
I turn from throwing in a load into the washer to see Aria stepping out of her aunt's room and flying up the stairs towards her room. I smile as her nine pinkish-blond tails flap through the air. A smile and a sigh leave me. She has a very difficult call to make.

I start up the washer and step back into the kitchen. I smile, thinking how much I’ve loved taking care of her over the past month. This is also the longest the two of us have been together in the three years we’ve known each other. I’ve also been given the chance to raise her, if just a little.

Most of what I’ve done is make sure she’s safe and keeps out of trouble, something she really hasn’t done much of lately. She’s desperately needed a home since she fled from the Estate, even if all I’ve really done is being her older sister. That girl thrives on structure, and I hope I’ve given that to her.

Regardless of that, what I truly am happy about is to simply have her. But now for the right reasons. I will admit that she’s right about her mother giving me back the original mission I was tasked with long ago.

I take in a deep breath, leaning up against a chair. I’ll never leave her side again, or allow myself to be led astray. I am her sister, her family. Nothing will ever change that fact nor again break my vows to her.

I smirk, maybe destiny has been at play here between us. Much like how it’s between her mother and Fenris. So like them, perhaps I too was destined to be with her from the start, having been drawn towards the girl who is forever my baby sister.

Something I’ve noticed is the fact that I’m starting to see more of her mother in her. Not in her appearance, but in how she talks and acts. Oh, that girl is still very much a child, but I am beginning to see signs of her upbringing.

I chuckle, but at the same time, I do see a bit of myself in her. She’s witty, charming, not to mention the temper is more indicative of me, plus she’s a nutcase at times.

I grin, she truly is my little sister.

She’s become a girl born from one world, then reborn and raised in ours. This is her world, her life. Again, I will forever stay with her, loving and cherishing this sweet little sister of mine.

I can’t help but chuckle in my agreeing with so many who would love nothing more than to claim her as their own. The truth is however that she is mine, and again now for the right reasons.

I tilt my head up, listening to the sounds of her knights as they shuffled about in their room. I know their getting their belongings together for the next leg of our journey. Despite the fact that my sister is going to be the one carrying everything for them.

I am forever grateful for the pair. They’ve been by her side this entire time, fighting alongside her, protecting her and guiding her.

I’m thankful for Orga becoming another male role model in her life. I know she admires him, being somewhat of an uncle figure for her. He is also a strong bulwark for her, someone to rely on and lean on when the need arises.

I smile, also grateful for Kateryna, who I know took of a somewhat motherly role for my sister. But she is too afraid to fully cross that line. Yet while she is her protector, she does give Aria her space. There’s no need to smother my sister.

Both of her knights are people my sister trusts implicitly, and over the past month I have had the great opportunity to truly get to know. Kateryna and I often spend time in the kitchen talking with one another over various topics, mostly pertaining to the modern day world.

I smirk, I really gave her a crash course of modern-day teenage girls back in June. That actually came in handy during the Gathering.

Orga and I formed a strong friendship over our shared love of chess. A little fact that I haven’t told Aria about. Aside from games, he and I do discuss how to better deal with my sister.

I smile softly. I am her guardian and could’ve easily overruled her decision to leave. But in the end, sometimes being a guardian is simply making sure their charge never falters, never straying from the path they are supposed stay on. I know there will come a time when I will have to step in and knock some sense into that girl. As for when it will happen…I don’t know. What I do know is I will be ready to.

I feel something furred brushing up against my hand.

I peer down to see Fenris’ eyes staring straight up at me. I smile, stroking the top of his head. I’m also grateful for having him here with us. He’s become a father in her life, keeping her in line, making sure she doesn’t overexert herself. While at the same time, loving the thrill and joy of training hard with her and loving her to death. He also is her conscience at times, offering advice whenever that girl needs it. Whether she wants it or not.

Yet while she does view him as her father, I agree with her assessment that the wolf can be bit of a doofus. Acting as more companion as well as a father.

He stares up at me. “Thank you for staying with Aria. I do not believe I have ever had the chance to say it.”

I smile to him, “Thank you for being her bonded and father.”

The wolf sits up a bit straighter, puffing up his chest with pride but still looks to me. “I will be there for you as well, Marron. You are just as important to me as she is.” His tails coil around him, “She needs us both to act as her pillars, to keep her from falling into darkness.”

I blink for moment, trying to process what he just said, only to smirk. For the longest time since her birth family was killed, Aria has referred to him, her mother, and me as her ‘Three Pillars’. Always giving her the stability and strength she needs.

I lean into him, smiling, “Not only that, but to also give her a swift kick in the butt if she falls out of line.”

The wolf chuckles softly, grinning. “I will be your guide and defender.” He then peers into my eyes, more intently than ever before. “There too is something within you, binding you to her, and possibly more.”

I tilt my head, “I know there’s a connection between us. Aria and I talked about it back in already.”

He shakes his head, “No, it is something else, something deeper. But as to what it is…I do not know.”

I stare down at him, unsure what to think.

