Gently grazing his rough thumb on his soulmate’s bluish cast circling faintly on her delicate skin, he watched her deep and even breaths while sleeping.

Anna Marie. She looked so tired -- only a few hours of sleep for her while she was in his arms. He held her all night to dispel her nightmares. It had help -- only just.

A surge of protectiveness calling forth hand in hand with extreme possessiveness surged through his veins. It took an effort to hold it down - tamping his impulses. Muscles tensed and protested. The drive to lock her on a castle until the danger had passed was a serious thought. One he was really considering. How?

How to convince her that he needed to keep her with him. Safe. All the damn time.

Lucas had known her independent streak all along and he didn't want to step on her dainty toes and or step around it. Yet he must. It was his needs roaring to be addressed.

Their bond was strong. It was more than that. An emotion so strong had blossomed in his heart. One he needed to acknowledge soon. And her past had haunted him all night. He had absorbed her pain. And after her confession, he had lulled her to sleep while he remained alert. Thinking. Planning.

Today, a conference with the High Council, along with the other Kings will commence. Xavier, the Vampire King, would have to be reawakened.

Powerful evil had surrounded their realms. They needed powerful allies. On that note...

Esmeralda. They needed her. Something significant had happened to his baby sister. Her Celtic prowess had been tapped.

She might be... No! His sister had suffered enough.

His jaw tightened -- her suffering, her bruises and knife wounds -- Indali had lost her innocence with the world.

Though, there was no sexual penetration -- he will forever be thankful she was spared of the experience, the humiliation, the torment -- their unconditional love for her would never change.

Indali needed their support. He knew she was made of sterner stuff -- she was tough, her disposition was made of steel -- belying her sweet personality. A warrior at heart.

His baby sister had saved her Queen. He couldn't be more proud of her. This brought him back to his earlier musings -- how to deal with what she was now -- Esmeralda will hopefully know what to do.

A faint moan drew him from his bleak thoughts. He glanced down. His Argetlam was dreaming once more. Her brows drawn together, her cherry lips pressed in a tight line. Tears flow freely down her pale cheeks.

Lucas's gut tightened and his heart contracted in pain. He couldn't bear this. Her suffering needed to stop.

"Shhh, sweetheart. Sleep. I'm here.” Arms of tense muscles hugged her closer to his body. Closing his eyes, trying to relax -- trying to convey a safe aura for her.

"Lucas," his name sounded like a prayer from her lips. He gritted his teeth -- please don't let me fail her -- his glowing orbs never left her face. Glued to her all night.

He exhaled - burrowing his face on her hair -- then inhale her sweet scent deeply. "You are safe, my little chef. Safe."

Anna Marie murmured once more -- relaxing in his arms -- she went back to blissful sleep, sighing his name. Limpetlike, she clutched him tightly. Like she never wanted to let go.

He felt the same. More than she does.

Mature Content 18

Please be guided

The next time Anna Marie woke up, he just came out of the shower -- with a small towel covering his lower body. He pretended not to notice her messy hair, flushed-from-sleep cheeks, and sexy slumberous amber eyes.

If he let her know his state, she would try to convince him to join her in bed -- with every part of him so painfully aware of her -- he didn't want to risk it.

He meant what he said. They will make love after their mating ceremony not before. Although... He shook his head to get rid of his lustful thoughts.

He went straight to her walk-in closet to get dressed. She insisted he kept his clothes here for emergencies. That endeared her to him more. She was acting like a wife, a mate. He liked it very much.

"Lucas," he almost jumped out of his skin when her soft hand touched his bare shoulder. Stifling an explicit curse, he closed his eyes tightly. His hands clenched at his sides.

One soft touch from her and he was ready to explode.

"Rie, sweetheart," he groaned when she hugged him from behind. Her cheek flat on his back and her dainty hands on his abs. Running her fingers up and down. Beneath his hot skin and her hotter palms, his muscles bunched. Loving her touch. Asking for more.

He was painfully aware of her unbound luscious breasts pressing on his skin. Her thin shirt but a flimsy barrier.

What he felt next made him weak in the knees. Butterfly kisses and her warm breath. A deadly combination. He breathed her name sharply. He turned to embrace her briefly and to create a much-needed space from their bodies -- instead what he saw in her beautiful eyes made his lips and throat dry.

"Lucas, please. I need to know. I need to know that your touch will not give me pain. Please.” Her voice quavered with uncertainty. In her mind, she thought she was asking for a favor. When in fact it didn't take much to give in to her need. To appease it.

