I’m sitting up in my room, going over a few more lessons that Mom had laid out from me. In the background I can hear my music box playing, listening to its gentle, instrumental rendition of certain songs.

I really haven’t been focusing on them lately, given the previous month and since fleeing the Ranch back in September. Mostly what I’m working on is a few tomes dealing with theory and history. With every turn of the page, it only makes me long for the days being up in the conservatory with my mother.

Sitting next to me is also my Dewloura journal. I pulled it out once more go over the notes held within, trying to add anything Mom sent with me from the library at home. The day before I had to flee, I asked Xiphos about Dewloura and anything he or the Loreian Order might have on the city and its people.

He told me they had very little, as their records too were surprisingly limited. He mentioned how the members there failed to transmit any knowledge before the city was sealed away. So it was a dead end. I sigh and turn back to my usual studies.

I flip on my phone to check the time, 1:36. I sigh, glancing at my half-eaten lunch resting on my table. Ever since Marron and I came back in from watching the sunrise, I pretty much dove right back into my studies.

I peek up to see Fenris lying in the corner as always. I smile softly, again grateful to have him with me.

“Aria-chan, would you please come downstairs?” I hear Yukari calling out.

I place my pencil on to the table and get up, grabbing the other uneaten half of my sandwich and head out of my room. I hear a soft groan as Fenris rises from the floor and stretches. I smile, hopping towards the stairs, gobbling down my meal.

As I exit out from the stairs, I see that my knights are sitting at the kitchen table with Marron and Yukari in the living room. I tilt my head, wondering what’s going on.

My aunt looks up, “Ah good, would you please come in with your sister and myself.”

Again I look at them curiously, but soon realize what this is about. I step over and sit at the living room table with my back against the doors.

“Now,” starts Marron, “we need to talk about what we’re going to be doing in the future. It’s something we’ve been putting on the back burner for a while.”

I look at her, curling my tails around me as I listen.

“Yukari and I have been talking about sending you to school once the snow melts and the semester resumes,” she adds.

“I could easily handle your entrance,” says my aunt. “It really wouldn’t be that difficult of a task.”

“What do you think, sweetie?” asks Marron.

I lean in onto the table. I knew this conversation was bound to happen at some point. Given how everyone is already planning on me potentially being here for the long haul. “Well…to be honest it would be a good idea. I know everyone would be ecstatic if I went with them. Seeing how that’s pretty much all we talked about at the shrine.”

“You’re not the only one whom we’ve been discussing,” says Marron. “I could easily find work in the village. The jorou-gumo offered me a job working with them. They really took a liking to several of my previous designs and said that I could have my own workstation.”

“The men at the dock and even several of the boat captains have offered to bring me on, Your Highness,” says Orga.

“And I have been approached to be a teacher in the school for the younger children,” states Kateryna.

I sigh, leaning further onto the table. Things have been moving a bit more than I’ve taken notice of. Everyone’s been scouted for work, and I could go to school with my friends. It’s nice in a strange but good way.

“Regulus still doesn’t know where you are, sweetie,” Marron reiterates. “We also have a three month lead on him.”

“I agree,” I reply. An accident in battle has turned into a massive advantage for me and for everyone present.

I look to her, glimpsing as Fenris lies down against the wall. “I know it’s been month since we got here, we’re back to full strength, and the idea of living a ‘normal’ life sounds really appealing.” My gaze then drops towards the table, “But it all feels like I’m just running away.”

“Is it really a bad thing?” asks Marron. “At least while here, you’re free.”

“You’re right,” I tell her. “In all this time I haven’t had to constantly look over my shoulder since we’ve been here, and free of Regulus.” I stare down at the table, “But in the end I’m not really free until this is all done with.”

I sit up, folding my hands in front of me. “I say we really take advantage of our lead. While I do want to go home, there’s still a lot more we can do while Regulus is going crazy back in America.” A soft smile forms on my lips, staring at my hands, “I know the Coven can keep him occupied if not start to further whittle away at him.”

“You’re thinking of leaving here. Aren’t you, sweetie?” says Marron.

I nod slowly, looking over to Yukari. I know this idea stings, having basically just gotten here only to turn around and head out once more. In my heart, I would love nothing more that just stay here and forget the outside world. The idea of living a real, honest-to-God normal life as a typical teenager is beyond appealing to me. However…I know deep down it will hurt me in more ways than one.

My aunt simply smiles, reaching over and stroking my hair.

Marron leans back, “So what do you have in mind?”

I fold my hands together, peering over to my knights. “Do you by chance have the leyline coordinates to the outpost?”