Arms soon envelope me as I turn to see Yukari standing behind me. She smiles softly, holding me to her as I’ve seen her do with Aria many times. I’m not going to lie when I say that I’m feeling a bit embarrassed at the moment.

“It has been wonderful to have truly gotten to know you over this past month,” she says. “Far more than the first time you and I met over a year ago.” Her grip lovingly tightens, “In that time, I have come to love you as much as I do with Aria-chan.”

“H-how?” I ask as my cheeks blush softly. For some reason I too feel like a child once more. I nearly want to melt into arms, wishing I were small and held within them.

She smiles, holding me even closer to her. “Through our talks, the simple moments you and I share together. In all this time, I have grown to think of you as I do with your sister. I have come to consider you a part of my family.”

My heart leaps and thumps in my chest as she holds me, feeling her tails wrap around me.

“I know for certain that Asharyume feels the same.”

I can’t help but hold onto her, feeling a mother’s embrace around me.

“The two of you have become forever intertwined in our lives.” She then turns me around and warmly looks at me. “If you ever have need of me, I will be there for you.” She chuckles, “When this is all over, and you both decide to return, both Asha and I will be there as well.”

I look away, unable to respond. In fact, how do you respond to something like this?

She reaches up and caresses my cheek. In this moment I really do feel like a child.

“Have you finally been able to let go of your guilt, Marron-chan?”

I gaze back into her golden fox eyes. They seem to shimmer against the light.

I smile softly, nodding to her. “I have. I will forever thank the day Aria and I traveled to the shrine. I still find it amazing how a single trip there was able to help me break free of it.”

I know for a fact how Aria seemed to be even lighter and practically shining afterwards. Although I suspect her date might also have contributed to it.

She grins, “It's similarly helped by the fact that being with your sister for the right reasons further accelerated your healing. Having been given the chance to properly have her to yourself. With the inclusion of her knights and Fenris of course.”

I chuckle nodding, “Perhaps.”

Yukari then sighs softly, lowering her gaze but her smile never dims. “I will admit that I told Aria-chan of my desire to claim her as my own.”

I grin to her, “You’re not the only one. I know there are many within the our coven who would love nothing more than to adopt her.” I smirk, “I will also add how if she were with you, she’d still be a princess.”

“Aria-chan said those exact words,” she chuckles. She then calmed herself, “As I said before, she already is a part of my family. So in some ways, she is in fact a princess amongst yokai.”

I laugh. “That girl is also considered a princess within our own coven, mostly due to her mother. And this is long before all of this ever happened.”

She grins, “I am happy beyond measure at how well-loved she is. Granted, it’s hard not to.”

I smile, feeling the same way.

Yukari unfurls her tails from around my body. “I love you, Marron-chan, as much as I do your sister.” She then hugs me close to her, “As I said before, if you ever in need of me, I will be there for you.”

I hold onto her tightly, again feeling like child within a mother’s embrace. “Thank you.”

She leans up and kisses my forehead. She then smiles, stepping back and returning to her room.

I stand there for a moment, blushing and feeling strange about all of this. How can I describe this? She loves me as she does my sister, so maybe I’m now like a daughter to her as well? I smirk, knowing Aria; she’d only love the idea all the more.

My thoughts then turn towards that of my former mistress. She, like Lady Rachel with Aria, raised me as her daughter. I spent so many years with her after Anabelle found me, loving her as a mother and her constant care of me. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

My gaze then lowers to the floor. Have I shamed her because of my actions?

I fold my arms, thinking more about her. I do miss her. I pray she too will find a way to forgive me.

I sigh, drooping my head and push out all of those thoughts. They simply have to wait for another day. As for now, I have to help get my sister ready.

I know staying here is probably the best idea. Here she’d be hidden away from the world, living without worry. However, as much I want for her to stay here, she does have a point. No matter much she loves this place it would eventually become a prison in a way.

Despite the fact that she doesn’t have to worry about Regulus or anyone else coming after her, she effectively is living in exile of her home and the rest of her friends. She’d also have little if any contact with anyone from the coven, opting to keep anyone from potentially tracking us down.

I don’t want that for her. Living in exile is a sentence worse than death.

I want her to be free, free of all of the pain and misery. Free of all worry. But more importantly, I want her to go home. If by some miracle her mother is alive, then perhaps I can make things right with her.

But that will have to wait. For now I need to go and help get ready.

I hear the storm raging against the doors, listening to them buckle in the wind. I smile, leaning against a chair. I’ve come to love being here. It’s a simple yet very comfortable place to live and call home.

My smile turns into a soft grin. When this is all over, Aria and I could come back here together. Preferably when it’s warmer of course, I chuckle to myself. I know she’d love nothing more than to spend some alone time with me.

I turn reach over, stroking Fenris’ head, as he’s not once left my side. Nor will he ever leave hers.

I then smirk, there’s a lot that need to be done before we leave.

I turn and head for the stairs. As I pass by her room, I can hear Aria as she talks on the phone. I place a hand onto the wall. I’m going to need to have a talk when about how loud she can get while on the phone.

I smile and continue onto my room.

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