her in Marcus’ arms, who kept on looking at her with so much worry. Nessa started and then as her eyes narrowed, Marcus’ eyes did an initial evaluation for any injuries. Nessa made herself comfortable in Marcus’ lap, producing a groan from him. If she continued to wiggle her perky behind against his crotch, he did not know how long he would be able to restrain himself. She snapped her eyes at him and then quickly placed her fingers on his cheeks, making him look at her, “Tell him to go to the Infirmary.'.

“Go to the infirmary, Travis,” Marcus repeated off as instructed, not bothering to question her motives. She was his priority and by the looks of it, she was fine. She stuck her tongue to Travis triumphal.

“Alpha, she partially shifted,” Travis announced for Marcus’ benefit and then turned to Nessa and informed her. “It was just a scratch, Luna, and is almost healed. I told you I don’t need the infirmary. But you need the Alphas help to shift.”

“I can’t control the shift. Damn it, if she takes over, it will be so embarrassing,” Nessa replied more to herself than to him.

“She’d pounce at me,” Marcus offered and she blushed, patting his shoulder playfully.

“My brother is here!” Nessa told him pointedly, cheeks reddening.

“Alex, do you mind if I ask you to leave so I show my affection for your sister?” Marcus asked, humoring Nessa.

“She needs to hear it,” Alex commented, heading out for the door.

Nessa reached over for the stapler to throw at her brother. Marcus' fingers quickly laced with hers stopping her.

“One injured person is enough, Tiger. Calm down,” Marcus chuckled.

“On that notice, Alpha, I am leaving too. Good day, Alphas,” Alex smugly excused himself, not before Nessa reached and unshoe herself. Marcus moved his hand around hers and made her drop the heel on the floor and lifted her ankle placing it on his desk as he leaned back in his chair. She quickly put her other foot onto his desk and nestled in his arms, sighing.

“Better?” Marcus asked her after a while, tracing circles on her thigh.

“Yeah,” Nessa closed her eyes and relaxed in his arms.

“You were in my study,” he started pointing at the post-it.

“I forgot about the mindlink,” Nessa replied, started playing with his large palm, trailing down her fingers over his skin. He lazily looked at her. Her palm was one-third of the size of his. He smirked.

“You wrote me a post-it…. And sat on my chair!” Marcus prompted and then confessed, “Having to meet with old bats when you have a hard on for your wixen of a mate is very hard!”

“Serves the big bad wolf right for leaving me alone in bed on a Sunday,” Nessa exclaimed. He pressed his fingers to her sides and tickled her until she was breathless again. It never seemed to amaze him how comfortable she was with him. She was making it seem like a great offense that he let her catch her sleep. He knew for a fact that she loved sleeping till late. He could never figure out until it was too late if she was joking or actually scolding him.

“If I had stayed, we would have gone for round five,” Marcus smirked as she blushed again in his arms. “I am simply that good of an Alpha, planning my day around my mate’s sleep!”

“Yeah, and a very modest one!” Nessa giggled in his arms.

“What can I say? Alpha’s are very considerate and have big stamina!” Marcus pressed and smirked as her cheeks flushed even brighter shade of red. “I know, you’re speechless! I would be too, if I had me! Oh, wait, I am me!”

She lifted her hand and swatted his lips gently to make him stop talking. He quickly snatched her fingers in between his lips and kissed her hand. Her smug smile gave it all away that she was enjoying the moment. Now that they had both relaxed into each other’s touch, he knew he had to ask her.

“What happened?”

It was obvious that she was frustrated to have her wolf trying to break through. Something also must have unsettled her for Nes to lose control of her wolf.

“I think I might have been rude to a visiting Alpha,” Nessa started cautiously.

“You think?” Marcus chuckled and she playfully slapped his cheek. He started wondering if it was Stevens or Brandon’s head he needed to sever.

“I don’t know why all of the sudden Brandon is so hung up on me,“ Nessa started and Marcus growled. So it was the pup. “Have I told you that I kind of find your possessiveness oddly attractive?”

“How attractive?” Marcus prompted.

“Very,” Nessa smirked at his lustful grin.

“Do I need to kill him?”

“He has a family. Plus he is more annoying, than anything,” Nessa said and started playing with Marcus’ hair. “You know he tried to blame the Council for the way he ended things. Such a whiny Wessel!”

Marcus laughed at her comparison. He couldn’t agree more. She looked at him offended.

“It’s true! They actually wanted you to hook up with Juliet!”

“As if that would have ever happened,” Marcus huffed and clasped his hands over her waist and then softly stroked her belly. Would it be too soon to start talking about kids? He simply couldn’t wait to see her belly swell with his pup.

“Oh, you should read the transcript,” Nessa giggled and then reached over the table and pulled the folder Travis left on his desk. Marcus trailed his fingers under her shirt and once she settled back into his arms, he grinned and hooked a finger on her jeans. She handed him a folder and expectedly waited for him to open it. Marcus did as he was expected and his eyes scanned through the pages. The Elder’s Council meeting. The very same transcript he needed for his investigation. And his beautiful mate had it all but handed down to her by no other than the prime suspect.

“You partially shifted because of it. Talk to me,” Marcus asked and caught her off guard.

“I couldn’t believe he would do something like this. I wanted to kill him at first, but then I reconsidered. He screwed up, but I kind of love him despite everything…” Nessa sighed and felt Marcus stiffing his posture.

“What’s wrong?”

“YOU ARE MY MATE,” Marcus roared at her and embraced her into a bone crushing hug as she was sitting in his lap. His eyes shifted and dared her to defy him. Nessa’s eyes widen at the aggression that was clearly written on his face. “YOU BEAR MY MARK,” he growled at her waiting for her reaction. She quickly shifted, exposing her neck to him. “YOU ARE MINE!”

“I am yours,” Nessa slowly said and glanced at him as his canines retracted. His breathing normalized, she moved her eyes on his. Cold, expressionless, calculating.


“Nonsense,” Nessa said and as his eyes changed color again, she quickly pushed past his restricting arms and placed her hands on his cheeks “Alex stays alive!”

“WHAT?” Marcus awkwardly asked.

“He’s your brother-in-law! I won’t explain to my parents why my Choice mate mauled my brother over my true mate. Hell, they don’t even know about Brandon,” Nessa exclaimed only to have him start laughing at her, shaking his head. It was official, her bipolar mate had finally lost it.

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