
I slowly head back downstairs with Aria’s aunt in front of me. Yukari had only just arrived mere minutes ago and was quite eager to see my sister.

I…still have to laugh at how this is the third time Aria has pleaded with someone not to harm me. Miriam is one thing, her aunts are a completely different matter and I know it made her worry.

We saunter towards the kitchen, with the strong smell of fresh-brewed coffee filling the room. Outside I hear the howling of wind as it beats against the house. The blizzard had moved into the region no less than five minutes after Orga and Kateryna arrived. It took Asha an additional twenty, as she fought through the raging winds to get here.

All in all, I’m grateful we all were to arrive quickly before the storm hit. I should also be thankful that Fenris was able to direct us to where everything was placed in the kitchen. Otherwise I don’t think we’d be enjoying fresh coffee right now without having to dig through Aria’s bag.

I look over to see Asha and her knights all gathered around the table. Orga tightly grasps his cup as he stares into it. He profusely apologized to the man who found us, only to be told that he really didn’t have to.

To be honest, I can’t blame Orga for reacting the way he did. I had done the exact same, only to have Aria recognize the man, Chinjaro I think she said his name was. Speaking of him, I spoke with the man briefly, thanking him again for bringing Aria’s knights to the house. He stated that it was his pleasure doing so. He then left to brave the storm and headed back to the village.

Kateryna leaned back in her chair and stared towards the second floor. I know she’s worried about my sister. I know she’s tried to assume a surrogate motherly role for her, so aside from being a person who swore to protect, it's natural she’d come to worry over her as such.

I walk to the table and sit across from Asha, who takes a sip from her teacup. Kateryna then pours me a cup of coffee, feeling the hot steam and aroma rising to my face.

I smile to her. “Thanks.”

She smiles, “You’re quite welcome, my Lady.” The elf then places the pot back onto the warmer. “How is Her Highness?”

I slowly pick up the cup and take a sip of the hot brew. The drink instantly warms my body. I hold the cup in front of me. “She’s fallen back to sleep.”

Kateryna sighs, again taking up her vigil and staring up at the ceiling.

I stare down into the cup, my grip tightens as my nervousness grows, feeling the heat from its contents soaking into my hands. To say I’m scared right now would be an understatement.

Yukari then takes her seat across from me, sitting beside Asha. I glance up towards them, seeing as two pairs of golden eyes stare back into mine. I feel my skin prickling from their magic as it permeates the room. It’s as though one tiny misstep, one breath out of rhythm, and it would crush me.

The kitsune looks over to the couple for a moment. When Asha arrived, she was completely caught off-guard the moment she saw them. But told them that introductions would have to wait.

Both Orga and Kateryna look at her in return but say nothing.

Yukari then turns her attention back onto me. “We have been worried beyond words over Aria-chan since we lost contact with her.” Her tone was full of concern mixed with anger.

My head gives a short nod as I look to her. “After she fled from the Ranch, Aria broke off all contact with everyone as she and her knights were constantly on the run. This pushed her into a state of anxiety, though I know for a fact she’s been hiding it.” I glance over to Orga and Kateryna, who both nod in agreement.

“She was then attacked twice more by other covens,” I continue. “The second of which I arrived in on.” I took a short breath, “With these attacks, and one we just endured, along with her well-documented paranoia, it’s kept her up at night. I often had to sing her to sleep the first couple of nights I was with her.”

Both daiyokai let out a heavy sigh with Asha pinching her nose, shaking her head.

Yukari clenches her fists. The room soon begins to fill with her power as the house starts to creak from the strain. Her tails flail lightly behind her. My body too feels as though it were being crushed by her overwhelming power.

“Knock it off, Yukari,” lightly orders Asha. “Remember, we still have a slumbering girl upstairs.”

The kitsune looks to her and relents. The pressure melts away, allowing us the chance to breathe normally. I can see why Aria added Yukari to her growing list of ‘beings not to piss off’.

Yukari bows her head, “Forgive me, but when it comes to that girl I tend to lose control sometimes.”

I smile to myself, knowing I feel the same.

She looks to me once more, “Now, I want to know everything that’s been going on with her. The details for why she is being targeted are sparse as a late. Why is this girl on the run? I know it has to do something with her being descended from Dewloura. Even her mother wouldn’t divulge much to us out of worry for Aria-chan.”

“Her letters have been nothing more than a child’s cry rather than giving us many details,” says Asha.

I take a breath, looking to my sister’s knights who in turn give me a nod. I turn back to the daiyokai. “Regulus desires an artifact that Aria is carrying. With it, he can unlock the fallen empire. She also told me that he wants her for something else, that he never told her what exactly.”

