Chapter 98 





Anami stared at her mom as she talked to the nurse in hushed voices, then kept staring in their 

direction. She walked over to them with her eyebrows raised. 

“Can someone tell me what is happening to the man?” Anami asked impatiently, and her mom rubbed 

her forehead in frustration. 

“The signs are pretty obvious” the doctor stated calmly. 

“What signs? I don’t understand anything” Anami said, as her eyes moved from her mom, to the doctor 

then back to her mom. 

“I believe the young man has lost his memory, he does not remember anything about himself, who he is or where he comes from. However, his condition is not quite surprising considering the injuries he acquired from the accident” the Doctor said, and Anami didn’t know how to feel or what to say at that 


This is not good at all

“For how long will he continue to be in this condition? I mean it’s quite unfortunate…but we need to know what to expect??” her mom asked the doctor calmly. 

“It depends on his healing process, some take days, weeks, months or even years to recover. Cases like this cannot be predicted. Sometimes the patient never recovers his memory, and he or she has to start all over” she explained, and they didn’t know how to feel at that point. 

“Try to blend in with him and make him feel comfortable. I will come back to check on him” the doctor said, and her mom saw the doctor off. 



Anami made her way back to the room to keep watch over Xavier. Her mom walked into the room and stared at her daughter sadly. Inall that is going to happen, she prayed that her daughter wouldn’t get hurt in the process because everything was pointing towards that direction. 

The next morning Xavier’s eyes opened, as he stared at the lady standing in front of him. The more he tried to think of anything, the more his head ached badly. 

“Don’t try to think too much okay” she said, as she held his hard in support. 

“It’s frightening that I cannot remember anything” he stated, with a worried expression on his face. 

“The doctor said you lost your memory and will recover them slowly. I’m here to help you one step at a time” Anami encourages Xaiver, with a smile on her face. 

“Who are you to me??” he asked curiously, and Anami stared at him as her heart beat crazily against her 


“I…I am your wife Anami” she said, and he stared at her in shock. 

“My wife? Am I Married??” Xaiver asked her, confused, and she nodded her head. 

“The doctor asked me to make sure everything is okay with you, and that you are not stressing yourself 

too much” she stated, and he just stared into space 

“I am sorry” he said, after some time. 

“Why?” Anami asked curiously. 

“Because I can’t remember you, or remember the beautiful memories we might have shared together” he mumbled, and her heart squeezed in hurt.. 

As she stared at his shirtless body, her eyes caught sight of his tattoo of a wolf and a red moon. Underneath the tattoo ink, had the spelling of a name Xavier. 

That must be his name, Xavier. She wanted to change his name so badly, maybe even to Colton in order 

to feel his name and present. 


“What is my name?” he asked calmly, as he stared at her ready to believe every single thing she was saying

“Xavier, your name is Xavier” she replied, with a smile on her face. 

“Xavier,” he muttered under his breath, calmly. 

“Such a powerful name my love” Anami said, as she rubbed his arms and kissed his forehead. 

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you hungry? I can get you something to eat” she asked, with a smile on her face and he hummed, 

as he watched her leave. 

He has a wife, he wondered as he stared into space. Anami walked out of the room, only to bump into her mother who had a disappointed look on her face. 

“Not now mom” she said immediately, as she made her way into the kitchen. 

“Not now? Then when should we be having this conversation” her mom asked her angrily. 

“Mom!” she fired back angrily. 

“I heard everything you said to that man, what has gotten Into you, Anami? I did not give birth to a desperate young lady !” her mom yelled at her angrily. 

“Mom!” she raised her voice. 

“What are you doing Anami, this man must have a family somewhere crying and praying he survived the accident. Helping him does not mean you should use it to your advantage” her stated, and Anami stared at her mother in disbelief. 

“For years I mourned Colton and waited patiently for him to come back to us, we both know that never happened. Life is giving me another chance at happiness mom” she cried. 

“I don’t want you to get hurt in the process my dear…” her mom trailed off worriedly. 

“He can’t even remember his family,and I will make sure it remains like that” Anami declared, making 

her mom stare at her in disbelief. 


Chapter 981 

“You told him you are his wife?” her mom asked. 

“I know mum,” she said, as she went ahead to make him food. 

