As he finished with his work on my shoulder and legs he pulled me up gently and looked at all the wounds on my body. He then started to trace the outline of some of my bruises and I saw his eyes started to turn darker again, but I did not want to stop him as I was enjoying the tingling sensation that came with his touch and then I heard him in a deep voice asking me, “Was all these marks Liam’s doing?” I could see that he was fighting hard to maintain control of his counter parts as he was looking at the bruises, so I took his chin in my hand and lifting it up so that he made eye contact with me. “No, most of these bruises are from yesterday’s battle so please calm down.” I felt his hand going to the stitches to my side. “And these were also from yesterday?” “Yes they are but I think they are healed by now. I will ask Chin later to just take the stitches out.”

I should not have said that as he growls so loud that the whole room shook, making it feel like it was going to collapse and I just stood there feeling amazed by the strength he had. He then kneeled down in front of me and took the small scissors and started to take the stitches out. “These two scars are going to leave marks, but the rest has healed beautifully.” He looked up at me and had a faint smile on his face. As I watch him trying to figure out what he is planning to do and then I felt a light kiss on the marks and the tingling sensation that went with that. Then an image of Christopher came to my mind and it snapped me out of the trans that I was in and I pushed Alexander away. “I...I am sorry but I am not ready for this.” The surprising expression on his face then turned into one of knowing. “No it is I who should apologize I am moving too fast, but I just could not help myself. Seeing you so bruised up and sore is making my heart break and I just wanted to take some of the pain away. I know you are strong and I know I will not be able to keep you away from battles as I see that it is a part of you just like it is a part of all of us, but that does not mean I have to like it. I cannot lose another mate Scarlet it will destroy me.” As he said that I could see the sorrow and hurt in his eyes and I had to fight to keep my emotions at bay. “Alexander I cannot promise you that I would not get hurt again but I can promise you that I will do anything in my power to keep Violet and myself safe so that we can have long and happy lives.”

At that said I turned and went into the changing rooms for a much needed shower and because I could not stand the look that he gave me. His sadness is breaking my own heart and I don’t know how much longer I will be able to fight against the bond that is pulling us together. He may look all tough on the outside, but inside he has a small and very fragile heart just like me.

When I came down to the sitting room after my very relaxing shower, I saw that everyone was chatting happily while drinking some coffee and it brought a smile to my face. As there was no arguing or bickering, just a couple of newly made friends having a relaxing moment. “Hey there Baby girl feeling better.” Chin asked as he handed me a cup of coffee. “Yes thank you Chin.” I said while taking a seat next to Violet that had a grin on her face clearing enjoying the fact that she has met the Elites. All of the sudden Liam stood up looking at me and I just mentally begged him not to start another fight I don’t think that I had another fight in me right now. He cleared his throat gaining everyone’s attention. “Scarlet I just want to tell you that you have earn my respect and loyalty and that no matter what battle’s you and Violet needs to face, the Elites will always have your backs.” Then all the Elite’s stood up agreeing with him and bowing their heads at us. “Thank You Liam that means a lot to us, but would you have our backs even if it means going against your brothers rule’s. Everyone ells turned to look at him as he looked to Alexander with an apologetic look and says, “Yes we will have your backs, even if I have to go against the Councils rules. “Then know this, that whenever the Elites are called into battle we will stand by you and assist.” I said, as Violet and I stood up bowing our heads to show respect to them. “Well now it looks like we have just made a very powerful aliens and when we get back home, we will sit with the Council and review the rules that involves the humans. As someone brought to my attention that some of my actions and decisions was not always in the best interests of everyone.” As Alexander said that he looked at me giving me a breathtaking smile and wink. I could not help it as my cheeks turned crimson red and I had to look down. Violet then poked me in the ribs, winching a little at the pain. She just smiled and asked, “Mom are you blushing?” Instantly I went even redder if that was possible and all the guys just started laughing and I joined in, because you know what they say if you can’t beat them then join them.

