5 Months Later

The early morning light was streaming softly into our bedroom while my alarm next to me went off. Ares turned towards me with a small groan, his hair was messy from sleeping and he had a light stubble on his cheeks. “Morning my angel,” he greeted with a deep sleepy voice, while he stared at me with his beautiful blue eyes. “Morning my love,” I greeted back with a small smile. “Did the both of you sleep well?” he asked while he gently rubbed my swollen stomach. “Hmmm” I hummed “I woke up just before the alarm. Our little pup was kicking up a storm.” I giggled softly.

3 months ago, we found out that I was expecting our first little pup. I am now around 3 and a half months pregnant, but in werewolf terms, I was more like 7 months and with a very swollen stomach and feet. We haven’t found out the gender yet, both of us want to wait and be surprised for when our pup is finally born.

Everything was running smoothly in our pack. Except for Apollo, he has spent the majority of his time drinking and sleeping, being very distant with everyone, except me for some odd reason. We have become ‘good friends’ off sorts… we understand each other, and he listens to me…. Well, sometimes he listens to me…

“We should get ready if we want to make it in time for our flight,” Ares said sighing and pulling me out of my thoughts. “Yeah, we should.”

All of us was leaving for Achilles and Zoe’s wedding in America. Not everyone was excited about it. Ares complained that I am ‘too pregnant’ to travel, even though the pack doctor said that I will fine, I just need to take it slow and rest a lot. Apollo was also complaining; firstly, he didn’t want to leave his room and secondly, he didn’t like flying.

After we finished getting ready, everyone was waiting downstairs, but Apollo was nowhere to be seen. “Is he even awake?” Ares asked Athena who was busy texting someone on her phone “Uh… I haven’t seen him since late last night… he was drinking again…” she answered not looking up from her phone. Typical teenager, I thought to myself. “I will go get him.” I said while turning around to go back upstairs “You sure? I could go check where he is…” Ares said, looking concerned “I’ll be fine my love,” I said while climbing the stairs. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I stood in front of his bedroom door taking a deep breath before knocking lightly on the door “Apollo?” I called softly. No answer… I am deciding between going back downstairs and just entering his bedroom, I took the chance and open the door “Apollo, I’m coming in…” I said while I opened the door “Oh goddess… please let him decent…” I whispered a small prayer.

“Apollo?” I called out to him again. There was a muffled groan coming from the side of the bed. I slowly walked to the bed, the stench of alcohol burning my nose and making me feel sick. Please don’t throw up… please not now… I begged my body; morning sickness hasn’t been very kind to me or disappeared…

Apollo was lying flat on his stomach on the floor, still clutching an empty bottle of whisky. “Oh, Apollo,” I said softly while I am slowly bent down next to him. I gently shook his shoulder, trying to wake him up. “Apollo? It is time to get up.” A loud groan escaped his lips “N-no…” he mumbled.

I took another deep breath trying to control the morning sickness. “Apollo wake up. We need to go.” I said trying my best to sound more sternly. “Just leave without me” he mumbled into the floor. “No, you are coming with us. Achilles chose you to be his groomsmen and you need to be there,” I swallowed hard “sober!” I added. Apollo turned to his side, his blue eyes staring at me “He only asked me because he had to… no one wants me around them… so just leave me... please, Thalia… just leave me.” He grumbled, his face was hard and filled with sad emotions. I took the empty bottle of whisky out of his hand and gave him a small smile “That’s not true… Why else would I be here?” I asked him.

Apollo sat up leaning against the bed “Thalia… you only here because you are the luna…” “Yeah, I am the luna… but I am here because you are my friend Apollo, and I care about you.” I answered honestly. A small smirk appeared on his face while he took my one hand, “If you’re going to keep being cute then I’ll have to kiss you. I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules” Apollo smirked “Apollo... You are not going to kiss me. So, you can just forget it!” I said, slapping Apollo playfully on his arm. “Yeah, I know. Don’t blame a guy for trying.” He replied rubbing the back of his neck. “Not all of us are so lucky to have found our true mates…” Apollo said, looking like a sad puppy again. “Apollo,” I said taking his hand in mine again “I just know that you will find your true mate soon. You just need to patient.” I said, giving him the biggest smile, I can gesture. “Now, help me up and let’s go! We are going to miss our flight!”


