It's time.

Unbelievable strength coursed through him, one he had never felt before, crackling the air whirling around him, making him believe the potency of a King's Argetlam.

His rider. Anna Marie.

She called forth to him. His beast following the beating of her heart. He had never felt so invincible in his life.

With his luminous eyes, he found her waiting for him on a clearing near their tranquil lake.

So beautiful and trusting, his queen. Pride for him shining in her amber depths. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Sure and steady, his golden wings tinged in graying black brought him closer to her. Timber like limbs gained momentum, slashing through the cold evening air with precision. His talons curved, as sharp as swords, a powerful weapon dug and found purchase on the earth's cold bed.

Dracon, his beast was breathing heavily, excited to meet his queen. Any other woman, he would have been cautious not to freak her out, but not Anna Marie. She was the bravest woman he had ever known.

Nose flaring, eyes golden, he peered down at her. The expression on her stunning Madonna-like face was humbling. Pure love.

Awe and adoration for his beast. Acceptance unfettered. For him.

A month ago, he was ready to give up the throne. With no queen, he was nothing. Now, he had everything. Because of her.

Her steady fingers reached out to glide on his jaw, soft and tender, his dragon would have purred if he could.

His cat's eyes flickered and his nostrils flared once more. Excited by her scent and touch.

"You are magnificent, my king.” She breathed. On her tippy toes, adorably barefoot, she surrounded his massive neck with her slender arms, only a portion of his leathery scales was touching her skin, however, he felt her all over.

Going down on his hunches, he kneeled and gestured for her to climb his back.

"Do you think I'm ready?" In response, his right wing unfurled and soon enveloping her small body and guiding her, playfully boosting her up. She yelped then giggled excitedly. "Bossy, dragon.”

Turning his enormous head, he watched her settle. Her knees bent and her toes digging on the fleshy side of his wings. Satisfied she was holding on and securely ensconced, just like he had taught her, his chest rumbled in a growl of approval

Time to show his queen the moon and the stars.

Rie’s laughter of delight made him so damn impressed with himself. She wrapped her limbs around him again and laid her cheek on his scaly forehead.

Without a care in the world, they flew above the clouds, surpassing mountains and seas. The moon's beauty reflecting on the calm waters. Twinkling at them in invitation. Someday soon, they will frolic on a special spot and make love under the moonlight.

This was how he imagined it would be. Glorious. Exciting. Exhilarating. He was gaining new heights. Exploring new joys.

Flying in the night sky, the evening breeze caressing their skin, faint light guiding them.

He knew where they would be landing soon.

A meeting of royals. A part of his plan to woo his queen


The Lycan King

A faint scratch on the royal pack link made him halt of his perusal on an important document. Sensing it was urgent, he permitted the intrusion. -Sire.-

--What is it?--

-We found a scent at the border.


Unusual, they killed the rogues who dared entered New York a few days ago. The dragon king properly burned the bodies.

-We are not exactly sure, my king.-

From the royal pack link, he could feel the warriors agitation. It would be best to check it for himself. These days, it paid to be cautious all the time. He had a growing family to protect.

--I'll be there. Secure the border.--

-At once, sire.-

Closing the mind-link, his concentration went back to his glowing mate a few feet away from him. She was busy reading business and pack documents and oblivious to her surroundings. Trusting he would protect her all the time.

He would. She had always been his life.

Sensing his scrutiny, she raised her head and looked at him directly. Only she could do that, anyone would have flinched from his cold stare. She raised her perfectly arched brow.

"What is it, darling?" Her soft voice never failed to send tingles on his spine.

"I have to go to the border and check something. Stay inside until I return, okay?" Being away from her even for only a short period of time had always made him uncomfortable. Add the pups to the mix, his possessiveness had notched up in gigantic proportions.

She frowned and she was about to protest when she noticed how tense he had become. Standing, closing the distance between them, she wrapped her arms around his neck instead, their bodies sinking into each other.

"Be careful, Alexander.” She pecked his jaw and his lips. Her amber eyes pleading.

"Always am, baby girl.” He murmured before deepening his kiss. He could never get enough of her. Wishing he had more time but his property was huge, he had to go so he could be back before dawn "Frank called you, too?" Michael, his royal beta, waited for him outside the library. Dressed lightly so they could shift in an instant.

Alexander was not surprised by his question and attentiveness. He always had his king's back.

"Yes. Our men and snipers in place?" Their women and pups were their first priority.

"Yes, sire." His beta nodded, matching his strides.

"Good. Let's go." Alexander had a bad feeling about the whole situation.

The enemies had infiltrated the Alliance and were getting help from unknown sources. There was no telling what would be their next move. Failing was not an option. It never was.

Alexander and Michael, running through the dense forest, almost at the border, both on their animal form suddenly stopped. Body tense. Sniffing the thick air around them.

A wolf's senses were a hundred more developed than that of an ordinary human.

-Fuck! Code red. I repeat, code red.-

From his command, his warriors, men, and women had surrounded the Royal Mansion, packhouses, and all the exits of the property. Practiced and sure. Executing their plans.

Michael growled. Sharp teeth bared.

Tensed, they waited.

Soon, they felt the evil before it was upon them. Out of nowhere, hundreds of disfigured beasts with rotting smells surrounded them. Snarling and salivating.

Roaring, he called forth his powerful Lycan and he shifted into a killing machine with one goal in mind.

-Destroy them all.-


Nearing his destination, his nostrils flared. An unusual scent enveloped his senses.

Sickly sweet. Akin to drying blood and rotting fruit.

His vision sharpened and his whole body tensed.

"What is it, Luc?" From behind him, Rie was also alert. Scanning the area below her. She gasped. "What are those?"

Trees were swaying from the immense shaking of the ground below them. The hard earth was splitting in two. Birds were flying in disarray. Chaos. He could see warriors scrambling to their feet, trying to shift however, something was holding them back. A force of evil.

Moments more, huge creatures that could only belong in nightmares emerged. Prowling. Growling at the men writhing in pain on the ground.

The royal pack was under attack.

By the Dark Angel's men.

Uh oh

Trouble on the horizon

Don't worry. I'm already editing the next chapter.

Love you all, babies.

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