The Dawn of Malice
Chapter 33


The early morning sunlight filtered through the trees, casting a warm glow over the hamlet. Elaine sat on a makeshift wooden stool – a stack of parchment papers laid out before her. Her brow furrowed with concern as she studied the development plan submitted by the Marquis of Vigornia. She had expected better, especially when it came to the building of the Hamlet of Liliosa.

Her finger traced over the lines on the parchment, her mind already racing with ideas on how to improve the plan. She had a vision for Liliosa, one that would make it a thriving community for the refugees. However, as she continued to read, she grew increasingly upset at the lack of thought and consideration put into the proposal.

“This is simply unacceptable,” Elaine muttered to herself, frustration evident in her voice. “The people of Liliosa deserve better than this.”

Just as she was about to rise from her seat to demand an audience with the Marquis of Vigornia and express her concerns, Duchess Caroline approached, her regal presence casting a shadow over the table. Elaine hesitated for a moment, knowing that her grandmother had a commanding presence and was not easily swayed.

“Elaine, my dear,” Caroline said in a calm but authoritative tone, “I understand your frustration, but it’s important to approach this situation with diplomacy and tact.”

Elaine took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. “I know, Grandmother,” she replied, “but Liliosa was my home, and I want to make sure that we build a home built with care and consideration for the people who’ve suffered so much.”

The Duchess called forth a guard posted outside of Elaine’s makeshift office and as he approached he bowed his head in respect. “Call for Edmund, tell him we wish to speak with him.”

“Yes. Milady” The guard stood straight and walked out hurriedly.

Caroline looked at Elaine and spoke, “I may not have shared your sentiments in the past, my dear. But I do now, we will speak with the Marquis’s son. But remember, diplomacy is a valuable skill, especially when dealing with other nobles.”

Before Elaine could respond, she was interrupted by the arrival of a young man, elegantly dressed in noble attire. It was the Marquis’s son, Edmund, who had been present at the hamlet overseeing the work being done.

“We,” Duchess Caroline began, “are not happy with the plans put forth by your father, Edmund.”

“Apologies, Your Grace,” Edmund said with a bow, “I must speak on behalf of my father. We deeply regret the oversight in the development plan and wish to offer our apologies to you and Lady Elaine.” Edmund made his way to the table and stared intently at the papers before him. Elaine’s brow furrowed as the young nobleman invaded her personal space without asking.

“I see…” Edmund finally said rubbing his chin, “These plans you’ve received must not be the plans my father put forth. These are drafts of the development plan.”

Though irritated by the inconsiderate nobleman, Elaine’s heart softened slightly at the genuine remorse in Edmund’s voice. She nodded and replied, “I appreciate the sentiment, Lord Edmund. I merely want what’s best for the refugees of Liliosa and its people.”

Edmund smiled kindly. “I understand, Lady Elaine. I assure you – my father will make amends and work with you to create a plan that is fitting for the people of Liliosa. But first, I must ask forgiveness for my father’s earlier slight during the banquet at your estate. He was quite inebriated at the time and was not at his normal level-headedness. But should you allow us to host you this evening then my father would personally ask for forgiveness.”

Elaine gave a small nod of approval. “I will meet with your father then. Thank you.”

“We of the Valquiris family are grateful, Lady Elaine.” Edmund took a small bow and turned to Duchess Caroline. “I must take my leave for now and be ready for dinner. I hope to see you tonight as well Duchess Caroline.”

“Yes,” Duchess Caroline replied smiling, “We will see you at dinner.”

As Edmund took his leave, Elaine turned her attention back to the development plan. Her anger had subsided, replaced with a determination to ensure that Liliosa received the care and attention it deserved. She knew that working with the Marquis would not be easy, but she was ready to face any challenges that lay ahead to achieve her vision for the hamlet.

When night fell, Elaine, Marseille, Duchess Caroline, Edith, and a patrol of guards made their way to the Marquis’s estate. They’d made the travel despite the encroaching darkness to quicken the planning stage of the development plan. Elaine’s heart pounded in her chest as the Marquis’s son, Edmund, greeted them at the entrance of the estate. Her instincts were on high alert, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. She glanced at Marseille, who had stepped in front of her protectively, his hand on the hilt of his sword.

“Why are you stopping us, father?” Elaine asked in a hushed tone, her eyes never leaving Edmund’s gaze.

