The Kings Series #2 His Silver Hand
13. A Mistake: Anna Marie

Lucas made good on his promise. When she woke up, breakfast was ready. His broad and muscled back comfortably leaning on the headboard while he waited for her -- her head on his lap as he finger- combed her tangled brown hair. She gazed at him dreamily.

It's the first time someone has taken care of her. Usually, she had to wake up early to cook a breakfast buffet for everyone.

After a soft good morning kiss, he served her a plate at the elegant table set up on her veranda that overlooked the gardens. In between their plates, there were fresh-picked flowers on a crystal vase.

Maybe she had been too harsh to judge Lucas.

She must confess, she enjoyed his company. No pressure. They used the time to get to know each other. He told her everything about his family while she gave him a bland version of hers. Praying he wouldn't probe too much. Especially her past. She was not ready.

Twice now, he caught on her fears from touches beyond kissing. Sooner or later, it's going to bite her in the ass.

Their bond was getting stronger every time they spent time together. This crazy attraction overwhelmed her and she craved to explore more. This shitty hindrance was holding her back.

Rie took a deep breath. How to tell him? There was no doubt he would demand to know the facts sooner or later. That's the only way they could go further.

"What has you so worried, sweetheart?" He murmured. She glanced at their entwined fingers. Hers looked like a child compared to his.

What can she answer? She studied his handsome profile while he was driving, his eyes on the road. No matter what, his concentration was on her.

"I..." Rie licked her dry lips. "I have to tell you something important soon.”

"Hmmm," Lucas brought her knuckles to his lips and kissed each ridge. Goddess! Even that simple touch made her shiver. "About what, Rie?" They stopped at the red light and SUVs, their security, halted on either side and behind their matte black Audi. "About our intimate moments or lack of it."

That surprised Lucas. She pierced him with her gaze trying to assess if it was an act. They both knew what she was talking about.

"I told you I would be patient, little chef. And I am. Nothing will change that." He said matter-of-factly. As if that will lessen her distress.

She sighed. "I believe you. But I need to tell you why. Tonight. Before we go to sleep.”

He nodded, his expression thoughtful and the car accelerated smoothly at the green light.

Okay. First, they had to meet Cee's parents. Then after work, they will sort this out.

Lucas deserved to know he was not fated to a perfect queen.

Her heart constricted while she hugged the crying elderly elf.

Rie gave her Cecile's jackets and her framed photo at the restaurant where she worked for years.

How she wished she could have done more to protect her employee and friend. Maybe she should have gone clubbing with her and maybe if she did, Cee wouldn't have gone home with a stranger.

Rie grew rigid at the memory. Cee told her she was meeting a new guy. There must be a CCTV camera at the club they could look into. She couldn't wait to tell Lucas.

"Cecille was a friend. My mate and I will do anything to find her," she muttered. Her voice clogged with emotions.

Cee's mom gave her a small smile of remorse, appreciation in her eyes. "I know, dear. My Cecille told me so much about you, chef Rie. How I wish we could have met on better circumstances.”

"Me too. If you need anything, please...” She held both of her wrinkled hands in hers, brown eyes imploring.

"What I need is to find my child Cecille.” She answered in her tired, old voice.

"We will. I promise you.” And she intended to keep that promise no matter what.

"I know, dear. I trust you and the Dragon King." Rie felt a warm arm wrapped on her waist and she leaned towards his body for emotional support.

"My Argetlam and I have to go, Madam Levine. I will contact you as soon as I have news." Lucas's voice was firm yet there was underlying compassion

The kind elf nodded and bussed her forehead in a gesture of blessing. Rie smiled. Grateful for the warmth that had spread in her heart. The elder had sensed her inner turmoil.

"You both youngsters take care.” She uttered and bowed at the Dragon King's direction. She courteously walked them to the door.

"We will, Mrs. Levine." She inclined her head and she went back inside Cecile's apartment. She had decided to stay at the place to gather more spent energy from her daughter and hope she could figure out what happened to the girl.

"We will find her soon, sweetheart. Trust me." Lucas never failed to reassure her.

He made it his goal to make her trust him.

And she did. She nodded her head and he gathered her in his arms. "Cee told me that she was meeting someone at a club. Maybe you could check on it? There should be a surveillance camera at the place.” Rie nibbled her lips and waited for his reaction. She observed his beautiful unreadable face under her lashes.

"Thank you for remembering, sweetheart. That will help a lot. We will scout New York City and asked questions.” From his guarded expression, she knew he was trying to think of the right words to tell her she was not going with him. She decided to help him.

