As everything quiet down I could not help but to see how Blake was looking at my baby girl and I really did not like it. As if Alexander could feel my discomfort he started speaking. “Scarlet, Violet I would like to introduce you to my other brother Blake.” Blake stretched his hand out to greet us and of course Violet did not hesitated to take his hand as I heard her gasp and I knew that she felt the tingling sensation that come with the touch of your true mate. I just closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying to calm myself down but it was really not that easy. When I opened my eyes I could feel my aura at the verge to push out and I felt my eyes where glowing as I looked at Blake that struggled to hold my gaze, shifting around in his seat.

“Baby girl....” I heard Chin call to me but I could not look away from Blake as I just wanted to rip him apart as Blake look at Alexander confused and Alexander just shaking his head at Blake. “Don’t worry I also don’t like it, but it is just a nickname he gave her before we even met.” And that pulled me out of my thoughts as I narrowed my eyes at Alexander and then looked over at Chin, giving him my attention. “I know you do not like this whole thing, but fate has brought them together and there is nothing that we can do about it.” “You want to bet on that.” I said while giving Blake a death glare. At that moment the door opened up and Ben entered with a tray full of coffee mugs. “Alpha as you requested.” He said while putting the tray down on the table and handing us each a cup. “Thank you Ben,” I said with a smile as he hand me the cup. “It’s my pleasure.” “Scar...” Marcus said from the table. “If I may interject know you are powerful enough to force a rule on them that they are only to be friends until the day of her eighteenth birthday.” I looked at Marcus and then at every one ells. “Scarlet I will not touch your daughter until she is of age you have my word I just want to be able to protect her and be a part of her live, that’s all.” I looked at him with no emotion showing on my face before my eyes landed on Violet, seeing the tears well up in her eyes; I closed my eyes and took in yet another deep breath. “I REALLY don’t like this.” “Okay mom we get it you don’t like this.” She said with irritation in her voice. I looked over at her lifting one of my eyebrows. “Don’ get witty with me young lady.” I said in a low and threatening tone.

“Love you need to know one thing.” I looked up at Alexander waiting to hear what I need to know. “The bond between Blake and Violet has already started to form if you keep them away from each other it will only hurt them and I know you do not want that kind of hurt for Violet so please, think about it.” I sat there for a few minutes looking into Alexander’s eyes trying to find an answer in them but I knew what the solution was. No matter if I like it or not they are fated to each other. So yet again I closed my eyes taking a deep breath and welded my aura to come out. As I opened my eyes I saw every one, excluding Alexander, had their heads bowed. “I Scarlet Rosewood will allow you Violet Rosewood and Blake Corvene to be friends and only friends until Violet.....” I went into silence for a minute contemplating if maybe I should push it to her Twenty-first birthday. As Alexander caught my eye he just gave me sideways glance with his eyebrows lifted. I let out a sigh and spoke further, “Eighteenth birthday, do I make myself clear.” They both said in unison, “Yes Queen Scarlet.” At that I pulled my aura in and they all lifted their heads to look at me and I saw the smile that graced my little girls face. “Thank you mamma,” she said and gave me a hug, which I happily returned.

“Now we get down to my next issue. Can someone please.....explain to me, why are we both mated to Wolf Lycan Hybrids? I thought that the Royal bloodline of the Assassins is always pure?” I asked while looking at everyone in the room as Alexander stood up and started pacing the room, but it was Peter who spoke next. “Well I don’t have any idea about that all the books and legends say that the Assassin Royals are mated to humans to preserve the pure bloodline.” We all went into silence and looked at Alexander pacing thinking hard at what this is all about. All of the sudden he stopped at the window looking over his city as he started to speak. “It is said that the Assassins are the guardians of the humans the link between human and inhumane, so the best position for an Assassin to be is a Royal of the inhumane world.” We all looked at him taking in what he just said as Jax stood up. “It’s true the Council decides on rules but the final decision always comes from the Royals, the King and Queen and nobody can go against their rule and with you two at the head of it all the Royals will be the strongest they have ever been. You can protect the humans much more as a Queen of the inhumane than a Queen of the assassins.” I just closed my eyes shaking my head, “I know you all talk about Royals and me being a Queen, but I can promise you now I am definitely no Queen.”

