The Last White Wolf
Chapter 19

Apollo POV

13:00 pm

Achilles came to a halt, shifting into his human form while I followed him. He stood quietly sniffing the air. “She’s close by” he whispered. I slowly moved from his side towards the taller trees, also sniffing, when I heard a ruffling in the leaves above me. I have found you, I smirked evilly.

Using my werewolf strength, I jumped upwards into the tree. Landing swiftly on a branch, slowly looking upwards when I found the source of the noise. Madeline was scrunched up on a higher branch just above me, trying to hide herself from us with leaves and small branches.

“You know…” I said, startling her, her blonde hair was messy and pulled back in a loose ponytail and her blue eyes is looking wild “Wolves don’t normally tend to climb trees.” I said with a smirk. She instantly tried to move away from me, but I grabbed her arm, pulling both of us down, out of the tree. Branches around us were breaking on our way down. I pulled Madeline into me, not wanting her to escape. Both of us crashed loudly onto the forest floor, a loud whine escaped Madeline’s lips when I landed on top of her, still keeping her close in my embrace.

“Get off me!” she hissed trying to push me off her. “Oh, but I thought you wanted us to mate?” I said with a deep smirk while I gave her a sadden look. Madeline gave me a blank stare before she started to claw me and tried to kick me off her. I pinned down her hands next to her head, still keeping her body securely underneath me. I started to chuckle deeply “Oh, so you like it rough, hey?” I asked still chucking. “Apollo stop messing around! We need to find Thalia.” Achilles commented behind me.

Anger suddenly started rushed over me… Thalia… “Where is she?” I snarled at her. She blinked at me while a devious sneer spreads across her face, “Probably already dead!” she spat. My wolf came forward trying to take over… I know he would enjoy killing her slowly, but we need more information… We need to know where Thalia is…

“WHERE. IS. SHE?” I growled harder grabbing her by her throat, squeezing tightly. “A-Apollo…” she choked out “P-please!!” she begged, I loosened my grip on her throat, just enough for her to speak. “W-we can rule the pack as our own! Both of us as equal Alphas… Just forget about that weak she-wolf! I-I can give you more than she can ever…” she said stroking my cheek, trying her best to seduce me. I fell silent for a few moments. “You know she is lying,” Zayev said, still trying to take control of me. “I know! Be patient!”

“She is MY luna!” I snarled at her “I will do ANYTHING to protect her!”. Achilles moved closer bending down next to us “If you tell us now where Thalia is, we will give you a fast-painless death.” A snarl escaped my lips, not liking the painless idea Achilles has come up with… I want her to suffer!!

Achilles grabbed Madeline by her one arm while both of us got up from the forest floor. My grasp on her never leaving. “We are waiting! WHERE is Thalia?” I barked.

Madeline guided us back to a small cabin not far from where we found her climbing trees. Wolves in trees, I almost chuckled out loud. She begged the whole way and even tried to escape a few times from my strong hold on her, but it only resulted, in the same way, every time, by me grabbing her by her throat again, trying to squeeze the life out of her and Achilles reminding me that we need her alive until we found Thalia.

As we approached the small cabin, I could smell blood… Achilles ran inside, kicking in the door. “Apollo, please… please don’t kill me…” Madeline started to beg and wine again. “Shut up Madeline, because this time I will rip your throat out and I will sit back and enjoy watching your blood spill out onto the ground while you struggle to breathe air into your lungs...” I hissed at her while walking closer to the cabin. “Apollo!” Achilles shouted from inside. I hurried my pace and almost dragged Madeline into the cabin… My stomach fell into a pit of darkness... The smell of blood and something stronger was overwhelming inside the small dusty cabin.

Achilles was kneeling next to a limp Thalia… Her skin was a white as snow… Trying to calm myself, I focused my hearing on her, trying to find her heartbeat…

“Thump…… Thump…… Thump……”

I could almost not hear her heart beating; it was fading fast.

I turned towards Madeline, she looked like she was going to faint. Giving my wolf control, I let him tear her to pieces.

I felt my wolfs teeth sank into Madeline’s flesh, her hysterical screams when I pulled her apart peace, by peace. I heard her screams turning muffled and bloody when I ripped her esophagus out.

