
It’s been a couple days since Marron and I visited Asha. In that time, I finally fully rested, apart from small training bouts with Fenris. It’s nothing overly serious, mostly with the both of us practicing ice magic. Hey, it's winter and plenty of snow on the ground to fling about.

I lean up against the kotatsu, stroking my tails, and watching TV. Even from being here in the spring, it’s still rather interesting to watch anime live on TV. Although…it kinda sucks that it’s growing close to the end of the season, but I was able to catch up thanks to my phone.

An ear flicks towards the direction of Yukari’s room, hearing my aunt and Marron talking to each other. There’d be days when the pair would disappear into the bedroom and talk for hours. A small smile stretches on my face as I never once heard anything other than either talking about various topics. So it makes me wonder what exactly they were talking about. Whatever it was, it makes me happy they’re getting along with each other.

My ears flick forward, hearing the clashing of swords as my knights spar one another. The yard outside is perfect for most forms of training, be it sword or anything else I normally did while at home.

The doctor came by yesterday to do a follow-up on me, clearing me for any training or exercise I chose to partake in. This made me eager to fully resume my training. I still was getting by with my tai chi katas, but I really wanted to go hard and pull out my kodachi bokken and train with Fenris.

Speaking of my bonded, I pan over to see Fenris sleeping in the corner of the room near the door. I levy a small smile to him, knowing he had gone hunting earlier in the morning. This meant he could be out for a few hours.

I sigh softly, now thinking of Kenji. It’s been three days since he and I reunited at the shrine. I know he’s probably been busy with his dad and uncle out on the boat, helping his mother and younger brother around the house or even working on schoolwork.

Whatever the reason, I ache to see him again. Now that I can leave the house unaided, I just want to sneak out of the house and head straight to the village. Now that’s a cheeky thing to do, I think grinning.

The show finally ends and I feel the urge to make some tea for everyone. I rise from under the kotatsu and head into the kitchen. As the pot begins to boil, I hear the phone ring, startling me and nearly causing me to nearly drop the cup of tea I’m holding.

I calm down for a moment and place the cup onto the counter. I quickly sidestep over to the phone and pick it up.

“Hello?” I ask.

“Hey, Aria-chan,” answers Kenji.

My heart rate skyrockets at the sound of his voice. “Hey Kenji,” I respond, sounding nervous.

“I was wondering if you still wanted to go out on that date.”

“Of course I do,” replying quickly, feeling my cheeks turn red hot.

“Great! I’ll be waiting for you along the beach at the bottom of your hill in half an hour.”

I nod, still blushing, “I’ll be there.”

“I can’t wait Aria-chan,” he says, hearing the call end shortly after.

I hang up the phone and stare at the cup for a moment. I quickly snap myself out of my stupor and turn off the stove. I pivot and make a dash for the stairs, only to hear Yukari’s door slide open as I pass by. Arms then snatch me from behind, pulling me back. I look up to see Marron standing over me.

“Was that Kenji asking you to meet him for your date?” she asks.

I nod slowly, feeling my cheeks burning even hotter.

She grins, releasing me. “Be sure not to stay out too late. Alright sweetie?”

I look back at her. A normal thing to say, but still it makes me wonder, what do you have up your sleeve?

I peer around her to see Yukari walking into the room. “I hope you have a good time with the young man,” she says smiling. The first time I went on a date with him, my aunt definitely gave me some space, so there’s no doubt she will for the second one.

I nod, smiling to her. “So…I know I asked this already, but with the doctor clearing me, think we can train a bit?”

Both women then burst into laughter. “Why are you asking about training when you’re about to go on a date?” asks Marron.

I shrug, grinning to her. My sister shakes her head and leans in, “Just hurry and get ready or you’ll be late.”

I giggle and dash up the stairs to my room.

I hop back down and head for the entryway. I sit down and starting pulling on my boots lacing them up. My ears flick back at the sounds of approaching footsteps. Arms soon wrap around me, holding me. I lean back and look up, seeing Marron hovering over me, staring into my eyes.

“I wish your mother was here to see you off,” she says smiling.

A small grin form on my lips, “You’re here to do that in her stead.” I know neither Marron nor Yukari could ever hope to replace her, they can still fill her role.

She nods, planting a kiss onto my forehead. I still see worry and longing in her eyes, possibly wondering what would happen if Mom is still alive and returned. She then sighs; shaking away her doubts and stands us up.

She turns me around and wraps my scarf around, making sure it's snug.

“You better make sure he’s on his best behavior,” she says, “or I’ll send Fenris after him.”

I grin, peering over to see him sitting in the hallway, tails curled around him. I know he said that he’d stay back and let me go unchaperoned. Marron on the other hand…no comment. I smile to him.

I look back to my sister, “I will.”

She smiles and turns me to face the door. “Now go have some fun.”

