The Journey of Two Sisters: Book 4 of the Kinstone series
Chapter 36: Unexpected but not unwanted reunion

I take in a long, deep breath of chilled air, feeling my lungs cool. I exhale slowly, letting the fact that I feel so much better than I have in a long time sink in. I look up at Marron, who again looks so much more refreshed and relaxed. She peers down at me and smiles.

I grin at her, swishing my tails happily on the stones the closer we walk towards the outer courtyard. For the first time in a long while, the both of us might sleep soundly at night.


My heart flutters like a bird as I slowly turn to see Kenji entering through the outer courtyard. My cheeks burn hotly as he comes closer. His walk then graduates into a full-on dash as he races over and instantly pulls me into his arms.

“You can’t believe how happy I am to see you awake,” he says, holding me closer to his chest.

My cheeks burn even hotter, remembering that Marron had told me he had visited me while I was still unconscious. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He looks down at me. “I’ve missed you terribly,” he says. “There hasn’t been a day when I wasn’t thinking about you. It’s great to see that you’ve come home to the village.”

“Well, the circumstances for my arrival weren’t exactly the best,” I giggle nervously.

Home…so many from the village have expressed that same sentiment. This is my home, its people openly and graciously treats me as though I were of them. Each time someone says it, it simply reinforces that fact.

His cheeks turn a soft red, “It doesn’t change how amazing it is that you've returned.”

The truth is that I feel the same. There were so many times when I thought of him while at the Ranch. I wanted to be whisked away here, only to just fall into his arms. So now here I am, in the arms of the boy who made my heart flutter wildly upon our first meeting.

He pulls back a bit and leans down, pressing his forehead to mine. He then takes my hands and holds it against our chests. I feel his warm breath on my face. I smile broadly, swishing my tails against the paving stones.

“When I heard you had come back,” he says softly, “I ran as fast as I could from the docks to come see you. Thankfully my parents stopped me and drove me through the storm to your house.”

“You were out at sea during the storm?” I ask incredulously.

He chuckles softly, “This time of year is actually the best for fishing. So my father, uncle and I went out earlier to brave the waves, both of whom have been equally worried about you.”

I look up into his amber eyes, “When you heard that I had woken up, how come you didn’t come visit me?”

“I wanted to, believe me,” he says, tightening his grip around my hands. “My mother however said not to.”

I tilt my head slightly in confusion. He nods, “She heard that you had been suffering from horrible nightmares from what happened to you, saying that your heart was in utter turmoil. If you had seen me before I found a way to ease your pain, it might break completely.”

That…kind of makes sense, I think. Seeing Hashibaba and having the girls over is one thing, even having Miu and Yui fawn over me, not to mention Saya. Putting all of that aside, Kenji is a different matter altogether. My heart always leaps into my throat whenever I see and hear from him.

“So for a while I had to settle for hearing from others,” he says. “But now I get to see you in front of me, and I am so very happy.”

I giggle softly, “Thanks Kenji.” I close my eyes as he presses his head into mine again. I too had missed him, from wishing he could’ve appeared during the second night of the gathering, to when we spoke together on the computer.

He slowly leans in and kisses me. My tails flare outwards, feeling my heart pounding heavily in my chest. His lips are slightly cracked, no doubt from being out at sea, tasting the familiar saltiness.

Our lips moves gently over each other’s, feeling the gentle warmth and love we share. Yes…love. This only serves to increase the pounding of my heart.

He grins, ending the kiss, “I’ve wanted to do that since you left, and even more when you returned.”

My cheeks blush even more. “Kenji no baka,” I whisper.

He chuckles softly, peering into my eyes. “Your eyes seem to sparkle even more than that last time I saw you,” he says. “I think they look even more beautiful.”

I feel my cheeks burning so hot you could cook on them as I stare into his eyes.

He grins, “Well, I will also get to say that I got to see you in your true form before anyone in the village.”

I giggle, nodding softly. I guess being a kitsune really is who I am now. I still remember my aunts saying that I am now completely kitsune. it’s a fact that I truly proud of.

My ears soon flick at the sound of a camera shutter going off. I turn my head to see Marron holding up her phone, grinning. My cheeks burn hotly, recalling the night Yukari took a picture of when he and I we first kissed. Beside her sat Fenris, giving a very fatherly-like approving smile. I quickly bury my face into the Kenji’s chest, trying to hide.

“Awww, you are so cute when you’re embarrassed, sweetie,” she laughs.

I groan, shaking off the embarrassment caused by her. I take in a deep breath and glare at her. Her grin only broadens as does Fenris’.

Kenji looks to her and bows, “O’Conner-san. It’s good to see you again.”