“So I take it that Scarlet and Violet will be coming home with us,” Jason said with excitement in his voice. Everyone just turned at us waiting for our decision as I looked at Violet she gave me a nod and I answered. “On one condition,” I looked over at Alexander who raised his eyebrows at me, but stayed silent and I took it as my queue to go on. “Chin and Peter will accompany us. As I was still holding Alexander’s gaze I could see irritation flash through his eyes. “Of course they are welcome to join us.” Is all he said and I gave him a smile and a wink, that he gladly returned making me blush all over again. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“When do we leave?” Now it was Violet’s turn to be all excited. “As soon as possible it is a long flight home, Chin would you call the pilot and get the plane ready?” Alexander asked and Chin nodded and left the room. “Why did I buy my house, I’m never there?” I asked throwing my hands in the air as Violet just chuckled. “O come on mom it’s not that bad, anyway it is more fun to travel.” I looked at her narrowing my eyes. “You know what is also fun.... schoolwork and it is almost time for you to start again, so make sure you have all your books as well.” Violets face just fell and she looked at me trying to make puppy dog eyes, “But mom...there is so much going on, can’t I just skip this year?” “Violet in the first place those eyes are not going to work on me and no you will not skip this year or I will refuse you to do anymore training and therefore you will not go into any battles.” “Mom you are so unfair!” She said while stomping her little foot. “Well princess that means I am doing my job.” She just gave me a killer look and went into the study to collect her books and I followed her so that we can get our weapons.

Once in the air I started to get this feeling in the pit of my stomach as if something is going to happen and hope that it is not something bad. I really do not have the energy for a crisis now.

“So Scar, what do you think about the inhumane world so far?” I looked over at Marcus and wonder why he would ask me something like that. I haven’t seen much of the inhumane world but what I did see is terrifying. It is full of pain, war, death, I really struggling to see how one would want to live in this world.” “It’s not always like that you know, most of the time we live in peace with everyone. You just don’t know about it because Chin was keeping you busy with training and he never thought of showing you how the other side is of being inhumane.” He said while glaring at Chin, but I knew that he did not show us that world because of our scent and if he had hit our scent it would also have made suspicion rise. “O come now Marcus you know very well that if we went in the inhumane world as normal they would have scented us, he did it to protect us.” “Very well you have a point, but please Scar keep an open mind it is really not all about death and blood.” I just smiled at him and nodded. “I promise.” Then I looked out of the window at the blue sky and a few clouds, it look so peaceful.

All the sudden I felt a hand on my cheek and a small kiss on my head, I opened my eyes and saw my little princess smiling at me. “Mom wake up we are about to land.” I looked at her surprised and realized that I must have fallen asleep. I then stretched my legs and arms and sat up straight and smile at her.

When the plane landed there were two black SUV’s waiting for us and we headed towards the town. As we drove through the town I notice a lot of people looking our way and some of them even started sniffing in our direction and then I felt it. Looking my side I saw Violet her eyes ablaze and her aura wielding around her. “Violet are you oraait, what’s wrong?” “Mom there is a lot of inhumane around us and I am starting to get nervous. It is going to be one hell of a fight if they try something.” As I wanted to reassure her Alexander started talking. “Don’t worry about them they will never attack you they are just curios of your scent that’s all and you know they can feel you aura at this moment making them more interested in you.” “O sorry.” She said while calming down. I looked into the rear view mirror meeting with Alexander’s eyes. “I notice that there are quite a few humans among them, do they know?” This time Liam cut in and answered. “Yes Scar they know all about the inhumane world, we call them Hunters.

I look outside my window with a frown on my face wondering, “Hunters?” “Yes hunters, after the wipe out of the assassins the old queen did not care much for the humans as you know and some of them became aware of the dangers in the dark. So they trained themselves and developed a lot of weapons that could kill us, like you two.” I just rolled my eyes at that and looked out of the window again. “But they did not only kill the dangerous rogues they started attacking packs that lived in peace with them. When my brother took the throne and started with the council he signed a peace treaty with them. After that a lot of them moved here to live in the city with us and if there is an attack on the city they stand with us and helps defend those who can’t. “Well I am glad to hear that they are living here in peace, but they forgot about the countless humans being taken and killed in other areas. I think I will have to have a talk with them.” Alexander started growling staring daggers at me through the rear view mirror. “Don’t you growl at me Alexander....don’t worry I will not interfere with the treaty.” Looking at him I saw him lifting one of his eyebrows at me, but he did not say anything just kept on driving.

When we stopped it was in front of a massive building and Violet and I could not help but to looked at it with awe. It was beautiful and lit in blue lights. “I see you like my home.” He look at us with a smirk on his face. “This is your home, it is massive.” Violet exclaimed. “Well....I do own the whole building but my apartment is the one right at the top.” “Hmm the King lives in an apartment how nice.” I said with sarcasm lacing my voice, but he just smiled at me with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes and I could not help my eyes narrowing at him. What is he up to now? “The whole castle thing does not really work for me I like to see what is going on in the City.” And at that he went to the front door with the doorman greeted him and opened it for him. He looked back at us with that stupid smirk on his face and said. “You just going to stand there or are you ladies going to follow me.” As we followed him I thought to myself, how nice it would be to slap that smirk of his face.

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