I then grip my cup even tighter. “He manipulated me into stealing her away from her mother, with the plan of killing her and then resurrecting her in order to steal the artifact. While also striking a blow against Lady Rachel by using her as a weapon potentially kill or severely cripple anyone at her home.”

I stare back into my cup. “Regulus was behind the murder of Aria’s birth family, having been after her for months, hoping to have caught her in the blast. After that failed, he then resurrected her birthmother and transformed her into a teenager.”

I cringe slightly, “I had the ‘pleasure’ of talking with her about my sister, who wasn’t exactly happy when I claimed her as such. Diana, as she’s now called, nearly beat the poor girl to death the night Regulus almost killed her.”

Horror and shock soon fill the faces of both women. Asha’s grip upon her cup tightens to the point I hear it actually crack. Yukari’s eyes flare with anger as she pulls back her lips into a snarl.

“To do such a thing to a child,” says Asha. “Not only to violate her soul by killing and resurrecting her, but to then stain it with the blood of her loved ones. Such an act is beyond redemption.”

“Hell itself would not dare take in a man such as him,” adds Yukari. The kitsune looks up towards my sister. Her anger then fades somewhat, soon replaced by even more worry. “When we heard Rachel had perished in battle, I spent days without sleep worrying over that girl.”

The ryujin nods in agreement. “I nearly collapsed when I learned of it. The shirohebi and the nekomata all kept asking me questions about Aria-chan. However I was unable to give them any answers. While it was good to hear from her in her letters, they often were stained from her tears.”

I feel my heart nearly break in half. I stare up at my sister, thinking how much she’s had to endure in such a short time.

“When news of Rachel came out,” continues Yukari, “it sent shockwaves across the world. I learned from Kerrigan that many within the Court wanted to rush over to America and retrieve Aria-chan to keep her safe. Arcturus himself wanted to bring her into his home only for Miriam to tell him that she would be safer still in America and amongst her coven.”

A soft smile rose on my face. Looks like you were right sweetie.

“I learned that the Loreian Order itself contacted the yokai factions here looking for her, wanting information of their prized student, as they described her.” says Asha. She then smiles, “Apparently, Xiphos has been grooming her to join their order.”

I let out a soft chuckle. “Well I can definitely see her doing it. That girl really has become such a bibliophile.” The group joins in on the chuckle, albeit softly.

I then feel the guilt of take her creep back into me. I lean over the table, clutching my cup. I am still responsible for what I did to her, for taking her from her mother, her home, her family. Now I am sitting across from two people who love her as much as her mother. How much could these two possibly despise me for my sins?

Yukari peers to me. “How have you been through all of this?”

I look away, again clenching my cup. I then feel a hand resting onto mine. I look up to see the kitsune staring directly into my eyes. My body shakes with fear as I feel even guiltier for what I did.

She lets out a soft sigh, “How have you been?” asking gently, and now…with a more reassuring tone.

I take a shallow breath. “I’ve…been better, my Lady. Worried over her since I left, which only served increase my guilt for leaving after everything settled down.”

My voice shakes softly as my fear of the kitsune only grows. I clench my cup even more tightly, feeling the hot from its contents start to slowly sear into my palms.

“No,” she says. I flinch slightly as she speaks. “Yukari.”

I look up into eyes, surprised at her words.

She smiles gently, “Marron-chan, there’s no need to be afraid of me or Asharyume.”

My heart quivers as she pulls my hand away from the cup and holds it. “We know why you took Aria-chan. Rachel explained everything to us, but the truth is I wanted to hear from you,” she continues softly. “I know that you love your sister more than anything in this world, having cared and watched over her before she dove headlong into her new world.”

A pain-filled sigh leaves me, “That only makes me feel even guiltier from what I did.”

Yukari then reaches up and begins to caress my cheek. “We all bare the sins of misdeeds in our lives. However, we all must let go of them.” Her thumb gently smooths over my face, “I understand how you have erred, but you too must learn to forgive yourself and live.”

I stare deeply into her golden fox eyes. They seem to flutter peacefully.

“Has Aria-chan forgiven you?” she asks.

I nod softly.

She smiles to me. “Do you still wish to stay with her?

“Yes,” I answer quickly. “I promised that I would never leave her side again. I also have my own duties to fulfill for her.”

She wipes away a tear from my cheek which had been forming. I feel my cheeks burning bright red for the first time since I was child.

The kitsune chuckles, “You’re not the only one who’s committed such a sin.” I tilt my head as she then deviously points towards Asha.

“Did you really have to bring up ‘that’ again, Yukari?” groans the ryujin.

This only serves to cause Yukari to chuckle even more. “Well it is still a lovely tale to tell, my dear friend. Seeing as it was how we met the child.”

Asha sighs heavily, shaking her head.

I look to both of them, “What you are talking about?”

