The Kings Series #2 His Silver Hand
16. Special Plans: Ruby

They played right in the palm of her hands.

Punny royalties. She thought smugly.

He was a strong and greedy soul. The rogue wolf was the perfect candidate.

Lust had been his downfall. He certainly had a big dick to enjoy and she did. Thoroughly. She had him for breakfast and spat out his bones. Her lips curled cruelly from her lustful thoughts. Rest in burning pieces asshole.

Deep peels of laughter echoed in her ceremonial chamber were cut off suddenly when her mind focused on her mission.

Ruby would make sure he will be reincarnated into someone better. Deadlier. He will be her weapon and her protector.

Her ultimate killing machine.

The ritual to give birth to his soul would begin tonight while the moon was silvery-white and the dark sky hugged the hues of twinkling stars. With the dragon girl's virgin blood, she began to coat her naked body until it gleamed in the moonlight filtering through the open windows, the sweet metallic smell filling her senses. Arousing her

She needed to resurrect the rogue's soul to fuck her.

Councilman Rex, her old lover couldn't keep up with her voracious appetite anymore. She needed fresh meat.

Drawing her symbol in the middle of her room with the blood Zachary had collected. The air thickened.


Approaching her Wiccan Altar, she stood proudly inside the pentagram's circle, blood dripping from her body in staccato beats, setting the mood.

This was her offering to the Dark Angel. Lines sizzled when she began to chant in her ancient Theban-- the witch's universal language.

-My lord, my king, deliver me the soul of Zachary. The rogue wolf. He has served us well.-

-And we will serve you better with him by my side.-

-He is a gift I demand of you, my dark angel. A weapon for our enemies.-

-Deliver him to me and I will never fail you.-

Fires ignited on the lines and hot air hissed and swirled around her, rocking her body back and forth. Her body was jerked from the force of evil in the room nevertheless Ruby stood her ground

She never felt pain from the deep welts from an invisible scimitar slicing in precision. Lines began to appear on her naked body.

A male naked figure materialized. He rested prone inside the circle. Unmoving and waiting for her command. The gift.

--Fail me and you will suffer.--

The deep disembodied voice made Ruby quake in fear. He was not to be crossed.

-Never, My King of All.-

Anna Marie

The events of the night kept dabbling on her mind like a constant replay. It was like a buzzing noise from hundreds of bees and it was annoying her.

She wanted to forget. It was a foolish move but it was also a case of damned if she does and damned if she doesn't.

Indali...she was badly hurt and yet she saved her from a fate worse than death. If Zachary had succeeded... She shuddered with the thought. She would have died. Being sexually violated was her ultimate fear. And no woman should ever have to experience such horrific undesirable circumstances.

The wounds on Indali's body were severe. She was brought to the infirmary right away and she had to be confined for a few days.

While she...

Anna Marie had soaked her body in an almost unbearable heated water. The blotches of red on her skin was a testimony of how much she wanted to wash Zachary's touch away. Hoping it will somehow help with the memories

Alexandria and Anna Marie had shared their strength to heal her faster and the medical staff gave her something for the pain but her scars went deeper. No medicine could cure her memories of abuse. Both past and present.

"Anna Marie," her swollen eyes found her soulmate standing by the door. His luminous orbs were full of remorse and pain for her. Maybe he could heal her.

Rie blinked several times and more tears caressed her cheeks.

"Lucas," she whispered. Words couldn't describe how much she was grateful to him and his sister. Her amber depths might have reflected what she wanted because he was by her side in an instant. Embracing her tenderly. His nose buried in her fragrant hair.

"You'll get wet," she uttered on his chest. Relishing his warm haven. Her grip on him bordered on desperation.

"I don't care, sweetheart." He burrowed his face on her neck and she felt the tremors on his heavily muscled frame.

"Come join me?" She implored. He stiffened at her request.

"Are you sure? I mean...Rie, " her wet finger pressed on his fleshy lips, stopping his protests.

"I need you with me, Lucas. Please.” He nodded. With unhurried movements, he removed his clothes, leaving his boxers on for her sake. And she was thankful for his consideration.

Her hot and cold attitude towards him was driving her crazy. How could he have so much patience for her? She had to let go of the past. Lucas was it for her. The problem was how.

Tonight was the perfect time to tell him all

The soapy water sloshed when he climbed behind her. This jacuzzi will fit the two of them just fine.

Rie settled in between his spread thighs and leaned on his hard wet chest. Her breath expelled out of her on a heavy relaxing sigh.

"Is this ok?" He murmured huskily on her nape. Fine lanugo follicles stood up and it made her shiver.

She shook her head yes. Lucas took the sponge from her and began to wash her tense shoulders and back. "I want to see Indali."

