“Girls, you are surprising the hell out of us. I have seen none Inhumane that trains as fast as you two do. You make us proud... With that said, there is still one more fighting skill that you need to master and that is fighting with the Royal Elites.” “O wow! Are they coming here to do the training with us, or are we going to do some traveling?” Violet asked while jumping up and down. I could not help but to laugh at her.

“Sorry to disappoint girls, but the training will be here in the simulation room.” At that, Violet and I look at each other, frowning, and ask simultaneously, “What simulation room?” Chin just smiled at us and motion to us to follow him.

We went down to the basement with Chin in front and Peter at our back. Violet whispering in my ear, “Mom, you know usually in the movies this will be where they kill us.” I just let out a chuckle and told her, “I would love to see them try.” With that, the men started laughing.

As we went into the room, there were a lot of computers and monitors everywhere and at the back there was a room behind a glass wall. “This will be where we will sit and watch what you guys do in the virtual world. If you go into this room…” And as we enter the glass box, there were five headgear helmets. “You will put on the helmets and it will take you to your virtual reality.”

“Ladies, this is very important to remember. We cannot just pull you out of the simulation when we want to. Your bodies will not accept it and you may die. You will come out of the virtual reality as soon as the battle is over and if you die in that world, though there is nothing physically wrong with your bodies here, you may go into a coma in reality, because of your brain processing it as if you have died. This is the only safest way we can see if you are ready for the inhumane world. Remember, after maybe two or three battles outside there in the real world, the Royals are going to start and ask questions to find out who you are and what you are. If they find out, you cannot live in secret again. You need to be a hundred percent ready for this, girls.”

Violet look at me and I could feel the confidence radiant of her and once again we answered him simultaneously. “We understand we’ve got this.”

After the warning was said, he then took us in front of a huge monitor and showed us the pictures of the Elites best. “This is Marcus.” As I saw the picture I thought to myself, if all the inhumane creatures are this mesmerizing… He was tall with blond hair and deep blue eyes that look as if he can see through your soul. He was very muscular build, and he had tribal tattoos on both of his arms. He had what look like silver jewelry on his arms and around his neck.

“Wait, I thought that inhumane could not touch silver.” “Not that we cannot touch it, it just burns like hell, but Marcus always says that he doesn’t mind a little pain, and that is one reason why they call him Reaper.” Peter explained. “What are the other reasons?” Violet asked. This time Chin was the one answering, “Well, if you guys let me finish talking, then you will know.” “Sorry.” “Okay then so, Marcus is the Siren in the group his is now 256 years old. He is very well trained as he worked in the black ops with the army for a while.”

“He has great speed and stealth and you rarely know that he is near you until it is too late and he kills you.” “Well, that explains it.” I said while looking at the picture his eyes where truly something of a mystery. I think I will actually enjoy meeting him.

“Next we have Drago. He is a dragon shifter.” Now this guy was enormous. He was tall and very roughly built. Very muscular as well and had dark brown hair and his eyes were so dark brown that it almost looked black. I could not help the shiver that went down my spine. This guy spelled danger and I am sure anyone that has met him is scared to hell of him.

“He is very strong and has been on this earth for a very long time. He is now 938 years old and has mastered all the fighting techniques on this planet. I can’t think of any way to stop him when he is in his Dragon form. They do not stand as a threat to us, but still be careful of him.”

“Then we have Jax. He’s the warlock for the group and is 321 years old. He is one of the few that can use all the elements with his magic, but he usually uses earth when he goes into a battle and that is where the trick in your training will come in. You need to be careful of the roots that will come out of nowhere and be able to use it to your advantage.” Violet and I just shook our heads and try to take in everything they were telling us. Something tells me that this will not be very easy to do.

“Then we have the youngest of the group. He is a Vampire and is only 150 years old.” I could not help but to chuckle at this. He is only... only really, that is the word he is going to use, but he just ignored my laughter and went on. “He is quick as well, and his gift is to go invisible. Which is very helpful in battles, but because you are who you are, you will still be able to see the outline of his body and you will be able to sense him, so please be careful and do not kill him.”

Okay, there is a lot of stuff. We have to be careful off and something tells me it is going to become a bitch in battle. How can one concentrate on so many things and still kill every inhumane that is a thread? I’m thinking that it will be easier if it is just me and Violet on the battlefield, but I’m not going to say that out loud because I am not in the mood for a lecture.

“Last, we have the leader of the Elites and he is also the King’s brother Liam. He is a Wolf and a Lycan as he is part of the Royal family, but he is much more relax than his brother and does not care much for all the Royal duties. He is also the youngest among the three brothers and he is 222 years old and his strength can almost match yours. As I said before, the Royals are the only ones that comes near your strength, but he is also very smart with strategy and very few stand a chance against him if he fights with them. And that is the Elite force.”

After that Chin stepped back and let Violet and I have a moment to take in everything that was said and to look at the five guys, we have to remember their faces so that we won’t attack them when we have to join them in a battle.

Well, Jax is a very handsome man, with a strong jawline and black hair and a little bit of facial hair. Very muscular and light blue eyes, he does not look older than 26. Then there is Jason. Also very handsome and has blond hair and green eyes. He is very tall and has paled skin. You can see he does not go in the sun that often. He has a strong face as well and looks like they cut him out of marble. It’s kind of mesmerizing.

Then last Liam the prince was very well built by the looks of it. Hell, I think I can bounce a nickel of that ass. He has black hair and his eyes are a strange colour between light blue and grey or silver can’t quite make it out. I would really love to meet these guys in person. I also caught Violet staring at them, looking like she was trying to analyse them by the look in their eyes.

