
We finally arrive at the shrine, watching as we pass under the red torii gates. I give a soft smile while my eyes scan around the main courtyard. At the moment I see no one, hearing a soft silence apart from the swaying of the trees in the winds.

So many happy memories rush back to me, remembering sweeping the grounds, learning the different prayers and practices of the shrine, even studying with the other miko in one of the halls. There were times when I really wish Mom could have seen me while I was here in the spring. But…well, that’s why I’m here.

The more I look around, I feel a calming sense of peace growing within me, a peace that I have sorely needed for the past few months. Marron has helped me by staying with me, by guiding me, keeping me safe. Now I am here to finish regaining myself. With luck, quell the storm in my heart.

I also don’t have to worry about Diana possibly locating me here. Even she was to try, I’m pretty sure the head priest or even the local deity would instantly block her. I smile softly, still liking the idea of meeting Tokomistu. I know Yukari knows him, so maybe at some point I can finally be introduced to him.

“Is this where you trained?” asks Marron, leaning in close to me. “This place is gorgeous sweetie. In all honesty, I really never thought I’d ever visit Shinto shrine.

I giggle, “Yep, one of so many reasons why I love this region.” I look to her, “It really was a lot of fun training as a miko. I’d get here early and change into the robes. I’d shadow one of the girls for the day and watch whatever they were tasked with.” I pan over to the one of the buildings, “I listened in on their mantras and prayers, even participated in their mediation sessions.”

She peers down at me, smiling, “Oh how I wish I could have seen you in the garb. Pink tails swishing about as you followed after someone like a little duckling.”

“It’s not out of the realm of possibility if Sensei and the other miko feel like I should while we’re here,” I tell her, shrugging my shoulders. Although, we both are still huge anime nerds so for her to see me dressed as miko would possibly cause her to squeal.

I peer back over to the front courtyard. “That’s where they hold a farmers market on occasion. Yukari and I came down some about a week or so before I left for home.”

My fingers gently grip Fenris’ fur, “It…it’s also where I had my first encounter with Diana. Not physically, more like a barrier was erected around me and she came in the form of a presence. Even that was enough to floor me. She told me that she doesn’t know about this place, not really being aware of it.”

Marron then holds me tightly, “She can never hurt you then, not while you’re here. I’m sure your sensei and the others might have done something to beef up security on a spiritual level.”

I rest my head onto her chest, nodding. We really do think alike.

I feel her placing a kiss onto the top of my head. She then pans over towards a small, shroud-covered stage. “Is that where you danced?” she asks.

I smile softly, “Yep. I was beyond nervous leading up to it, going through the purification ritual, the meditation, and even more after being dressed and waiting to start.” I sigh slightly, “When I got on to the stage, I heard some of the crowd quietly heckling me for being a gaijin, performing something that I shouldn’t.”

My sister sighs, shaking her head, “No matter where you go, people can still be cruel.”

I nod, looking over to the snow-covered fields and the river beyond it. My cheeks blush softly, remembering my date with Kenji, and how we sat against the forest with festival feeling as if it were a million miles away.

“Aria-chan?” I hear an elderly man call out. I turn to see the head priest walking towards us.

A grin rises on my face, “Sensei.”

“Hello, my dear child,” he greets, opening his arms to me.

I grin, sliding off of Fenris’ back and walk into his arms, feeling them wrap tightly around me.

He holds me close, “It is so good to see you after all of these months. Like many in the village, I too have been terribly worried for you since the summer.”

I cling tightly to him, “Thank you, Sensei.”

The head priest pulls back and gently lifts my chin, staring into my eyes. “You appear to not have been getting enough sleep, young lady,” he says. “You carry a tremendous burden upon your heart, one that is weighing you down.”

I nod, “I’ve been having really bad nightmares since fleeing from home. Ones where I kept seeing my mom and the others being hurt or worse.” I sigh softly, “They’ve been keeping me up at night, often with me sometimes waking up and crying.”

He cups my cheek, “I have learned of your tragedy.” His face becomes stern yet still the grandfatherly gentleness I’ve known him for remains. “Such a thing should never befall a child.”

My head bobs softly. “That…that’s why I’m here. I was hoping I could come pray and meditate.”

His smile widens, “Of course you can, Aria-chan. The shrine has been, and ever shall be, open to you, my child.”

I smile, “Thank you, Sensei.”

He smiles and nods, eyeing Fenris. “A pleasure to see you as always, Fenris-dono. It has been too long,” he says bowing his head.

My bonded nods to him, “And you as well.”

The priest smiles, then looks to Marron. Before he is able to speak, I hear more doors opening.


I peer around the head priest to see a yonbi kitsune running over to me. I grin, as Reika quickly pulls me into her, hugging me tightly.

“Hey senpai,” I giggle.

“You have no idea how happy I am to see you, Aria-chan,” she says. “The other miko and I wanted to come see you the moment we heard you had returned, but the blizzard and Asharyume-sama’s battle with the yuki-onna kept us away.”

I cling to her, burying my face into her chest. “Even still, it means a lot that you cared, senpai.”

