The Dawn of Malice
Chapter 32

Into The Depths, We Crawl

In the heart of the City of Verdania, within the venerable walls of the Civic Athenaeum, Lucian’s restless sleep was broken by the cold fingers of the morning. His body protested as he shifted on the hard cot nestled within the small alcove. Aching muscles and sore joints were the unwelcome aftermath of days spent on horseback, racing across unforgiving terrain.

As he slowly rose from the cot, Lucian’s gaze fell upon the ancient stone walls of the Civic Athenaeum, its vast library and towering spires serving as a testament to the knowledge and wisdom it held. Despite his discomfort, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe in the presence of such a place.

Descending the stairway with a determined stride, Lucian was greeted by the figure of Erasmus. The old wizard’s eyes held a weariness that mirrored Lucian’s own, and yet there was an underlying strength that shone through. Erasmus offered a rueful smile as he approached, his voice carrying a tinge of apology.

“I’m afraid our accommodations are far from luxurious, my dear Lucian,” he said, his voice a mix of apology and understanding. “The city is stretched thin as it is, and I fear this is the best we can offer.”

“No need for apologies, Erasmus.” Lucian quickly shook his head, a grateful smile crossing his lips. “I am more than grateful for a roof over my head. I only wish I could do more, had I not exhausted myself and pushed myself away from the verge of death, then perhaps I could use my abilities to raise another undead army.”

“That will not be necessary, my friend” Erasmus gave Lucian a weary smile. “I have already set in motion our means of survival. Please, find a meal for yourself as I must tend to other matters. You look as if you need a good meal and some rest.”

Lucian nodded in agreement as the night had been tumultuous, explosions and tremors shaking the very foundation of the city. The Laresian siege was unrelenting, a storm of chaos and destruction that threatened to consume them all. Yet, even as the city quaked and the air was filled with the sounds of war, the walls of the Civic Athenaeum stood steadfast. The magic that had been woven into every brick, every stone, repelled the onslaught of cannon and trebuchet fire.

Lucian’s steps led him to the commissary, where he grabbed a small loaf of bread to quell the gnawing hunger in his stomach. The atmosphere within the Civic Athenaeum was one of urgency and determination. Wizards and scholars huddled together in the war room, maps and scrolls spread out before them.

As Lucian entered the war room, he was met with a cacophony of voices, each one offering strategies and suggestions for the defense of the city. Tensions ran high as debates erupted, some arguing for the abandonment of Verdania, while others fervently believed in standing their ground and fighting.

Erasmus’s commanding presence silenced the room, his voice carrying a weight that demanded attention. “Enough,” he said, his tone firm but not unkind. “We are at a crossroads, my friends. We must decide the fate of this city and the lives of its citizens.”

All eyes turned to the old wizard, and Lucian felt a surge of respect for the man who had guided them thus far. Erasmus’s gaze swept across the room – his voice unwavering as he outlined his plan.

“We will hold this city for another week,” Erasmus declared, his words resonating with a sense of determination that stirred the hearts of those present. “We will wait for reinforcements from Serendell and Carmarthen. If they arrive, we stand a chance. If not...” His voice trailed off, the unspoken implications hanging heavily in the air. Lucian’s fingers tightened around the bread in his hand. The weight of the decision ahead was palpable, the uncertainty of their future a heavy burden to bear.

“Come,” Erasmus said to the council, “I must show you something of great importance.”

Lucian followed Erasmus and the council of wizards to the concave-shaped roof of the Civic Athenaeum. As they ascended the winding staircase, anticipation fluttered within Lucian’s chest. He had heard whispers of the grand plan that Erasmus had in mind, but nothing could have prepared him for the sight that awaited atop the storied institution.

Upon reaching the rooftop, Lucian’s breath caught in his throat. Before him stood an airship of unparalleled magnificence. Its sleek hull and intricate designs left him in awe, and he could hardly believe his eyes. The airship’s size was staggering, a testament to the engineering marvels that were possible.

Erasmus stood at the forefront of the council, his presence commanding attention. His voice, though weary from the sleepless nights and the weight of responsibility, held an unwavering strength as he addressed his fellow wizards.

“My friends,” Erasmus began, his gaze sweeping over the council members gathered before him. “This airship was built by Ryker and was purposefully concealed here upon the roof of the Civic Athenaeum to avoid prying eyes. It is with great regret that I ignored the whispers of the Laresian invasion. Had it not been for the insistence of Ryker, we would not have had an escape from our dire situation. This is our beacon of hope in these dire times.”

Lucian’s attention was rapt as Erasmus continued to explain the ship’s purpose. The concave shape of the Civic Athenaeum’s roof was not only a testament to architectural ingenuity, but it also served a strategic purpose. It provided the perfect cover to hide the airship from prying eyes, shielding it from the Laresian invaders who threatened the city’s very existence.

As Erasmus spoke, Lucian couldn’t help but be moved by the old wizard’s dedication to the safety and well-being of the citizens of Verdania. The plan was meticulous and divided into two stages. If the siege persisted, and rations grew scarce, the people of Verdania would be evacuated. The first stage would see the children and vulnerable members of the population taken to safety via the airship, their lives prioritized above all else.

