The Journey of Two Sisters: Book 4 of the Kinstone series
Chapter 39: Going to Hashibaba’s house

The days roll on in peace, now slowly creeping towards Christmas which is now but a week away. I still can’t believe that I’ll be spending it in another country. Then again, nothing has been the same since the start of summer. I often sigh heavily, sometimes finding myself growing more and more homesick.

Ears flicks back at the sound of the phone going off.

“I’ll get it,” says Marron. I nod, returning my attention to the TV. The phone then clicks, “Sweetie,” she adds, with me looking to her, “that was Hashibaba saying that she’s ready to see you and me.”

I grin and hop up from the floor. It’s been over a week and a half since she visited me, and I can’t wait to see her again. This will also be the first time since the spring that I’ve stepped foot into the village that had made me their own.

Marron smiles to me as she and I grab our coats. I pan over to see my knights and Yukari doing that same.

I giggle, “You guys really love the village, don’t you?”

Orga grins, “Indeed, Your Highness.”

I look to Kateryna, who simply smiles to me, “I too have come to love it here.”

I smile, slipping on my coat. Fenris trots over to the front door, waiting for the five of us to join him. Once finished, we head outside.

We all pile into a van that Yukari had brought up from her last trip to the village a couple days ago. For the moment the weather hasn’t been all that bad, yet even if the village is only a couple miles away, it’s still a good idea to drive there rather than walk. Although…if the weather were nicer, all I’d have to do is cut through the forest as a shortcut.

Once buckled in, Yukari starts up the van and we head down the path.

“I for one cannot wait to resume my shogi matches with several of the women,” chirps up Kateryna.

I lean over the middle seat and look to her, “You like shogi?”

She chuckles, “That I do, Your Highness. Aside from reading, I love playing chess. So I quickly took to playing shogi as well as spending time with the women there. Not to mention how I have come to love my visits to the village.”

I smirk, panning over to Orga.

He smiles, “I myself will be heading to marina. The men there have asked me to help them with any and all ship repairs. Apparently winter is often the best time to head out and fish.”

I shake my head, smiling.

“What of you, Your Highness?” asks the elf.

I rest my chin onto the back rest between them. “Marron and I are heading to Hashibaba’s.” A smile grows on my lips, “I might have an idea of what she wants to show us.”

She smiles.

We finally arrive in the village, having taking a lot less time than I thought. Granted, I’m used to walking here. It’s also been a long time since I’ve rode in a car. So this is a first for me.

We park the van and climb out, feeling a rush of chilled wind against us. My heart beats quickly, smiling at how I am back once more in a place I fell in love with.

I scan around, seeing the homes and little shops now covered in snow. A few places of interest pop into my mind. I spot the dango shop where Saya introduced me to everyone the first time Fenris and I visited the village. It’s also the same place where I saw Kenji for the second time.

I pan over to see Chinjaro-san’s workshop. I smile, remembering the days when I’d just sit around and watch him hammer away at whatever project he was working on at the time. So all in all, nothing has changed in the past few months.

I look up at the tops of the buildings and giggle.

Marron turns and looks to me, “What’s so funny?”

I grin to her, “Back in the spring, the teenagers loved to race along the rooftops.”

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I nod happily.

She laughs, ruffling my hair, “Crazy girl.” I grin up at her.

I glance down at Fenris. The wolf often ran alongside us, making sure I wouldn’t hurt myself while out with my friends.

We walk a bit before stopping near the village square. Yukari looks to me, “Now, depending on how long everyone shall be tonight, we can either meet up here or simply return to the house.”

We each nod and quickly split, with Orga and Kateryna going with Yukari heading deeper in. Marron, Fenris, and I turn in the opposite direction.

As we walk, I continue to scan around, seeing familiar sights. I smile, pointing out several little places where my friends and I hung whenever I came to visit. “I’d often come down in the mornings when not training with Yukari. I also spent time with the adults, talking with them, spending time with them.” I blush softly, “It’s also how Hashibaba became like my grandmother, since I was the only teen left in the village.”

She grins, “You had a lot of fun here, didn’t you?

I smile broadly, “Yep.” I peer over to a few small alcoves, “Some of these places we ducked into to stay out of sight.”

