As the council members entered the office we all stood up to greet them. Alexander came next to me and Violet, started to introduce us to them. “Scarlet, Violet I would like you to meet Amara she represents the Witches’ and Warlocks,” She was a beautiful woman with long silver hair and purple eyes and well built. You could feel the magical power come of her. “This is Ella she represents the Humans,” She was also soft on the eyes and had long blond hair, blue eyes and wrinkles around the eyes indicating that she smiles a lot. “Next we have Damien he represents the Dragons.” He was a tall and broad man with very strong facial features. His eyes were brown but looked very friendly. “Wyatt represents the Sirens.” He was not as tall but well build with light green/blue eyes. As he greeted us he gave us a dazzling smile as he took our hands kissing them and then wink at me and of course my protective little Alpha let out a growl which made him actually smile even wider as he looked between me and Alexander. “Then we have Aldan he represents the Vampires.” He was tall and lean with fair skin but had cold grey eyes that made me a little uncomfortable. “Then lastly we have Logan he represents the Wolf’s.” Now Logan was handsome with dark hair and eyes and had a sharp chin with some facial hair neatly groomed. As I shook his hand I felt Alexanders hand coming round my waist as he glared Logan’s way, I just smile greeted him and followed everyone to the table.

As we started to sit down I decided to sit between Chin and Violet, but before I could sit Alexander asked me, “Why are you sitting there?” As I looked a little confused about the question he went on, “Your place is here next to me.” That is when I decide that he needs to earn that right from me for me to grace him with my presence. “No Alexander, I will sit next to you when you have proven yourself worthy of me, until then I am very happy here, thank you.” All eyes were on us and I could see confusion on the council members faces. Alexander cleared his throat gaining all our attention. “As you all know you are here because of the incident that happened at the Blood Moon Pack. So you all met Scarlet and Violet which we all know is the legendary Assassins, but one thing you don’t know but should know before you speak to them is that Scarlett is my second chance mate and Violet is Blake’s fated mate.” He said that with an underlining threat in is voice. I could hear the council members taking in a sharp breath as they looked to us in wonder. I really don’t know if that was a good thing or bad. “So let me get this straight you are the strongest and most powerful inhumane that we knew about and now you have an Assassin, which is said to be stronger than even you, as a Queen.” Logan pointed out. “Is there something that I need to know Logan.” Alexander asked while glaring at Logan. “No just putting it out there,” he said with a smirk on his face that irritated the hell out of me. I knew he was up to something as I could feel it in my bones and just as that thought come Aldan stood up. “I mean no disrespect King but we need to make sure what you say is true, because if this is true the Royal family will be untouchable especially if you have children.” “I am sorry but you guys are talking like this is a bad thing the union between me and Alexander. Has he been treating you unfairly or are you afraid that being what I am will change his mind about Human laws, because if that is what you are afraid of rest assure the laws surrounding humans will change not because I am mated to him but because I will intervene if any, I mean any human is being treated unfairly.” With that said I pushed my aura out a little just so that they get a taste of what I may be capable of and then turn to Ella that had a smile on her face and I am sure she is grateful for the support. Chinn leaned into my ear as he whisper, “Baby girl now is not the time calm yourself.” I just gave him a sharp look as I am on my last nerve with everything that happen today and I knew the only thing that would really calm me down is Alexanders scent, so I stood up and as if he was reading my mind he stood up as well and embrace me in his arms as I put my head in the crook of his neck inhaling his scent he whisper sweet nothings into my ear making me calm. After a moment we separated looking into each other eyes, “You fine now love?” he asked with a smile on his face clearly enjoying that I need him. I just nod as we took our seats this time I took the seat next to him as he turn to face Amara. “Amara is there anything we can do to put their minds at rest?” He asked while glaring at the two men making them squirm a little in their seats. “Well there are two ways to test the theory, for the first one I will need a golden plate and the ceremonial knife from the Royals, then you two will have to use it to cut each other right above the heart, just a small cut so that we can get a little of your blood to see if it will merge with each other or not. If it does merge then you two are fated if it doesn’t well then you know....and the second one is we wait and see if you get pregnant as the Assassins can only get pregnant with their fated mates. I don’t know why but I was instantly crimson red at those words and everyone started laughing except for the council of course. I gave them all a glare and they quite down. “Liam please will you go fetch the knife by the elder and a golden plate?” Alexander asked him, he nodded and left the office. So while we wait is there something more that we need to address and I knew exactly what was to come. “Yes the incident at the Blood Moon Pack, they have broken a rule and needs to stand trial in front of the Council.” As those words left Aldan’s mouth Alexander and Blake let out growls so load and powerful that it felt like the whole building was shaking, making everyone bow their heads except of course Violet and I as our power matches theirs. I took Alexanders chin and turned his head to me to look him in the eyes and instantly he took me into his lap burying his head in the crook of my neck and then I saw Blake leaning over to Violet’s hand as he kissed