I grin, tapping the toe of my boot, and look to her, “I’ll see you later.” I slide open the door and head out.

I round the house, heading towards the path heading down to the beach. My ears flick again as the sound of swords clashing ring loudly. As I come into view, Orga and Kateryna soon stop and turn, bowing to me.

“Good afternoon Your Highness,” they greet me.

I bow my head to them, still heading for the path, “Hey guys.”

“Where are you going Your Highness?” asks Orga. “Do you require an escort?”

I grin to him, “Just meeting someone down at the beach.”

Kateryna grins, “Are you meeting that young man who visited you and is supposedly your betrothed?”

Be-betrothed? My tails stand on end as my cheeks blush a deep shade of red. I try to head it under my scarf. “I…I have to go.”

Both knights laugh. “Have a good time Your Highness,” says Orga.

His wife continues to chuckle, “I look forward to your return, Your Highness.”

I nod softly and slip off down the path.

The trek down the path is just as winding as I remember. While gentle in its slopes, with plenty of stairs, at times roots begin to encroach upon the tiles. At some point I might have to ask the trees to withdraw, that way I won’t have to worry about tripping over them at night.

My ears are on a constant swivel, trying to listen for Fenris, thinking that he is following me. I smile, not hearing anything other than the trees blowing in the wind.

I keep my attention forward, but still glance at the forest around me. Memories from the spring return and appear just as fresh of my heading down this path.

One incredibly important memory is of the day I met Kenji. I can still feel the warm seawater upon my legs as I swam around as a mermaid. I think of how simple those days were, how much it feels like childhood. Just carefree and living with abandon.

I look up to see the skies heavy with dark grey clouds. I think of home, where this typically meant we were in store for more snow. My thoughts then turn to when Jenn came over to visit us a year ago. I miss those days, seeing her face around the Manor, even going horseback riding with her on the Estate.

Even while running at top speed to go on a date, I begin to miss my coven and all my friends. To them, it’s been nearly three months since they've heard anything from me. Strangely enough, Yukari hasn’t once contacted Miriam since our arrival. I wonder if she wants me to do that.

I nod. Once I head to the village I’ll give her a call. I even have a plan to sate my paranoia.

I finally exit out onto the beach. The wind from the ocean blasts against me, catching my scarf and hair. I feel the sting of the ocean spray as it batters my face. The tides crash lightly against the shore, but in time I know they might grow stronger if we have a storm roll in on us.

I scan along the beach, with my eyes instantly training on a person off in the distance. My heart shoots up into my chest as Kenji some distance away and walking to me.

I turn and sprint over to him. When we get close, we each pull each other tightly into a tight hug, kissing instantly. As always, I can still taste seasalt on his lips.

He laughs, “I’ve wanted to do that for a while.”

I grin, staring up into his eyes.

He smiles, kissing me once more. “You are still the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.”

I giggle, “Thanks Kenji.”

He smiles, reaching down and taking my hand as we start heading down the beach.

“I still remember the day I first met you,” he says. “In fact, I believe it was this very spot.”

I grin, nodding, “I remember that day too.” I glance up at him, “You also startled me that day.”

He smiles, wrapping his tails around mine. “For that I will always say that I am sorry,” he replies. “But it turned out to be a good thing in the end.” I nod to him.

“I want to know about what’s been going on with you since we last spoke,” he adds.

I sigh, glancing out onto the ocean. “My home was invaded by a bunch of teenagers, who came knocking on my door back in July. We fought them off, only for me to deal with certain issues dug up from not only my past, but that of my mother.” I look up to him, “I think you might know the rest from the summer up until now.”

He nods, tightening his grip on my hand. “That we all did.” He smiles to me, “You are a paradox of girl. You’re a warrior yet I’ve seen you be the most girly girl I have ever known.”

I smile to him, walking closer. I somehow get the impression he and Marron have been talking to each other.

The smile on his face turns timid as he looks forward. “I believe it was the very same day in July when cu Callen-dono came to visit us. You won’t believe how the village went into a frenzy upon meeting more of your family.”

I giggle, remembering Asha telling me about her coming here. My cheeks turn a soft red. “I know I asked my aunt this, but Miriam didn’t do anything here right?”

He chuckles, “Nope, but I somehow instantly caught her attention. We…sat down, and she then began asking me a few questions about myself and how I thought of you.”

I sigh, still blushing. It could’ve been worse. Now if you think being with Miriam is bad, wait until you meet my friends.

My ears flick as I hear something hovering nearby. Whatever it is, it has a soft hum, almost like an insect’s wings.

We continue along the beach listening to the waves crashing upon the shore. Neither of us mind it. In fact I think it only creates a more romantic setting, despite the dark and gloomy clouds overhead. We soon come upon the rock where we first kissed. The both of us slowly climb until we reach the top.