“I don’t trust this situation, Elaine,” Marseille whispered back, his voice filled with concern. “The staff of the estate seem on edge, and their eyes are darting for the door as if they want to escape.”

Elaine’s heart sank. Marseille’s intuition had rarely been wrong. She signaled her guards to be on alert, and they unsheathed their swords in response. The tension in the grand hall grew palpable as the atmosphere thickened with impending danger.

Before Elaine could speak further, the peaceful facade of the estate shattered as dozens of armed guards swarmed into the grand hall. Their presence seemed to emerge from every corner, and Elaine’s eyes widened with shock. Her heart pounded in her ears as she saw the Marquis himself standing at the top of the grand stairway, a malicious grin plastered across his face.

“Well, well, well,” the Marquis chuckled, his voice dripping with arrogance. “It seems I have some unexpected guests today. How delightful.”

Elaine’s mind raced, trying to think of a way out of this perilous situation. Marseille moved protectively closer to her side, ready to defend his daughter with his life.

“Why have you done this?” Duchess Caroline demanded, trying to keep her voice steady despite the fear bubbling within her.

The Marquis descended the stairway with an air of superiority. “Isn’t it obvious, my dear Duchess Caroline?” he sneered. “I have grown tired of your granddaughter’s pitiful attempts to aid those refugees. I see an opportunity to eliminate competition and make the Valquiris family move up in the royal ranks in the process. How does Duke Eulysis Valquiris sound?”

Elaine’s blood ran cold as she realized the gravity of the situation. Marseille’s grip tightened on his sword, and he glanced at Elaine, determination burning in his eyes. “We won’t go down without a fight,” he said resolutely.

Elaine nodded, steeling herself for what was to come. She knew that the odds were stacked against them, but she would not give up without a struggle. As the guards closed in around them, Elaine prepared to defend herself and those she held dear, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in this dangerous game of survival. Soon the Marquis spoke, and Elaine felt a chill run down her spine as the traitor gloated.

“You and your grandmother are naïve.” the Marquis said, “When you die, everything you own becomes mine. The refugees will be killed to stave off the famine they have caused our province, while I sell the rations to the Laresian army. They’ll grant me amnesty and the title of Duke of Caernarfon as they push further into the capital. And with every city they conquer – I get a share.”

His words sent shivers down Elaine’s spine, and she felt a surge of anger at the audacity of his betrayal. The safety of her people, her family, and the future of Caernarfon were all at stake, and she knew she had to act quickly.

As the Marquis boasted about his intentions, Elaine’s mind raced, trying to find a way to turn the tables on him and protect her loved ones. She knew that time was of the essence, and she couldn’t let the Marquis succeed in his sinister scheme.

Marseille and their guards stood strong, their weapons ready, but they were outnumbered by the Marquis’s forces. Still, Elaine knew that they couldn’t give up without a fight. She had seen her companions’ bravery and determination countless times, and she drew strength from their unwavering loyalty.

Elaine ducked for a moment, pulling the stiletto knife she kept hidden in her lower leg. Gripping the blade tightly in her hand, Elaine took a step forward, her gaze unwavering as she faced the Marquis. “You will not get away with this,” she declared, her voice firm and resolute. “Your treachery and greed will not go unpunished. The people will see through your lies, and justice will prevail.”

Edmund sneered, his eyes glinting with malice. “Oh, my dear, you underestimate my influence and power,” he replied, his tone mocking. “The people will believe what I want them to believe, and they will see you and your refugees as nothing more than invaders, here to steal our lands and riches.”

Elaine’s blood boiled at the traitor’s words, but she refused to let fear consume her. She knew that her strength lay in the truth and the trust she had earned from her people. She had worked tirelessly to protect and support the refugees, and she would not let the traitorous Marquis and his son tarnish their reputation.

As the Marquis’s forces closed in, Elaine’s mind raced, searching for a way to escape the trap they had been lured into. She couldn’t allow herself or her companions to fall into the clutches of the Marquis and his lies.

As the tension in the hall reached its peak, Elaine took a deep breath, her resolve firm. She knew that they had to be clever and courageous to outmaneuver the Marquis and his deceitful plans. Elaine’s heart pounded in her chest as chaos erupted around her.

The grand hall of the Marquis of Vigornia’s estate became a battlefield, and the clash of swords and the cries of warriors filled the air. Guards from both sides fell to the ground, their lives taken by the violence that surrounded them.

