All of the sudden I feel someone jumping on me and I jumped up taking a defensive stand. That is when I saw Violet lying on the ground laughing her little butt off. “That was not funny Violet one of these days you are going to give me a heart attack.” “That......was so....funny.” she said trying to catch her breath. “You should have seen your face....priceless.” I just rolled my eyes at her and looked at my watch that was lying on the bedside table; it is already 6:00 am. I just fell on the bed pulling the pillow over my face and sigh, “I don’t want to get up, just let me sleep please.” “Mom I don’t mind you sleeping put I think the Council might.” “Ugh....Violet know I love you very much right.” “Yes mom, I will go and make you some coffee just get up.” “Fine I will be down in fifteen.” With that she left my room and I got up with a very heavy heart and went into the bathroom, after I did my business I got dressed and went down. Then I smelled it and my stomach began to grumble, eggs and bacon. When entering the living area I saw Liam in the kitchen busy preparing breakfast and Violet sitting at the island with two cups of coffee.

As I sat down Violet pushed the one cup to me and Liam greeted me with a plate full of food. “Thank you Liam this looks good.” And I started to dig in not waiting for his reply as they both started to laugh at me. “I can see you are very hungry this morning. Scar you okay doesn’t look like you got much sleep last night. What happened?” The only thing that I said was Ace and I could see in Liam’s eyes that he understood what I meant, Violet on the other hand looked lost. “Who’s Ace?” she asked while looking between me and Liam and I just kept eating not wanting her to know the details and Liam could see that. “Well princess that is Alexander Lyken name. Our counterparts are very possessive....” I just let out a snort at that and earn myself a glare from Liam. “Of our mates and he probably just wanted to meet your mother.” “Jip he just wanted to say goodnight last night so we talked a little and lost track of time, no need to worry princess.” “Now you see mom usually when you tell me not to worry then I worry. Are you sure you are oraait mom?” “Yes love, I am just peachy.” I said giving her a smile. “So are we going to do this or not, where is Alexander?” “He is already at the office getting all his work ready and done.” “Guess it is a big job being the king and all that.” I said sarcastically. ”He also owns a lot of businesses Scar, and he likes to be hands on with everything, which makes him a very busy man.” Liam said while giving me the look again and I just rolled my eyes at him and stood up taking Violet with me and saying to Liam over my shoulder, “We will be right back, then we can go and thank you for breakfast it was delicious.” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

As we made our way to the library and went to the hidden passage under the rug on the floor, Violet looked at me with confusion written all over her face. “Now princess you know I am not going to walk through the streets unarmed.” She just gave me a smile and followed me in where we have hidden the jest with our weapons in. We gathered our swords and guns and put on our jackets to cover it. As we left I looked over to Liam and said, “So when are we leaving?” He just chuckle and leaded the way to the elevator.

Once we reached yet another skyscraper Liam help us out of the SUV and we looked up at the massive building Ace Industries. I looked over lifting my eyebrows up, “He used his Lyken’s name?” “Well Scar until you two showed up he was the strongest entity out here so why not. Now come on we are already late, the Council is waiting.” Rolling my eyes at him, “Well that is not my problem,” I said. “You know sometimes I think you are the child and Violet the grown up one.” Violet bursting out into laughter after he said that just passed us and went into the building. Liam and I followed her in, with Liam rubbing the back of his head after I smacked him. “That was not necessary,” he wined behind me and I just left out a chuckle, as a lady neatly dressed in office attire greeted us and asked for our jackets. Violet look at me unsure what to do, I just surge my shoulders and started taking my jacket off. At that moment every one froze at what they were doing looking over to Violet and me with all our weapons on display. “Seriously girls, why did you gear up?” Liam asked us while growling at us. I looked at him narrowing my eyes. “You want to try that again.” I said while my eyes were glowing at him sending my aura out a little. I hated it when they growl; it is the most irritating sound I have ever hear. I wonder if they think if they growl we will get frighten and just please and explain. He looked at me pinching the bridge of his nose and I notice that everyone is staring at us and some even started sniffing our way.

“What happen to not wanting so much attention being aimed at you?” “Well I am not going to walk unarmed in a City I don’t know, which is full of inhumane I must add.” “Fine let’s just go Alexander is getting restless he felt your presence already.” I stepped aside showing with my hand to him to lead the way, as he saintly passes by me to the elevator and took us to the top floor of course. As we entered the lobby I was surprised to see a gentleman behind the desk and not a lady. “Good day and welcome we have been waiting for you.” I just let out a sigh as I rolled my eyes at his comment. “I am Ben, Alexander’s assistant and the Beta to the Black Moon Pack,” he said while giving his hand to shake ours. As I took his hand I introduce Violet and myself to him. “It’s nice to meet you, now if you will follow me everyone is waiting inside.” We entered in to the office and once again a beautiful view of the city greeted us. The widows were floor to ceiling windows and the floor was dark hardwood and the wall painted a light grey with abstract paintings lining the walls. To the left was a large desk and in the center of the room was two couches with a coffee table in between and to the right there was a big oval table with people already seated.

