As we walk in by Chin’s house, we were greeted like every other morning with two cups of coffee waiting for us on the kitchen table. This time there was a letter as well, saying that after we have finished our coffee, we need to go to the training room. They will meet us there.

“This is so weird. Wonder what is going on.” Violet just surge her shoulders and drank her coffee. After we were finished, we went to the training room as per instructed. When we enter the room, it was as dark as night, so I reached out on the side to put the lights on but was ripped away by someone or more something.

I hear Violet scream next to me as her body collided with mine. “What the hell is going on here?” I screamed out and hear nothing in response except for the kick I received behind my legs sending me to the floor. I jumped up on my feet as soon as possible, feeling Violet next to me; we used our Auras heightening our sight and other senses. That is when I saw Peter and Chin launching to strikes us again and we reacted by ducking down and hitting them right in the stomach, coming up we took their heads to our knees hitting them straight on the noses. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

They backed up a couple of feet and came at us again. We expected, Peter will go for Violet as Chin will come for me as they did before, so we readied ourselves to counter whatever attack they will throw at us but at the last second they changed directions and kick us, sending us against the wall.

I felt Violet’s anger rising and used that to push my Aura out to send them back to the other side of the room. With that, I reached out and flip the switch to put the lights back on. “What. The. Hell!” “What are you guys doing, trying to kill us?” “Nope, just trying to show you how unprepared you two are at a surprise attached.” Chin answered.

“Okay point made, this is going to bruise. Thank you, Peter.” Violet said. “Sorry Princess, just following orders.” “So what now? More training, I’m guessing.” “Yes, you have learned how to fight separate from each other. Now you will learn how to fight back to back and how to use your senses to see and hear if there is anything going on in a place before you enter!”

I just send him a glare and went to the middle of the room with Violet at my back. “So I’m guessing that we are doing this training now because there will be a lot more battles waiting for us.” “That is correct Scarlet, the minor battle you had yesterday is nothing compared to what you will face out there. There will be times you’ll have to go up against a hundred or even more Vampires, Werewolf’s or any other species of the inhumane world alone. You need to be prepared and you will need to learn to fight together, finishing each other’s moves.” Peter answered me. “Well then, let’s start.” Violet said with a smile on her face.

Who is this girl next to me? She is so full of confidence and pride I barely recognize her, but it suits her. She will become a strong and independent woman. I couldn’t ask for more. As Chin spoke, he pulled me out of my thoughts, “So you will stand there back to back and defend yourselves against Peter and me.” As he finished speaking, they started running toward us from different directions and the battle began.

First, I face Chin when he came at me to tackle me. I jumped over him to kick him from behind, but before I could; he hit Violet, making her stumble and Peter getting a better opening to hit her in the ribs. “Scarlet, you need to concentrate. It is not just you anymore, you guys are fighting as a team.” I looked at Violet with an apologetic look and was rewarded with a glare. If looks could kill, I would have been dead just there. We again took our places and again they came at us. Chin crouching down again to hit me, but this time I remember Violet behind me, so I took a defensive stand, getting myself ready for the impact.

Once he made contact with me, I brought my elbow down, hitting him repeatedly between the shoulder blades. When his grip loosened, I jumped over him, grabbing his shoulders and throwing him against the opposite wall. As I got ready to go after him, not wanting him to recover, I felt a blow to my kidneys, sending me to my knees. As I look back, I saw Violet behind Peter with a grin on her face, knowing it was payback for the previous hit she took because of me.

Before I knew it, Chin was on top of me with his arm around my neck and Peter had Violet in a similar position. “That is now the second time we could have killed you. You girls have to concentrate. Feel each other Auras and used it to your advantage and concentrate!” After he had said that, we stood up and stood back to back. We then allowed our aura’s to come to the surface, as it did we started feeling our auras encircling one another and we could feel each other’s emotions as they were our own.

It almost felt like we were one, as if we can read each other thought; as I felt this, I could not help the smile that came over my face. I could feel the confidence in us both rising. “Okay, old man, give us your best.”

Then they came at us once again as Chin near me, Violet and I crouch down at the same time. It almost felt in that instant as if she was a part of me, like one of my body parts. I could sense what her next move would be. As they got near us, just at the right time, we both jumped at the same time, sending them to collide with each other. We then stood next to each other, facing them. As they send out punches, we block and send out a few of our own, changing places as after a while, it almost felt like we were dancing.

I got tired and felt that Violet’s energy was also becoming a little thin. So I took her hands to magnify our strength and send her flying through the air while I was turning, kicking our opponents as hard as she can. That seemed to do the trick as they went against the wall, making a crack that ran from the floor right up to the ceiling.

As they were lying there on their backs. Violet gave them a glare and asked, “And now are we getting it right?” I just chuckled when Chin replied. “Yes, that was good; need a bit more work, but good.” While trying to get his breath back. Violet just stood there with a huge smile on her face.

“We are going to work on that, but you will also need more training with your guns. You will learn a series of movements that will help you when you have to go up against a hundred or more opponents, but first let’s get something to drink.”

After we drank some water, we went to get our guns and met them back in the training room.

“So Scarlet you will stand here and Violet you will stand right in front of your mother. Now I will take you through the movements so that you can see how it will work and then you will train separately and after you have mastered it, you will do it together again. Now imagine you are in the center of a group of, let us say, 200 Vampires. You’ll need to kill as many as possible before they have time to start their attack. Scarlet you will start with both of your guns forward and Violet, you do the same and then you will put your arms out to the side. Okay, then you will turn your arms sideways, but one will show at twenty past twelve and the other will point to ten to twelve and then again, your arms will go straight to the side and then to the front. After that you will bring your arms back to the side but as you bring them back to the side, you will keep on shooting making it like a half circle you are shooting, after that you should be out of ammo so you will have to turn back to back and use your swords.”

“Now tell me why we have to train separately. This does not seem so difficult.” I asked, as I looked at Chin, but it was Peter that answered. “Because if you are only half a second out you can hurt each other and a Vamp can get a gape through to you.” He always looks like there is no emotion in the guy. It was creepy, but Violet just smiled at him and nodded. “So I guess you will train me again while Chin and mom train.”

“Yes, Princess, we will train together on this one.” I just looked at Peter, trying to shoot daggers at him with my eyes, but yet again, he showed no emotions. I really did not like the idea that Violet got so close to him, but then again, he was her tutor, so I guess they have gotten close over the years. I feel so conflicted over this I need a drink, something stronger than coffee.

As time went on, we have gotten better at the whole fighting together back to back and the guns training. We also gotten better at using our auras so we can sense when someone is near us even when asleep. Believe me, they even tried to attack us once while we were sleeping. They will never try that again.

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