Marseille fought with fierce determination, his sword dancing in the air as he defended against the Marquis’s forces. The guards under his command fought valiantly, but they were outnumbered, and the tide seemed to be turning against them.

Edith, the young girl with a heart full of bravery, stood tall in front of Duchess Caroline. Her small frame seemed almost insignificant compared to the towering guards that closed in on them, but her dagger was held steady, and her eyes were ablaze with fury.

Elaine felt a surge of pride for the young girl, but she also knew they were in grave danger. The Marquis’s attack was relentless, and their situation was dire.

Summoning her strength, Elaine called upon her powers, and the winds responded to her command. Gusts of air swirled around them, pushing back their attackers, and creating a moment of respite.

But as Elaine glanced at Edith, her heart sank. The young girl’s face was pale, and she was struggling to maintain her stance. Edith managed to utter a few words, but her voice was weak and strained.

“I... I’m not feeling well,” Edith said, her voice trembling as she coughed up blood.

Elaine’s worry for Edith grew, but there was no time to dwell on it. The Marquis’s forces were regrouping, and they needed to find a way out.

Just as hope seemed to be slipping away, a burst of magic surged through the air, stunning both friend and foe. The world around Elaine seemed to slow down as she witnessed the incredible display of power unfolding before her. Edith, the young girl she had come to care for as a sister, was now suspended in mid-air, her eyes blazing with an emerald light. The winds continued to swirl around them, carrying the scent of burning wood and the acrid smell of magic.

A torrent of fire erupted from Edith’s outstretched hands, engulfing their attackers in a blaze of green flames. The Marquis’s forces screamed in agony as they were consumed by the inferno, their armor melting away and their bodies turning to ash.

Elaine’s heart pounded in her chest, torn between awe and fear at the sight before her. She hadn’t known that Edith was Edwardian, she did not have the tell-tale signs of blue eyes and golden hair. but this display of power surpassed anything she could have imagined.

As the last of the attackers fell to the ground, Elaine saw Edith slowly descend back to the floor, her eyes returning to their usual brown color. But the look in Edith’s eyes was different now, filled with a mix of fear and wonder at what she had just done.

Marseille, too, looked stunned, his grip on his daughter’s shoulder loosening. “What... what just happened?” he stammered, his eyes never leaving Edith.

“I don’t know,” Elaine replied, her voice barely above a whisper. “It was like she tapped into something... something beyond herself. It happened to me too, when mother died, and again when I was taken to grandmother and grandfather.”

Duchess Caroline, who had been shielded by Edith throughout the chaos, stepped forward with a mixture of concern and awe in her eyes. “Edith, are you all right, my dear?” she asked, her voice filled with tenderness.

Edith’s hands trembled as she clutched her dagger, her gaze still fixed on the smoldering remains of their attackers. “I-I think so,” she said, her voice shaking. “I... I didn’t mean to do that. It just... happened.”

Elaine approached Edith cautiously, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay,” she said gently. “Whatever just happened, we’ll figure it out together. You’re safe now.”

But even as she spoke, Elaine couldn’t shake the feeling that something had changed. Edith’s display of power had been extraordinary, and it raised many questions about the young girl’s abilities and her connection to the magical forces that permeated their world. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

As the adrenaline from the battle began to ebb away, Elaine felt a deep sense of foreboding settling over her. They had survived the ambush, but at what cost? And what did Edith’s newfound power mean for their journey ahead?

“Are the pests extinguished?” The voice of the Marquis echoed from the grand hall.

The moon had begun to rise above the horizon, darkness over the now quiet grand hall when Elaine and the remainder of her party emerged from the darkness. The scent of burning bodies still hung in the air, a lingering reminder of the chaos that had unfolded just moments before. The Marquis and his son stood midway on the ornate stairway when Elaine caught his terrified eye.

Marseille grabbed at the closest weapon near him and ran up the stairway, the Marquis tripping and falling in his attempt to escape. Marseille side-stepped the falling nobleman and rammed his blade through the chest of the nobleman’s fleeing son. Elaine then stood over the Marquis as he begged for mercy. But without another thought, she plunged her stiletto through his throat, happy to be done with the traitor. Blood splattered on the banisters and the stairway cascaded blood.

“You didn’t have to get your hands dirty, Elaine,” Marseille said.

Elaine looked at her father with a blank expression. “I do what I must, father.” And with that, she led her party through the estate’s doors and walked into the night.

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