The Last White Wolf
Chapter 12

Thalia POV

I can feel the coolness of the grass underneath me. I feel different, I can feel myself breathing but it is different from how I am used to breathing... it is like my senses are heightened...

"Hi, Thalia" a soft voice fills my head. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

My body can’t move, and my eyes resist to open. ”Who... are you?" I replied, feeling the nerves rising inside me. ”My name is Chioni, and I am your wolf." She answered sweetly. ”Wait... What? I... I... can’t be a werewolf... I don’t have the gene to become one... Why can’t I open my eyes? What is going on?" I said, freaking out even more. ”Calm down Thalia. Let me explain everything to you." Chioni answered calmly... to calm... why is she so calm?

"Okay..." ”The reason why you can’t move or open your eyes is that I have taken control of you, you are currently in wolf form, and I feared that you might react badly to the fact that you are a werewolf." Chioni continued ”We are the last white werewolf. You come from a long and pure line of white werewolves and I have waited centuries to meet you, Thalia." Chioni explained.

I take in a deep breath of fresh air, and I can smell something absolutely amazing! A fresh and cool woodsy smell with a bit of sweetness fills my nostrils... ”Wha-... what is that smell?" I asked her ”That is our mate’s scent" she answered dreamingly. Our mate... my mate... I can clearly feel it now... Ares is my mate and I love him...Yes, our mate. He has been trying to communicate with us, but I first wanted to make sure you are calm, well calmer." She chuckled.

After a few minutes of silence, while I tried to get used to the thought of me being a werewolf... and for that matter the last white werewolf... Chioni made herself known again.

"Thalia, if you are ready, I can give you back control and you can go explore everything in your new form. I know Ares is very anxious for us to wake up." She said cheerfully. ”Yes, I think I ready..." I answered her nervously.

Ares POV

I have been trying for hours no to communicate with Thalia through our mate bond. But no luck. She is blocking us out somehow. Xylán, of course, is not liking this situation at all. He has been whimpering and whining like a dog locked outside for the first time. He has even become a bit aggressive, due to the fact that Thalia is not answering us, but it is mainly about the fact that we both have no idea what is going on with our mate...? why did she turn into a werewolf...? And why hasn’t she woken up??

The sun was busy rising on the horizon, and Thalia is still sleeping in her wolf form on the grass. In the meantime, Xylán convinced me to change into our wolf form. I was sitting by her side guarding her and waiting for her to wake up...

"When is she waking up? What if something went wrong during the change?" Xylán whines, again. ”I don’t know Xylán, we will just have to wait and see..." ”You know we can’t stay here when she wakes up... it’s not safe..." he interrupts me. ”I know... I have a plan." Both of us got distracted from our conversation when Thalia’s breathing changed, she was breathing heavily now. I stared at her, hoping she would open her eyes... Xylán was busy squealing again, scratching at the insides of my head, trying to take over control. Like he can make her wake up sooner.

"Ares" a small and soft voice filled my head. ”MATE! OUR MATE IS AWAKE!!" Xylán screams inside my head, making my ears throb in pain. ”Thalia my sweet άγγελος (angel), are you okay?" I asked making my way to her and licking her face. Her eyes still not open. ”I... uh... yes, I think so..." she replied, her voice sounding very shaky. ”Can you open your eyes my άγγελος (angel)?"

Thalia slowly opened her eyes, revealing her now blue and green eyes. She is blinking a few times, taking in everything around her. ”Our mate is so beautiful!" Xylán chimes in my head. ”Her wolfs name is Chioni, and she is amazing!" he continued, sounding like a small schoolboy. I blocked him out, I need to concentrate on my mate now and he sounded more like a small kid who got a new toy to play with. I pulled my attention back to Thalia, who is now slowly trying to sit up.

"That’s it, just take it slow and get used to your wolfs body." I encouraged her. ”I’m trying... It’s all just... weird and strange... It is like I don’t know what to do." She said softly. But I could hear it in her voice that she is freaking out. ”It’s okay. It sometimes helps if you talk to your wolf and ask her to help you. Let her take a bit of control of your body."

Thalia became silent, and I knew she was having a conversation with her wolf. She then got up and made her way towards me, rubbing her body against my fur, and nuzzling my neck. And I knew that Chioni has taken some control of Thalia.

She is busy licking my face ”We need to go Ares; the pack will soon be awake!" Xylán reminded me.

"Thalia, ο άγγελός μου (my angel), we need to go. It is not safe here." I urge her. ”Not safe? Where would we go, Ares?" She asked, sounding frightened. ”Don’t worry, just follow me!“. Thalia nuzzled me again before we both took off into the forest.

The sun has risen when we both reached the pack border. I knew she was getting tired, but we were almost there.

Thalia POV

We have been running what felt like forever. My body is burning, and I feel very tired. I don’t know where Ares is taking us... but I do hope we will get there soon. I can also feel the hunger rising inside of me like I haven’t eaten in a week...

Ares came to a standstill when a pitch-black wolf jumped in front of him, snarling at us. The wolf is almost as big as Ares. I immediately shrieked when the wolf snarled towards me. Ares moved, shielding me from the wolf, giving out a loud growl at the wolf. The black wolf relaxed and bowed his head at Ares. He then sat down next to Ares, wagging his big tail.