The both of us stare out onto the ocean, watching as the wave roll in, seeing little white peaks among the water. We lean into each other, tails clinging tighter as he wraps his arm around me and holding me to him.

“How long will you be staying?” he asks.

“I really don’t know,” I tell him. “There’s just so much going on in my life right now.”

“Why not just stay forever?” he adds. “Just forget the world and live here with us.”

I nod softly. This place really is hidden away from everything. I’d have my aunts nearby, with Asha only being but a few miles away and Yukari in Tokyo. I can easily see myself being in some form or fashion free of it all.

I close my eyes, “It’s a good idea, but I’m still not sure.”

“I understand,” he says leaning over and kissing the top of my head. “I’ll be here for you.”

I blush softly, smiling, “Thank you Kenji.”

He smiles, stroking my arm. “I really did enjoy seeing what your American friends looked like.”

I giggle, “They all asked about you, wanting to know everything. They even wanted to know about our date.”

He chuckles. “Oh…Touma-ojisan and Harumi-san married nearly the end of summer and are expecting their first child.”

My mouth drops as I look at him, “That’s awesome. I bet your family is excited.”

He grins, “Oh they are. My aunt and uncle are constantly worrying over the nursery and are even talking about expanding their house.”

I giggle. His new aunt and I often used to swim together in the ocean on the days I came and visited the village. They were rare chances to swim as mermaid. She and the other umi ohsos all told me that while I felt at home in the sea, my heart was pure kitsune. I often blushed whenever they said that.

I return to thinking about spending my life and settling down with Kenji. Old fantasies of raising children soon pop back into my mind, and simply living out a life here.

I soon sigh to myself, pushing those ideas from my mind.

Kenji then reaches over into his bag and pulls out a thermos along with two cups. He opens and then pours steaming hot liquid into one cup and hands it to me. “My mother made this soup for us.”

I smile, taking it, “You should tell her thanks for me when you see her.” I bring the cup up and take in a long breath, inhaling the scent. I hold it to my lips and take a sip, smiling as I quickly love the flavor. I soon take another sip, and then another.

He also drinks from his cup. “Are you planning to come and visit the village? You know everyone there is anxious to see you again.”

I take another sip of the soup. “Marron and I might come sometime in the next week. It’s not that I don’t want to, but I’m waiting to hear from Hashibaba.”

He smiles, which then lowers into a frown. “I think my father, uncle, and aunt, and myself will more than likely be out on the ocean when you do visit.”

I sigh, well that’s great. I also wanted to come and congratulate Touma-san and Harumi-san on both getting married and their first child.

“Well…what about New Year’s?” he asks. “Do you think you might be able to make that?”

A grin rises on my face as I look up at him, “I’d love to go. It'll be at the inari shrine right?”

He smiles warmly, “Yep.” He then leans in closer, “I can’t even begin imagine seeing how beautiful you would look in a kimono in person.”

My cheeks blush deeply, imaging myself wearing one again as a kitsune. I start recalling meeting Yukari for the first time when I saw her wearing one.

Back in the spring, Hashibaba had me wear one of many she had. Oh how I loved shuffling around the village in it. I still to this day will love wearing the hakama skirt with a kimono top. Granted Kenji and the others were off at school when I came down to be dressed up, so no one really got to see me.

My heart then thumps softly in my chest, missing Mom. Two years ago about this time was also when I first attended my coven’s Winter Solstice Festival. We stayed home for last year’s but it looks like I’m going to miss it again. This time for completely different reasons.

Kenji leans over, “Are you alright?”

“Just been thinking about a lot of different things,” I tell him, rolling the cup between my hands. “Just missing people mostly.”

He gently pulls me close to him, stroking my arm. “I know they’re missing you as well.”

I bury my face into his chest, feeling a lump growing in my throat as tears begin to form in my eyes. I miss them; I miss all of my friends within the coven. I start choking up, slowly on the verge of crying.

His hand moves to my head, slowly stroking my hair. “You shouldn’t cry Aria-chan. You look so much better with a smile on your face.”

I giggle, wiping my face, “My mom and lot of people have told me the same thing over the years.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He reaches over and lifts my chin, staring into my eyes. “I can never get over how beautiful your eyes are. Such a brilliant shade of gold.” I blush deeply, staring back.

“But what’s more is that I also love your human eyes,” he adds. “A deep blue, with specks of ice-blue within. I’ve never heard of anyone having such a color, nor has Asharyume-sama or Tsukino-sama.”

I giggle softly, “I’m told it’s a trait of my ancestors.”

He smiles, stroking my cheek with his thumb. “I don’t care how many times I say it. You are still the most beautiful girl I have ever met.”

My heart thumps heavily in my chest, still smiling to him.

He leans in closer and kisses me, while stroking my face.