This shocks everyone to no real surprise to me. “Why there?” she asks.

I turn to her, “I need information on the Xur’canah, Shyair, Dewloura, everything. If I intend to be free, I need to learn more.”

“Didn’t you say Viktor Titalos already give you a lot on that?”

I lean forward again, “He did. But like I told you back in September, in truth it wasn’t that much. It mostly consisted of whatever records his ancestors managed to either take with or what they personally remembered. Among all of it was a bit on the House of Shyair and its members, plus a little on the city itself.”

I pull my tails into my lap, stroking them. “So with that being said, none of it can really tell me why Regulus is after me and the lantern.” I then have another thought. “Regulus told me that he’s been collecting artifacts for the past century,” I peer back up to my knights, “any idea what he could’ve meant by that?”

Orga nods slowly. His face is however grim, no doubt knowing the Selene is helping him with clues and other knowledge. “There were many ancient contingencies established for nearly any event that could potentially befall the city, Your Highness,” he says. “Be they plague or even being magically sealed away and all outlying physical features destroyed.”

I tilt my head, “What sort of contingencies, since it was sealed away?”

“There were a series of markers created,” says Kateryna, “which when combined not only could locate where the city rests, but also reopen the door to it.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Okay, two things. Firstly, I thought you needed the lantern in order to find the city and unseal it. The second is that shouldn’t Selene or Regulus know where the city is already? I mean, it did exist on maps for centuries.”

“That is true, Your Highness,” says Orga. “However, while the physical location is indeed known, the actual physical city itself remains lost. Lady Serasfall and her husband, the Grand Duke Aurelian, informed us of this in the event of such a cataclysm happening. It wasn’t until we came into your service we learned the fate of our former home.”

I nod slowly, still feeling a stinging pain about both of them. “Okay, so how does the Xur’canah play into this?”

“The Xur’canah serves as a direct means of locating the city wherever it is sealed away,” says Kateryna. “So without it, you must obtain the markers.”

“The markers were scattered throughout the world millennia ago,” adds Orga, “having being placed under extremely powerful protections.” His face grows a bit sullen, “What I do not have knowledge of is why he still requires the Xur’canah.”

I hug my tails tightly, nodding. “He still wants me for some other reason, do you know why?”

He sighs, “Forgive me, Your Highness, but I do not.”

Yet another mystery that has to be solved. I smirk to myself, I keep piling up these little mysteries don’t I?

Marron leans in closer, “So how does going to this…outpost, help us?”

I smile, looking at her. “If my ancestors are anything like me, then they would’ve had another contingency related solely to them.” I glance at Kateryna, “Given what little I know, they must’ve stowed away tons of information for future generations in case of something happening to the city or the house as a whole.”

She smirks, “Somehow I’m getting the impression that are just as foxlike as you, sweetie.”

“Indeed they were, my Lady,” chuckles Kateryna, “sharing traits of both foxes and wolves.”

I giggle. There’s just so much history and knowledge out there. In a way it’s like a scavenger hunt or I’m like Indiana Jones hunting for clues to something big.

“House Shyair was indeed known to be far more clever than any of the other great houses, but also extremely secretive,” says Orga. A smile then rises on his face, “So to answer Her Highness’ question, the outpost possibly does possess such a trove. Although I may not be all that sure if it contains what you seek.”

At least it’s something.

Marron looks to me, “So let me get this straight, you are willing to leave the assured security of Japan to go and some wild hunch that you might be right.”

My hand curls tightly into a ball. “Don’t get me wrong, I’ve absolutely loved being back, and again agree to your point that I’m free and safe here.” My eyes then turn away, “The problem is that it might turn into a prison in spite of that freedom.”

She leans back and thinks for a moment, then nods slowly, “I can sympathize with that, sweetie.”

I smile, turning back towards my knights. “So…may I have those coordinates?”

The couple looks at each for a moment before both nodding to one another. Orga pulls out a sheet of paper and a pen. A couple minutes later he rises from his seat and walks over to me, handing me the paper.

I smile, “Thank you.”

He smiles, bowing his head.

I take the sheet and bring up the magical circle for the fairy road. I stare at the spinning lines of runes, smiling as I begin to incorporate them into it.

Yukari gazes at it, her face now full of confusion. She leans over to Marron, “I have never seen such a circle before,” continuing to look on. “I cannot even begin to decipher it.”

My sister shrugs, “To be honest, I don’t either.”