Assuaging her need would address his as well. What he required was control. Lots of it.

He cupped her face gently, their eyes locked. Both breathing deeply in anticipation. "Tell me what you want. I will do anything for you, Rie. Anything.”

"I want to know pleasure from your touch -- no pain, only pleasure. It has to be you. Only you, Luc.” On her tippy toes -- with her arms on his neck -- she breathed her request on his lips. Nibbling and kissing him gently. Provocatively. Her dainty tongue parting his lips.

Lucas groaned -- giving in. Ready to fall at her feet. This will test his control like no other. He brushed the thought aside. Knowing he had full knowledge of the situation gave him the strength he needed.

He vowed his Argetlam will know of happiness and pleasure in his arms. From now on until forever.

His eager lips met hers in a hot kiss. She gasped when he plunged his tongue on her sweet mouth, tangling with hers, pairing. Sucking. She met him hesitantly -- shy and eager. They both moaned at their combined taste.

Anna Marie's tank top was not enough barrier from his bare skin -- her arms on his neck made her breasts flattened on his lower torso. He was suddenly aware of her pointy nipples on his ribs. He wanted to taste her. But he still had to take this slow.

His cock pulsed at the thought. Growling in anticipation, he deepened their kiss. Control. It hanged tethered in the balance. Trying to take the reins -- testing the waters -- his palms left her flushed face and went to knead the small planes of her back down to her cute derriere Massaging the soft and firm mounds gently. Molding her against his painfully erect shaft -- the towel was long gone, courtesy of his mate's eager hands-- on her flat belly.

Lucas groaned and lifted her pliant and soft body to the nearest flat surface -- an expensive tallboy in her walk-in closet. Nudging her rounded tights apart, he settled in between.

Their lips parted, deliberately. Both were gasping for air.

His eyes glinting, he watched her beautiful blushes coating her delicate skin. Accentuating her adorable freckles. He wanted her to feel everything he was about to do to her. All the pleasures he was willing to lavish upon her.

Her eyes were dilated. Almost dark chocolate brown from arousal, her sweet scent -- fuck! -- her sweet scent of lust a beacon for their combined passion.

Nevertheless, he was aware of her fears. He would have to let her decide before they went further.

"I am..." his throat was clogged with lust -- clearing it and holding tight to his impulses -- this was the hardest thing he had ever done. "I am going to touch you and kiss you all over, Anna Marie. Will you allow it?" Breathing the words on her neck, licking her skin, he prayed she would allow it. Give him the chance to start worshipping her.

She moaned and tipped her head to the side, giving his access -- which he took advantage of. His lips and tongue adored her collarbone down to her cleavage and the top of her mounds.

"Yes." Was her simple answer. Rie arched her back, settling his face on her swollen breasts firmly while she clenched her digits on his hair. His mate was killing him.

One hand on her waist, anchoring her-- giving her enough time to protest -- his other hand grasped the hem of her top, pulling the material up. Slowly. She stilled in his embrace, then she allowed him to remove the cumbersome cloth.

To coax her and bring her back to the fire, he nibbled her wet and swollen lips, tracing her flesh, dipping in and savoring her hot sweetness. Eager and wanting, Anna Marie kissed him back hungrily. Drawing them both back to the moment.

His hard flesh was painfully throbbing, resting on her thigh. She had not glanced at it. Not for a second. She will soon.

When his sweetheart emerged from their heated kiss, he was cupping her swollen breast, his thumb rubbing her hard pebbled nipple. They both looked down, his eyes hard, hers full of unbelievable pleasure.

He decided to give her more. Ignoring his lust, he pondered to hers instead, he brought his other hand to massage both beauties. Loving her moans, his eyes traced her creamy skin, topped with cherry red areolas with sensitized and swollen nipples.

With parted lips, she breathed his name. Asking. Bewitching him further.

Never leaving her face, he watched her, gauging for her reaction from his loving ministrations, he rasped his warm tongue on one sweet nipple.

His Rie whined, pulling him closer to her. Transferring his attention to its twin, rasping and laving it tenderly. Again and again. He groaned painfully -- not knowing how he would survive from this heavenly torture.

"More," She mumbled right above his ear. More then. Opening his mouth, he suckled her red pebbled berry deeply, rhythmically --in tune with her thudding heart and deep breaths. His other hand continued to caress the other hot mound. Teasing and rolling her nipple.