"I need to go back to work," The busy atmosphere in the restaurant would be able to distract her from what's going on. She was not stupid to tag along during the search. She knew Lucas can concentrate better if he knew she was safe.

It's late in the afternoon and there were no signs of Indali. She was expected to be here right after her class.

Where could she be? With what had happened to Cee, she couldn't help but worry.

Her clog covered feet paced the carpeted floor in her office while she tried to call her. This was the tenth time and it's routed to voicemail every time.

Goddess! Should she call Lucas? To hell with it! He needed to know. "Hey, sweetheart." He answered on the third ring.

"Lucas... didn't mean to disturb you. Indali was supposed to be here more than an hour ago and she's not. I tried to call her and it went straight to voicemail. Do you think I should go to ICE..." He interrupted her panic ramblings by calling her name softly.

"Little chef, slow down...don't worry. I will check on her myself. And will call her head of security. Stay there and stay safe. Wait for me, okay?" She nodded --realizing he couldn't see her.

"Yes...please...I'll wait here,” she could hear his deep breaths on the other line and sensed he wanted to say more.

"Okay. I miss you, Rie." Her heart clenched, knowing he was hoping for his feelings to be reciprocated. For her to admit it. She missed him too However, she didn't have the courage to tell him.

"Be safe. I will wait here." She ended the call not waiting for his response. Fuck! She was a coward.

The dinner service was an hour away. Instructions were given to her staff earlier.

Rie began to change to her work clothes. There was a nagging feeling in her gut, it was deflecting her concentration for the night's dinner service and it frustrated her because she didn't have any idea what it was.

The ping on her cell phone made her glance at it right away. Her fingers hurriedly fix the buttons on her jacket.

It must be her mate or his little sister. Thank goddess she was safe. Every breath left her body in a whoosh when she read the text message. -I know where your sous chef is. She's a beauty.-

-What the...she shivered in fear. Indali. Whoever it was. He has her.- -What do you want?-

-You. In exchange for her.-

-Send me proof.-

A sob of anguish escaped her lips when he sent her a picture of Indali's helpless form, tied to a chair and mouth gagged. Her face covered in bruises and snot.

-To see is to believe, eh?-


-I'll send you the address. Be here in 30 minutes. Alone. Or I will cut her to pieces after I enjoy her sweet body.-

-Don't. I'll be there.-

-Good. A black car will wait at the alley behind your restaurant. You will be mine soon, Anna Marie.-

She needed to think on her feet asap. No time for her to give in to the demons of her past. Indali reminded her of Mish. She needed to save her.

With tremors on her fingers, she sent a screenshot of the conversation with the kidnapper on her phone to Lucas and Alexander.

Seconds later, her mate was calling her. Her ears were filled with his frantic voice, she could hear him giving out orders to his men.

Rie was breathing heavily in fear.

"Wait for me, Rie," he growled. His voice spoke of murder to whoever had taken his sister. And who was about to have her. "Don't. Please. I can't fucking lose you!"

"I need to or he will do worse to your sister. You have to understand. Be ready. I will discreetly call you on my way there to let you know so you can follow at a distance. You will know the address as soon as I have it. You are my only hope, Lucas.” She dropped the call despite his expletive curses.

Her cell phone was bombarded with calls and texts but she rejected them all. Focus, Rie!

How to avoid her security team? Shit!

She glanced at the storage room behind her. There's a steel sliding door that they use for deliveries and such. Her fingers fumbled with the keys in her drawer. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Got it! The scraping sound it made when it opened was too loud.

She made her escape as fast and as quiet as possible. But to be sure, she locked her office doors to gain more time.

The asshole had everything planned. There was indeed a black car awaited her.

Gods! Please let her get through with this. She swore to the Moon Goddess that she will never question her motives ever again.

With trembling fingers, she opened the door of a tinted Mercedes. The stoic driver didn't even glance her way, he pulled out of the curve fast and he avoided her questions.

Damn! How to tell her family? The same idea popped in her head. Placing her iPhone face down to avoid the glare of the screen on the car's floor after she dialed Anna's number, making sure her phone on a conference with Lucas's, and hoping they both pick it up. Her GPS was on. Alexander's trackers were the best in the business and she could rely on them but what if..

She refused to think of the consequences right now. Bravery was foolish. Well, she has always been brave and foolish

Her pained amber eyes closed on silent prayer. Praying she was not making the biggest mistake of her life.

It's getting exciting right? (Cringing!!!)

Sorry to leave you at the edge of your seats. I promise that the next chapter will follow soon.

Love you all, babies! Thanks for the support.

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