Yukari grins, “During Aria-chan’s first trip to Japan, Asharyume caught wind of her, having been told of the unusual swirling of mana within her.”

I give a soft smile, knowing that she could only transform into a dragon and alraune at the time, but only with help. This however only serves to cause my interest in this topic to grow.

“Her curiosity only grew as time passed,” she continues. “This all culminated when our little girl took a trip to Akihabara and had her kidnapped to sate it.”

Asha smirks. “When she woke up, the girl was utterly defiant in the face of a daiyokai. Instead of being scared, she was furious with me for having ruined her day. She even challenged me within my own home in Tokyo, which enraged the shirohebi. Who by the way are now very close with her, and grew close during our first meeting.”

“I still remember when they all appeared here the first morning after Aria-chan, Fenris, and I arrived in the region,” chuckles Yukari. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The ryujin nods and grins. “I couldn’t believe that the little girl possessed such an immense fire in the face of being kidnapped. She stood up to me without fear, although I wasn’t sure if her bravery was a mask or genuine. She also determined that I meant no harm to her, seeing how I had her sitting in my lap and spoke gently with her.”

My jaw literally drops to the table. My sister had been kidnapped in broad daylight and she stood up to her captor, who would go on to become her aunt. Her mother never told me of that nor did she.

Though to be fair…I’m not really sure it’s something she’d want to bring up. Perhaps not wanting my opinion of her aunts change the moment I met them last year.

My face then forms into a soft smile, “That’s just how she’s always been. Stubborn, willful, and will tell you off no matter who you are.”

Both women chuckle in agreement.

I chuckle as well, but soon settle down. I sigh softly, “Even still, I’m her sister. So it hurts even more for what I did.”

Yukari smiles to me, “It will pass in time. You needn’t fear us either, Marron-chan. As I stated, we know the truth, and that Regulus was going to kill you also. So I am overjoyed that you are alive as well. That being said, it’s also not our place to pass judgement upon you.”

I nod softly. I know who I have to face, but as it stands…she’s isn’t there for me to face.

The wind then howls heavily as it batters against the outer doors from the living room. I look to Yukari, “Does it normally snow in this part of Japan in late September?” While I do remember the village being in near the mountains, I never could imagine it snowing in the fall.

Both women look to each other with confused looks on their faces. Both then turn back to me.

“Marron-chan,” starts Asha, “it’s early December.”

My eyes grow wide in shock once more.

“How is that possible?” asks Orga.

“It is also at night when we exited the portal, but it was morning when we entered it,” says Kateryna.

Yukari nods, “The five of you have been missing for the past two and a half months.”

I lean onto the table, shaking my head in sheer disbelief. Two and a half months, but it only took me a few seconds to travel through the portal. I just can't believe it.

“Miriam contacted me, thinking I possibly might have any information on your whereabouts,” says Yukari. “She mentioned that Aria-chan spoke to her about traveling to Seattle by way of something called a ‘fairy road’.” She then looked to us, “By chance do any of you know what she meant by it?”

I lean back in my chair, “Unfortunately the only person who could really answer that is currently slipping in and out of consciousness upstairs.”

Yukari nods and sighs. “Miriam contacted me again a month ago, hoping that I would have more information. Your coven is going out of their minds with worry. They miss all of you terribly.”

I blink for moment, “You said all of us?” do they really miss me, even in spite of what I did? Why?

She nods once more. “Indeed Marron-chan. I also received word that Regulus still believes you to be in America and therefore increased his search for you there. He has even begun asserting pressure upon your government in order to locate you.”

I feel my skin crawl. Just how much reach does this man have? I know he’s gotten the minor covens on board, but now our government? This could be really bad for us. Then again…he still thinks that we’re somewhere in country.

Asha then smiles to me, “I am happy to say that your coven is starting to fight back, albeit quietly. They are not alone in their fight as two others have joined them. I believe they are known as Multhaine and Allister.“

I smile in awe, so Miriam was able to convince the both of them to step up and help. Granted, both covens have been allies for over a century with a few of our members being married to those of Multhaine.

Allister and Colburn have been good friends since the nineteenth century. I know for a fact that Miriam was often in contact with their leader. But I wonder if Aria telling Miriam about Hawkesvaine may have helped convince them to join up.

I look to Yukari, “Has your government been contacted?”

“He hasn’t and I highly doubt he’ll look for you here,” she replies. “Again, he thinks you are still in America. He, like several others in this world, possesses a rather low if not terrible opinion of yokai. Thinking us to be lower than mere animals.”

She then smiles, “I have contacts within the government who keep me informed of any new developments. Besides, even if he managed to reach out to the factions, none would side with him. They would have nothing to gain if they did.”

Well that’s a bit off my mind.

