The Contrary Mate
53 Belong


Jack showed me around his parents’ home. His mother had converted his childhood bedroom into an office, but he described what it had been like when he had been younger. His sister’s room had been turned into a guest bedroom, and I didn’t fail to notice the hitch in my mate’s voice as he showed it to me.

“She wouldn’t have wanted us to stop living though,” he explained. “So we didn’t.”

Despite that bit of sadness, I did enjoy my time with Jack and his family and relaxed between celebrations. Jack’s mother bullied him into sitting on the floor with the baby, while she went and got everyone drinks. He wasn’t quite comfortable doing it, and I found that very cute.

He inspected little Nadia like she was a puzzle to be figured out. “I have to admit, you do make a cute small person,” Jack commented to Vander. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Vander chuckled. “I just contributed half the blueprints. Kylie did all the work.”

Nadia grabbed one of Jack’s fingers and popped it in her mouth.

“Ow!” I laughed a bit at the sight of Jack rescuing his finger from the baby. Once free, he shook it with a humorously suspicious look at the tiny werewolf.

“Yeah, she’s a biter,” Vander agreed with an amused shrug.

“Seriously you’re going to have to watch out for this one. Her teeth are sharp.” Jack handed the baby back to his friend.

“More like the world is going to have to watch out for her.” Vander and Kylie both chuckled and Jack made a jokingly fearful expression. I laughed. Maybe it was too early, but I began to imagine just what our babies would look like if we had some. Would they get his mundane pigmentation so that they could merge seamlessly amongst the humans, or would they get a hint of the turquoise in my hair and need to hide their supernatural heritage? Would they have my wings? Jack’s wolf? My magic? His strength? Some combination of our abilities?

Whatever they looked like or whatever their abilities, I suddenly realized that I did want to try for them. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but at some point in the future. There were no guarantees in our relationship, but I’d talk to Jack about it later.

But for now, we had to leave our brief respite and join the main celebration because Jack’s mother was herding us out of the door and towards the pack meeting hall, that was decorated to celebrate both couples, and the full moon, a multipurpose celebration. I was glad we weren’t the sole focal point of the night. Jack held my hand, and I didn’t think I’d ever get tired of the connection between us. It was as solid and real as if it had always been there, so how could it only have been a couple of months since I met him? Maybe we were moving at werewolf speed.

As we entered, my mate was a source of confidence for me. He hid his small vulnerabilities well and the fact that I knew things other people did not made my heart feel warm as we were engulfed again by the crowd. The afternoon and early evening went by with feasting and dancing, and there were games set up outside for the younger members, and contests of strength and skill for the adults, although it was all good natured. My parents, Aunt Fern and Lark also came, and seemed to enjoy themselves, meeting my new in-laws, although my mom did seem to be a bit overwhelmed by the raucous wolves around her.

Still, it was enjoyable. My aunt and my dad stayed until the start of the run to see me join the pack. My mother took Lark home to sleep, although truthfully I believed it was an excuse because the idea of a pack of wolves made her nervous. Lark protested loudly, and was only pacified when Jack said that she was welcome to see the pack run when she was older.

I was still in the pretty dress I had worn to join with Jack earlier that day, a lifetime ago. Jack led me to a clearing where Greyclaw was assembled, easily more than a hundred wolves, most still in their human forms, although a few were already shifted, the adults with their muzzles pointed in the direction of the alpha, the smaller wolves practically vibrating with excitement and not nearly so attentive as their elders. They were cute, and I wondered if the three rambunctious boys from Jack’s pool were among their number.

Jack led me to stand in front of the alpha. I apparently got the privilege of going first since Lys would be higher ranked than me, since Jack only held the title of warrior. I wished it was the other way, not because I had any desire to be a ranking female, but because I would have liked to see someone else join the pack first.

I was calm though, because Jack was beside me radiating calm and strength, probably through our bond. I’d noticed that I could often feel his emotions more when I was nervous, and I was fairly sure that it was because he was doing it intentionally.

The alpha spoke clearly, “Aura Darrow, do you wish to join Greyclaw as a member of our pack, as close as friend and kin?”

I agreed as I extended my hand in his direction, and he sliced my hand with the knife, and I grasped hands with both him and then the luna as I had been instructed. Of all the things I might have imagined in my life, I had never believed that I might end up as a part of a werewolf pack, but the rush of connection to the alpha pair, and then the rest of the pack hit me. It was a bit shocking to be able to feel so many people around me similar to how I had been able to feel Jack since he had marked me, but it wasn’t a bad thing, in fact, it felt nice. I felt very accepted, Jack had not lied about the way his pack would respond to a fae.

He led me back a bit, and then it was Lys’s turn. She looked nothing but excited, and eagerly held her hand out to her new alpha when it was time. She did the same as I had, and she grinned and practically threw herself into the delta’s arms and he caught her with just as much enthusiasm. I glanced at Jack and he smiled and wrapped his arms around me securely.

The alpha and luna shifted, and most of the pack followed. I glanced at Jack. “Don’t you need to shift, too?”

“I do,” he agreed. “But one more second with you first.”

I kissed him, and he began to strip off his clothing. I didn’t like him doing it with other females around, but no one seemed to be paying him any mind so I relaxed. I noticed my dad and aunt flying over from the corner of my eye, so I released my wings and joined them in the air.

“Congratulations on joining the pack, but your aunt and I are going to clear out now,” my dad said, catching me for a hug in midair.

My aunt nodded in agreement. “Yes, congratulations dear girl, and your mother said to give you hers as well. Lark was too busy pouting to ask me to give hers.”

I just laughed and bid them goodnight. They flew off, and I turned in the opposite direction and followed my mate and pack. They had a slight head start on me, but it was easy to catch up to them on wing.

“You’re really fast.” Lys commented, her voice in my head. I looked around for her for a moment, before realizing I didn’t know what her wolf looked like even if she was close enough for me to spot with the dim light I had conjured. I could make out some wild shapes in the darkness by the light of the moon, but other than Jack I had no means to distinguish them from one another, and only Jack because his wolf was so light and familiar to me.

I gave up and just followed Jack, keeping myself well above the level that wolves could reach. They might be my pack now, but they were still way stronger than I was, and Jack was the only one who I knew could never bring himself to hurt me. I was sure the others wouldn’t, at least not intentionally under normal circumstances, but I saw no reason to take a risk.

“Why do you feel nervous?” Jack asked.

“I’m not really nervous. Just very aware that I am quite a bit weaker than a werewolf.”

“Come down here,” he said, and I listened in spite of the fact I wasn’t entirely certain it was a good idea. Landing on the ground next to him, his light grey wolf visible in the light of the moon, he came up to me and brushed himself along me. “You belong to me, now, and secondly to the pack. They would protect you if ever you needed it. You’re their fae now.”

I nodded and let his certainty seep into me.

“Come on, mate. I’ll give you a ride.”

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