The Kings Series #2 His Silver Hand
12. It's A Surprise: Lucas

Damn shit! He shouldn't have told her. Now, he could see the determination in her velvet eyes.

"I want to be part of the investigation.” His beautiful rider tilted her head up. He admired her courage. He really did. However, it's a no. He would never put her in danger.

"No," they didn’t know the whole facts and they had no idea who they were dealing with. One thing was for sure though. The suspect was supernatural.

"She is my friend and employee. I have the right to be there for her family.” God! He was too tired to argue in the middle of the night, besides he had missed her.

Anna Marie was getting a lot of concessions lately. How to say no? "Okay. But the moment it gets dangerous, I will send you home." Damn! She had him wrapped around her pinky. Her eyes brightened and she nodded. He groaned from the arousal shooting through him in an instant. The need for her overwhelmed him. Fuck! Just a taste. Settling his lips on hers gently, he kissed her tentatively, coaxing a response. She stiffened at first. He paused, hovering above her pair of luscious cherry red lips.

His little chef sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck, urging him. She met his lips this time. They both moaned at the sparks of desire skittering on their heated skin

Lucas's hands rubbed her back down to her rear. She gasped. He took advantage and plunge his tongue to taste the cavern of her hot mouth. His Rie stiffened once more at the unknown intimacy. Reassuring her, he murmured endearments, with his hands gliding up and down her delicate shoulders and back.

He withdrew his hot tongue to nibble and suck on her lips. Her arms tightened on his neck and she followed his lead. He groaned. She will be the death of him.

His big palms guided her hips down on his throbbing erection. She suddenly stopped breathing and he could sense protest lodged in her throat. Fuck! That was it for tonight. One step at a time.

"I'm sorry,” she hid her face on the side of his neck. Her breathing ragged.

"I'm not, sweetheart. You are the best thing that happened to me." Her addictive arousal surrounded him. Teasing him, encouraging. He held unto his control. He knew better.

"We can..we can try more,” Rie whispered. He chuckled huskily. God! She had no idea how much he wanted to take on her offer. Still, he had to be strong for both of them.

"Tomorrow night we will see, okay? Let's get some sleep?” Anna Marie looked at him in confusion -- awe replaced it -- she acquiesced. Clinging tightly.

He laid her comfortably on the cotton soft mattress before he began to undress.

Her chocolate eyes followed his movements. She didn't know it however it felt like a caress on his heated skin.

"Sweetheart," he growled. Her hazy eyes darted to him, she blushed cutely at having caught eye-fucking him.

It was so damn frustrating. He heaved a huge breath. He would live. With his black silk boxers, he climbed their bed and gathered her in his embrace.

She sighed contentedly. "Thank you for stopping, Lucas.” Her flushed cheek was on his bare chest while she drew patterns on his abs. His muscles tightened including his dick. Christ!

Warm air puffed on his chest, creating delicious goosebumps on his skin. He should be canonized for this. He smirked at his own thoughts. His gargoyle friends will laugh their balls off if that happened.

Anna Marie propped on her elbows so she could look down at him. Her dainty fingers tracing the skin below his luminous eyes down to his chiseled jaw. He didn't mind her touch. It's just that he was too aware of what she was doing and it was driving him crazy.

He caught her fingers to kiss each digit, her breath hitched once more. His Argetlam was so responsive to his touch despite her fears and that made him believe in their mate bond. It was getting stronger day by day.

"Behave, Rie. My control hangs by a thread.” He guided her head back to his hard chest. She harrumphed.

"Will you be here when I wake up?" There was a slight irritation in her voice. Shit! She was mad at him for doing that to her. It was probably one of the reasons she gave him the cold shoulder at her restaurant. "Yes. I'll be here. I promise, sweetheart.” She snuggled deeper and hummed her approval. Her arms and legs glued to his body.

His beautiful rider was asleep in no time. While he remained alert. Some evil had started to work against them once more.

The kings and he had received a coded message from Esmeralda, the White Witch, and High Priestess.

Aside from the raids on coffers all over the world, more and more evil creatures were awakened by Ruby and the unknown villain who the enemies referred to as their master.

There was also a growing concern about missing women. Humans and from other realms for the past two years and they had one thing in common. They were all work in New York City. Like Cecille.

Who the fuck was the non-human serial killer? And how did he manage to cover his scent?

His precious jewel must have sensed his agitation because she moaned and rubbed her cheek on his breastbone to ease his worry.