I smile at the both of them as I integrate the coordinates into the circle, turning each dial until it sets into place. My tails swish around me on the tatami mats. It’s such a reassuring and comforting feeling that I really came to love all over again.

With the final coordinates inputted, I dispel the circle. I let out a soft victorious sigh. “Well, with that out of the way all I have to do is open the road and off we go.”

“When do you want to leave?” asks Marron.

I lean back onto my legs, “As soon as possible.”

I hear her smirk, “Well, we can’t right now due to the blizzard outside.”

I pan around, watching the outer door buckling against the winds. I grin, “Yep…you’re right.”

She smiles, “In the meantime, we should probably go ahead and get ready regardless.”

While I meant what I said, part of me hates my decision. I nod softly as she and my knights rise from their seats, with the couple heading for the stairs.

I feel a hand resting on my own. I pan over towards my aunt, smiling softly. “I want to see you in my room while the others prepare.”

I look back to Marron who nods and smiles to me. “I’ll let Asha know of our plans,” she says. “We’re also gonna have to inform the village.”

I sigh softly, thinking how everyone is going to react to me leaving here yet again.

My aunt stands up and lightly taps on my shoulder as she rounds the table. I stand up and follow her into her room. I glance down at Fenris, watching as the wolf nods to me.

I slip inside her room with my aunt closing the door behind us. I follow as she walks us over to her bed, sitting us down onto it. She holds me close to her, wrapping her tails around me, basically cocooning me within them.

My cheeks blush softly as I stroke them, draping my own tails around my feet.

She smiles, stroking my hair. “Once more you have to leave me.”

I lay my head onto her chest, nodding into it. “It’s been great being back,” I tell her. “Being with you and Asha, staying near the village, just the fact that I’m with family again has made this past month even better.”

I feel her kissing the top of my head as she strokes my hair. “I hate always having to part with you. Yet I agree that while our time together could or should be longer. I am immensely happy to have spent more time with you.”

I curl up into her, clinging softly to her sweater. “Thank you for being my aunt and taking care of me.”

She smiles, caressing my cheek. “Your sister has done far more than I have this time, my dear.”

I giggle softly, nodding against her chest. I peer towards the door, hearing the sounds of shuffling feet. It’s no doubt Marron handling the laundry, something I’m going to do soon myself. I sigh softly as our tails wrap around each other’s. This is still yet another goodbye, and to be honest, I hate them.

Yukari gently rocks us gently, humming into my ears as she rests her head on top of mine.

“My sweet, sweet little girl,” she whispers. I still can’t get over how many times she’s called me that. I love her to death, and being with her and Asha has been amazing again.

I blush softly, looking up and staring into her shimmering golden eyes.

She grins, gazing back into mine. “I still wish you could have been mine, my dearest girl.”

I giggle sheepishly. “If I were, I’d still be a princess.”

She chuckles sweetly, with the noble tone I’ve always known her to possess. “You are correct, my girl.” She then smiles to me, “The princess of the Tsukino Clan. However in a way, you already are. For you are a part of my family. If given the chance, I would love nothing more than to bring you officially into it. I know my siblings would adore you.”

My cheeks burn even more. Fantasies flood into my mind of being a kitsune princess, even traveling around the Spirit Realm as one, wearing long flowing kimonos and walking beside my aunt. I really am an anime geek as even more images come pouring in.

She smiles, “If you ever need me, I will come running to you.”

I giggle, “Thank you.”

She leans in and kisses more forehead, still holding me tightly to her and rocking me. “I also know a certain someone will need to know of your plans,” she whispers.

I quickly bury my face into her chest, still clinging to her. I do have to let him know. I have no idea how he’s going to react. I just hope it’s all right.

She resumes her humming, filling the room with her sweet, now motherly melody, which slowly turns into singing. Her words fill my ears, making me feel younger, smaller as she holds me. I giggle to myself, imaging that I’m a little kitsune as she cuddles me in her arms. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She smiles, “I wish you were a small child. I would cradle and whisk you away from all of this.” She then sighs remorsefully, “Alas, the truth is you belong to another. I pray you are reunited with each other.”

I nod slowly. Deep down I do want to go home, and find my mother waiting for me. But for now that will have to wait.

She leans back and kisses my temple. “We should go and help the others. I will handle Asharyume. I trust your sister, but this is a matter that I am better suited for.”

I sigh into her chest, “Yes ma’am.”

We stay there for a moment, merely listening to the wind as it howls and beats against the windows. We unfurl our tails from each and rise up from the bed. In all honestly, like with many other moments, I wish that this simply didn’t have to end.

We turn and walk over to the door, sliding it open.

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