The Rejected Phoenix
chapter 60. step down from the throne

Chapter 60.

Subtitle: step down from the throne.

*** Melanie's POV***

I was thrown roughly on a hard tree, my back collide with it and I heard a bone crack.

I winced in pain and yelped out loud, the pains were driving me crazy.

I was in a rollercoaster of pains, before I could even rest a bit a bucket of cold water was thrown right in my face.

"no please.. It freezing, what have I done to you? Please let me go please! " Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I begged in a frail voice, I was trying my best to keep up with the act of not being Melanie but it was hard.

"you still are not gonna admit it's you right? I guess you'll admit it when I give you a few strokes of flog! "

Cole said menacingly and without any feelings attached to his voice and my eyes widened.

Was he gonna torture me into admitting it was me?

There was something off with his voice.

I felt like he was not the Cole I used to know and be friends with, he was someone different and cold that I couldn't even comprehend.

"please... No, you can't just torture me. ... I was only lost and didn't know where else to go, please just let me go home!"

I begged but he just hissed and left with his arms folded behind his back.

I sobbed quietly and waited for the worst senerio to happen.

The guy that brought me in earlier came to me with a long whip in his hands.

My whole body jerked with fear on the sight of the whip that was in his hands.

"I have to do this miss. It's the alpha’s orders..."

He then drew me up from the floor before bounding my hands in a long thick rope. 1 tried to refuse it and fight back but I only got two loud slaps in the face.

In a short while I was tied to a long tall tree and another bucket of cold freezing water was thrown one, my whole body and I was soaked, it was freezing.

.."aaaarghhh! "

I cried as the long thick cane collide with my wet back.

It was painful and I could swear I felt my back twirk and the bone that broke earlier hurt more.

But another cane landed on my back before the first one could fully subside.

And then another, and another, and another until I lost count of the number of canes that came in contact with my back.

I cried in pain as I gnashed my teeth

My cloths were torn and shredded in pieces and my whole body smelled of blood.

"miss, are you ready to admit that you're the one my master is looking for now? As much as I love tormenting people I don't like beating up weak women.

So just speak up while you're still alive! *

The man snapped at me and I laughed and spit in his eyes.

I was really tempted to use my powers to snap him into pieces but I will immediately be discovered And I think that is what alpha Cole really wants from me when he asked his subbordinate to torment me, he wanted me to use my powers.

Well I won't even if I have to die.

The man was furious that I spit in his eyes as he looked at me coldly, grabbed a huge log of wood from his side and smashed it right in my head.

The pains were overbearing and it took all the guts and self control in me not to faint, the pains was just too much and my tears were nonstop also.

I didn't feel any pity for myself because I know that my phoenix self can bear the pains, but my human self can't.

Kendall can't!

"you really have some guys don't you? I am the delta of this pack and you dare to spit in my eyes. You thank your stars that the boss really has something to do with you, if not you'll be dead by now! He snapped and I only cried my eyes out.

"I have told you countless times that I don't know of what your talking about and I have nothing to do with you, why do you take pleasure in tormenting me? Just kill me like you said or I won't just spit in your eyes when I get the chance next time, I'll bite off your ears! *

I said with a gruffy voice and I saw shock in the man's voice.

He made to slap me again but was held down by a strong hand.

"I told you to find out from her If she's who I'm looking for and not kill her, are you out of your mind?

I heard Cole snapped at his delta who bowed and apologised before stepping back with a cold look. I sobbed quietly and didn't bother to look up at him, he began moving around me in circles.

I din't bother looking at him because I knew he won't hesitate to torment me, I could clearly tell that the Cole I was with now is not himself anymore.

He has changed and I fear that it was because of the witch who was dead,was he really the evil I was asked to eliminate?

Something in me kept telling me I had to sold a big problem with him.

"Melanie... You don't have to hide from me anymore, you know that in this world I'm the only person who truly loved you for being you, I don't want to hurt or kill you, just come to me and stay by my side.

Together we can take back what was stolen from me by that bastard,we can both me the king and queen of all alpha's and Luna's. Don't worry, you won't even feel any pain even if I kill that bastard, he never loved you anyways.. "

He said to me and I almost laughed.