“Oh?” she says eyeing me, “what sort of mischief did you get yourself into?”

I grin proudly, “Nothing major, mostly pranking the boys.”

She rolls her eyes, “Itazurana kitsune.

I giggle loudly. I stare forward, “I still remember a few times in May when Hashibaba started having me wear some more traditional clothing.” I hold my arms behind my back, feeling a bit embarrassed, “I really fell in love with wearing hakama skirts and kimono tops. It made me feel so good while as a kitsune, more natural.”

She smiles to me, “I remember you showing me the pictures.”

I giggle again, recalling the last real night I had with her before everything went down the drain. It was still a simple night between us.

She looks to me, “I still say that you really did look in your element while as a kitsune, even more so here in the village.”

I hold my arms behind my back, “Yep. It’s great that I don’t have to hide it. And here it’s…just more comfortable.”

She smiles, holding me close, “You really have become a yokai, haven’t you?”

I shrug, “Maybe, but I’m still me.”

I feel her planting a kiss on top of my head. “I know.”

My ears flatten as I giggle.

We soon arrive at Hashibaba’s house. It’s small, probably no bigger than the parsonage, yet perfect for her. I reach up and knock on the door. A few seconds later, the front door slides open, revealing the elderly nekomata.

She quickly pulls me into a tight embrace. “It is so good to see you in the village again Aria-chan.”

I smile to her, “Thanks Hashibaba.”

She kisses my forehead, then pulls back, looking me over. “Such a beautiful young kitsune,” she says. “You look perfect as your true self. Not to mention having all of your tails fully grown. Such a dear girl.”

I giggle, blushing. She smiles, looking up towards my sister. “Ohayo Marron-san,” she greets, bowing her head.

Marron bows her in return, “Ohayo Hashibaba.”

The elder smiles and peers at Fenris, again bowing to him. “Ohayo Fenris-dono.”

The wolf bobs his head, “And to you as well Hashibaba.”

Her smile never dims, looking to us, “Let us go inside where it is warmer shall we?”

We nod and enter, with our host closing the door behind us. After taking off our coats and shoes, Hashibaba leads us deeper into her home with Fenris shrinking down to better fit.

We soon come upon the living room. A table sits in the middle with curio cabinets and a couple small bookcases filling out the room. To my right I can see the kitchen and a hallway leading even deeper into the house.

“Please make yourselves comfortable,” says our host as she disappears towards the hallway.

“Do you need any help Hashibaba?” I offer.

“No my dear girl, but thank you.”

I look to Marron, who nods. The two of us find seats around the table, with Fenris finding a spot against the wall. I look around, smiling as my tails bundle around me.

“Have you been here before?” she asks.

I smile, stroking my tails, “A few times,” I reply. “Mostly before I had to leave back in May.” She leans back, peering around her.

I pan over to a cabinet and smile, seeing a picture of me and my yokai grandmother together. I still seem small in it. I smirk, even now I still feel small.

Marron holds my hand, stroking her thumb over it. I smile to her. It’s still funny how I have actually come to a grandmother’s house. I think of Miriam, missing her deeply. But…that is another reason why I am here.

Hashibaba returns, carrying three large boxes, which easily appear to be too heavy for her as she staggers due to their weight

Marron and I spring up and help her bring the boxes into the living room.

“Oh thank you girls,” she says, carefully placing them onto the floor.

She kneels down, placing her hand onto the one in the middle. Marron and I kneel in front of her.

“Do you remember me telling you how I planned to dress you as a ‘true child of the village’?” she asks, looking to me.

I nod to her, coiling my tails around me.

She smiles, pulling the lid off of the box, revealing a full kimono.

I marvel at it, stroking the outfit gently. It’s a mix of dark blues, with images of pine branches.

She peers down at it. “This has been in my family for four generations,” she says. “Passed from mother to daughter.”

I look at her, blushing.

She grins, looking to me, “I am giving this to you.”

“I…I can’t Hashibaba,” I say, pulling back a little. “Don’t you have a son living in Tokyo?”

Her smile warms, “That I do my dear, but he has only sons. You on the other hand are my granddaughter Aria-chan.”