She smiles, stroking my hair, “Always for my wonderful kouhai.” She then pulls back and sees all of my tails swishing behind me, her eyes then light up. “You’ve grown your ninth tail,” grinning to me, “congratulations.”

“Thanks,” I reply, blushing softly.

I step back from her and motion to my sister. “Everyone, this is my older sister, Marron O’Conner.”

She bows to both of them, “Hello, thank you so much for looking after my little sister. I know it mustn’t have been easy.” I groan, pouting at her. She only grins to me.

The head priest smiles and bows, “It was no trouble at all.” He peers into her eyes, examining her. The priest then turns to Reika, “Would you please show Aria-chan to the dressing room? She has come to pray and meditate.”

My senpai nods, “Hai, shisai.” She takes my hand, “Let’s get you inside, Aria-chan.”

I smile and look back to Marron. She smiles, “You go ahead sweetie.”

I nod and start walking off with Reika. “Hey, I should congratulate you on growing your fourth tail, senpai.”

She grins, “Thank you, Aria-chan.” She holds my hand tightly as we continue on.


I watch as Aria heads off with her senior into the shrine. I chuckle softly as her tails happily swish around her. She’s happy, that in turn makes me happy. Not because it’s my duty as her guardian to see her well-being, but for the simple fact that I am her sister. If there is any chance to find a way to make her happy, then it’s my job to do so. She needs this, so desperately does she need this.

Fenris sits beside me. I peer to him. I can never truly get over how big this wolf is in comparison to me, with his head reaching just above my shoulder. I reach over and begin stroking his fur. The wolf’s tails swish softly against the paving stones.

“You too carry a troublesome burden,” says the priest, leaning into me. “One that you must learn to let go.”

I peer to him and then back to Aria. “Mine might be too great to simply let go of,” I tell him, fingers now clinging to Fenris’ fur.

He smiles, “No sin is truly too great. Has she forgiven you?”

My eyes grow wide in shock as I look back at him. Does he know?

“By the way you look at her,” he continues, “it tells me all that I need to know of what you have done.”

I lower my head, “She has…but can I truly be forgiven?”

His smile grows slightly wider, gentler. “You must learn to forgive yourself first. Only then can you truly find peace.” He motions to the shrine, “This is the place of healing and reflection. If you wish, you can come and pray alongside your sister.”

I smile to him. “My prayers are a bit different, so I don’t wish to offend your gods.”

“Aria-chan spoke those exact words months ago,” he chuckles softly. “All prayers are welcome, only that they not be malicious in nature.”

I smile, looking to him. “I accept then.”

He bows his head, “Excellent.” His smile once more beams, “You may have been told this before, but while she was here, there were only two people she ever spoke highly of. The first being her mother, a person I truly wish I could have met. The other being yourself.”

I smile. That girl loves to brag about her family.

He grins, “She would drone on and on about her incredible sister, speaking of your talents as a clothing designer, how you watched over her before meeting her future mother. She also spoke of how you came rushing to her side after her birth family had been killed, staying with her during that stress-filled week.”

I chuckle, peering over to the shrine. “She and I have been closer than blood for as long as I can remember. Any chance I get to be with her is a blessing.” I sigh heavily, lowering my gaze. And in one brief moment of stupidity, I nearly destroyed that bond.

I feel fur brushing against my hand. I look over to see Fenris staring at me.

I smile to him, stroking him behind his ears. “Thank you for being there for her…and for me.”

He smiles, “You are welcome Marron and I am forever grateful that you are Aria’s sister.”

I lean over, pressing my head against his, “I am as well.”

The wolf gently brushes a tail against my face, similar to how I’ve seen him sometimes do with Aria. I look to the priest, feeling ready.

He smiles, “If you will follow me,” motioning towards the shrine.

I nod and start walking alongside him. I hear Fenris’ claws clacking against the stones as he easily keeps step with us.

“I have to ask,” turning to the priest, “is having Fenris here ever been a problem?”

The priest smiles, eyeing the wolf, “Never. He is not some mere animal, and I recognize him as a being similar to yokai of some fashion. So in my eyes, all yokai are welcome.”

I smile, stroking the wolf’s fur as we head inside. A rush of chilled wind blows at my back, seemingly pushing me inside. I pan around, wondering if this is the local deity Aria mentioned, helping me in own way.

Regardless of what it is, hopefully, I too can find some measure of peace.


I hear the sound of water as it flows into a pool. Its steady rhythm helps to soothe my nerves as I kneel on the stone floor and pray. My mouth moves little, but no words come forth. I feel myself having slipped into a deep, trance-like state, feeling similar to the one I was in right before my performance. My breathing is slow and steady, feeling my heart beating softly within my chest.

Please watch over my sister, I know she still feels guilty for what she did. But she’s now here with me, and we finally were able to talk things out. She has been through so much as I have. Please forgive her. I love my sister so much.

I pray for Fenris. He’s really become like my father over the past couple of years and has always been by my side. I really have become a little girl. I know I’m no longer who I used to me, but someone new. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Watch over Orga and Kateryna, they have fought by my side in so many battles, protecting me. They have also guarded and looked after me. Please continue to bless them with patience when dealing with me.

