As we entered the building I was surprised to see that it looks pretty ordinary inside. White walls, tiles and a few landscaping partridge was lining the walls. In the center there was a desk with a receptionist behind it. As soon as she saw Alexander she pushed out her breast and batted her eyes and I could not help but to chuckle a little. I mean seriously can you make yourself any cheaper, the makeup she had on was way too much and the top leave very little to the imagination. Her perfume was quite pleasant thou and as soon as Alexander informed her that we will be staying with him, the look she gave me, I swear someday someone will actually be able to kill me with that. So of course I could not resist in pushing my aura out a little making her divert her eyes from me, Violet thought it was hilarious, but Alexander just look at me shaking his head and me being the person I am just looked at him giving him my most innocent look. With a little chuckle he just showed us to follow him and Violet being the person she is show her tongue at the lady as she passed, making Liam burst into laughter.

We went into the elevator and he punched a code in that was a little too fast for my eyes. “What was that code?” Violet asked with a frown on her face. “That is the code to go to my apartment.” Nice so what is it?” she asked with a sweet smile on her face. “You won’t need it.” He answered with a blank expression, I could see her face falling into irritated frown. “Why not?” “Because,” is all he said and she narrowed her eyes at him. “What if mom and I decided to go for a run or something?” “You won’t be going alone.” “What....why not, Mom aren’t you going to say anything?” “Princess we will talk about that later all I care about now is a nice cup of coffee, a shower and a bed. And Violet don’t argue with me now....okay.” Violet just rolled her eyes at me and let out a sigh knowing now is not the time to argue.

As we entered the apartment I was amazed to see how clean and neat it was. It was an open plan apartment, white walls with dark wood flooring. The furniture was white and grey and the kitchen cupboards was black with round ball lighting that hanged over the kitchen island and a beautiful round chandelier hanging above the table in the dining room part of the apartment. The windows were all floor to ceiling windows and the view of the city was breath taking. When you go to the left side there were French doors opening up to an office with a table in front of the windows and the rest of the walls was lined with bookshelves. To the right of the office was a huge spiral staircase that lead to the second floor where there were four doors leading to the bedrooms. Each bedroom had an on-sweet bathroom that was beautifully decorated in white and black, spa bathtubs, huge shower and a vanity with two sinks and of course a toilet. The rooms were big and were decorated in white and grey, also with top to floor windows and beautiful views of the city. The rooms that we will be using, was the first two rooms and his and Liam’s rooms was the two at the back. I did not know that Liam was sometimes living with him, but I guess there is a lot that I still need to find out.

After I put all my things away I went to Violet to see if there was anything that I could help her with, but when I entered her room I saw her already asleep on the bed. I just smiled and dressed her in her night ware and put her to bed. It was a ruff couple of days for us so I don’t blame her for being so tired. After putting her things away I went down to the kitchen to get myself a cup of coffee, but when I got there Liam was already seated on the couch and a cup of coffee was put to the side for me. I sat down and took the cup in my hands holding it as if it was the most precious thing in the world. “Hmm this taste fantastic, thank you Liam.” “It’s my pleasure,” he said with a smile on his face. “So where is everyone ells?” “Everyone went to their homes.” He answered looking at me with one eyebrow lifted, as if that should have been obvious to me. “What about Chin and Peter?” “Do you mean them...well they also went to their homes.” I looked at him confusing. “I did not know they have houses....or apartments here?” “Now that does not surprise me at all. They both have houses here; they have people looking after their properties when they are away. We never thought that Chin will come back thou.” “Why’s that?” He sighs and looked out of the windows at the city. “Well you know the story of his mate, she was one of the assassins and the battle that ended them happened right here in this city. So after he had trained the Elites he asked Alexander for permission to leave and start a new live somewhere else. He never did sell his house but we thought it was just a matter of time and after a few hundred years we guessed that he maybe forgot about it, but we never sold it as he was still the owner.” I looked out of the windows and felt a little guilty about asking them to come with; this must be very hard on him, being back here and reliving all the memories. Note to self when I see him again give him a big hug and thank him for everything.

