The Rejected Phoenix
chapter 59. abducted I

Chapter 59.

Subtitle: abducted 1.

*** general POV***

"arrghhh! *

Ryker shrieked in an angry upturned voice as he angrily emptied the conntent on the table to the


The guards standing by shook with fear and no one dared to approach him.

"where the f*ck is that seer! "

He asked and threw his fist right into the wall as he grunted and looked at the guards menacingly.

The door flung open shortly as lulu walked in, she was followed by an old woman as they walked in.

"are you f*cking messing with me you b*tch!"

He snapped and advanced towards the old woman with an angry look and a killing intent.

"no.. Ryker stop!"

Lulu called and tried to stop him but he pushed her away with force and she fell down on the table,

hitting her head hard on it.

She winced in pain and lay on the floor as she tried to heal herself up.

Ryker had already reached the old lady and grabbed her by the neck, taking her off from the

ground and glaring hard at her.

The old woman was already loosing her breath.

Before he could go further a hand forcefully removed his palms from the old woman's neck and she

fell for to the floor, breathing heavily.

"can you just control yourself for once? "

Jaxon snapped at him and he glared hard at his friend.

"just listen to what she has to say before you kill her, you may never see her again if you keep up

with your irritating behaviour!"

He warned and Ryker groaned and punched the wall hard.

He hated being talked to in that manner but he just had to let his anger down at the moment.

Jaxon gently took the old seer to a chair and kept her on it slowly. Then he proceed to check on his

mate who was sitting on the floor glaring daggers at Ryker.

"I think I've had enough of you alpha king! Now I get why Melanie was always hurt because of you,

you are not fit for her at all,you cold stupid beast! Your no different from them!

I'm done here! "

She spatted angrily and stormed out of the room.

Ryker kept quiet as he breathed heavily and sat on another chair, his hands folded in a fist.

"you told me she will come back to me, but why hasn't she come to me yet? "

He snapped at the old lady.

"and yet she did return to you."

The lady answered slowly.

"I didn't even f*cking see her! I was waiting for her for two years.. For two f*cking years.. Do you

know how hard that is for me? *

He said.

"why does he has her? *

He added.

"your asking too far my alpha let me explain things to you one by one. "

The woman said and the alpha king groaned and gave her the go-on look.

"when she died as I have already told you, her spirit was not accepted into the immortal world

because her task was not finished yet.

She had to come back to this world and search for a new body to live in.

You won't remember her as the old girl but she will come back in the form of a new being.

You may not remember her at all if you no longer have a connection with her.”

The lady was explaining when Jaxon cut her off.

"you've told us that already.. Can you go to the main point. We are not that patient!”

He snapped.

The old lady sighed at their impatient and continued.

"but what I didn't tell you was that she can not come back to you.. "

"what do you mean she can't come back to me? *

Ryker was ultimately shaking

"she was given a condition, not to reveal herself to anybody. Not even you, if she does then her live

will immediately be taken away and she will have to live the rest of it as an immortal demon which is

a bad thing.

It will cause chaos to the world.

"so what am I supposed do now? Also let her be and not talk to her, impossible! *

He growled.

"she returned here for her mission,to eliminate the last evil left, Cole was previously frozen by the

black magic of a strong witch queen, that way some of the black magic was stored in him. The

moment she died he was awaken, and he still has a witch power within him.

He will stop at nothing unless your dead

He was just waiting for the right time which is for the Phoenix to return.

And now he has successfully captured her as soon as she is here.

She is just what he needs to finish off this mission,he wants to form an ally with her.. "

The lady said and the alpha shook off the chair in anger.

"why didn't you tell me that sooner!

How am I supposed to face her and pretend like I never knew her!

I need to prepare to face that evil alpha!

No wonder he suddenly has a dark wolf that screams chaos,is should have known earlier.

Ryker said and made to leave but the words of the old lady stopped him.

"there is a way to go around this.

But that will require a great deal of patience you will have to first settle the problem with the witch

possessed alpha before you can gain the freedom to be with her again.