After a few minutes, Zayev was fully satisfied with killing and ripping Madeline apart I shifted back and kneeled next to Achilles, inspecting Thalia’s wounds. Her neck was bitten badly, painful scratches and deep bite marks all over her stomach.

“She is barely alive…” Achilles whispered. I looked down onto Thalia, touching her cold hand. I pulled Thalia into my arm, cradling her cold small body against me. I felt her blood burning me, making me wince a bit. Achilles stared at me while he sniffed the air. “What is that odd scent?” he asked. I looked down at Thalia “It’s wolfsbane… a lot of wolfsbane.” “Won’t it kill her?” I took a deep breath trying hard to control the fear inside me. She might not be my mate… but I care for her… “It might…” I sighed. “I’m taking her to the pack doctor. Will you take care of this mess?” I said while I turned around heading for the door.

As I walked out of the cabin, I felt Ares mind linking me “We found our mother. Any sign of Thalia?” he asked… I felt my chest tightening while I tried to fight away the tears stinging in my eyes. “Madeline and Abaddon are dead…” I answered him, not sure how to tell him that his mate is gravely wounded, “And Thalia?” he asked, I could hear the of his of impatience lacing his voice. “Ares…” I don’t know how to tell him, I thought while unwanted tears escaped my eyes

“I-I found her…” I continued while I clenched my eyes tightly, trying to push back the streaming of tears “I’m taking her to the pack doctor… she’s dying brother” I breathed out heavily while I clenched Thalia tightly to my chest, her blood stinging me the whole time.

I ran as fast as my body allowed me to run, the wolfsbane affecting my werewolf abilities, burning my skin, but I pushed myself.

When I finally reached the pack house, Thalia’s heart rate was drastically low, and parts of my skin were burned badly by the wolfsbane in Thalia’s blood. I quickly mind linked the pack doctor while I ran into the infirmary, placing her limp body gently on the bed while the doctor rushed in. “What happened?” the doctor gulped out. “She was injected with wolfsbane… and a wolf attacked her.” I breathed out while a nurse attended to my burn wounds.

Minutes later the infirmary’s doors burst open, while Ares rushed over to Thalia. His eyes were red and wild.


3 Days Later

Thalia hasn’t woken up, Ares has been in the worst possible mood, snapping at everyone and not moving away from Thalia’s side. The pack doctor has told us that the wolfsbane has affected her ability to heal herself, but she will heal, it will just take some time… something Ares was not happy about, he wanted her to wake up.

I stood at Ares bedroom door staring at him. He was still sitting in the same chair next to the bed, clenching onto Thalia’s hand. I walked closer to them when a warning growl came from Ares. “It’s only me brother” I softly said. “I KNOW!” he hissed “What do you want?” he growled again “I am just checking in on my Alpha and luna,” Ares growled at me turning his head back to his mate. “Brother…” I said softly “Why don’t you go eat something and maybe grab a shower?” “I am NOT leaving her!” he growled louder “Ares, you won’t be any good for when you’re hungry and well… stink” “Since when do YOU care?” he almost shouted, shooting daggers at me with his red-rimmed eyes. I have always cared brother, I thought to myself. “I will stay with her… and I will let you know if anything changes.” I promised him. Ares’ shoulders dropped and he sighed deeply. He slowly got up from the chair and places a soft kiss on Thalia’s head. He made his way towards me giving me a harden stare. “I’ll be back in 10 minutes.” He said bluntly before leaving the bedroom.

I moved closer to the bed staring at Thalia. Her skin looks healthier and the scent of wolfsbane has completely left her. I look towards the chair next to her and decided that it would be for the best not to sit in Ares’ spot.

Slowly laying down next to Thalia on the bed a smirk started to spread across my face. I know this would also piss him off, and I almost chuckled at that thought. I rested my head on my hand, while I closed my eyes listing to Thalia’s steady and stronger heartbeat.