A murmur of discontented voices erupted among the council, the air heavy with apprehension and skepticism. The argument swirled around the preservation of knowledge – the very essence of the Civic Athenaeum – and whether it should take precedence over the lives of the citizens.

Erasmus’s eyes held a steely resolve as he countered their concerns. “Our duty to preserve knowledge is indeed sacred,” he conceded, “but knowledge without a future is a hollow victory. We must safeguard both our heritage and the generations to come.”

Lucian felt a surge of determination welling up within him. He stepped forward, his voice unyielding. “Enough of this bickering,” he declared, his words ringing out with authority. “You speak of knowledge and heritage, yet you forget that it is the next generation – the children – who are the true custodians of our legacy.”

His gaze swept over the council, his eyes locking with those of the dissenters. “You are blinded by your greed, consumed by the desire to hoard knowledge. But what good is knowledge if there is no one left to learn from it? We must ensure the survival of our city and its people, for they are the living embodiment of our ideals.”

The council fell into a stunned silence, the weight of Lucian’s words hanging heavily in the air. Erasmus’s eyes bore into Lucian’s, a mixture of pride and gratitude shining within their depths. Slowly, the murmur of discontent subsided, replaced by a begrudging acceptance.

Erasmus nodded, his voice carrying a solemn wisdom. “Lucian is right. We must consider the needs of the many over the desires of the few. Our legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of our descendants, and it is they who will carry forward the torch of knowledge.”

The City of Verdania, once a beacon of knowledge and enlightenment, now stood shrouded in an atmosphere of tension and uncertainty. Lucian’s footsteps echoed softly through the hallowed halls of the Civic Athenaeum – the weight of the impending decision heavy on his shoulders. The week that Erasmus had given them was ending, and with it came the realization that their time within the protective walls of the city was running out.

Outside, the Laresian army’s camp sprawled like a dark stain against the pristine landscape. Lucian could almost feel their presence, the relentless anticipation that hung in the air as if the very earth held its breath. The promise of dwindling rations and the desperation of a prolonged siege loomed over them like a specter, a constant reminder of their vulnerability.

As Lucian moved through the Civic Athenaeum, the sounds of raised voices and heated arguments reached his ears. The citizens of Verdania, once unified by their pursuit of knowledge, now found themselves divided by fear and uncertainty. Lucian’s heart ached as he witnessed the fractures that had begun to form within their once-harmonious community.

Amidst the turmoil, a distant roar cut through the clamor, capturing Lucian’s attention. He turned his gaze toward the source of the sound, his eyes widening in awe as he watched Erasmus’s airship ascend into the sky. The vessel’s graceful ascent seemed to defy the very gravity that held them bound, and Lucian felt a surge of dread rise within him.

Without hesitation, Lucian ran through the Civic Athenaeum finding and then following Erasmus and the council of wizards lead, their hurried footsteps carrying them up the spiraling staircases of the Civic Athenaeum. As they burst onto the rooftop, the biting wind struck Lucian’s face, ruffling his hair, and stinging his cheeks. His breath caught in his throat as he took in the breathtaking sight before him.

Erasmus stood at the edge of the rooftop – his gaze fixed on the airborne vessel. Lucian approached, a mix of curiosity, anticipation, and dread coursing through his veins. “Erasmus, what is the meaning of this?” he asked, his voice tinged with a mixture of wonder and uncertainty.

Erasmus turned to Lucian, his eyes holding a glint of determination. “I had planned this all along,” he replied, his tone confident and resolute.

“The Civic Athenaeum,” Erasmus’s voice crackled with restrained anger, “was meant to be a sanctuary, a place where knowledge and camaraderie thrived. And now...”

Erasmus’s eyes met Lucian’s, a reflection of his turmoil. “Now it has been infiltrated by those who seek to undermine our unity.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Lucian’s gaze was fixed on Erasmus, the wizard’s figure commanding attention. He addressed the council before him. And as Lucian listened, Erasmus’s words wove a web of intrigue and revelation, unraveling the truth behind their recent trials and tribulations.

“The traitor was Professor Staunton…” Erasmus began “She sold information to the Laresians to receive amnesty and acceptance into their territories. As of today, she has officially defected to the Laresian army.”

The revelation struck like a bolt of lightning, illuminating the shadows that had lingered in the corners of those present on the roof of the Civic Athenaeum. A traitor, someone within their very walls, had betrayed them, leading the assassins who had stolen Caspian and Professor Aldridge from them. The weight of anger and betrayal coursed through their veins, mingling with a fierce determination to see justice served.

Lucian’s breath came in short, sharp bursts, his chest rising and falling with the intensity of his emotions. The once serene atmosphere of the Civic Athenaeum, a bastion of knowledge and unity, was now tainted by the stain of treachery. His fists clenched at his sides, knuckles pale against the storm of his thoughts.