"It’s fine ο άγγελός μου (my angel). It is only Achilles, my brother. He didn’t recognize your scent. He was only protecting his territory." Ares explained. ”Your brother? I thought Apollo was your only brother?" I asked, feeling a bit confused. ”My father found his true mate after Apollo and I was born... he then mated with Rhea, Achilles’ mother. But when my mother found out, she banished Rhea and Achilles to live outside the pack borders. She forbade us to visit them, even tried to convince us that Rhea and Achilles want to steal the Alpha titles..." Ares said. I could feel his sadness through our mate bond.

"But," he continued ”Athena and I have been sneaking here since we were pups. We didn’t believe our mother. Rhea has always been nothing but kind and loving towards us, more than our own mother ever was. But Apollo... on the other hand... my mother is somehow controlling him, or he is just purely evil. I don’t know... He has tried numerously to kill Rhea and Achilles.“.

I nuzzled Ares, trying to comfort him from the pain of his family. My heart was breaking for him. It is not fair for his mother and Apollo to treat them this way.

The three of us walked towards a small wooden cabin, Achilles ran off to the back off the cabin, probably to change. A woman came out of the front door of the cabin. She looked around 40 years old. Her long dark brown hair was pulled away from her face and her brown eyes only showed kindness and love. When she saw Ares and I approaching the cabin, her face lit up with a big proud smile, like those proud smiles only a mother has towards her children.

I immediately understood why Ares and Athena sneaked away from their house to visit this woman. I could feel her warmness and love radiating from her.

“You can go into the shed to change there are some spare clothes on the shelve you can get dressed in. Achilles will lend me some of his clothes." Ares said, nudging me towards the small tool shed located next to the cabin. I went into the shed, while Ares ran off in the direction his brother went.

Once I got into the shed, I wasn’t sure what to do. ”Chioni, how do I change back?" I asked my wolf, hoping she can help me with my current situation. ”Just imagine yourself in your human form, it is the same when you when you want to change into your wolf form." She explained. I did what she said, and my whole body started to shake, and I could feel my body and my bones turning into a human. It didn’t hurt like I expected it would. I pulled on a pink and purple floral summer dress from one of the shelves in the shed.

After I got dressed, I opened the door of the shed. A grey wolf with black ears and black paws was staring at me. The wolf is smaller than the huge wolfs that I am used to.

“Athena? What are you doing here?” Ares asked from behind the grey wolf. The wolf jumped at the sound of Ares voice and whimpers a bit when she passes me into the shed.

Moments later Athena walks out of the shed in her human form, wearing a red summer dress, her blue eyes are rimmed red like she has been crying. “I’m sorry I followed you, Ares.” She sobbed. Ares swiftly pulled Athena into his arms, comforting his little sister. “It fine, please don’t cry little sis...” he said whilst hugging Athena tightly. “Let’s go inside. Rhea is probably already waiting for us.” Ares suggested, taking my hand and leading me to the cabin.

The tree of us made our way into the shed when Ares and Athena were embraced by Rhea. “I have missed you, pups so much!” Rhea chimed hugging Athena so tight, I thought she was going to break her. After she greeted them, she then turned her attention to me. “And who might this beautiful girl be, Ares?” she asked him, smiling like she already knows the answer.

“Rhea, I would like you to meet my true mate, Thalia.” Ares introduced me. Rhea squealed while pulling me into a tight hug. “Oh, my Luna! Congratulations you two! Ares, I’m so proud of you” she shrieked. “You guys must be starving?” Rhea asked, and with that question my stomach gave a loud growl. Everyone looked at me and burst out laughing and off course me... I was left blushing, in the lovely shades of red.

Rhea and Athena made their way into the small wooden kitchen area. The cabin was very tiny but still cosy. The cabin door squeaks open and in walked a young man and looking very similar to Ares. Achilles’ hair was lighter than Ares and Apollo and he has hazel green eyes.

“So, brother,” Achilles said bumping his shoulder against Ares “Aren’t you going to introduce me to this lovely lady of yours?” he asked. Ares pulled his arm around Achilles’ neck and gave him a noogie. Both of them started wrestled a bit, trying to get out of each other’s strongholds. “Boys! No roughhousing in my house!” Rhea yelled from the kitchen area. “Sorry mom!” both of them answered simultaneously, their laughter filled the whole cabin.

“It’s nice to meet you Achilles,” I said to him. He pulled me into a hug “It is nice to meet you too. I am so glad that my brother finally found his mate!” Achilles said smiling at me. “Come pups! We made some sandwiches and salads to eat.”

All of us gathered around Rhea’s small dining table, eating and laughing at all the stories. They all told me embarrassing stories about Ares growing up. At some point I caught Ares staring at me, blushing even a bit.

We all sat listing to Rhea telling us a story about herself when she was younger and how she and Zeus use to play together. She was the previous Delta’s daughter. Her father was a brown wolf and her mother a black one. We were all listing intensely to her story when a rock came through the kitchen window.

“Yoooo Hoooo! Anybody home? The big bad wolf is outside!” Apollo shouted from outside the cabin. Everyone around me, including myself tensed up. Achilles balled his hands into fists, his face turning red with anger. He stood up from his seat quickly letting the chair fell backwards.

“What are you doing Achilles,” Rhea asked him softly. Achilles moved towards a chest, pulling out a shotgun. “I’m going to shoot him like the dog he is!” he growled. “I don’t think that is a wise decision brother,” Ares said, standing in front of him, looking him in his eyes whilst placing his hands on the shotgun. “Why?? You know why he is here!” Achilles shouted. “I know but let me first talk to him.” Ares pleaded. Achilles lowered the shotgun growling a bit. “Fine... you talk to him, but if he is not gone in 5 minutes, I’m killing him, with or without the shotgun.”

Last Updated: 05/02/2020

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