The Kings Series #2 His Silver Hand
24. The Rider: Anna Marie

She had never felt so burning hot in her entire life. Every inch of her body felt like it was simmering from the inside. Only Lucas's touch had soothed her. Icy baths helped extremely.

Rie was drifting between sleep and wakefulness. Uncaring of the time. She was in a dream world and she had a task to accomplish. Something vital. It had to be done and it had to be attained.

Her head thrashed on the pillows, her eyes clenched shut. Needing answers to survive.

"Sweetheart," his soothing voice was a balm to her soul. She whimpered.

"Luc," she murmured raspily. "Water."

She could feel his arms surrounding her and he supported her body, guiding her to recline on their bed, a few seconds later she felt the glass on her lips. She took a grateful gulp of the icy cold water.

"Slowly, my queen.” He whispered. His lips on her hair. Sighing, Rie slumped back on the cushions. Her eyes fluttered, slowly opening, with tired and heavy lids, she glanced around the room. Even in her delirious state, she could appreciate the master suite Lucas had done just for her. A statement of his love.

Rie's gaze fell on him. She frowned. The dragon king looked so stressed and worried. Raising her trembling hand, she cupped his face. "I'm fine, my love. I'm stronger than I look." Her lips twisted. The fires inside her were starting once more. She could do this. Endure this pain. For Lucas. His jaw tense, he nodded. A cold cloth was placed on her forehead and he was bathing her with icy cold water. Drenching every inch of her skin. They were both totally naked and yet this was the most inmate thing they had ever done.

She was letting him take care of her and she was staying strong for him. -Anna Marie- S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.


She spun and run towards the voice calling her. Where was Lucas? Everything was lush and green. And the path she was taking was covered in a fog.

--Where am 1?--

-You are with me, my queen. I am your Dragon Spirit.-

Rie stopped. Was this a dream?

--Where are you?--

-In your Dragon's heart.-

What do you mean? Now, she was confused. Lucas told her she wouldn't have a beast.

-Yes. The king is right. You won't have a beast but you will control the beast. Be prepared. Save him.-

--I will. I love him.--

-I know. We are one. We save him.-

--Why? What will happen to Lucas? I can't lose him.--

-You won't lose him if you won't lose yourself. Remember, I am his heart. I am his soul. Save him.-

--Please tell me!--

-Time will tell, Dragon Queen. Time will tell.-

The voice echoed in the quietness of the vast hills. "Wait!"

Anna Marie needed to know more. She'd do anything to make sure Lucas was safe. Where was he? "Lucas!"

She woke up screaming and thrashing on the bed. Her body twisting and arching, trying to escape the heat.

A powerful, familiar body held her. In no time, she was being carried to the tub filled with icy water. Clinging to his neck, she refused to let him go.

They both sank and he laid her gently on his lap. Cupping his hands, he drew water, trickling her hair, and face to cool her down faster. With a sigh of relief, she leaned against him.

"Feeling much better, sweetheart?" He murmured on her temple.

"Yes." Rie rasped. Her voice was husky from her screams. "When will this end?"

"Soon. Not much longer.” Lucas murmured and tightened his embrace, giving her strength.

"Okay." She nodded. "I trust you." And pecked his hard jawline. She can do this.

After soaking until the water turned warm to continue submerging in, Lucas carried her back to their bed. Surprisingly, the covers were changed with fresh sheets, and pillows were delicately fluffed and arranged. An aroma of food also filled the air. Her stomach grumbled, reminding her of how little sustenance she had these past few days. "My sisters-in-law are here." He answered her unvoiced question while he patiently helped her slipped on his cotton shirt.

Rie tried to read his face. All she could see was his concentration while he took care of her. "We act like an old married couple.” She jested. Her lips curved gently.

He chuckled and kissed her forehead. "That we do, sweetheart." The warmth in his voice made her heart lighter. "Come. You need to eat before the heat gets unbearable again.”

With his arm wrapped on her tiny waist, he guided her to a coffee table filled with a different assortment of delicacies.

On his lap, she leaned on his harder frame while he served them both food. She waited patiently, watching him fill their plate. "This will end soon, right?"

She could feel him nodded, his lips on her hair. "Yes. Then we ride.” -Ride his beast? Goddess, help me.-

The Dark Witch

Her Warrior

Grunting, sweat running down his muscular body, he rolled away from his insatiable witch. Every opportunity, they had, they were rutting like wild animals. He loved it. He felt no exhaustion. And his mistress was no better.

Laughing, Ruby got up from their bed and stood before him in all her glory. He loved fucking her but...he felt empty. -Why?-

He could no longer feel his wolf and his soul was empty. The woman called him Zachary. He remembered his name but not what he was before all of this.

He had transformed into a formidable foe. Huge and hard all over and he was enhanced into an overly muscular form. Every inch of him was lethal. Strength and vitality were oozing from him. Ruby told him he could even take down an army. And he could fight the Alliance's Kings and kill them.

The thought excited him. He would love to kill the lycan or the dragon king. Or both.

Rising, he went straight to the sunken pool and rinse himself of his sweat and cum. The witch followed him.

"Are you ready, my lover?" She asked in a throaty voice. Her hands caressing his broad shoulders.

"You know, I am. I had been ready for days.”

"You needed the training and I needed the fucking. Now, we both have enough strength.” She reasoned. Then she unexpectedly dunked under the warm waters.

He waited patiently. He felt her hands on his thighs, caressing, appreciating.

Emerging, she draped her arms around him. "And my mission?" He asked. Holding her before him. His cock once more throbbing on her smooth belly.

"Kill them all.” She dragged his head down and kissed him hungrily. -Good. He needed the enemy's blood.-

Just like he needed her before going on his mission.

Anna Marie

Night had fallen and she was staring at the darkened sky. Stars were twinkling, like ornaments to add beauty to the enchanting luminescent of the full moon.

Her heat had passed and she was ready. Waiting. For her dragon.

She was on a clearing, dressed only in her shift, the evening breeze wafting her unbound hair and touching every part of her exposed skin. She didn't feel the cold. Her dragon spirit was keeping her warm.


She felt her heart respond. His, in tune with hers. Sensing him drawing near, she waited, her glowing eyes directed at the sky, where she knew she would witness him in all his magnificence.

His beast. Her king.

Then she heard him before she saw him. Cold and warm air swirled around her. She could hear his wings slashing, creating gusts of wind. Up in the cloudless sky, his whole body glowed, bathe by moonlight. Majestic and proud, he took her breath away.

-My queen. My Argetlam. My heart.-

Yes, she was. His golden eyes were focused on her. On her heartbeat. Then she felt it. His pulse was thumping, synchronizing with hers.

They were truly one.

His spectacular beast circled above her. Marking his territory. He ruled the skies. No other predators lingered on site. The effect was dramatic. Infinitely real.

Flapping his enormous wings, his dark talons gleaming, she sensed he was preparing to land before his queen.

Bracing herself from the force of his power, she stood proud below him and waited.

In a graceful and practiced move, he glided low, meter by meter, he closed the distance between them until he had settled on the thick grassy ground before her.

With not the slightest hesitation, Anna Marie wrapped her small arms around his scaley neck. Surprisingly, they were not rough, they felt like warm leather.

-Are you ready, my queen?-

"Yes, my dragon.”

She was ready to ride her dream.

I know this was way overdue but I'm glad Anna Marie was back.

With trouble brewing on the horizon, they needed the bond.

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