Please keep my aunts in your care. They have given me so much, a home to return to, a family, and so many other blessings that I could barely do them justice.

Please keep watch over my coven. Since meeting them, I have gained a large and expansive network of friends and people who constantly worry over me. I miss them every day. Please keep them from harm, and I hope none been hurt in the last few months.

I thank each and every one of them for being with me in one form or fashion.

I pray that you are able heal my heart. Tears begin to roll down cheeks and onto the stones below me. I begin to think of Mom and of home. Gentle images of everyone slip into my mind. I miss my family so, so much. I pray that some of them were able to make it out.

I want to believe that my mother is still alive somehow. I miss her terribly; I want to see her again. I know in my heart that somehow I will be reunited once more. We always have found a way to find each other. So Mom…please be safe.

I repeat my prayers over and over again. As I do, I gradually begin to feel all of the tension and pent-up anxiety from the past few months flow out of me. My tails lay strewn around me, relaxed and calm.

My heart and mind settle, as a peace that I have not felt in such a long time washes over me. In the center of the darkness I am in, I see a small shimmering light. It slowly grows larger and larger, soon enveloping me in a gentle radiance.

A smile forms on my face as I have rediscovered my center. I’m not alone in all of this, I’ve never been alone. I do have people to turn to. My aunts, my knights, my coven, Fenris…Marron, they’ve all been with me, always there when I need them.

The lingering cloud of fear, which has been hovering over me since the day I last saw my mother is finally driven away. The sadness and doubt which has gripped my heart leaves me, replaced with hope and joy.

I soon begin to stretch out my mind, much like how I did in a dream the night before I returned home. Somehow feeling if I do, I’ll find her. Yet, I stop myself. In my mind I sigh, pulling back. If I go too far and find nothing, then I’ll lose everything that I’ve accomplished. So for now, let me find peace and solace in that still have family. That I can move forward.

My ears flick, hearing that water has stopped flowing into the pool. I can feel it swirling and dancing around me in gentle rings. I smile, feeling my magic settle at last, having been somewhat in a semi-state of flux, despite my constant façade of calmness.

I breathe deeply, swirling the water, feeling it forming into smaller and thinner rings. I exhale little by little, gradually sending the water back into the pool. My heart finally is at rest, feeling a sense of serenity I haven’t experienced in so long.

My eyes slowly open, panning over to find Marron kneeling beside me. I smile as she too seems to have found her own peace, having driven away whatever demons she too has been dealing with. She smiles to me, eyes clear and shining.

“Feeling better?” I ask calmly.

She pulls me into her, stroking my hair. “Yes,” she whispers.

My hands reach up and cling to her, wrapping my tails around us. I feel her planting a kiss onto the top of my head.

I look over to see Fenris lying by the door, tails swishing softy on the stone floor. I give the massive wolf a huge smile. He smiles gently, exuding the fatherly aura I’ve come to love from him.

“Are you feeling better sweetie?” she asks.

I nod, looking up to her.

She smiles, “Do you want to leave, seeing how we’ve accomplished what we came here to do.”

“Yeah…let’s get going,” I say, grinning to her.

She nods, helping me up. I feel my muscles burn and sting having apparently fallen asleep. Marron leads us back into the changing room and we slip back into our normal clothes.

We exit back into the waiting room, find the head priest and the other miko all sitting there. I smile as I walk over into the priest’s open arms, once more having them wrap tightly around me.

“You seem to have quelled your demons, Aria-chan,” he says.

I nod, “I have Sensei, thank you for everything.”

He gently strokes my hair, “You are most welcome my child. Know that if either of you are ever in need of us again, the doors of the shrine are forever open to you.”

I smile to him, “Thank you Sensei.”

He grins, releasing me. I’m soon pulled over by Reika, who hugs me tightly. “You take care of yourself, Aria-chan. Please come and visit us whenever you wish.”

I giggle, hugging her back, “I will senpai.”

She smiles, letting me go. Reika then looks over to Fenris and begins stroking him behind his ears. I watch as his tails wag softly on the floor.

“You really are like a dog sometimes,” I giggle. “With your tails wagging whenever someone gives you a good scratch.”

He looks to me, eyes stern as he swats me with one of his tails. I jump a little, only to giggle even more.

Marron chuckles, looking to the head priest, “Thank you again for letting us come here.”

He smiles to her, “You are more than welcome O’Conner-san. I must confess, she looks much happier than when arrived here a few hours ago.”

She nods, “I agree, hopefully she won’t have any more nightmares.”

The priest takes a short breath, “I shall pray for that both of you are able to truly move forward.”

She bows to him, “Thank you sir.” She then looks to me, “Sweetie, let’s get going. Seeing how it’s getting late, why not we just head on home?”

I look over to her, “Ok.” I turn back to Reika, “Until next time senpai.”

She smiles, pulling me into another hug, “Take care Aria-chan.”

I hug her back, and pull away from her. Fenris and I walk over to Marron and we head out into the inner courtyard and towards home.

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