I could tell it rjatvhw was not being genuine and was only forcing himself to say that to me just is I will give in to him, but I won't.

I was still in shock.

So what he wanted was the throne, and me.

But Cole was never greedy for the throne, he was contented with being the alpha of his pack, the star zeal pack.

And even though Ryker was the alpha of crescent moon pack and also the king of all the alphas that live in the wolf jungle Cole never even said he wanted his throne.

Why was he thirsty for the throne just now..

"I don't know what your talking about, you just let me go, I promise never to come back here please. ."

I sobbed quietly as if I was still lost and didn't know what he was taking about.

I saw him groan and hit his leg hard on the tree that I was tied to, he groaned in anger and grabbed me by the neck.

"I really have tried my best not to go hard on you but you just want to prove to me that you won't cooperate.

Do you want me to force you phoenix? "

He asked but I kept quiet.

He made to punch me in the face when another hand grabbed his hands forcefully.

My eyes widened and I could swear i felt a little tinge of happiness in my body.

It has being long I last saw him. ...

*** general POV***

alpha Ryker sighed as he took his crown from the place were it was kept neatly for a long time without you wearing it.

He was skeptical wether what he was going to do next was the right thing to do and if the possessed alpha will come back to his senses.

He needed to put and end to all this turmoil that the whole werewolf land was passing though and it needed to stop.

As he came out to the outer throne room he saw that all the seven alphas of the whole jungle that was occupied by the werewolf kind were present.

He had called all of them out so they could aid him in his plan.

The Vampire was present but the dragon was no where to be seen, since two years back when he lost his powers to the witches he had being tied down to his dragon pool refusing to see anyone and refusing to leave it.

He didn't expect him to show up anyways, most of the important officials in the werewolf land were also present.

"my alpha,do you really think what your about to do is the best solution to this? We could..."

One of the alphas was talking when Ryker stopped him.

"do not worry about it, we all will be fine."

He muttered and walked out of the throne room, all of them followed.

Ryker was quick to grab Cole by the hands as soon as he was about to punch Melanie.

The angry Cole looked at Ryker with cold mean eyes.

"let go! "

He ordered but Ryker din't even listen.

"get your filthy hands off her, let's settle this man to man! "

Ryker snapped and Cole punched him in the face again in anger.

He stumbled and almost fall back but he was quick to restrain himself from falling.

Blood was trickling out of his nose.

Cole slowly let go of Melanie who didn't talk but only watch slowly as Cole approached Ryker with cold steps.

He then shifted to his large wolf that was now black before everyone's eyes.

They all could now confirm that the stories were all true.

He really did has black wolf now, if was evident that he was not himself anymore and was bieng possessed by the witches powers.

He jumped on Ryker and almost bite him in his neck but the alpha king was quick to dodge it and roll to the side thereby making the wolf fall to the ground with aloud thud.

Cole growled hard at Ryker and shifted back to his human form.

"do you think I'll listen to you? You may have killed me but you haven't gotten ride of my soul yet,! Just like your lousy mate I was not given entrance because I dint complete my task.

I was blinded my my revenge and din't do exactly what I was supposed to do, now I'm back and need to do it no matter what, even if it mean killing all of you! *

Cole snapped and everyone could tell it was not him that was speaking.

He slowly approached Ryker with a killing intend but before he could reach him Ryker slowly removed the crown that was on his head.

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Melanie winced as she was skeptical and afraid of what he was about to do.

"I alpha Ryker Dante of the crescent moon pack peacefully step down from my position as the alpha of the seven werewolf pack of this jungle,in front of all seven alphas and their subbordinates! I am handing back the crown and position to its rightful owner in peace and I hope this will serve as a new start of peace for all of us! *

He proclaimed,slowly other alphas walked into the open garden and stood besides him.

Then they slowly went down on their knees.

"long live the alpha king! *

They also proclaimed.

There was shocked written all over Coles face.

For a moment his eyes went back to its normal colour before turning black again.

"thank you, for putting aside your grudge against me and the witches and making this sacrifice for all of us,i am sure he will be a better king.

I can now go on to be immortal in peace! *

Cole muttered,but even a blind man would tell it was Tammy who was speaking in his head.

Then slowly he fainted and a black mist slowly left his body.

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