By conquering evil she will be free from the ties of her mission and will get the freedom she


That is the only way to be with the true her, it will not matter even if she reveals her self to you at

that time. Because she had already fulfilled what she has to do.

What you have to do is help her accomplish her task.

A message bad being send to me from the immortal realm. It saya in other to defeat the evil force

of the dark witch you will need to make a big sacrifice,..”

She was cut off yet again by the impatient alpha.

"what sacrifice? "

He asked eagerly.

"that has not being disclosed to me yet.

You will have to find out on your own.

I'll take my leave now.. "

The seer said and walked out slowly before the alpha could.

Shortly after the old lady left the alpha king also left the room,having a Confused look on his face. *** Melanie's POV***

I groaned and flickered my eyes open to the bright light that hit my face.

I gently sat up and groaned as I looked around the room with a preying eyes.

Where was 1?

"hellooo?, who put me in here? I need to get outta here! *

I yelled and gently stood up from the bed where I was put up.

I tried to rack my brain to remember whatever happened to me.

I was actually driving towards the crescent moon pack on a high speed while planning on a way to

successfully break into the pack without being noticed by anyone when I was suddenly attacked by

a group of wolves and was injected with a strange syringe even before I could look at the face of

the person who abduct me.

I quickly ran towards the only door in the room and banged hard on if while shouting for help.

I really need to get out of here, because whosoever put me in here definately had a bad intention in

mind when he or she did what they did.

I ruffled my head and tried using my phoenix power to help me but it was pointless and I only get

exhausted more.

I soon fell on the floor as I winced in pain.

Shortly the door was drawn open and a man showed up in front of the door with a cold bruised


He stopped and looked down at me with disdain

"come with me! *

He ordered, turned around and left.

And I was left with no choice than to stumble on my feet and run after him.

where was he taking me?

We walked for a few minutes before he came accrosss a large hefty door.

He gently pulled open the door and walked in and I also figured out I needed to do the same if I

don't want to end up dead.

The room was dark and scary as soon as I entered and I couldn't help but look around with fear in

my eyes.

As he began walking forward I stumbled and fell to the floor, I winced in pain and let out a loud

yelp that echoed in the whole room.

In a swift I heard the air thicken as if someone was moving at a fast speed and my hunch was soon

confirmed when I felt a hard study hand touched my shoulders.

I shivered and jerked back but then I heard a familiar chuckle.


Who could that be?

"who are you.. Please let me go, I was only on a vacation with my family when I lost them and

ended up deep in the woods here please spare me!"

I cried pitifully and I heard a loud laugh.

What was going on?

Didn't he buy my lie?

"you don't have to pretend with me Melanie.. "

He said slowly and I almost gasped.

"huh? Who are you? Please let me go, I don't know what your talking about.

I promise not to come here again please just let me go..." Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I tried as hard as possible to cry pitifully.

The person already knew who I was and I need to make him believe it was not me no matter what.

I can't risk loosing the mission.


Turn on the lights.

Come with me young lady, you don't have to say a thing for now dear.

You'll surely talk later, we have to join forces after all..

The man said and I was confused, but the lights were turned on shortly and the face of the man

came to fully view at once.

There was just a bit of self holding that kept me away from gasping in surprise at who I saw.

It was Cole!

The same damn Cole that was turned into a huge statue!

He smiled sheepishly at me and gently scooped me from the floor.

I shrieked and kicked hard that he had to let go of me and I fell to the floor with a loud thud.

"I f*cking want to go home, please let me!"

I cried and he flashed his eyes in anger and could swear I saw pure black eyes.

There was no part of the eyes that was not black.

I had never seen such black eyes before and it scared me to dead.

Yes, I haven't.

Even the alpha king who is a real black wolf does not have that black eyes.

He took gentle yet cold steps towards me.

"don’t try my patience... Melanie! *

He stated coldly and turned to back me.

"bring her along Mason.

Since she doesn't want to do it the easy way then there will be a change of plans..."

He muttered and my eyes widened.

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