A few minutes has passed when a sudden change in Thalia’s heartbeat made me open my eyes. Thalia’s eyes were open looking around the room, looking confused. She turned her head towards me, still looking confused. “Good morning sunshine! I know you were dreaming about me; it explains all the drool” I said with a big smirk while I quickly closed my eyes and mind linking Ares, telling him that Thalia is awake. “A-Apollo?” she choked “Yes beautiful? That’s my name.” I said smiling at her “W-what are you doing in Ares’ bed?” she asked looking uncomfortable. “I would also like to know” Ares growled from the bedroom door. “Well,” “You see, Ares was sitting in that chair next to you, and I thought I sit in that chair, which is where he was sitting, he would be very unhappy, you know…” I explained “So you decided it would be better to lay next to my mate?” he hissed. “Oh brother, jealousy is never a good look. It makes you look ugly.” I said chuckling.

Ares rolled his eyes and walked over to Thalia’s side “My angel” he said pulling her into his arms and kissing her hard. I suddenly felt disgusted at the sight of them sucking face. “Wait no! Eww! I’m not going to be stuck in the middle of this! No, no, no!” I said while standing up from the bed and leaving. Before I closed the bedroom door, I heard Ares whispering to Thalia “Hopefully he has learned his lesson now”. Well see, I snorted to myself.

I went downstairs to find something to eat in the kitchen. I heard some giggling coming from the kitchen and when I entered, I felt the bile rising in my throat, my father was making out with Rhea. What the hell is going on in this house… I thought to myself. No child should ever see this!

On my way out of the kitchen, I tried hard to forget to image, which is now imprinted in my brain when Achilles walked pass. I grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the kitchen “Hey!” he complained “Trust me, brother, you will thank me one day”

Both of us walked into the lounging area, Achilles still confused with the fact that I pulled him away from the kitchen.

We found Athena, sitting lazily, with her limbs spread wide on the couch reading one of her weird romantic books. “Hey, bookworm!” I called out to her “Hey jerk” she responded with a small smile. She has been very quiet the past few days, with mother’s arrest and all… “Why do you read this crap?” I asked her by grabbing her book from her “That’s mine!” she squealed “Give it back!” I gave her book back to her and she clutched the book against her chest looking embarrassed.

With a chuckle a sat next to her “So what are you doing in here all by yourself?” “I’m waiting for the Midnight Pack to arrive,” she said still looking embarrassed “Who are they?” Achilles asked “They are an American pack. Father has called them to come and help with… uhm the tribal problems we are having.” She answered looking sad.

“Oh, yeah, I remember them,” I said “Isn’t their Alpha’s name Jack? And he has three daughters and he is training the eldest to take over as the Alpha?” “Yeah, Zoe, she is my best friend. She and her two sisters found out that their mother was involved in tribal things and was controlling their father’s mind, trying to take over as the Alpha of the Midnight pack.” She continued, swallowing hard “Zoe and her sisters then killed their mother and executed all the tribal spies they found in hiding in their pack. Her father then decided to train Zoe as the new Alpha of the Midnight pack.” She explained. “A female Alpha?” Achilles breathed out “That’s unknown of,” “The Americans have different beliefs and traditions than us, so for them, a female Alpha isn’t as shocking as it would be here.” I explained.

The three of us sat there, talking and joking for a while before Athena announced that the Midnight pack members is here. Achilles and I decided to go and take a run. Heading towards the woods we saw two black SUV’s pulling up to the pack house and our father, Rhea and Athena greeting the guests.

“So, do you want to race down to the lake?” Achilles asked while shoving my shoulder “If you can keep up pup” I said while I pulled my shirt over my head. “Never underestimate a…,” he said trailing off. Achilles stood frozen; his eyes turned black while he sniffed the air. For a moment I thought we might be in danger but then I heard him whispering “Mate” his voice sounding hoarse. Achilles turned running towards one of the SUV’s, I followed behind him, not sure if I heard him correctly.

The black SUV’s door opened and out stepped a beautiful blonde girl. Her blonde hair was curly, and her green eyes were wide. Achilles pulled the girl into his arms, while a small squealed escaped her lips. “Mate!” she shrieked “Mate” Achilles answered, his voice still sounding hoarse. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I felt a small smile creeping on to face while my heart was saddened by the fact that I still haven’t found my true mate. Turning around I silently disappeared into the forest.