I look at her, “All of the kids in the village think of you as their grandmother.”

She leans in closer to me, “That may be true. However…I claim you as my own grandchild.”

My ears flatten, feeling my cheeks burning brightly.

Marron chuckles, “Sweetie, your ability to garner family can be scary at times.”

I blush even more, burying my face into my tails. She’s…not lying. In fact the very first week I visited Mom, I gained an aunt and sister. A fact that my then future mother made a point of. The truth is that I also have always thought of Hashibaba as my grandmother, much in the same way as Miriam.

The nekomata smiles, “Do you remember how to wear a kimono?”

I lower my tails, “I do. My mom also bought one for me during our first trip to Japan, along with a yukata which I wore to a shrine festival. Yukari also sent me one for Christmas that same year.” I sigh, draping my tails around me. “I never got the chance to wear either of them afterwards.”

Her smile beams, “Well, I am happy that I will be to able see you in one again.”

My cheeks burn even more.

Marron smiles as she looks it over. I watch as he holds of the robe, carefully examining every inch of it. “Would it be alright if I made a few alternations to it?”

“By all means,” says Hashibaba. “It in fact has been in need of repairs for quite some time.”

Marron nods, still examining the kimono.

The nekomata then looks to my sister. “It is traditional for all women of the village to wear kimonos on New Year’s,” she says, motioning to the other two boxes.

My sister opens the one in front of her. Her mouth drops in awe of it, “I don’t believe it.” She marvels at the garment, fingers gently strumming the fabric.

Hashibaba smiles, “The third is for Kateryna-san.”

Both Marron and I look at the elder, then at each other. We each share the same massive grin, no doubt imagining how the elf will receive it. Better yet, her reaction to actually wearing it.

We pan back to my yokai grandmother. “Thank you Hashibaba,” we each say. She simply smiles warmly to us.

I continue stroking my kimono, feeling my cheeks blush as I think of how Kenji will react to me wearing it. I smile, wanting to wear it now.

“Now,” chirps the nekomata, “how will you be transporting these?”

I smile, “I’ll carry them in my bag.”

“Your…bag?” she asks, sounding both curious but also a bit insulted.

Marron smiles, looking to me, “Show her.”

I nod, grabbing my bag, which I placed by the table, with my tail and reach into it. I rummage around inside, practically sticking my entire arm into it until I find what I’m looking for. I pull out my arm, revealing a small, clear and empty cube. I set it onto the floor and tap it three times, watching as it expands into a much, much larger version of itself.

I open it and carefully start to levitate each box into the cube. I grin, eyeing as Hashibaba looks on it amazement. Once the final box is inside, I close the lid and tap on it, watching as it shrinks back down to its original size.

“How did you that?” she asks.

I giggle, picking it up. “It’s something my mother created so that I didn’t have to carry cumbersome luggage. It’s come in real handy in the last few months.”

She nods slowly.

I look up at her, “Once something goes into the cube, it remains in that exact state. Also nothing really shakes all that much while inside the bag. I have beakers, books, suitcases, tons of fragile items in here. Not to mention things that could possibly hurt if this were a normal bag.” I won’t tell about what else I’m carrying in it. No one needs to get hurt if they don’t know about it.

Marron smile, “She’s been through several fights and that bag has not once left her side.”

My yokai grandmother sighs, nodding, “Very well Aria-chan. I shall trust you and your sister on this matter.”

I smile, stashing the cube into my bag.

“When we get home I’ll start taking a more in-depth look at them,” says Marron.

I close up the flap, still smiling to her. I seriously can’t wait to wear this. Not just me, but Marron and Kateryna. Wait…does this mean the villagers have accepted my sister and knights as part of the village? Ok…kinda freaky, but that’s one of the many reasons why I love these people.

Hashibaba smiles, “Why don’t I start making us some lunch?”

“Do you want some help?” I ask.

“You’ve given us these kimonos, it’s the least we can do,” adds Marron.

“My, what considerate children,” chuckles the elder. “Thank you.” Her gaze then squares solely onto me. “How was your date?”

I squeak softly, blushing deeply. “It…it went well,” I say, lowering my face.