I close my eyes as we do, wanting this moment to last forever. I giggle to myself, still tasting the salt on his lips. My ears then flick as I again here something moving against the wind. I roll my eyes; I really wish y’all could’ve at least given me some measure of privacy.

Kenji then then pulls back, hearing his phone going off. He pulls it out and groans. “You have got to be kidding me. He knows that I’m out for a reason.”

I look up at him, “What’s wrong?”

He sighs angrily. “My father wants me to come back and help him get the boat ready before we set out on our next trip.”

My ears flatten, “Does the ocean get rough in the winter?”

He puts away his phone and looks to me. “They never really too bad this time of year, but it’s nothing we can’t handle.” A smile then grows on his face, “My younger brother can’t wait to help out.”

I giggle, “Your mother will be even more worried that her youngest wants to be a fisherman.”

He chuckles, “Choji has always dreamed of sailing on the ocean.”

I grin to myself. If the weather was warmer, hell, just be spring and summer, I could go and help as a mermaid. I might even enjoy the open ocean with Harumi-san.

Kenji closes up the thermos and rises from his seat. I follow suit and climb down from our perch. He helps me off of the rock, to which I trip over my feet and fall into him. He catches me, pulling me close. His tails wrap tightly around a few my own as he holds me.

“I am so incredibly happy that I was able to be alone with you again,” he says.

I smile, nodding softly.

He then leans in slowly. “Have you been given anymore thought about what you and I talked about the day you left the village?” he asks. “About being sure of our feelings for one another and the words we each hold?”

I smile, “I have. I want to tell you, just not right now.”

He nods, “I can wait,” he says. “We have nothing but time together.”

A broad smile stretches across my face, feeling my unwrapped tails swishing softly on the sand. He’s right, we do have nothing but time.

He leans in further and kisses me once more. My hands cling tightly to his jacket, feeling his warm breath against my face. “I’ll see you later Aria-chan.”

I smile, “I hope it’s soon.”

He chuckles softly, kissing me again. We then turn and start walking down the beach in the direction of my house, hands clenched tightly along with our tails. I really don’t want our date to come to an end, especially with how short it’s been. I know for certain he feels the same.

We stop just before the entrance to the forest path. We face each other once more.

“I’ll see you later Aria-chan,” he says.

I smile up to him, “Be safe Kenji.”

He grins, finally letting go of my hand, and stepping back, walking down the beach.

I stand there for a moment, watching him slowly disappear along the shoreline. My tails swish softly around me, hearing nothing the waves as they crash onto the beach. The wind blow gently against my body, whistling in my ears.

I hold up my hand, summoning forth whatever’s been following me. I feel something cold and smooth smacking into my hand. I bring it forward and stare at it, recognizing the object. A watchsphere.

I sigh, glaring deeply into the glasslike orb. “I hope y’all enjoyed the show.” The orb shimmers softly and then goes dark. I roll my eyes, stashing it into my coat. I’ll let it slide for now.

Though short, my second date with Kenji was a good one. I turn and head up the path towards the house. I gently touch my lip, still feeling his against mine.

I didn’t say anything the moment I got home, simply looking to everyone. They “conveniently” found something to occupy themselves. I shook my head and hopped up to my room. I placed the watchsphere onto my desk and took off my coat and scarf.

Later on in the evening, I decided to stay in my room, wanting some time to myself. I stare out the window and to the ocean. I smile, having had a really good time today. I lean over to my desk and grab my phone. I start scrolling through pictures of Mom and the others. Yet this time I know for certain that I will not be having anymore nightmares. I still miss them, hoping that they aren’t dead.

I sigh softly, gazing at my mother, staring deeply into her violet eyes. I can still hear her voice in my mind, speaking softly to me. A small smile rises on my lips, ever grateful to be her daughter.

I turn off my phone, placing it onto the table before me. I lean over and grab for my bag, pulling at the message stone, paper and a pen. I set them all onto the table and start writing.

Hey Savero,

I hope you’re doing alright, haven't heard anything from you. I know you’ve probably been busy in the last few months so that is why you haven’t been able to get back to me. I know you’re probably worried about me. Big brothers always do.

I just want you to know that I’m doing alright and I’m safe. I’m with my older sister Marron and my knights and Fenris. I can’t tell you where I am for obvious reasons.

I hope you’re doing ok. I miss Nerazon and still wished I could’ve gone with the gossip during the summer.

Anyway, I hope to hear from you soon.

Take care big brother.


I place the letter in an envelope and seal it up. I again reach into my bag and drag out the canister I’ve been using to send letters to him. I slip it inside and touch the stone with it.

“Savero,” I whisper, watching as the canister vanishes into the stone. I lean onto the table, resting my head onto my arms, and coiling my tails around me. I start hoping that I finally get to hear from him soon.

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