“And what of the airship?” A wizard called out from the crowd, his words were edged with curiosity, his anger momentarily tempered by intrigue.

Erasmus’s lips curled into a wry smile. “The airship,” he began, his voice a quiet declaration of triumph, “served as a ruse—a clever distraction that lured the traitor’s attention away from our true escape route. Professor Staunton will join the Laresian army, along with explosive flame crystals I had set to explode upon her landing the airship.”

Lucian’s brow furrowed, his mind working to decipher Erasmus’s words. “The sewers,” he murmured, a realization dawning upon him. “You’ll use the sewers to lead us away from their pursuit.” he then exclaimed.

Erasmus nodded – his gaze unwavering. “Indeed. The hidden network of sewers beneath our city offers a path of escape that the traitor did not anticipate.”

Erasmus’s voice held a somber weight as he spoke, his eyes piercing through the gathered council of wizards. Lucian felt a chill run down his spine, a shiver of understanding as the pieces of a puzzle long shrouded in mystery began to fall into place. The airship, the elaborate charade – it had all been part of a grand strategy, a scheme to expose a traitor hidden among their ranks.

“When the explosions start, we abandon Verdania and proceed to the verdant forest. Ryker’s larger and more accommodating airship lies within. Gather everyone and have them enter the sewers. I will be with you shortly.”

Erasmus’s words hung heavy in the air, resonating with a mixture of condemnation and resolve. “I could never forgive the fool who brought devastation into our city,” he proclaimed, his voice carrying the weight of his convictions.

Lucian’s fists slowly relaxed, his fingers uncurling as he stared at the ground before him. The Civic Athenaeum might have been violated, but their spirit remained unbroken. With Erasmus’s leadership and their shared determination, they had a chance to mend the bonds that had been frayed.

Erasmus approached Lucian and clasped his shoulders. The old wizard’s smile grew, a glint of hope in his eyes. “Together, we’ll escape the clutches of the Laresian empire.”

As they stood amidst the echoes of betrayal, a sense of unity bloomed—a beacon of light in the darkness that had been cast over their once sacred sanctuary. With a final nod, Erasmus and Lucian moved as one, their resolve fueling each step as they left the rooftop behind. The journey through the sewers awaited, a path fraught with a new set of challenges and uncertainties.

The cold morning air clung to Lucian’s skin as he and Erasmus ventured into the heart of the once-bustling city of Verdania. The desolate streets, usually alive with the vibrant energy of their inhabitants, now stood eerily empty, the silence broken only by the distant echoes of turmoil. Lucian’s heart clenched at the sight, his steps carrying a weight of urgency and purpose.

Side by side, Lucian and Erasmus strode forward, their footsteps echoing in the hollow streets. The deserted cityscape sprawled around them, a silent testament to the upheaval that had torn through Verdania. Their voices cut through the stillness, a call to any souls who might still be seeking shelter or solace.

Lucian’s gaze swept over the surroundings – his eyes sharp with determination as he scanned for any signs of life. The weight of their mission bore down on him, the responsibility heavy on his shoulders. It was a race against time, a desperate attempt to reach out to those who might still be lingering, seeking refuge amidst the chaos.

“Is anyone there?” Erasmus’s voice carried a sense of urgency, his words reaching out to the unseen, to those who might be listening from the shadows.

Lucian’s heart pounded within his chest as they continued on their path, their steps measured and purposeful. The winding streets seemed to stretch endlessly before them, each turn revealing a new expanse of emptiness. But they pressed on, their determination unwavering.

With each step, the urgency heightened, their voices carrying through the stillness as they urged any stragglers to make their way to the Civic Athenaeum. The weight of their mission bore down upon them, a sense of responsibility that left no room for hesitation. They pushed forward, determined to ensure that no soul was left behind.

As they reentered the grand halls of the Civic Athenaeum, Lucian’s pulse quickened. The magnitude of their task became even more apparent as they moved through the hallways, checking every corner and room to ensure that no one had been overlooked. The sense of urgency hung in the air, a palpable tension that spurred them onward.

Finally, satisfied that the Civic Athenaeum was empty, Lucian and Erasmus exchanged a brief, meaningful glance. They shared a silent affirmation of their commitment to the people they had sworn to protect. As they made their way to the rooftop, the rumbling of engines grew louder, and the ominous presence of the airship carrying the traitor loomed large.

The world seemed to hold its breath as the airship touched down, a moment pregnant with anticipation. But before the traitor could carry out their sinister plans, a deafening explosion shattered the silence, sending shockwaves through the earth. Lucian’s heart pounded in his chest as the ground trembled beneath him, the force of the blast setting the exodus into motion.

In the chaos that followed, the people of Verdania streamed into the sewers, their steps fueled by fear and determination. Lucian’s mind raced as he watched the exodus unfold, his heart heavy with a mix of emotions. The explosion had served as a rallying cry, a call to action that had united them all in their shared quest for survival.

With one final glance back at the Civic Athenaeum, Lucian joined the rushing tide of people, his steps carrying him into the depths of the sewers.

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