She smiles, “And you as well, Nonoha-kun.”

He then bows his head to my bonded, “Fenris-dono.”

The wolf smiles, “Young man.”

Kenji turns his attention back onto me, feeling his tails wrapping around mine. I see his eyes light up as he discovers my ninth. A broad smile stretches across his face. “You’re now a kyuubi,” he says happily.

My cheeks blush timidly as I nod. I know I should probably get used to people becoming shocked by this, but I don’t think I ever will. Especially while being here in the village.

His embrace tightens, “Congratulations on growing your ninth tail. For any kitsune to obtain it, it’s always something to celebrate.”

I giggle nervously, “Thanks, Kenji.”

He smiles, leaning back, “Have…you given anymore thought about what we spoke about the day you left?”

My heart begins to thump heavily in my chest. I really have over the past few months. Deep down I do love him, but there’s still a bit more I need to be sure of.

I gave a soft nod, looking up at him. “But I want to go on another date with you. I just want to spend a little time together.”

He grins, “I would love nothing more than to go on another date. When do you want to do it and what would you like to do?”

My cheeks still burn softly at hearing him accept. “We…we don’t have to do anything spectacular. Maybe just walking along the beach. I know its super cloudy and cold, but at least it’s not raining or we’re having another blizzard.”

I feel my heart racing heavily now, “As for the when… you, you can just come up whenever you want and we can go.”

He gives me a gentle nod, “I can’t wait.”

I grin. I…I can’t believe I just did that. Oh if everyone back home were here watching this. Wait…no, really bad idea. Jenn, Mandy, and Heather would be swarming all over him, giving Kenji a massive dressing down. Alexis and Henry both would want to make sure that he wouldn’t do anything outrageous. Not to mention what the adults might think.

Thankfully none of them are here right now. Then again…it still doesn’t change the fact how much I miss them.

“Are you doing alright?” he asks. “When I last spoke with Saya-chan and the others, they all told me that you weren’t looking as cheerful as you used to be.”

I nod slowly, smiling to him. “I am. I’ve finally been able to sort through a few issues that have been plaguing me since August.”

He smiles, stroking my cheek. “I can’t believe it’s been five months since I was last able to see your beautiful face. I don’t think a computer really can capture how amazing you look.”

I giggle, feeling my cheeks burn even more with my tails holding onto his, “Keep up the charm lover boy, it's working.”

He chuckles, holding me close to him. We hold there for a moment, not even caring about the world around us.

“I have to go talk to the head priest,” he says, leaning in and pressing his head to mine.

I nod, hands now clinging to his coat. This is one of those moments I really don’t want to end

He then kisses my forehead. “I promise to come call you soon, once I’m able to get away from my family.” I nod once more, smiling to him.

He smiles softly, caressing my face as he releases our tails. “Look for my call, Aria-chan.”

I giggle softly, “I will.”

He nods and lets go of me. He quickly gives bow to both Marron and Fenris before he walks off towards the shrine.

I turn and watch as he bows to the head priest and both head inside. I stand there for a moment, heart still fluttering wildly with what just happened. My fingers twirling around over themselves before I pivot and head towards the outer courtyard.

As we head up the road, Marron leans over and pulls me into her. “You really have become a girl. A bit tomboyish at times, while deep down the most girly girl I’ve ever known.”

My cheeks blush as I smirk, “Well I am one, now and ever more.”

She smiles, reaching up and stroking my hair. “Your mother would’ve loved seeing you back there, asking a boy out on a date. You know how proud she’d be of you.”

My cheeks burn even hotter, grinning, “Knowing her, she’d be hovering over us like a ghost or worse.”

“That’s just how mothers are, sweetie,” she says, rubbing my shoulder. “They always want to look after their children.”

I smile, no doubt. I look over to Fenris, “So, Papa Wolf, will you be chaperoning us like you did last time?”

The wolf shakes his head, “There will be no need this time.”

I glance up at Marron, who is grinning deviously. I roll my eyes, knowing she might have something in mind for us. Just nothing crazy, please Sissy?

Unless you plan on doing something devious as you did during the first date,” he adds. I chirp slightly, with my ears shooting straight up.

“What’s he talking about?” asks Marron.

My heart reels back into my chest, “N-nothing.”

The wolf turns and faces me, “During their first date, she ‘lost’ at a shooting game. Thus prompting the young man to win her the prize she sought.”

Her mouth hung low, “You conniving little fox. You did that just to prop up his ego?”

I shrug, smirking, “Well…it seemed like a good idea at the time.”

She sighs, hugging me close. “What am I going to do with you?”

I giggle as we leave the entry path and onto the road. No…this time I just want to be with him, no pressure, no crowds, just us and the sea.

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