The flight to Maine so far is very bumpy and uncomfortable… Apollo has been asleep for the past 10 hours, sleeping off his hangover, which is awesome…. Peace and quiet… so I thought… Ares, on the other hand, has been checking on me every 15 minutes… which has made me a bit annoyed at him, I am blaming the pregnancy hormones…

I shifted around in my chair again when Athena came to sit next to me. “Are you okay?” she asked, “Yeah, just uncomfortable…” I said pointing at my stomach “Somebody doesn’t like to sleep,” I said in a baby voice. Athena giggled lightly “At least they are asleep,” she said pointing towards Ares and Apollo. “Thank the goddess” I breathed out. “They have been driving me crazy,” I said with a laugh while Athena joined me in the laughter.

“So, what are you wearing to the wedding?” she asked, her eyes almost sparkling “I found this loose fitted maxi dress, that covers my feet… so no one will be able to see how swollen they are,” I said popping my one foot up, showing her how swollen it is. “What are you going to wear?” I asked her “I…” she said before being interrupted by Apollo “Fuck! Are we still flying!!” he growled. “When will we land?” he grumbled while he scattered around the plane looking for something.

“We will be there in about two hours.” I answered him while he still continued to rummage through things “Apollo? What are you looking for?” Athena asked him, looking confused “I need a drink…” he growled “It is unnatural for wolves to fly…” he continued to mumble. Ares stirred next to me. “What is going on?” he asked while he wiped the sleep from his eyes. “Apollo is looking for alcohol…” Athena said while rolling her eyes. “Apollo! For goddess sake! Stop fucking drinking!!” he barked while he made himself comfortable again and resumed sleeping.

Apollo stumbled off into the kitchen, while Athena and I remained silent. He returned a few minutes late with a bottle of dark liquor. “Apollo! Ares…” Athena squealed but was cut off my Apollo again “Shhhh…” he slurred while holding his index finger against his lips, he then tipped to bottle into his mouth swallowing the dark liquor.


We finally landed safely in Maine and it was breathtakingly beautiful. We were driven to the hotel where would spend the remainder of our stay. All of us went straight to bed, except off coarse Apollo, who went straight to the bar….

Next Morning – Achilles and Zoe’s Wedding Day

All of us got ready for Achilles and Zoe’s big day. I got dressed in my beautiful dusty pink maxi dress, with delicate sequins and a tulle skirt. The skirt was long, so it covered my feet, making it easier for me to wear comfortable flats. Ares was dressed in a smashing light grey suit and tie and a light dusty pink shirt.

“You look handsome,” I said when I saw Ares standing in front of the mirror, straightening his tie. “And you look πανεμορφη (beautiful)” he said while walking over to me and pulling me into a passionate kiss which made my cheeks flush in response.

Someone cleared their throat which made Ares and I pull apart. “Sorry to interrupt,” Apollo said with a smirk, while he leaned against the door. “What now?” Ares sighed “Achilles called… And apparently, we need to go to this wedding thing…” he said looking bored. I glanced at the clock on the wall “Oh goodness, we need to go. The wedding starts in 15 minutes.” I said grabbing my small purse.

The wedding was thankfully located in the hotel building. Everything was decorated in pink. All the guest was instructed to wear pink, the flower arrangements were pink and even the lights were changed to pink.

“Zoe is clearly obsessed with pink,” I said while we walked into the hall. “She is!” Athena laughed next to me.”

“Jeez…” Apollo breathed behind me “That is a lot of pink, it almost makes me think of the pink thing between a wo…” “Apollo!” I snapped him “Behave! We are at a wedding! Not a bachelor party!” I scolded him. Ares started to chuckle while we made our way towards our assigned table, I heard Apollo distinguished snickering behind me.

