Months have passed. I learned how to control my anger and how to use my Aura to my advantage. We did a lot of hand to hand combat and we even did weapons training. We were now fully trained in fighting with our guns, swords and my favorite weapon, the Scythe. All our weapons are made out of silver as no inhumane can touch silver without being burned by it and they also made the box that we keep it in out of silver. The box was given to us by one of Chin’s friends, which was a Witch and she sealed it so that only our aura’s can open the box.

It has been three years since the death of my husband and now that we have completed our training; it was time that I keep to the promise I made to myself. So I went to Chin offices and told him, he needs to keep to his promise that he made me. I needed to know where those rouges was; it was time to settle the score. After a big fight between us, he finally agreed and gave me the file to view.

It stated in there that the three roughs were living in a cottage up on the mountain and that they were once part of the Black Moon Pack, which belong to the Royals. They were banished from the pack for mistreating the orphan children in the pack and for using humans that lived in the city as if they were there for their entertainment. As I read this, I could not help the hatred and anger I felt for these guys. They were real assholes and they will pay for all that they have done to everyone. Chin then handed me another file with three new police files in them. All of them had reports in about people that got killed in wild animal attacks.

“Chin these killings, was it the same rouges?” “Yes, Baby girl, it was the same rouges. As far as my Intel goes, they are at the cottage now, so if you want to do this, I suggest you wait until nightfall. It will give you better coverage.” “That will be fine as it is sunset in three hours, so I will get Violet and gear up.” With that, I got up and left the office. I went down to where Peter and Violet had a little sparring session and informed her about everything. She was actually excited, as this will be our first mission and the fact that we will finally avenge her father’s death.

We got dressed in our black skin-tight pants and full-sleeved turtle neck tops. Both of us had belts on where we could put our guns and knives. We had combat boots on and lastly we put our jackets over, which were hooded and had a masked in so that only our eyes were showing. So that nobody can make out our real identities.

After we got dressed, we headed to Chin’s office to the hidden compartment behind his bookcase to get our weapons out of the chest. We both had two Desert Eagle guns and two Dragon Swords, which Violet love and I, of course, had my Scythe that is making me almost look like death himself. Chin also gave us a spray that we had to put on to mask our scents. With that, it was time to go.

“Are you ready for this, girls?” “Yes Chin.” We said together. “I will send one of my drones with you so that I can have eyes on you at all times and you need to put these earpieces in so that we can communicate. This will be your first mission as Assassins Guardians of the humans. Do not let your emotions get in the way because as soon as they find out who you are, they are going to use it against you. Please be careful, girls.”

“We will. Don’t worry, old man, you have trained us for this, remember?” “Yes, I know, but I still feel that you can use more training.” “Chin we are ready, have a little faith in us.”

With that said, we left the house and jumped up into the nearest tree, as it was easier to move through the forest, jumping from tree to tree. On our way to the cabin, I could not help to feel that maybe we weren’t ready. My daughter was only thirteen years old. Although in the olden days, Assassins were ten when they would have joined the ranks, but this is now and I am not sure that she will be able to handle the feelings that come with killing someone. Even if it is a Werewolf.

As if Violet was reading my mind, she told me that it was fine that she will be able to handle this, that Peter was training her emotionally for this. I really need to have a talk with Peter about all this extra stuff he has been teaching her, and on the other hand, I’m grateful that he had prepared her for this.

When we got near the Cottage, I saw the Drone flying up high and moving around the Cottage. “There is one outside and the other two are inside,” we heard Chin’s voice through the earpiece. Violet look at me, taking out her gun and taking off the silencer. I just nod at her as I knew exactly what she was planning to do.

As she lift the gun, pointing it into the air and took a shot. Making the guy outside jump and the other two were running outside from the cottage. “What was that?” the one Rough asked. We just turned to each other and nodded. As they were searching, sniffing, and looking around, we came out of the trees. Jumping down from the branches, land right in front of them. You could smell that they were Roughs; they had this burned wood smell to them.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here, fellas?” The other Rough asked, as they all looked at us. “Well, fellas, this will be the beginning of your end.” As I said that, I took out my Scythe and hitting it hard on the floor so that the blade will open and while doing that, I lightly pushed my Aura out so that it will make a little wind that will push them back slightly. Making this a little bit dramatic and struck a little fear into them.