Her smile grows warmly, “I know how close the two of you have become. It’s only natural for the pair of you to be together, and not simply because you are kitsune.” I nod slowly, feeling my body tremble a bit.

Marron grins, leaning in close, “How many times did you two kiss each other?”

My cheeks burn even hotter, wanting to wrap my body in my tails and not come out again.

Both women laugh with Marron hugging me close. “You are so unabashedly cute when you blush, you know that sweetie?”

I pout at her, grumbling.

Hashibaba laughs once more, and then rises from the floor. Marron follows suit, offering a hand to me. I roll my eyes, taking it and am hoisted off of the floor. The three of us then walk into the kitchen.

As we cook, Hashibaba looks to my sister. “Has she told you of her time here?”

She nods, “A few stories.”

My yokai grandmother grins, peering at me. A chill quickly runs down my spine. “Well, while in the spring, Aria-chan was the only teenager left in the village. Being the mindful and nervous child that she is, she came to the conclusion that the adults had grown to resent her for not going to school like the others.”

Marron peers at me, smiling broadly, “We simply say she’s paranoid.”

I groan at her.

Hashibaba chuckles, “Well, while walking through the village one day, something frightened her and she dashed for an alleyway. I found her huddled in a cocoon of her tails.” My cheeks start to burn even more. She grins, “I was able to coax her out of the alley and explained what had happened to the crowd. Everyone knew she was here to train and learn what it means to be yokai, by living as one.”

My sister laughs, “Aria…your paranoia finally reared itself, this time in public.”

I grumble, trying to ignore her. My yokai grandmother continues to tell even more stories of my time here, seemingly wanting to embarrass me.

After we finished lunch, and helping to clean up, Marron, Fenris and I head for the door.

Hashibaba hugs me close, stroking my hair. “Such a sweet grandchild I have, and it has been good having you in my home again.”

I grin, “Thanks Hashibaba.”

She kisses my forehead, and then looks to my sister. “It truly was a pleasure getting to know you better Marron-san.”

Marron smiles, “Thank you for having us and for the kimonos.”

She grins. We each bow to one another and turn to leave. I smile, hoisting my bag up on my shoulders.

As we stroll through the streets Marron looks over to me.

“What’s next?” she asks.

I readjust my bag, glancing at Fenris who nods to me. “I want to head to Ayame’s house.”

“Aside from seeing a friend, why there?”

I peer up at her, “I need to make a call.”

Her head tilts to the side, “Why not make the call now? Why haven’t you done it since we arrived here?”

I shake my head, “That’s probably how they found us back in September. I think they found a way of tracking my phone.”

“Wouldn’t your mother have had your phone encrypted?” she asks, looking puzzled. “No doubt done by Marie.”

My tails fold together, curling into nine equal tips only to unfurl them again, another sign that I’m frustrated.

“I agree, but somehow they may have managed to crack it.” Mom would have planned for everything when it comes to me. But even the best, most well-laid out plans can still be foiled.

“So how is going to your friend’s house going to solve this?” she asks.

“Ayame’s family is charge of communications with the fishing boats,” I reply. “Ayame became a bit of a computer junkie when they upgraded their systems last year.” I look up at her, “She…also mentioned how she tapped into communication satellites for better reception. Not to mention for TV.”

My sister’s face grows a little stern. “Isn’t that illegal?”

“Yep.” I smirk, remembering how Mandy is the exact same way. She and Ayame would get along extremely well. “However, the side-effect is that she can’t be traced. I plan on using that to my advantage.”

She shakes her head, but smiles, “Now you really are thinking like a fox.”

A broad grin stretches across my face. “Now to change the subject, have you worked on kimonos before?”

“I have,” she replies. “Remember when I told you that I was used as a translator in Seattle? Well, a few of our customers brought in kimonos for us to repair. I studied them in college, and even had some practice when I worked on your wa Lolita outfits. Granted most of the work I did on them merely involved minor repairs and strengthening the fabric.”

I smile softly, “I miss seeing your workroom, and being your model.”

Marron holds me close, “When this is all over sweetie, you will.”

I lay my head onto her chest, holding her hand. I hope that day is soon. I feel my tails being wrapped tightly within others. I look over to see Fenris looking over to me. I smile softly, stroking his fur.

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