“This part of the prefecture is also rather remote and fairly cut off from the rest of the country,” she continues. “Which means your chances of being discovered are not even worth mentioning.”

She then turns to Asha and both women smile to each other.

“There’s another reason why Regulus would such a difficult time in retrieving our girl,” states Asha.

I tilt my head at her, “Okay…what is it?”

The ryujin smiles, “Because she is also a Japanese citizen.”

My jaw drops, again looking up at the ceiling. “Does…does she know and how is this possible?” I ask.

Asha chuckles, “Soon after she was attacked in June, the villagers all formally adopted Aria-chan as one of them. They asked Yukari for assistance and shortly before the start of November she was recognized as the resident of the village and had also obtained citizenship as a result.”

I plop my head into my arms on the table. Okay…I can’t believe this girl has such a far-reaching touch that she now is a citizen in another country. On the one hand, I think it’s sweet that they did this, and it wouldn’t really matter unless she knew of it.

Yukari leans forward, “To answer your other question, Aria-chan has no knowledge of this, only her mother knew. It was meant to be a surprise for her. Sadly, we simply never got the chance to tell her.”

I sigh heavily, shaking my head. This is just crazy. My baby sister is a citizen of country she loves deeply and she doesn’t even know about it yet.

“You can relax while you are here,” says Yukari, smiling. “This place very well-hidden, so you are truly safe here. Not to mention the mountain passes are completely blocked off with snow, and I still have my contacts in the defense ministry keeping an eye out with satellites.”

I smirk while my face is hidden. Knowing her mother, Lady Rachel would probably have had Marie do the same, if not block her from ever being discovered via satellite altogether. Which might explain why he’s had to rely on the covens to search for her.

“That being said,” adds Yukari, “while you are here, so will I.” She then chuckles, “I know a certain young man will be exceedingly happy to hear that Aria-chan has returned.”

I grin, sitting back up. I really do want to meet my little sister’s boyfriend. This means he has to face me. While it won’t be the same as meeting her mother, I am the next best thing.

I look to Yukari, “The man who found us said that this is Aria’s house. I know this is where she stayed while in the spring, but I thought it belonged to you.”

“He would be correct,” she replies. “I bequeathed this house and the surrounding land to her shortly before she returned to her mother.”

I shake my head in disbelief. She never really told me much about this place apart from it reminded her a bit of Shigure’s house from Fruits Basket. Given how chaotic the summer was for her, I doubt she really had the chance to tell me anything.

I look around the kitchen and into the living room, seeing where she might have drawn the parallels. A smile then rises on my face. For two and a half months, she was able to live as a normal teenage girl. Heh well, not quite so normal.

Yukari leans back in her chair, “We had such a wonderful time here. She and I settled into a lovely routine, she and I cooked, cleaned, trained, and practically living as a normal family would. I finally had this place properly renovated shortly after she left.” Her cheeks then turned a soft pink, “There were times when I would nearly forget that I wasn’t her mother, believing that I was.”

I grin to her, “It’s easy to forget isn’t it?”

She chuckles, “Indeed it is.”

“She would also spend time with me at my home,” adds Asha. “Again, she would train and spend time with the shirohebi and myself. Which was part of her training, to simply live as a yokai, to embrace that part of her who to us she truly is.”

I smile brightly. That girl truly is a kitsune through and through.

Yukari then pans over to the knights as they’ve mostly stayed quiet through all of this, although with the occasional whisper.

“Please do forgive me my friends for not properly introducing ourselves,” says the kitsune. “I am Yukari Tsukino.”

“And I am Asharyume-no-Inue,” adds the ryujin.

Both knights rise from their seats and bow to them.

“I am Orga Kulvoin my Ladies.”

“And I am Kateryna Kulvoin. We are Her Highness’ sworn knights.”

Both women look on in surprise with Asha looking to me. “She…she never told us she had knights.”

I chuckle to myself. That girl loves to keep her secrets. Granted, I doubt even her mother told them.

I take another sip as the couple retakes their seats. My heart feels lighter than before. I know twice Aria asked her aunts not to harm me out of worry, but now I don’t have to.

Both aunts and knights begin to talk to each other, each swapping stories about my little sister. I smile softly as her aunts slowly astonish the knights with tales of her time here, many of which I never heard of.

You actually swam in the ocean as a mermaid. I figured you’d remain as a kitsune. Not only that, you swam with some of the yokai here. Heh, never want to miss an opportunity to explore, can you Aria?

Even with the wind howling outside, this was a nice peaceful moment. No worry, no constantly having to maintain a watch. I think when finally can be at peace here.

I crane my head up towards the ceiling. Sweetie, I pray you are finally able to get some much needed rest. Lord knows you’ve earned it ten times over. We’ll all be here watching over you. You’re safe.

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