All of the sudden I felt two arms coming around me and a head going to the crook of my neck, but I knew it was Alexander as I felt the warmth and tingles going through my body when he touched me. Moving my head a little to the side I gave him better access to my neck. I knew that he just wanted to take in my scent to calm himself down, as his beasties probably wanted to take over when I entered the building, but took so long to get up here and I must admit that I loved the feeling that washed over me when he is this close to me.

After a few minutes and being uncomfortable with everyone just staring at us I said, “Alexander.” “Hmm.” “Are you done now, I am kind of getting a cramp in my neck here.” He looked up at me with those big silver eyes that would make my legs go all jelly and smile. “Thank you Love.” I just cocked an eyebrow at him and said, “Don’t make it a habit.” He just chuckle as everyone took in a sharp breath, but I ignored it as they don’t know anything about me and Alexander. As I looked around I saw Violet standing next to Peter and Chin and a smile made it up to my face as I see them. Keeping the promise I made to myself I walk over to Chin and embraced him, hearing the growl that came from my back, I just did what I always do.....ignore it. For a moment he was stiff but relaxed soon after that and hugged me back. As I stepped back cupping his face with my one hand and said, “I am so sorry for dragging you and Peter with us, I know this must be hard for you, but I am forever grateful for your support.” He smiled down at me as he said, “Don’t worry about it Baby girl we got your back.”

A huge loud growl come over the room making it shake a little, and as I turned around I knew it was not Alexander as I can feel the power that came with the growl is not the same. As we looked at the door we saw a man looking very similar to Liam and Alexander approach us, but his eyes was an electric blue and he looked like his going to lose control any second. As he came closer, the whole room was silent and then I notice he is coming in Violets direction and I saw Peter stepping forward a little as to hide Violet behind his back. I took a defensive stand next to him as the man stop in front of me. “Move, Mine.” Is all he said, I Looked at him a little confused at what is happening but not letting my guard down. Alexander moved quickly in between us grabbing the man by his shoulders pushing him back a little and said, “Blake calm down....NOW,” using his Alpha aura. As I looked back at Violet I saw her eyes ablaze and then looked back at Blake seeing that he is not taking his eyes of her, looking back at Violet, it hit me like a ton of bricks. “O hell no,” I said taking out my gun pointing it at him. “She is only fourteen! You come near her and I will not hesitate putting a bullet through your skull.” In an in stand all the Elites formed a circle around Violet and me. I didn’t even notice they were in the room. “O hey guys you here too” I said not taking my eyes of Blake. Drago just chuckle and said, “Of course knowing that you and Violet can’t go a day without a fight we had to come.” I snorted at that comment. Alexander letting out a sigh and pinching the bridge of his nose, I heard, “Scarlet, love please put the gun away.” He looked at me almost pleading knowing well that I don’t make empty threads. “Please.” I looked between him and Black and I heard Violet at my back. “Please mom.” I turned and looked at her and saw the tear escaping her eye. “O are to young my love and this is wrong.” I said while shaking my head and putting my gun back in its place. I closed my eyes for a second feeling the intensity of everything in the air around me, thinking out loud. “Even if she was old enough, this will still be wrong.” Everyone was quiet you could hear a pin drop as everyone was listening to me. “The Assassin Royal bloodline is supposed to be pure, but if I am mated to Alexander and Violet to Blake how is the bloodline supposed to be kept pure. This just doesn’t make sense!” I exclaimed, as I open my eyes and looked at everyone waiting to see if any of them maybe had an idea. “Really one has anything?”

“Love please, calm down we will figure this out.” “I don’t want to figure it out I want an answer as to why this is happening and I want it now!” Alexander let out another sigh as he said, “Everyone out now, we will have the meeting later.” Everyone just walked out except for Chin, Peter, Blake and the Elites, without uttering a word just following orders. Violet took my hand and I looked down at her big brown eyes. “Mom I am not a baby anymore.” “O princess you will always be my baby.” I said while pulling her into a hug and kissing the top of her head. “Let’s us just take a moment sitting down and TALK this out,” Alexander said as he looked at us all. So we all did what he said as the Elites went to the table and we went to the couches. Taking out all our weapons and putting it on the table and sat down. We heard Drago laughing as he took in the site of all our stuff on the table and we all just started joining in. Not knowing why we were actually laughing but enjoying it nonetheless.

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