Everyone was finally seated. Achilles and his beautiful bride were seated in the centre of the hall, while both their parents were seated on their sides. “I don’t understand American packs…” Apollo complaint again “Why do they have to have a wedding? Why not mate like wolves traditionally do?” he continued complaining while sipping a glass of water. “Every country has different traditions, Apollo,” Ares said while placing a soft kiss on my cheek. “Well I don’t see Thalia forcing you into marriage?” he said, giving us a pointed look. “Well, unlike every other girl I have never fantasised about weddings and stuff… and I’m very happy with what we have,” I said while kissing Ares softly on his lips. “So are your parents happy with your decisions?” Apollo asked “Yeah, we told them a few months ago about the baby and that we are together and in love… they were shocked, but they are all visiting next month to meet everyone, then we will tell them about the whole werewolf thing…” I trailed off while Ares shifted nervously next to me. Even though he is a big alpha wolf… the pure mention of my parents makes him unsettled.

“You’re not drinking tonight?” Athena asked, pointing at Apollo’s glass of water. “No,” he said shaking his head. “Last night when I went to the bar, Rhea came to find me…” he said staring at the glass of water and looking a bit pale “She literally grabbed me by the collar and told me off, she said if I don’t sober up for the wedding, she is going to give me a well-deserved hiding….” He explained while the whole table started to burst out in laughter. “Laugh all you want! Of all the things in life, that woman,” he said pointing with his thumb to Rhea, “That woman scares the hell out of me…” he said while sipping his water again. “Well, I’m glad that there is someone out there that can scare the big bad wolf” Ares mockingly said. “Unfortunately, I’m still not scared of you, bro…” Apollo became very still, making everyone at the table look at him, his eyes were turning black “Apollo? Are you okay?” I asked him, not sure what is going on. Apollo jumped up from his chair and stormed over to the other side of the hall. Ares followed him, while I slowly got up and waddled over like a fat penguin to see what the commotion is about.

Apollo was standing in front of a red-haired girl. She had a small frame; she is just a bit taller than me. Her big blue eyes looked bewildered while a tall blond man was protectively pulling her to his side.

“DON’T TOUCH HER!” Apollo growled; a snarl escaped from the blonde’s mouth “She’s mine!” he growled back. “SHE. IS. MY. MATE!” Apollo roared stepping towards to redhead, while the blond in front of her standing chest to chest against Apollo, both of them snarling and growling angerly at each other.

Achilles and Zoe came rushing over “Roseline? Oliver? What is going on?” Zoe asked, sounding a bit out of breath. “I-I don’t know… He just came over here and tried to grab my arm when Oliver pulled me behind him…” the red-haired girl responded, still looking bewildered.

“Apollo? What are you doing? Have you been drinking again?” Achilles asked him, but he was still standing chest to chest with the blond man.

I moved closer to Apollo when Ares grabbed my arm “No, he might hurt you.” He said, begging me to stay behind him. “He will never hurt me…” I said moving away from him.

I swallowed hard, while I slowly placed my hand firmly on Apollo’s arm, Ares standing protectively behind me. His head snapped towards me; Apollo’s eyes were still pitch black “Zayev?” I asked softly “Please give back Apollo the control…” I said, giving him a small smile. Apollo’s eyes started to melt back into his blue pools of sky.

Apollo was giving me a blank stare “Are you okay?” he turned his head towards Roseline, the read-head, “She is my true mate…” he said with a hoarse voice. “That is impossible! She is my mate!” Oliver, the blonde man, shouted.

Apollo ignored him, walking slowly towards Roseline. He gently ran his hand over her arm, making her winch a bit. “Do you feel that babe?” he asked her while smirking. “I-I don’t understand…. You can’t be my mate…” she said Apollo looking very confused. “But I am babe… and I don’t share…” Apollo said smiling at her.

The End!

The sequel will follow soon!!!

Ended: Sunday, 28/07/2019

Last Updated: 05/02/2020

All Rights Reserved©

A/N (The last one!!):

Wow, guys... I can’t believe I have finally completed this story! I really hope you guys have enjoyed it! I know I have left it on a HUGE cliff hanger, with the whole thing between Apollo, Roseline and Oliver... I might do a whole story (SEQUILE) about them, but I first want to complete another story that I have started to write :) (SUPER EXCITED!!!)

Thank you for everyone who has supported me while I was writing this story and thank you for everyone who has taken the time in reading, voting and commenting on it! I really appreciate it!

xox Tanya ;)

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