XXXIII | F r e y a R u t h

Daciana ( W o l f )

Darius didn't want to spend another minute among the lowlifes aka werewolves and so he rushed us all to the vehicle after I had vented all my anger out away from everyone.

No one talked during the ride. Not even Klepto, she just kept staring out of the window with a hand under her chin and her legs folded on the seat.

I too was lost in my thoughts, I was a mess.

I didn't know if I should hate Darius for taking me away from my pack or finally be happy with him. If I wouldn't have found him, I wouldn't have to leave my pack in the first place but then . . . No one can stop time, I found him when it was time.

Start over with him.

He is the reason for my sadness.

He cares for you.

He wouldn't treat me like an equal.

He will.

It was time I slept or my mind would drive me crazy.

Making me acknowledge things that I didn't want to, making me believe things that I didn't want to.

It was the middle of the night when we had reached the Lycan's pack. We all climbed out of the vehicle, Marco was there to welcome us.

"Good to see you all ba-" Marco was not able to complete his sentence because of Darius.

"Avalon, Marco, come in my office," Darius said to the two men who nodded simultaneously. I just watched them like a lost child, not knowing what to do anymore.

I didn't want to do anything anymore.

Darius noticed and he turned towards me while from the corner of my eyes, I could see Klepto walking towards the house where we were staying.

"Go to our room and rest." It was a clear order, but I didn't have the energy or will to correct him or pick up a fight.

I was tired - from all of this.

So I only nodded.

Darius turned around and started to walk away with Avalon following. Marco stayed and watched me, he had a smug grin on his face.

Oh, he had a while lot to say.

"You are not an Alpha anymore." His voice held humor but I didn't care. Not anymore.

When I didn't say anything and only watched him with a stoic face, his smug expression dropped and confusion took over his features.

"Are you oka-" I turned around and walked away.

Not caring what he said - or what he was going to say.

Are you okay? He was going to say and even though somewhere in my heart, I wanted to tell or vent out to him everything - like a sister would to a brother - but I couldn't.

The second I entered in the room, I wanted to break down once again, I wanted to scream and then run away far away where I can forget everything. My pack, Beta, Gamma, Marco, and Darius.

No more worries but the reality is, I cannot escape this, this life. Darius would always drag me back. Always.

He would never let me go.

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With those thoughts being my last of that night, I slept.

I let darkness cloud my mind.


Stretching in my bed, a low growl escaped my lips wondering who was stupid enough to knock on my door this early.

On instinct, I felt the side of my bed but there was no Darius, I opened my eyes and stopped for a moment.

He didn't come back at night. Where did he sleep then?

The knock resounded and I sat up grumbling. I was feeling way better than yesterday night, thank God, or I would be ruining everyone else's days too but I was still not in the best mood.

Climbing down from the bed, I walked to the door and opened it with one jerk. I came face to face with Marco.

The anger vanished for a few seconds.

He didn't have his taunting smug look today, it seemed like he didn't want to annoy me today.

His face was as blank as a sheet of paper, not a hint of emotion.

My expression turned annoyed and he noticed.

"King wants you to have breakfast with everyone." I was about to slam the door on his face but he slammed his hand on it before I could completely shut it.

Damn his strength.

"What do you want?" Even my voice was stoic and stripped off of any emotion.

"Look-" Marco looked down at his feet and then back up, "If you are sad about losing your title, just so you know, you still have your Alpha blood and you are going to be soon crowned Queen."

I tilted my head and Marco continued,

"You will be the first female in history to hold such power, one with the most power in a werewolf community and in the Lycan world so you should not be upset. Losing your title does not mean that your name will be rubbed off history."

What was he trying to say,

"What I mean to say is that it's not that I am not happy about you losing your title, I am ecstatic but my advice to you is to stop fretting over it. You should have even more ego than from the time when you were an Alpha. Your new role starts here."

"Is that supposed to make me happy?"

"Well, why don't you understand? You were made for greater purposes. You helped your pack when it needed you and now you move ahead to help this pack deprived of a queen. Don't you see? You are meant to be here!"

Meant for greater purpose? Sureee. What about what I want!? Where does that go? Where do I dig those feelings?

"And what about what I want? The blood and sweat I had put in to create what I had, are you saying I should just let it go? Just let all what was given to me in someone else's hands even if I don't want to? Let go of the last memory of my family?! Sure, it won't do anything to you." Don't cry bitch! "If you don't have to say anything else then leave!"

"You are seriously an idiot!I am being nice for once, and you? I am wasting my time here trying to make you see that what you leave will still be there. Your parents memory would still be there!." He sighed and I raised my brow, "Go and get ready, I am waiting here."

He turned away and guarded my door while I slammed my door shut.

I closed my eyes and sighed. Maybe, he was right.

But what about this gaping hole that denies to close up!? That denies to stop hurting. How am I suppose to stop that?

Slowly sliding down the door, my lips started to wobble, my tears felt heavy and before I could stop myself, I small cry broke free from my lips.

One followed another.

For a good five minutes, I cried uncontrollably silently. Stop Freya! Please, grow up!

My eyes moved towards the butter knife placed along the fruits and a candle.

Would it hurt? Will I feel better?

"If you want to talk, I am here." I had forgotten about his presence. Marco was still there.

"Hah, I would rather talk to a wall." My eyes leaving the knife, I got up.

I lost one title to gain another, a title that actually belongs to me.

I should welcome it with open arms!

Try to move on Freya!!! Try and give this life a chance and if it doesn't suit you then go do what you want. Fuck everyone else!

I am not someone to be defeated. I was stronger than this, my father brought me up to be better than this. Even though I had no one to pull me up when my pack was in ashes, I have Darius now and I think I can lean on him, share my problems with him because I am no longer alone.


But Darius is not going to be forgiven that easily!

Oh come on, Darius deserves this.

I have Alpha blood running through me, future Queen and I am going to be the strongest female here.

Who knew that that jackass Marco could spit something good from his mouth too.

A smile graced my lips and I walked to the closet, even though I was not completely over it, I was going to flip to the next page of my story. Leaving the bookmark on the previous page just so I can come back and finish the remaining holes in my heart.

It will take some time to fix my heart but hopefully it won't be long.


Not much happened here but I am trying. Love y'all!


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