Chapter 59 

Jacob immediately sat up straight and grabbed Aurelia’s hand. His hands were scorching hot

However, his words wem somewhat cold, completely opposite to his body temperature

Aurelia, are you implying that I can do as i please?” 

Mr. Miller, are you still hesitating? It appears that I misunderstood. I thought you’d made your decision in the private room earlier 

Aurelia, has anyone ever told you that you’re overly eloquent?” 

No. Mr. Miller, you are the first so far!” 

Aurelia gave a faint smile and drew her hand back, but it didn’t budge on the first try. On the second try, she effortlessly pulled it out and resumed what she hadn’t finished earlier. She began to remove his shoes, socks, and slippers before putting on slippers for him

You don’t have to do these things. Just because of your relationship with Hayden, I won’t force you if you’re unwilling. After all, I, Jacob, have never been short of women!” 

Jacob sat motionless and watched her as if she were a submissive maid or perhaps the most qualified lover, changing his shoes

Since she was bowing her head, he couldn’t clearly see her subtle facial expressions. As she remained absorbed in her task, he could only catch a glimpse of her snowwhite and radiant forehead, as well as her focused and elegant appearance

Seeing that, he couldn’t help but admire her. She exuded various kinds of sex appeal whether she was still or in motion. That sensation was truly unique to him

Even though she was a stranger, someone he’d only met twice, there was a natural and inexplicable sense of familiarity when she crouched in front of him like that, as if the two of them had known each other for many years

Jacob wasn’t sure if that deeply moved feeling was unique to him or if it was shared by all men who had been intimate with her in the past

Suddenly, he felt compelled not to force her, but rather to allow things to unfold naturally. As a result, he said the words earlier without hesitation

Aurelia slowly raised her head and smiled faintly.Mr. Yeager and I don’t have that type of relationship! I don’t think our current situation has anything to do with Mr. Yeager! It is not entirely up to me whether or not I am willing. It also depends on you! Do you agree with me, Mr. Miller?” 

Upon hearing those words, Jacob’s gaze dimmed slightly, displaying a hint of gloom

He grasped the significance of Aurelia’s words. She was clearly telling him that his reservations or concerns about her being Hayden’s woman were unfounded

At most, her relationship with Hayden was merely a voluntary exchange of benefits. There was no fundamental difference between her current relationship with Jacob and her previous one. As a result, there was nothing to be concerned about potential conflicts with Hayden because of their relationship

And with that statement, she also told Jacob that, while she could use Hayden’s influence to get out of the current situation, she chose not to. It wasn’t because she was afraid of abusing it, but because she despised doing so

Aurelia was an independent and freespirited woman who despised using one man to reject another

Even though she probably did not want to enter into a relationship that would go beyond the usual boundaries between a man and a woman in a situation like that, they were forced into the same room by coincidence and circumstance. In addition, his desire for her had been undeniably piqued. Naturally, Jacob was not the type that would compromise himself, so it was Aurelia who would have to compromise

While Jacob gave Aurelia the option to refuse him, the circumstances of being alone together in a room, with all of the implications that entailed, made it difficult to reject. The situation itself presented another type of irresistible pressure, making refusal difficult

Aurelia understood the situation, and so did Jacob, who spoke those words

As a result, when Aurelia said, It not only depends on me but also on you,” she displayed a certain boldness, implying a denial of Jacob’s potentially taking advantage of the vulnerable side S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Of course, the protest implied in her statement was subtle and skillful. From a different angle, her words could be interpreted as a gentle form of coaxing and requesting, reminding him that now that he had obtained his desire, he must not mistreat her

After fully appreciating the various implications hidden within Aurelia’s short statement, Jacob couldn’t help but let out a chuckle

After shaking his head in awe, he remarked, Aurelia, you are truly a perceptive and intelligent woman. Being with someone like you puts a lot of pressure on us men. I’m beginning to wonder if there is a man in the world who can handle your temperament completely! You appear to have a deep understanding of human nature, but you have an extreme view of it! Your statement may only ring true for me, but it may not ring true for others! I’m curious if you always speak in this manner when discussing conditions with people. What if i didn’t understand what you were saying? How would you handle such a situation?” 

With your intelligence, Mr. Miller, how could you possibly not understand my unconventional words? Even if we assume for the sake of argument that you truly did not understand, the outcome would be the same!Aurelia replied

Oh? How would it be the same? I wouldn’t be able to meet your needs in the future if I didn’t understand! Wouldn’t your request be futile?Jacob calmly asked


Chapter 59 

Aurelia shook her head and smiled. What do you think I’m really asking for, Mr. Miller?” 

Huh? Based on this, are you suggesting that you have no desires at all?He inquired

Jacob couldn’t believe a woman who speaks so realistically and dismisses human nature would selflessly offer her body to him for his benefit. He thought it was illogical and contradictory to Aurelia’s actual personality

I am certainly not without desires, but in this particular situation, I currently have no specific demands. Whether you believe it or not, I am sincerely grateful for your significant assistance with my father’s matter, Mr. Miller.She explained

Aurelia spoke solemnly, her gaze clear and sincere. Despite his reservations about her easy satisfaction, Jacob couldn’t find any flaws in her eyes or expression. For the time being, he could only reluctantly believe her

In reality, none of this was significant to him. The most important realization for him was that there was no deeper connection between Hayden and the woman in front of him. It was only a onenight stand

If that were the case, he could enjoy the pleasure without any mental burden and savor her enticing body

Then, he reached out his hand and firmly drew Aurelia’s halfsquatting body into his embrace. Immediately, a cloud of fragrance and softness engulfed 


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