The Rejected Phoenix
chapter 64. finally marked.

Chapter 64.

Subtitle : marked at last.

*** Melanie's POV***

Gently he took my hands in his and helped me up the stone.

There was an old woman standing, I presumed she was the priest that was supposed to Wed the both of us.

I smiled pridefully and couldn't be any more happy as I stared around me.

My friends stood down waving at me with glee and I smiled.

My mom was all full of smiles.

"let the wedding ceremony proceed! "

The woman said and there was ultimately silence.

she chanted some words which I didn't care to listen as I was too busy staring at my price charming face.

"do you alpha Ryker Dante of the crescent moon pack take Melanie Beckham as your lovely and only wedded wife, to love and to cherish in good and bad, in sickness and in good health, for richer or for poorer till dead tear you both apart? "

She asked him.

I didn't like the part where she said “dead tears you both apart'but I was still happy.

I faced him with face full of smiles and my heart pounding as if there was a sudden shook of bomb in it.

He stared into my eyes for a moment, just gazing at me and not saying anything.

And then he finally said..."yes I do..."

The only words I've being wanting to hear for a long time.

Gently he slipped the ring into my fingers and kissed my nuckles softly.

Muttering something to me with his moving lips which I understand perfectly.

The priest then handed me my own ring.

"and do you Melanie Beckham..."

He was saying when I quickly cut him off before he could even go far with his sentence.

"yes I do! *

I exclaimed and then slipped the ring into his finger smoothly.

I heard murmurs around me but I was just too happy and ignored all of them.

"with the power vested in me by the Devine one, I thereby proclaim you two man and wife, you shall rule your pack to glory side by side! "

The woman said and I heard shouts of joy in the crowd as all people cheered for both of us.

"you may now kiss the bride!

The old lady said meekly and in a swift my head was held up as his soft plump lips crashed mine. It was soft and delicate as I felthis soft woody scent filled me up..

"he gently nibbles on my upper lips while I sucked on his lower lips like my live depends on it, I didn't even know when my hands sneaked up to his head and grabbed him more towards me. My hands delving into his hair and his own hands sneaking up to my waist.

"awo00000000! *

I heard a loud wolf cry.

We both disengaged from the kiss reluctantly and turned to face the direction where the cry was coming from

Turns out it was a wolf chant.

All the other wolves had now shifted to their own wolf form and we're now chanting their cry of praise to their pack master.

"awo00000000.... "

"awo0000000! "

Their voices were loud and nice to hear and I could not help but smile and look up at him as he held me in the waist.

"your mine now..."

He muttered sexily gazing at me from head to toe.


He cussed as his eyes screened my whole body.

His hands went up to his hair and he rubbed it softly while still gazing at me.

"I hope your ready for me? "

He smiled evilly and I almost choked on my own saliva.

"A huge toast to the new bride and groom! " sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Cole stated from the crowd and everyone muttered in agreement, rising his own glass of wine. Everyone drank merrily as they all chat.

Later on.

I stood besides lulu and Charlie as I replied to the congratulatory messages I get from guest who came to honour our wedding.

Ryker was currently handling whatever he was doing with Jaxon and I was left only in the company of my friends.

Soon the piano started playing and people moved to the dance floor to dance.

"why don't we join them huh? *

Charlie asked both lulu and I and lulu nodded.

"but we can't dance without a partner though. "

Charlie said immediately.

"who says there are no men to dance with huh? Since the men are too busy to attend to us then I say we find better one to dance tonight shall we ladies!"

Lulu cooed like a crazy cow girl and I laughed.

"I think they will be angry once they come back. Why don't we wait for them?

I asked but she frowned.

"it's their own business if they get angry anyways.

They should not have left us alone to go do some crazy things yunno..

Don't be such a kill joy and come on! *

Lulu said and dragged both me and Charlie towards the dance floor.

I bumped into a tall sturdy figure and my head hurt a bit.

I looked up to see that it was my father and he was staring down at me with an unexplainable look. "do you mind dancing with me? "

He cleared his throat and asked

"sure father..."

I said and took his hands in mine.

I am sure he must be surprised I called him father.

My two friends figured out I won't be coming along with them to find the hot guys they wanted so they left without me.

As we slowly walked to the dance floor he kept gazing down at me.

"you've grown into a courageous young lady Melanie. And although you may not have the face you grew up with anymore you still will always be my daughter.

I just hope and pray you can ever forgive me and let's live normally like a father and daughter. Am I asking for too much? *

He asked and scanned my face.

"yes... Your asking for too much...

I muttered, luckily a hand sneaked round my waist and that made us stopped dancing.

I knew at once that it was Ryker and I was glad it was him.

"do you mind if I borrow my bride for the meantime sire... *

He muttered and my father slowly let go of me, rubbing my head gently.

"sure, do take very good care of my daughter for me will you? *

He asked and Ryker smiled.

"you don't have to tell me that sire. I can take care of her even if you don't tell me okay... "

He said, trying not to be disrespectful.

Gently he took me away from the crowd and then Towards the exit of the garden.

"where are we going? "

I couldn't help but ask..

"you'll see..”

Was all he said as he gently lead me towards a bushy area.

We walked along the lane that was covered in flowers for a moment before coming to an open space.

It was a soft grassy area that looked pretty.

He slowly lead me to the center of it and I could see a small tenth set up there.

"what are we doing here? "

I asked him with a mischievous grin.

He smiled at me and winked at me sofly.

His hands moved up to my head slowly and he caressed my cheek.

He gently left a soft kiss on my forehead and his hands went down to my neck, caressing it softly. His lips went down to my ears, blowing soft air Into it.

"it's going to hurt a lot, but I can’t handle it anymore..

He cooed and kissed my neck softly.

I felt a wild burning sensation washed through me as his lips grazed my neck,nibbling on my nap slowly, it felt ticklish and enticing.

My whole body was hot to his touch and I moaned softly,bending my head sid ways and letting him take control of me fully.

I felt a piercing feeling in my neck and my shoulders hurt like hell as his cannines sunk deeper into my neck.

It was hella painfull and I couldn't help it as a tear rolled down my eyes.

I shut my mouth tight trying not to cry.

I was strong and need to be strong for him.

I could feel him suck on my blood slowly and I cried more.

My head was starting to get heavy and I could only see blurry.

Then slowly he recoiled giving me a huge relieve as I fell done on his shoulders.

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