“Alexander will probably be back after a while he went to the office to sort a few things out.” I just looked at him and gave him a nod and a smile. “Well I am going to say goodnight, my shower and bed is calling me.” “Goodnight Scar sleep well tomorrow is a big day.” With a sigh I stood up and retreated to my room. When I came out of the bathroom after doing my business I climbed into bed not even having time to think about anything my eyes just closed and sleep took over.

I felt a tingling sensation going through my body and I opened my eyes. I was in a beautiful garden with big trees all around and colorful flowers blooming. It was a nice hot and sunny day; there was a swing with an arched over it with vines and purple flower growing over it. I went to the swing feeling the soft grass under my feet and loving the feeling. As I sat down on the swing Alexander was behind me and pushing me on the swing. It was so quiet and peaceful and all of the sudden he was in front of me holding onto the swing and bending over and before I knew it our lips was against one another and that is when I woke up. As I open my eyes I see him in front of me kissing me, I pushed him away grabbing the bedding to cover myself up. “What the hell are you doing!?” I asked in surprise. He just gave me his signature smirk and said, “Well I am giving you a goodnight kiss.” But as I looked at him I notice that his eyes are very dark almost black and his voice is deeper than usual and that is when it hit me it wasn’t Alexander, well not the Alexander I know it was one of his counter parts his wolf or his lyken.

I looked at him narrowing my eyes, “So which one are you?” He gave me a smile as he answered, “I have already figure it out. Hmm definitely our destine mate.” I cocked one of my eyebrows and kept his gaze, still waiting for him to answer my question. He stood up straight and with pride he said, “Well I am Ace, Alexanders Lyken and I am very pleased to meet you sweetheart.” I was shooting daggers at him with my eyes as he said sweetheart. “First place I am not your sweetheart and second have you ever heard of personal space, you can’t just come into a woman’s room and kiss her while she is sleeping. What do you think this is sleeping beauty? What’s wrong with you!?” I said with enough authority in my voice to make him know that I really do not appreciate this. He looked at me with surprise that turned into one of lust and I could not help pulling the bedding to my chest tighter not liking the look in his eyes. “Well you are my mate and I can call you whatever I want as you will submit to me.” I jumped out of bed not caring that I am just in my boxer and T-shirt. I felt so much anger going through me. I could not believe this prick, does he really think that I am just going to submit to him.

“Now you listen to me very carefully I am only going to say this once, I am not your mate and I will definitely not bow down to you and if this is the way you want to react then I will happily take my things and go stay with Chin....” I didn’t even get to finish my sentence as I was forced against the wall with my arms pinned over my head. Okay I must admit using Chin’s name was not the best thing to do, but he was being an asshole, Lyken or not I am nobody’s possession. “Now you listen to me I am you destined mate and you will not stay with any other man accept me do you understand me.” He said with a deep and husky voice that send pleasurable tingles down my spine. I kept eye contact with him not backing down with a smile on my face. “O is the little dogie jealous of and old man?” I said with as much sarcasm as I could and I swear his eyes went even darker at that. “Be careful sweetheart you are playing with fire.” “No you are.” As I said that I pushed my aura out and throw him against the opposite wall, before I could say anything he stood up shaking his head and then those mesmerizing silver eyes looked back at me and I knew that Alexander was back in control. “You know Alexander your Lyken is an ass.” “I am so-so sorry love, did he hurt you?” He asked with a worried expression all over his face as he stepped closer to me. “I’m fine don’t worry.” I said while sidestepping him and climbing back into bed pulling the covers up. He stood there pulling his hands through his hair and I could not help but to wonder how it would feel to put my hands through his hair. Dam it Scarlet focus now is definitely not the time to drool over him, I scolded myself. He looked at me and said, “I don’t know what happen I came in and when I reached the stairs your scent, it was so overwhelming that Ace just took over and I could not fight him as Alec was of no use.” “ that your wolf’s name?” “Yes he was also very eager to see you and so he did not help me at all. I am really sorry love.” I could see the truth in his eyes and did not blame him it is probably very strange to have me in his house. “Its fine Alexander I do not blame you, nor do I blame Ace. It is strange for all of us and he is just following his instincts, but I will kick his ass if he tries that again.” Giving him a smile I bid him goodnight.

“Goodnight love sleep well and have sweet dreams,” he said and closed my door behind him. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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