Ares’ POV

2 Days Later

My Thalia has healed completely, and we have also finally managed to finish our mating. It is absolutely amazing, the feelings we have for each other has become unbreakable. We haven’t left each other’s sides and have been running the pack as equal Alfas.

Achilles also found his true mate 2 days ago and will be married in 5 months’ time, to Zoe, the next Alpha of the Midnight pack. The American pack have different traditions and they believe that mate should be married before they complete the mating customs.

My father and Rhea are also now fully mated and is now living in Rhea’s cabin outside the pack borders, to have a little privacy to from themselves. I was relieved about that because they can’t keep their hand off each other, which is understandable… but it was making as all nauseous.

Apollo…. Well, Apollo has been sulking and drinking a lot… I’m guessing it because everyone around him has found their true mates, even Athena has announced that she found her true mate a week ago, but our mother’s spies told her about him and she then forbade Athena to see him or mate with him, as he is a low ranking wolf and was not strong enough according to her. But that is not how Thalia and I are going to run my pack. I have announced to all my pack members, encouraging them to first find their true mate before choosing someone to mate with, as it is the way our Moon goddess has made it.

“Ares?” Thalia’s sweet voice pulled me out of my thoughts “Yes o άγγελός μου (My angel)?” I answered kissing her softly on her cheek. “It’s time…” I kissed her again and with a deep sigh, I took her small hand in mine leading her out of our office.

We found fifteen of my mother’s tribal spies and their execution was scheduled for today. My mother, she will be executed last.

As per tradition, a prisoner has the choice of how he wants to be executed, beheading, combat fight, or lethal amount of wolfsbane, which is the cruellest death of them all.

Thalia’s POV

Ares has been absent-minded for the past few days… which I understood completely… today he had to execute his mother…. We walked out of our office with our hand laced together on our way to the courtyard where the whole pack has gathered, excluding the children. The fifteen prisoners and Aphrodite were lined up in front of the pack, awaiting their punishments for betraying their pack and traditions. I felt saddened that they all had to die for their mistakes. “I know it is hard, but they need to be punished for what they did…” Chioni said softly in my head.

The pack fell silent when Ares and I stood in front of them. Ares stood quietly, only nodding his head at the executioner. All of the 15 prisoners have chosen to be executed by beheading beforehand, but Aphrodite has refused to answer, the only thing she did was spat in the guards’ faces and then cursed at them.

Once the 15 prisoners were beheaded, Ares turned to his mother, who was glaring at everyone. “You will always be my mother,” he said coldly to Aphrodite “But what you did is unspeakable… You conspired to kill my mate, the luna of this pack and the mother of my future children… And for that….” Ares continued; his eyes red-rimmed “For that… you, my mother, will be executed with wolfsbane.” “NO!” she shouted, and loud gasps were heard from the pack. “Ares, please! My son! I am sorry!” Aphrodite begged “You tried to kill my mate with wolfsbane… you will suffer the same!” he growled angrily while clutching my hand tightly in his. Somehow, I felt sorry for her, but she did, however, try to kill me. “Please my son! I love you! I only wanted the best for you!” she cried. Whispers and gasps were heard from the crowd. “SILENCE!” Ares roared. Ares gave a nod to the executioner and the man dressed in black took a small bottle filled with yellow liquid “NO! PLEASE DON’T! NO!!!” She screamed begging them not to give her the wolfsbane. Executioner grabbed Aphrodite’s head and forced the yellow liquid into her mouth. Aphrodite started to scream from the pain, while blood already started to spill from her mouth.

Ares pulled me to his side while he guided me out of the courtyard. “No need for you to see o άγγελός μου (My angel)” he said softly, his voice laced with sadness. Once we entered the pack house, I pulled Ares into a tight hug “Are you okay my love?” I asked him while I kissed his neck softly “I will be now” he said pulling me into a passionate kiss. “I love you, Thalia.” he said against my lips “I love you too,” I said kissing him again.

The End!


Just kidding, the Epilogue will follow soon :)

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Last updated: 05/02/2020

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