So on the next day Chin started with me on the meditation again and after several hours of trying to control my aura, my anger and breaking a few things, we decided it’s best to stop for the day and went over to do some workout exercise on the machines. I did no combat training, as my emotional state was not where it needed to be. So after that, I went back to my research on the different creatures. I already knew about Werewolves and Vampires, but still needed to find out more about Dragon, Sirens and Witches. As I sat on the chair once again, I started learning about Dragons. It felt like I was back at School doing research for a project or something.

Dragons were the oldest and most powerful of the shapeshifters. They are big in Dragon form and in human. Dragons can breathe fire and are masters in telepathic attacks. They do not live in groups as they are very secretive creatures. As it was stated, Dragons were almost instinct by Witches. There are few Dragons around, because of female Dragons that can only have one child in a lifetime. Dragons can only have children with their fated mates.

Dragons in their natural form have amour like bodies except for the part underneath their throats. They are very skilled fighters and would kill in a blink of an eye as they have short tempers. They are very protective over what they believe is theirs and if they have given you their trust and friendship, there is nothing they would not do for you, and they are very charismatic and beautiful in their human forms, known to be players around the females of any creature, similar to the Sirens.

Is that it? As I looked through more books, I saw there was really not much on Dragons. How disappointing, well at least I know how to kill them if I get into a fight with one. Although I can’t think that it would be easy to reach the soft spot underneath their throats.

Let’s move over to the Sirens. Sirens are better known as mermaids or mermen. They are beautiful creatures in their true form or in human form. We know them for their hypnotic song that they sing. It was known that they will lure sailors to their deaths for fun, just by singing their song.

They are very seductive creatures and are almost impossible to resist. They live together and are called a Pod. Their ranking is like the Werewolf’s rankings. They do not have Gammas; they have trackers. Which makes them very hard to find, as they know how to conceal themselves to look and smell like humans.

Mostly they stay in the deepest darkest depths of the ocean where nobody can reach them, but there are a few of them living alongside the humans, they are seen as rough. They also have fated mates, but they are mated two males to one female. They are stealthy and one of the best killers in the Supernatural world and they are very loyal to their loved ones and friends as well.

Yet again, there’s not much to go on just that. It is sad really, I would love to learn more about these creatures as they sound very fascinating. I hope I get to meet one someday. Hope they have more information about Witches.

The books don’t tell me much about Witches either. There is mostly written about the witch trails and how they were hanged and burned to death. They are very powerful and that they are creatures of the four elements: earth, water, fire, and wind. They use these elements to do their magic with and to heal themselves as well as others.

Most of the Covens are good and do not harm anyone. They protect humans as much as they can and do not use their magic to harm. They are trained for battle and are very lethal when threatened. There are Witches that make use of black magic, but these witches are not welcome in the Covens and are rouges. The black magic Witches do not draw their powers form the four elements but uses blood sacrifices to gain more power.

This power burns through their bodies faster than the power from the elements. Witches like to see themselves as protectors of the natural order and do not practice their magic in front of humans. They live isolated in the forts all over the world and mostly keep to themselves. They also have a head of the Coven known as the Matriarch and it can only be a woman that runs the Coven.

Apparently, you do not have to come from a witch family to become a witch. If you work hard and learn how to practice Witchcraft, you can become a witch. It is just easier to practice magic if you have Witch blood in your veins. Witches can use teleportation and are just as fast and strong as any other inhumane.

I wonder if he has anything on the Assassins. It would be wonderful to know more about my ancestry. I now I am of royal blood as my ancestor that was cursed was the queen and I know I’m strong and fast and have a short temper, but that is all that I know. As I look through the books on the shelf, I have found an old-looking book with gold markings on it. When I turned it over, I saw it was a book about Assassins. As I sat in the chair again, I started reading.

Assassins are known for their hard-headed personalities. Assassins bow before no man or creature. They are proud people and would do anything to protect the humans from the Supernatural world, and are the link between the humans and inhumane. They are also the strongest creatures in the inhumane world. Assassins have an ability to project their aura’s outwards and push anything away from them. Assassins are immune to magic and to the gifts that the inhumane possesses.

Well, that explains why Peter always looks at me as if trying to decipher me; he cannot see into my past, I thought with a smile.

Assassins are very much family bonded. They cannot communicate telepathically, but they can feel when one of their own gets physically or emotionally hurt and they can use that feeling to track down the person. Assassins can sense when they are being lied to, and they do not take that lightly. We also known them for their anger and short tempers. They do have their Royals, which are their leaders. Underneath the leaders, there are no more ranks. Everyone is treated equally, and they trained all with the same brutality.

The training starts when the child reaches the age of six. If there is a battle with inhumane creatures, the children from the age of ten can take part in the battle. They do not heal as fast as the rest of the inhumane and can get killed if not careful. That’s what makes them so strict in their training.

Assassin woman can only bear children if they are paired with their fated mates and the assassin gene can only be given from mother to child, not from the father. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

As I read, I thought about my husband. I wonder, even with the gene being dormant when I got pregnant, he had to be my fated mate, otherwise, my child would not have had the gene. “What are you thinking about, Baby girl? You look confused and sad at the same time?”

“Chin was Christopher my fated mate?” “Yes, he was. Otherwise, you would not have gotten pregnant even with the assassin gene being dormant. It is weird how fate has worked since they cursed the Queen 600 years ago. Every generation of the assassin’s bloodline was with their fated mates.” And just there and then I lost all self-control and started crying my heart out.

I missed him. I missed him so much. He was my life, my everything. I knew if I did not have Violet, I would have taken my own life. She was the only one keeping me sane through all of this and now that I knew he was my fated my one chance at love; it made the pain so more real, so more intense. As I sat there crying, Chin came over and picked me up, holding me close to him, trying to comfort me.

The warmth that radiated from him gave me a little comfort enough to make me stop crying, but it could not take away the void I had in my heart. “Thank you Chin, I am fine now.” I said, while pulling away from him and forcing a smile on my face. Violet came into the room with confusion written on her face. She must have felt my heartache. “Hey princess, you okay?” “Yes mom, I am fine. I came to ask you the same question.” “I am fine love, now tell me in the studies that you are doing for school. Does Peter tell you about the inhumane creatures as well?”

“Yes, mom that is how I knew that the sadness I was feeling does not belong to me.” “What else did he tell you?” “O he told me a lot about all the creatures, how the structures work within the community’s and about fated mates and how I would know when I meet mine.” “I’m going to kill him; she is too young to know all that!” “Well, in his defense, if you were living with other assassins she would have known about this before she could walk.”

“That doesn’t make things better, Chin! We live in a different world now. It is not the same.” “Chill mom, I am not a baby anymore and he also told me I will only become of age when I am 16, so don’t worry, I am not looking at any boys at this point.” “O joy, I feel so much better.” I replayed sarcastically.

“I think we should call it a day. I am ready to eat and relax.” “Why don’t you eat here tonight? I make a mean Mac and cheese, if I do say so myself.” Violet and I gave out a chuckle. “We will stay, but only if you have wine.” He put a hand over his heart, making a face like I have wounded him. “Of course I have wine. What kind of question is that?”

I must admit, it felt good to be in his company. He and Violet were busy in the kitchen making our dinner, laughing, and having fun. We talk about all kinds of small things, like what we used to do in our spare time and what animals we like the most and about movies and TV shows. Nothing important, just shutting our brains off for one night.

When we left there, I almost felt normal, like we did not live in a world full of war, blood, and all kinds of evil that was lurking in the dark. That was the first night in a long time that I slept as well as I did. I found solace because I was blessed in having found my mate and in having Violet, my warrior Princess.


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