The Rejected Phoenix
31 a new quest

Chapter 31.

Subtitle: a new quest.

***general POV***

The kiss was wet and heated and it lasted for a minute or two.

Both Ryker and Melanie were breathing heavily.

Ryker grabbed Melanie by the b*tt and drew her closer to his body.

She in turn wrapped her hands around his neck looking into his eyes with heated desires.

She could feel his arousal right under her.

His hard rode stood up as it rocked against her panties

She gulped and looked down at him.

His eye colour had now changed and he was looking with an eye full of pure desires and wanting. His eyes twinkled as they looked at her.

She too could feel the pit of her abdomen churn.

She needed him as much as he needed her but was she ready?

She couldn't get an answer to her questions when she was pulled down with full force and his lips smashed against hers again hungrily.

She couldn't resist as she kissed back hungrily and her hands moved down from his neck to his large broad chest surveying and touching them.

Ryker groaned out in pleasure as he was fully turned on to the core that he couldn't resist anymore. What she was doing to him was f*cking tormenting.

He just wanted to grab her, hold her, mate with her and mark her his that instant.

His head was filled up with her.

His hands squeezed her butt cheeks softly and it rocked her waist.

His hard beast inside was fighting to be let out of the jean pants that stood in its way.

He ached his torso up as his beast rubbed against her inner thighs.

She let out a soft moan and that almost made Ryker go ballistic.

Melanie's hands traveled down to his trousers as she tried to search for the zipper of his pants without looking

Ryker held her hands and guided her way to his zipper while she rolled it down giving his inner beast at least more space to rock.

It was only the undies that were left in it's way.

Melanie unlocked form the kiss and removed her blouse tossing it aside.

She came down from on top of him and got rid of her skirt also.

She was left with just a panty and a bra.

Ryker couldn't help but gulp hard at the temptation in front of him.

She got back on him staddling him as she brought her hands to his pants.

She was going to remove it when he stopped her.

She looked at him with burning eyes. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Her desires were just too much to be ignored and she wanted him badly.

"why what's wrong? "

She asked in a husky voice.

He sighed and grunted as he tried to seat up.

She adjusted her self on his laps to make him more comfortable as he sat.

His hands down went to her face and he drew a strand of her red slick hair behind her ear.

Her hair was disorganized so he arranged it for her carefully.

All these while Melanie just looked at him as her abdomen won't stop irking her.

She was already dripping wet.

His hands went to her face and he carrassed her cheeks slowly and passionately as he looked into her eyes.

He then kissed her again and she let him, her hands also went to his hair and she played with it as they kissed to a while before they both unlocked.

His lips were swollen from the kiss and she just wanted to bite on them hard.

"hey... As much as I want to continue this we can't go further..."

He muttered and looked her. She had and uneasy face on.

"but why.. 1 want you. And I must have you no matter what! *

She snapped and grabbed his head making to kiss him forcefully but he held her hands and hugged her tight caressing her hair.

She relaxed a bit in his arms.

"do you find me unattractive? Oh.. I forgot you hate me and love you little girlfriend. I was too stupid to think you would want to mate with me.

It's okay..."

She muttered in a pained voice and made to unlock from the hug.

"stupid girl!

She heard him mutter in a gruffly voice.

“what? *

She scoffed.

"I said your stupid.

You don't know how much I want to mate with you. I want to bury myself deep in you and stay there for all I want.

I'm f*cking turned on and even by just looking into your eyes I'm already weak.

Your already an imprint on me and I can't help but fall for you more and more.

You shouldn't say that your ugly because your no where close to that.

Your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

And yes. I'm in love with Tammy before but not anymore.

Me getting to know you, I've now become too addicted to you."

He said and hugged her more.

He was almost squeezing her.

"then why don't you want to mate with me? Why? *

She asked in a cold fused voice.

"I've hurt you a lot and don’t want to mate with you without earning your forgiveness.

I can't mate with you if your not ready to accept and love me yet.

Im trying hard to control my urge of not pinning you to the bed and taking you right now. Didn't I tell you I'll fight had a to get your forgiveness?

I'll let you love me for me before I can get intimate with you.

I'm sorry if I turned you on.

I'm also horny right now and wanna eat you raw but I just can't.

Heavens know I really wanna get tight with you."

He whispered into her ears and her cheeks heated up in a crazy blush.

"l understand.”

She muttered back and relaxed more to his touch.

*** Melanie's POV***

words can't express how happy I am

Why whole self is getting all giddy inside as I wore black my dress.

He really didn't mate with me!

I'm so happy that he said he love me and wants to wait for me to get ready first before getting tight with me.

I'll gladly let him mate with me anytime because I f*cking want him too.

Forget vengeance and anger.

It's all on the past now.

I want my mate!

"hey.. Let's go."

I heard him say behind me and I nodded turning towards him as I supported him towards the door. We have a meeting with the Vampire.

As we both walked to e outer part of tsuite and at down there were two people present.

The vampire and Jaxon.

"you didn't leave with him? *

I asked Jaxon as I sat besides him and helped Ryker sit besides me.

He glanced at Jaxon who had his head bowed.

"your here?.."

Ryker muttered at Jaxon who kept a remorseful face on.

"alpha I'm."

Jaxon was talking when Ryker cut him off by waving his hands in the air.

"it's okay buddy. Am not mad at you.

You've being by my side for years and it would be ridiculous to get angry at you for that. Beside it was my fault for not protecting your sister so it's natural for you to get angry at me.. Who did you leave back in the pack to take care of things? *

Ryker asked Jaxon.

"your father is in charge for the meantime... "

Jaxon answered.

"one month. I'll only go with you guys for a month.

The witch or the dragon? Who do we go after first? *

The vampire asked icily and we all looked at him.

"grand mother said that the dragons human body has being locked I a secret cave in the immortal world.

We need to unlock it first to be able to capture it's dragon and to do that we have to visit the immortal world were the spirit is. *

Melanie explained to the dragon who smirked.

"to get there we will need need four different forces to embark on the journey.

My bother and I had a fight a long time ago and it was I who casted his still alive body into the immortal world. His dragon body is what is left roaming on the earth.

The witch has now captured it and is using it againts this world. It won't be long till she takes over. We need to get his human body to bring back his dragon to its conscience.

But it won't be possible if he sees me.

It would only worsen the situation.

After all it was me who casted him there. *

The vampire muttered.

"we have three elements here. It won't be hard to find the fourth one.

Either ways we must find his body at all cost. "

I said and took out the cell phone lulu gave me dialing her line.

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