The next moment Alexander was in front of me taking my hands and pulling me up, with his hands on my back and mine on his chest, he looked deep into my eyes as I see the admiration it holds. “I never want to hear those words leaving your mouth, do you understand me. You are more of a Queen than anyone I have ever known. You care for others more deeply than you have ever cared for yourself. In the face of danger you don’t hide away, you go on the front line of battle and you protect those you love and are loyal to you without thinking twice about it. You are stronger than anyone I have ever know and you can easily get everything the way you want it, but even if things don’t go the way you want it to go, you don’t use that strength to make them change their minds, you listen and you take in everything that everyone says and you base your decision on facts not feelings.” At that moment I was so captivated by him that it was like we were alone in the room, just the two of us and I took his face in my hand as I looked into his eyes, “You have a very kind heart Mr. Corvene, but you give me way to much credit I.” “And then you are modest to what better Queen can I ask for. I let out a sigh putting my arms around his neck and my head in the crook of his neck, taking in his scent as a tear rolls over my cheek.

“Alexander....” “Hmm.” This is all very overwhelming; I mean most of the time I don’t even know what I am doing.” “O love....” He said while pulling my face to look into those gorgeous eyes. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“That is why we are all here to support each other and help where ever we can and together we will make this live better for everyone in it.” I don’t know what happened there but I could not fight against the desire I had for him anymore as my eyes shifted to his mouth and back to his eyes. He leaned in a little more looking between my mouth and eyes and I lifted my chin up to give him the permission he was waiting for and in the next moment I felt his lips against mine. It was so intense at that moment that it felt like fireworks going off in my head and then I felt his tongue over my bottom lip asking me for permission yet again so I parted my lips for him as I felt his tongue enter into my mouth, exploring every inch of my mouth. The kiss was so needy so passionate that I could not help the moan that escape my lips as it felt like my whole body was on fire at that moment. That nothing else matter at that moment only me and him in each other arms.

That’s when we hear the cheers and clapping behind us and Violet screaming, “Finally it is about time.” As we pulled away from each other I could feel my cheeks getting warmer as I was blushing and I had to hide it in his chest as I was to shy facing everyone after what we just did. “You are so adorable you know that.” I look up at him with my eyes narrowed, “This is all, your fault.” He looked at me surprised, “How is this all, my fault?” “You and your damn eyes, that’s how.” “ you like my eyes love, you can look at them as much as you want,” he said with that stupid smirk on his face. I just rolled my eyes at him and turned around when I saw everyone looking at us, some of them saying awe and others just smiling wide at us, well I was blushing so much that it felt my cheeks are going to catch fire. Violet came up to me hugging me tightly, “I am very glad for you mom you have been crying too long.” I looked at her and all I could see and feel was love as I held her against me hugging her right back. “I love you princess so much and that will never change.” “I know mom, but it would be nice to have some siblings.” I looked at her with shock written all over my face, “Well dear I am very sorry to tell you, but that will definitely not be happening anytime soon.” At that everyone started laughing and I was red yet again. Then there was a knock on the door as Ben enters the office. “I am very sorry to interrupt Alpha, but we might have a problem. We all stood there quietly waiting for him to continue. “Somehow word got out about our........two new additions to the family and numerous Alphas’ has been calling asking what is going on and if I know anything about this.” “H...How did they find out?” I looked at Alexander as I asked, but Liam was the one to answer. “Yet again it was your fault Scar.” “How is this my fault.” “You’re little display, in the reception area this morning. You think that people that works here does not have family and friends in other packs and clans?” “But....but didn’t you inform everyone to keep it inside the pack until we decide otherwise?” I asked Alexander again as he looked at me scratching the back of his neck. “I kind of forgot to do that.” “How....How can you forget to do that Alexander? This is on you, you sort it out.” At that I turned around taking my seat and drank my now cold coffee.