Lucas dropped a kiss to the top of her head and ran his digits on the small of her back.

There was utter contentment enveloping him with his mate in his arms. He knew he was not completely out of the doghouse yet and he intended to make it up to her tomorrow morning.


Fuck! This gothic black witch was hot with her hourglass figure in a constricting black corset and long vibrant red hair. He wondered if it was dyed or natural.

He smirked -- lust claimed over him. Later. He promised himself. Business first.

"So, you've finally come.” She stated smugly, returning his scrutiny of her luscious figure and licking her lips suggestively, liking what she saw. Hmmm, he would enjoy fucking this bitch today.

Approaching the loveseat where she laid half-reclining, he watched her, calculating. Her white creamy legs visible from the ridiculous slit on her long black skirt, the cloth parted suggestively. Fuck! Her moist cunt was a welcome sight from her crotchless underwear.

"I need your help, witch,” he growled from the need to fuck her.

"And I need something from you,” She answered. Her nibble fingers with a black polish made short work of his pants and she released his hard cock from his black pants with delight. "Big cock. I want. No underwear, rogue?” She purred and licked her lips.

Zachary gritted his teeth. "I'm not a rogue.” Shit! His lust was unlike anything he had ever felt before. "Don’t, witch. I know what you are doing."

Ruby smiled innocently at him. "Talk to me, wolf. I'm all ears.”

"Help me get the woman I want." He watched with hooded eyes when she started to lick the swollen head. Yeah. She knew what to do to keep him going.

"With your looks and big cock, you can have any woman you want.” She mumbled, her mouth full of his hard flesh. He grabbed the back of her head roughly, stuffing her hot cavern until she choked.

"She has a mate. The dragon king." He never lost a beat while he fucked her mouth, loving the gagging sounds she made. Uncaring if he hurt her. He was sure she liked it rough.

A force held him down and he was brought to his knees. She laughed at his stunned expression.

He thrashed to free himself. It was no use.

"You think you can control me, rogue?” The evil witch smirked. "Better man have tried."

With a flick of her wrist, he was sprawled on her carpet. Completely naked, his thick cock on attention. She held him, prisoner, from her lust spell. "Talk. Tell me more about the Dragon King's Argetlam.”

"She is the Lycan Queen's sister. Anna Marie. Help me get her and I will help you with the information you need to bring the realm down." She laughed evilly. Happy with his information.

"How convenient. Three sisters for the three powerful kings. My master will be delighted.” How the fuck could she help him if she worked for a boss?

"You can't help me then." He clenched his hands on the invisible chains. Fuck this slut! It did nothing but tightened to prevent escape.

With another wave of her hand, she stood completely nude with her feet planted on either side of his hips.

Motherfucker! His cock wanted this bitch. "I can help you a lot, wolf. But you need to serve me first, boy."

Her mockery annoyed him. He would show her he was a man who could please her cunt. The fucking problem was he couldn't move an inch.

"Release me!" She answered by impaling herself on his shaft. They both cried out in pleasure. Shit!

"Show me what you got, boy!" She cackled and rode him mercilessly. There was magic paralyzing him. Fear crept over him. This woman would put a succubus to shame.

What had he gotten himself into?


Her lips curved cruelly at the pitiful sight of the drained wolf. He would have died if he was human. Since he was supernatural, he would live. Her master needed to know the important news. It seemed they will have three Queens near their grasp. Their combined blood was enough to resurrect the Dark Angel's soul and the fourth one his body. They would have to find the druid soon. Only he or she could complete the whole ritual.

The fucking problem was they didn't even know if there was still one in existence. No matter, she would try to do it herself. She hoped to survive.

"Hello. I need the master. Now." Ruby listened impatiently for his voice on the other line. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Ruby," Fuck! His old voice was pure evil. She shuddered in arousal.

"I have great news, master.” She had a mind to ride the wolf again after this call.


"The Dragon King has found His Argetlam. His rider.” There were a few seconds of silence on his end. She could clearly hear his excited breathing. Good. She got his attention.

“Tell me more."

She would be glad to. It was time to set plans in motion. They had been silent long enough. She couldn't wait till she got her hands on Esmeralda. Her nemesis. Her sister.

I want to kill Zachary myself. And Ruby is back. She was the witch who tricked and kidnapped Anna May and Mish.

Villains are out in the open. Brace yourself for more happenings.

Until the next update, babies!

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