“How do you think he will feel when he regains his memories?” her mom questioned her. 

“We will cross that bridge when we get there” she responded in one breath, and her mom looked away, 

too embarrassed to speak another word. 



Elroy walked to and fro in the room, as he tried not to get pissed off by the entire situation. He just couldn’t understand why they haven’t find Xavier’s family yet. He wanted to get his hands on his beautiful woman, and get a taste of what his bastard brother has been enjoying for ages. 

“What do you mean by you can’t find them? How could they have vanished into thin air after the 

incident?” He asked, as he hit his hands on the luxurious table out of anger. 

“I don’t care how you do it, but you better find them even if you have to turn the entire world upside down!” he bursted angrily, and the soldiers bowed in unison. 

He dismissed them and sat down on the bed with a thud. Sapphire made her way back into the room quietly, her baby bump is already visible and she had a frown on her face. Obviously the last thing she 

wanted to do is to be by his side. 

“Why do you have that stupid frown on your face?” he asked, as she looked up at him. 

“I will prefer not talk about it” she stated, and Elroy stared at her angrily. 

“So now you think you are better than me or what?” he asked in disgust. 

“What exactly do you want from me Elroy, is it by force to be happy?” she asked him in anger. 

“I give you everything you ever wanted…” he trailed. 


Chapter 98 

“Well clearly, I can take anything in the world but not my own happiness. if I am happy, it will show, if I 

am not, it will also show” she said, and he raised his hands to hit her across the face but held it in as he breathed in and out like a dragon. 

“The truth is very bitter Elroy, you can own me, my body and the air I breathe, but you cannot make my heart or force me to be happy with you” she said, and walked passed him into the bathroom before 

shutting the door with a loud bang. 

Elroy stared at the door in disbelief before rushing over to his mother’s room. 

“Stop calling me, I told you I can’t meet up. Didn’t we just meet up a few days ago” she told the other 

person on call with her, then hung up the call immediately Elroy walked into her room. 

“Son,” she said, and kissed his forehead. 

“No time for pleasantries mom because I will strangle her to death before she even gives birth to my 

heir” Elroy bursted angrily, and she knew what he was talking about. 

“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked him, as he kept fuming in anger. 

“Sapphire is making me lose my mind, you better talk to her because the next time she wags her tongue 

at me I will cut it off.” he yelled angrily, before storming out of his mother’s room in anger. 


Aunt Maggie placed her hand on her chest, as she tried to calm the fast beat of her heart. The 

burst into her room when she was having a conversation with Blake really scared her. What if he 

overheard her conversation with Blake, and if he did hear it that would have been her doom. 

Speaking of Sapphire, she needed to put that girl in her place before she ruins things for her before they 

even start. 

Talking back at her son meant challenging his authority. Whether or not she was carrying his heir, does 

not give her the rights to do so. 

“I will deal with her myself.” Maggie muttered under her breath in annoyance. 





Chapter 98 



Anami walked into the room with a tray of food in her hand, as she served the food on the table and 

walked over to the bed to sit down. Xavier was not in the room, she looked around the room, and when she heard the shower running a smile appeared on her face. 

“I decided to take a shower when you were not here” Xavier told her when he came out of the 


“It’s OK, I understand. After all, you need to feel fresh” she said, with a soft chuckle which he did not 


Xavier stared at Anami wondering if she was really his wife. Although this woman is trying to be open and welcoming, but something just didn’t add up and he felt sad about the whole thing and could barely even eat the food she cooked. 

“Are you okay?” she asked Xaiver, as she rubbed his shoulders. 

“Yes I’m fine, I will be fine” he said the last part to himself, as he stared into space. Maybe he is feeling this way because of the impact of the accident. Anami loves him so much he could feel it in the way she 

treats him. 

He watched her every move, as she walked around trying to satisfy his every need. After having his 

meal, he lay down to sleep and Anami stared at him with a smile on her face, 

Her mom did not say anything, as she watched her daughter grin from ear to ear. Her heart squeezed with hurt, deep down she hoped it did not get them into the biggest trouble of their lives. 

If it is up to her, treating him and letting him go would have been the best option. But then, it is nice to 

see her daughter finally happy again. 

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