“Chinn, can I ask you something?” “Anything, Baby Girl.” “These guys do not know about us so if we were to go into a battle what will stop them from attacking us?” “Well you know I have a lot of contacts, so they will know you are coming to help without knowing who you are. Don’t worry about that, that will be sorted before you join them.” That does not sound very reassuring, but I keep that to myself. “So, when do we start with the training?” “Well, girls, you will take a two-day break and rest up. When you come back, we will start.” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Just after he said that, my head felt like it was going to burst. It pounded, and it felt like my brain wanted to come out of my ears. I fell to my knees screaming in pain, then I heard girls screaming and crying when I looked up... It was like I was in another world. It was dark and raining and I saw four men taking two girls into an alley. The girls were kicking and screaming, and the men were just laughing. As I run to go help the girls, I just ran right through them. “What was this? What is happening?”

Then I inspected the men. They were all in black, very pale, but they had strong facial features. That is when I realize the guys were not human they were Vampires and then they just... disappeared. What the hell. When I looked around once again, I saw a board on the side, and that is when I notice I was in Transylvania. But how did I get here? Then I heard her....

“Mom... mom are you okay, mom please wake up please open your eyes, mom please...!” I heard Violet cry. “Hey Princess, stop crying. I’m okay, I’m here.” When she heard me speak, she crashed herself into me, holding me tight, crying into my arms. “Mom, I was so scared.” “Shh it’s okay, I’m fine... What just happened?” This is when Peter came over to look at me and brought a moist towel with him. I looked at him, half confused, not knowing what the towel was for and then looked up at Chin, that looked frozen on the spot with shock in his eyes.

“I think you should first wipe the blood off and then we can go sit in the living room and talked about what just happen.” That is when I felt something coming from my nose and ears. As I reach with my hand, I felt something wet and then looked at my hands and saw that it was blood. “Here mom, let me help you.” I just sat there stunned at what was happening and then I remember what I saw.

“Okay, someone better talk. What the hell just happened to me? I was not here, I was somewhere else, and there were these girls. They were screaming and crying for help and I could not do a thing to help them. It was like I was a ghost.”

“Right, how about we go to the living room, make some coffee and then we talk?” I hear Chin say as he came out of his shocked state. “How about you just tell me now?” As if not hearing me, he just walked past me up the stairs. “Are you seriously ignoring me right now Chin!” “Come mom let’s go up.” “Okay I am going to kill him.” She just started laughing at me. “Yea, I’m sure, mom.”

I just shook my head and went up with Violet and Peter. Sitting on the couch with my arms crossed and cheeks puffed out, waiting for Chin to bring the coffee. I hear Violet whispering to Peter, “She looks like me when I don’t get what I want.” Peter chuckled, and I gave them both a death glare, silencing them.

Here we go coffee for everyone. “So, are you now going to tell me what the hell happened?” I asked with as much irritation as I could put into my voice. “Patience is a virtue Baby girl.” “Seriously!” “Chin I think you should tell her now, or she is seriously going to kick your ass.” He just looked at me with a smile on his face that I would love to slap off. “So what happened down there was something I just thought was rumors. I never thought it possible, but they said that the Assassin Queen can see when humans are in trouble. She can see where they are and what is happening to them. So Scarlet, what did you see?”

O, so that was what it was. “Well, I saw four men dragging two girls into an alley and when I looked closer, I saw that the four men were actually Vampires.” At this, Peter tensed up as if he didn’t like to hear when his kind did things like this. “Then I saw a sign that said Transylvania.”

“Peter, please phone Nicklaus and find out what is happening there.” At that, Peter stood up and walk out of the room. “Chin, what I saw was that actually happening, and is it always going to be like this every time a human is in danger? I don’t think that my head is going to handle it.” I can already feel the migraine forming, and I rubbed my temples to ease the pain. “O sorry, Baby girl, here are some pain tablets and yes, every time humans are in danger you will see it happen as if you are there. That is how the Assassins always knew where to be. It all makes sense now... he drifted off into thought.

“Who is Nicklaus?” Violet asked, “And is mom always going to hurt like this when she sees what is happening and does that mean she is a Queen?” I looked at Violet, just as confused as she was. “I don’t know if it is going to hurt every time. It is not something they talked about. They always just showed up when there was trouble and yes, your mother is a Queen as you two are the only Assassins alive.” He looked at me with a smile full of pride.

“About Nicklaus, he is the Alpha of the pack nearby.” I just sat there staring at nothing, thinking about everything that was just said. I am no Queen. I swear way too much and is definitely not what you will call royalty. Then I thought about the girls. They were so frightened and terrified at what the guys were doing to them. “So we are going to Transylvania and we are going to find these guys and kill them.” “It’s not that simple, Baby girl, first we have to find out what is happening down there and why the nearby pack has not intervened yet.” “Why would the pack intervene?” Violet asked. “Well, as per order from the King all the packs must give protection to the human towns nearest to them.” Peter said as he came back to the living room.

“What have you found out, Peter?” “Well, Nicklaus said that they have noticed some humans going missing. First it was woman and men living on the street and now it is just woman going missing, any woman they could get their hands on.” As Peter said that, he was clenching his jaw. Then I knew that he really did not like it when his kind was doing stuff like this.

“There are about sixty people missing now and they do not know where they are. They have contacted the council this morning to send help. So I’m guessing that they are sending the Elites out there.”

I stood up. “That is not good enough. We are going. We should hunt them down and sort this out.” “I agree with Mom. We are the protectors. We should go.” “Princess, you are not ready yet and we do not even know how many Vampires there are. If we go in without the information, we could get into serious trouble. You can get hurt.” “So we must just sit back and let this go and hope that the Elites sort it out. I do not think so.” “Peter, I stand with my mother. We are going to do this with or without your help.” As she said that, we turned and left the room to get our stuff and set off for Transylvania.

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