With that done, we could have smelled the fear radiant from them. “W... who are you?” the one asked as he sniffed our way. The other replayed in saying, “They don’t have a scent, you… you don’t think that maybe...” he trailed off, not daring to say who he thinks we are. He was probably thinking that we are Reapers or something. With that thought, I let out a little chuckle.

“Let me tell you a story. Maybe you guys have a little bit of brains and can figure this out.” I said as we circled them. While circling them and talking, I saw Violet took out her swords. “It was three years ago, on a night like this. On the South side of this very forest, two friends were camping and hunting. They were just humans having a little fun, not bothering anyone. The one guy had blond hair and the other black. Their camp was trashed, and their bodies were lying hidden in the forest.”

By now, details of what I’m talking about are playing through their heads. I could see the realization hit them like a ton of bricks as their eyes became bigger. “The one guy was a loving husband, a loving Father and he was brutally murdered in the forest by Rouges that thought it will be fun.” “Calm down you to do not let your emotions take over.” We heard Chin’s voice again.

I took a deep breath and stood in front of them again. “So... are any bells ringing in that stupid head of yours?” They just stood there looking at us. “Let me guess. You two are that man’s wife and child.” “O… we have a winner!!!” Violet screamed sarcastically. “Yes, I remember that night, the night he begged us to stop. He had a family and when I changed into my wolf, you should have seen his face. O sorry, you probably did because his face was frozen like that when I killed him.”

When he was finished, I felt like ripping his head off with my bare hands as the images of how I saw my husband laying there came to mind. I could feel my anger surfacing and slowly taking over. I felt a boiling rage in me, just begging to be released. He was the love of my life. Then I heard Chin’s voice breaking into my thoughts.

“Girls, end this now. Your emotions are showing in your eyes and they are praying on that.” Right there and then I swing my Scythe so hard and fast he did not have time to react before his head fell to the floor in front of our boots. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The other two started changing into their wolf forms and attacked us. Once again, Violet and I looked at each other, giving a nod and met them head on. As the Rough jumped over me I duct down and with my Scythe, I cut him open from his chest to his belly. When I got up, I saw him bleeding out and his eyes turning dull, showing me he had died. It was quick and clean. I look to my left and saw Violet standing next to the other wolf with his head at her feet.

“How do you feel Princess?” “I feel fine Mom, more than fine; Daddy can rest in peace now, knowing that these guys will never hurt an innocent again and that we have avenged his death.” I took two steps towards her, hugging her tightly; feeling the same feeling, it was finally over. “So Mom, what are we going to do now?” “I am not a hundred percent sure, Princess.”

“You should burn the bodies and come home.” Once again, we hear Chin’s voice over the earpieces. So we did what he said. As the bodies burned, we stood there watching. I felt this almost calm like motion coming over me. We did it, we actually did it.

Back at Chin’s mansion, we took a shower to get rid of all the blood and cleaned our weapons before we put them back in their rightful place. Once done, we head to the sitting room where Chin and Peter were waiting for us. “Is it fine if we talk tomorrow? Violet and I would really like to go to Christopher’s grave?” “That is fine. Be safe and we will see you guys tomorrow.” “Thank you, Goodnight.”

Upon arriving at the grave site Violet jumped out with a bunch of roses that we bought on our way there. “Hey Dad, we bought you some Roses, the red ones that you loved so much. Mom and I finally took care of those Rogues that hurt you, so you can rest in peace now daddy, nobody is ever going to get hurt the way you did. I miss you so much, Dad. Wish you were here and that you could have fought alongside us. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. These guys were evil men, terrible men, and they have killed other people as well. So it was just justice for what they have done. I promise you, Dad, I will not kill any human or inhumane if there is any other way. I love you, Dad, and I know you are with us in our hearts.”

There was a silence for a while when Violet rubs the tears from her eyes. My heart felt as if it was tightening and tears were running freely over my cheeks as I was watching Violet. She was such a strong girl; I knew her father would be very proud of her, just like I am. I missed him just as much and knew that his life sacrifice did not go in vain. It has awakened something in us. We will protect the humans as much as we possibly can. This will be our life now and we will make the Assassin’s name big again.

Any Inhumane that is just thinking of hurting a human will come to fear us. They must fear the very mention of our names, as we will rip any inhumane apart for hurting innocent humans. This is my promise to myself, my daughter, my husband and all the humans that is oblivious to the danger lurking in the dark. This will be our legacy.

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