Darkness envelopes my sight utterly and completely, as nothing surrounds me. My body feels heavy, stationary.

My mind feels as though it’s in a constant tumble. My memories are jumbled. While I can clearly, if barely, recall stepping into the portal, what happened afterward…not as much. It’s like when you’re dreaming and not really sure that what you’re seeing is a dream or not.

I do remember seeing the faces of Saya and Mayori, and of Chinjaro-san. But…did I really see them? Were they actually there and am I really back in Japan? Hell…what is “real”? I can’t even tell at the moment. All I do know is that I’m lying on something soft and my body is warm.

I feel something then brushing up against my face. It’s gentle and set at a steady slow pace. It feels hard and scaly, and yet the strokes are soft and gentle. My heart instantly, but weakly, leaps.

Silvi? Oh my God, are you really there? Has everything for the past few months been nothing but a bad dream?

“Aria-chan,” tenderly speaks a voice.

The scent of river water then fills my nose, as I slowly open an eye and weakly look upwards. Not Silvi, but still a dragon regardless.

Asha,” I weakly speak.

The ryujin grins broadly as she leans in and kisses my forehead. “Hello, my dearest girl,” she chokingly greets.

A fog seems to settle over my mind as I feel a dull pain in my head. This prevents me from thinking much if at all. My body feels heavy, not from my aunt, if she’s really even there or not, but just heavy. Her purple hair drapes over the side of her head, resting gently on my chest.

Don’t hurt her,” I whisper, mustering what little strength I can. “Don’t hurt my sister.”

Asha smiles, “Rest Aria-chan, please rest.”

I pan over to see Marron standing by the doorframe, arms folded across her chest. A small smile rises on her face as she watches me.

Asha leans in and kisses my cheek. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you,” she whispers. “When Saya-chan and Mayori-chan came and told me you had returned, I immediately contacted Yukari. She should be here in the next hour or so.”

Tears begin to well up in my eyes. I try once more to move but my body is simply too weak. I soon give up and melt into my bed.

My aunt leans over and kisses my forehead, “Just get some rest, Aria-chan. Sleep, my little niece.”

My eyes soon close as the scent of a flowing river envelopes me. I feel myself slipping once more into sleep, unable to hold on.

I look out from my balcony, staring onto the Estate. It’s peaceful, but I don’t see any telltale signs of battle. No…this is the image of the Estate as it should be, perfect and tranquil.

I lean over onto the banister, gazing upon the rolling hills and endless fields. In the distance I see the herds and flocks grazing upon the soft green grass. Further out I see the sun shimmering off of the lake.

A flock of songbirds fly overhead and land in nearby tree. I hear them singing sweetly as the wind blows gently against the tree. I smile as it kisses my face.

I pan over to see the tops of the forest swaying in the breeze. I finally feel at peace. Again, I wonder if this has all been nothing but a dream and that I’m really home.

A dull ache pangs my heart as I look around once more. While I hear the sounds of nature, the Estate is void of what truly makes it shine. People.

I scan the fields, seeing the flocks and herds are without their tenders. The skies, while birds fly proudly, are absent of my sister flying about. I grip my chest tightly as my heart thumps within.

I peer down towards the greenhouse, which instead of being filled with plants and green against the windows seems to be nothing more than an empty dead husk. I lean forward wondering where my aunt is.

A breeze soon rushes against me, catching my hair, forcing me to grab hold of it. I feel something resting on my shoulder. I quickly turn, hoping to see my mother standing over me, but again…nothing. I peer into my room, hoping to see her sitting on my couch, but nothing. All I see is an empty room.

My heart aches as I lean against the banister. I hold my hands in front of me, knowing that this must be the dream. Home, my heart longs to return to it, to truly run in the fields, swim in the lake, to run through the forests, soar through the skies, and be free of this never-ending nightmare I’ve been forced to endure. More importantly I want my family back.


I hear a gentle voice calling out to me. Something then brushes against my face. I hold my hand to it, feeling the soft caress of a hand, but there’s no one around me.

Aria-chan,” again sounds the voice.

This time I feel my body being slowly lifted off of my balcony. I turn and watch as the Estate becomes smaller and smaller as I’m soon pulled into the clouds. Everything around me fades into shadow, leaving nothing but darkness.

I feel something drape across my face and is soon gently pulled away. My eyes weakly open as I see a pair of golden fox eyes staring into mine. They appear to be glowing as she looks at me. The person they belong to leans back slightly, giving a gentle smile. My eyes finally focus upon who is sitting beside me.

Yukari,” I whisper.

Her smile grows wider as her hand continues to caress my face. “Hello, my beautiful girl,” she greets softly. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”

The room around me is dark, apart from the low soft light coming from the hallway. I peer over to see Marron hovering by the door. My sister smiles softly, giving me a small wave.

I smile softly to her, before turning my attention back onto my aunt. “Please don’t hurt her, Yukari,” I strain to whisper.

She leans down and kisses my forehead. “I am not going to hurt your sister, Aria-chan. I do however want to talk to her, nothing more, my dearest girl.”

My mind once more begins to slip as my grasp on the “waking” world fades. It’s almost as though I’m in between sleep and awake, only the pull to sleep is stronger and beyond it is nothingness. I can’t even tell if she’s really there or not. Is Asha really here too?

My eyes begin to close as I feel Yukari stroking my face.

“Rest, my little girl,” she whispers. “Rest.”

I feel my bed becoming a bit lighter and my aunt’s shadow fades from my sight.

“Let’s go and talk,” I hear Yukari whisper, but is still somewhat audible.

“You have her, Fenris?” asks Marron.

I do,” he replies.

Both women then leave. A moment later the room goes completely quiet, apart from the steady rhythm of Fenris’ breathing. Soon even that fades to nothing as the world around me blanks out. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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