Urging her to recline more comfortably on the furniture, he traced his lips and tongue to her torso and navel, kissing every inch, dipping in her belly button. Fuck! Her taste was heavenly.

She gasped and squirmed. Seeking. He knew what she wanted. Still, he had to ask her. "More, sweetheart?" His voice was gravelly and husky. "Yes. More, my dragon.” She whispered -- looking at him with trust and wonder in her dark eyes -- every part of him clenched in need. To appease her. To let her experience the full completion of bursting passion.

Almost frantic, he looked around the well-lit room, his eyes found a cushioned chair. Perfect.

In two strides, he had the furniture in his hand, settled his naked body on it, with his love's sexy legs parted on either side. God! She was sexy indeed and delectable as hell. Curves in all the right places. Skin lightly tanned and flushed. Face Madonna-like and wanting. Every inch was his to worship. His to savor. His forever.

Leaning towards her, he kissed her sweetly. His naked chest gliding on her breasts, rubbing her nipples. Their tongues collided once more, eager to taste, to sip, to love. Not letting her think, he kept on deepening the kiss. Absorbing her moans of delight.

Impatient hands traveled to her stomach, kneading, digits testing the bands of her lacy pair of underwear. One effortless flick, the flimsy cloth was torn in two.

Swallowing her gasped, he thrust his tongue in her hot mouth. She followed his lead. Lashing sweet caresses. When they parted to breathe, his fingers were tangled on her curls. Petting. Combing gently.

"Luc," Anna Marie looked down and her breathing grew shallow. "Shhh...only pleasure, My Queen. Trust me." He rasped on her ear. Licking. Making her shiver.

"I trust you." She whispered. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He released the breath he was holding. He would have stopped anytime. She only had to say the words.

Lucas nodded and they both look down at her moist lips and his fingers. Control. She smelled so fucking good. He wanted to dip his tongue and savor her cream. But not today. Soon.

"Watch. Don't look away." He reclined on his chair and parted her legs on either side of his broad shoulders. Exposing her dripping pussy to his hungry gaze. With both hands, he parted her petals, exposing her throbbing bud, nestled in between and waiting for his touch.

Drawing circles, ending on her clit, grazing the bundle of nerves slowly. Gently. More heat and moisture coated his finger. She threw her head back and moaned his name.

His hand grasped her nape, not wanting her to miss her pleasure. He wanted her to know. To remember.

God! He was going to come from touching her alone. Wound taut, with his sweetheart in his arms, moaning, and squirming will be his undoing. Testing her tiny hole --wet and hot-- he slowly inserted his blunt middle finger. So fucking tight. So untried and narrow. One finger on her slick hole and it barely fits. Cautiously, he rotated his digit, widening her walls for him, her cherry taunting him. Fuck!

He withdrew and thrust back in. In and out. Her walls clinging. Almost not letting go. She arched her whole body. Tempting him.

"Lucas, what's happening?" Her brows were furrowed. Eyes dazed and hazy. Almost there.

“Pleasure.” Was his only answer. His thumb circled her clit, spreading her wetness while he pumped his finger in and out of her wet channel. She was close. So close.

With his hand supporting her head, fingers threaded in her brown lustrous hair, he leaned down to sucked hungrily on her nipple while fingering her pussy. She cried out from the intensity of it all Surrendering.

Her walls contracted rhythmically and she came screaming his name. Sobbing and holding him. Smothering him on her trembling body. Her sweet juices bathing his hand.

He groaned. Pained beyond reason. But this was for her. Only her. "Your turn, Luc.” She whispered on his cheek. Still breathless. He shook his head.

"This is for you, sweetheart." He ached. So much. But no.

He totally underestimated her strength because the next thing he knew, she straddled his hard thighs, and she firmly had his equally hard cock in her small hands -- which was throbbing and wet from continuous precum.

She kept her eyes glued to his face while she caressed his erection. He closed his eyes tightly -- his beast hanging by his fingertips -- he would be coming in a few strokes.

And he did. On the fifth tight grip, with her palms near his heavy sacks, his semen gushed all over her hands and on their thighs. He groaned and gripped her head. Kissing her hungrily. Breathing and heaving on her lips.

Anna Marie giggled when their mouths parted. His cock throbbed nonstop, still on her gentle grasp.

"You'll be the death of me, little chef.” He moaned on her lips. His lips quirked in a satisfied amusement when she giggled even more.

"Can't wait, dragon king." His sassy Anna Marie was back.

More to come. Promise!!!

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