He paused his ministrations. “She's asleep from the pain meds." His deep voice said gruffly. So, it's an indirect no.

Did they blame her for what happened to his sister? Zachary had wanted her and to get to her he had dangled Indali as bait. The thought made her uncomfortable.

"Stop it, Rie. No one blames you. Least of all me or my sister." Lucas admonished gently yet his voice was firm.

She turned in his arms and he sucked in a sharp breath.

Rie knew she might be playing with fire but she didn't care. He was the only man who made her feel safe. And he had proven time and time again that she could trust him.

"Is this okay?" She returned her question to him and wrapped her slender arms around his neck. Her body slick and her breasts flattened on his chest.

There's a deep rumble from deep within him but he prevailed with his soft touches.

Goddess! She wanted to forget what happened tonight. Forget the vile touches of that psychotic wolf, at the same time, she was afraid she'd freak out if her mate succumbed to her poor attempt of seduction. Not to mention her face and body were aching and swollen from the beatings she received from Zachary.

"Sweetheart," He whispered. His lips on her temple.

"Kiss me? I need to forget.” She prayed for his patience and understanding.

Her eyes fluttered when he settled his soft fleshy lips on hers. A butterfly's caress. Once, twice and again. And he stopped with a huge sigh.

"You need to get some rest. Tomorrow we will visit Indie.” Lucas's voice was hoarse as if it killed him to stop.

"Why?" She gazed at him. Puzzled. She wanted and needed him. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"We can't, little chef. You've been through a lot tonight. Tomorrow. We will do anything you want.” He promised. Those luminous hazel orbs she admired so much were filled with control and compassion

"I want you, Lucas." She declared with more conviction.

"Not like this, Rie. We will make love after our mating ceremony and not before. We will indulge when you tell me all your uncertainties. When you tell me everything that made you shiver in fear from your nightmares at night. We will have it all when you heal.” Lucas finished his speech with a peck on her forehead.

She didn't know she was sobbing once more until he held her tightly and securely in his arms.

It's all clear to her now.

She knew what she wanted.

Him. Her soulmate.

Without fear. Without reservations and without her past haunting her. He will help repair her damaged soul.

She knew he will.

"Lucas, my uncle sexually molested me when I was a child.” She whispered hoarsely. "And I had to let him or he would have gone to Mish. I can't... can't let that happen. Ever since I loathed a man's touch. It was only you who had shattered my fears. It has always been you." Silence.

All she could hear was their ragged breathing. Then she felt it. Tears on her cheeks.

Not hers.

He was crying for her pain.

"Tell me all, my queen. No matter what happened in the past, I will never leave you. And I promise to kill all who had hurt you. Each and every one of them." His vow was loud and engraved on the four corners of the room.

She believed him.

The Lycan Mansion


In all his days ruling the Lycan Kingdom, even his father, and ancestors before him, no one had ever betrayed the king.

Until now.

By a royal pack warrior nonetheless.

He and Michael had not foreseen the need to do what needed to be done in a long time. The events of the night proved them wrong. They must. And they will.

After killing the rogues, they called for a pack gathering.

He and his queen as well as their Royal Betas had the power to infiltrate the minds of each and every pack wolf through the chains of their links. Skimmed through their thoughts and memories. Some would understand and others would protest. Especially if they had something to hide.

They needed to know how deep the enemies had embedded their influence on his packs. On his alphas. And this was the only way. A purging of sorts.

Alexander needed a solid Kingdom of Lycans. The time was crucial for they were dealing with powerful evil and witchcraft.

"It's done, My King." He turned his attention to Michael. The muscles on his face were taut and his eyes were bleak.

He still blamed himself for Zachary's treachery. "Don’t, beta. No one knew. I myself became complacent. We will not let it happen again.” Michael nodded and heaved a deep breath. "We don't have other traitors in our pack except one. And Zachary is way too dead for us to worry about anymore.”

"Who is the other one?" His hands clenched. How were they influenced? His people were rich and all had comfortable lives. "Doreen. Zachary's sister. I raided her apartment and found incriminating evidence. She fled early this morning, I sent out warriors to scout for her whereabouts. She might have useful information. I haven't cut down the link so that we can command her.” A she-wolf fighter. Fuck! Let's hope she would be the last one.

"I want to call a general assembly for all the alphas in a fortnight,” he decreed.

It's time for house cleaning. “Tis the only way to secure the realm. These are troubled times. We have a long way to go.

Anna Marie and Lucas have a slow build of intimacy. But, I want to remind you all that this book will have mature/sex scenes in the future. More villains and more drama to come.

I hope you are still with me, babies!

Love you all. Adios!

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