Alexander started pacing again, pinching the top of his nose thinking. “Well we knew that we have to reveal you two sooner or later to everyone, so I’m guessing it will be sooner. Send out invitations to all Alphas and Leaders that there will be a grant ball in three days’ time and all will be revealed then.” “I will do that, but who is going to handle the arrangements for the ball?” he asked while looking at me as I looked to Alexander. “O no, don’t even think about that.” Who better to arrange a ball...than the future Queen herself.” “I did not say that I will be your Queen.” I told him with a little bit of panic in my voice. “Love you did not have to say anything, the kiss said it all,” he said giving me a wink and a dazzling smile. “I hate you,” I said while pouting my lips looking like an unhappy child. “I love you to,” as he said that he pulled me up into his arms again, kissing me at the top of my head. “Even if I agree to do that, I don’t even know where to start.” “That is why the Beta female will help you, Ben’s mate.” I looked up at Ben and he just nodded his head agreeing with his Alpha. “Fine I will do it and Violet...” “Yes mom...” “You will help me.” O come on mom, you know that is not my thing.” I looked at her with a stern expression on my face that said do not argue with me. “Fine I will help,” she said while puffing out her cheeks and crossing her arms over her chest. “You are so quiet,” Blake said while smiling at Violet and I gave him the death glare. “What friends can say to other friends that they are quiet?” Rolling my eyes at him and went to sit on the couch as he just gave me a goofy smile like a teenage boy. I must admit, with a face like that you can’t really stay mad at him and I knew with my order I gave nothing more will happen between them. I just had to accept the facts even if it was hard to do, Violet has always been more grown up than other children her age.

All of the sudden the door crashed open and a whirlwind of blond hair came past us jumping into Alexander’s arms. “Hey baby I missed you.” She said in a sweet voice that almost made me gag. As we all watch in silence and shocked at what was happening here. Alexander just stood there in shock not really knowing how to deal with this all of the sudden as she had her hands all over and kissing him on the cheeks. He was bright red in his face and tried to get her hand untangled from him, but I must say it looked like a struggle. “What’s wrong baby you didn’t miss me?” She said with her mouth in a pout and this time it was Violet making a gagging noise. As she turned around and looking at us all. “O hey boys...” Everyone just looked at her with raised eyebrows except for our little stupid Vampire named Jason, “Hey Pricilla how have you been?” he said all excited and innocent, I could not help chuckling at that. They have all become like family these past three days and I feel a little protective of them.

Priscilla then turned to us narrowing her eyes as she asked, “And who are you?” All of them turning to me for waiting for my response, they probably thought that I was going to lose it and go all ape shit on the poor girl. I looked at her giving her my sweetest smile I can muster and said, “O darling don’t mind us we are nobody, please carry on.” I looked over at Alexander and all I got was a look that said what the fuck and I burst out laughing, everyone was looking at me with confusion all over their faces. “Mom...really are you sick or something, you really just going to sit here laughing.” “Princess...he has been without a mate for over a hundred years, I truly doubt it that he was a saint and besides he is a big boy he can handle himself.” I said giving him my most innocent face I could.

It was if Priscilla came out of whatever she was in and noticed the weapons on the table and I saw her sniffing our way. “What is going on here, who are you and what are all these weapons lying on the table.” As she reaches for them I grabbed her hand, “Be careful darling that would sting.” She gave me a glare as she turned to Alexander that was pinching the top of his nose again looking a bit irritated. “Priscilla we need to talk. You see what we had been....well you know it was not permanent and well......Scarlet over there is my second chance mate.” He said while looking as he was really not trying to hurt her feeling too much. I mean everything did happen very quickly. “What....! So you just were going to leave me for this bitch!” “O no darling there is no need for name calling.” And yes I have been calling her darling for a reason. “I am not your darling and if you think that I will let this go without a fight you have another thing coming. “Pricilla that is enough! You can leave now I will speak to you later.” Alexander said using his Alpha tone and her eyes went wide, but she could not disobey him. As she came past me she gave me a glare and said, “This is not over, I will be seeing you.” “Looking forward to it....darling.” I responded with a smirk.

“Well that was....interesting and see what I mean Scarlet? You can’t go a day without a fight.” Drago said while chuckling. Ben cleared his thought to gain our attention, “Alpha the Council is still outside waiting for the meeting.” “O yes tell them to come in we are ready.” “Will do Alpha,” he bowed his head as he left. “Just one more question, isn’t the Alpha and Beta supposed to be like best friends or something?” Violet asked while looking a little confused and I must admitted that I also felt a little confused about the whole thing. “Usually yes they are, but we grow up much differently and well....we did not have contact that much with each other while growing up, so we have a lot of respect for one another, but not really a friendship. We three brothers are basically best friend with each other. Ben is the Beta because his family has been the Beta’s for about six hundred years I think, so yes he was born into it.” Blake replayed as he looked at Violet to see if she understood and she just nodded at him taking it all in.

At that the door open and the Council members started to coming through.

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