the back and took in her scent to calm himself. That is when I realize what Liam told me it takes a lot more to calm Alexander as he is stronger than both his brothers. After a few minutes I returned to my seat and look all of them in the eye and said, “Hopefully this will be the last time I say this, we as assassins do not fall under your rules do you understand me. We are there to look over the humans and if a human is taken without their consent and of free will we will intervene and take the threat away by any means possible.” “You are part of the inhumane world you fall under the rules,” Logan said in a calm voice not wanting it to make it sound like a threat. “No we are more human than inhumane that is why we are said to be the link between the two.” He just nodded at that and Alexander looked at them and ask, “So is this problem sorted out now?” Everyone nodded their heads but I received a glare from Aldan and something is telling me that he is going to be a pain in my......neck. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Then Liam entered the office with everything that was asked for. Amara stood as did we and took the plate and knife from Liam. “Okay you two stand here and take the knife and just make a small cut right over the heart.” As Alexander took the knife I turned so that my back was facing everyone and the windows as I lifted my shirt up for him. His eyes turned instantly darker and I could see the internal battle he was busy with, after a minute or two his eyes turned back to their natural colour and he brought the knife closer. As he was making the small cut I bit down on my lip not wanting to make a sound as it will only make him nervous. Then Amara brought the plate closer and hold it against the cut so that some of my blood will go into the plate. After that Alexander took a napkin and cleaned the blood of and put a plaster over that I guess Liam brought with as he know I do not heal as fast. Then I took the knife from Alexander and he lifted up his shirt, not being able to help myself I started to admire his beautiful sculpted body. “You like what you see love he asked with that smirk on his face and I had to tease him a little, “Nah I have seen better.” While smiling and winking at him I earning myself a little growl from my wolf. I then made the little cut and Amara brought the plate closer to him, after that I took the napkin and wiped the blood of as his cut already heal. Then Amara put the plate down in front of her on the table as she chanted a spell in Latin, as soon as she open her eyes the blood started towards each other and fused together, but what happen next none of us knew would happen as a bright light came from it and as soon as it vanished there was a picture formed with our blood a woman and wolf standing together with crowns on their heads. All of us look at it with surprised expressions on our faces. “Well if anyone had doubts that they are fated to each other, I believe that it will be gone now,” Damien said while looking at the other two. We took our seats again and looked at everyone, most of them had smiles on the face except for Logan and Aldon that looked like they were deep in thought, but came out of it as soon as Damien started to speak again. “So I am guessing that there are some rules that you would want to change?” I looked over at Alexander for confirmation as he just gave me a nod and a smile. “I would like to make one rule that whenever it is rouges attacking humans the nabour clans, covens and packs are aloud to kill them if they can’t capture them without them attacking first and if one of the clans, covens or packs kills a human unfairly they would be brought in front of the council for trial. How does that sound? I asked while keeping every ones stairs. “In all fairness Scarlet, but then they will just start killing rogues saying that they have taken a human life and as you know not all rogues are bad.” Logan said. “I will know when a human life is in danger or not as....” Before I could finish Aldan interrupted me, “So what you are all seeing now?” As he said that it took everything in me not to launch at him as I placed my hand in Alexander’s hand to calm him down and myself as well as I look at Aldan with my one eyebrow lifted. “No Aldan I am not all seeing but I do get visions whenever a human is in danger from an inhumane even if it is only one human, that is how we knew there was trouble at the Blood Moon Pack.” As everyone sat in silence looking at us Alexander asked if there was anything ells and that is when Drago spoke. “Amara what did you do when you put that curse on the Queen all those years ago, because Scarlet and young Violet’s power and strength are far more that what the Queen had.” All of us looked at him confused at the question he asked. “How do you mean there power is stronger?” Ella asked him. “Well most of you know that I was befriended with the old Queen and I knew the power she possess, but Scarlet and as young as Violet is they are exceeding the old Queens power.” “I think you are overreacting a little there Drago and what is the Elites in any case doing sitting in a Council meeting and those two? Aldan asked as he pointed at Chin and Peter. That was it, he kept speaking out of place and I just lost it and my aura came out of me like a whirlwind as my passions reached its peak forcing everyone out of their chairs and bowing on the ground with their foreheads touching the ground except for Violet having a smile on her face as she feels my aura around her as if hugging her and the three Corvene brothers was strong enough not to have to go to the ground, but even they had their heads bowed. I felt someone struggling against me and then I saw Alexander as he try to fight and lift his head up and that broke me out of it as I started to try and calm myself enough to put my head in the crook of his neck once again. Once I was fully calm down everyone was allowed to stand as the Elites looked at me with pride in their eyes but the Council I saw a little fear and hatred from Aldan of course. Amara came to me asking for my hand and as soon as I placed in hers she closed her eyes and I felt a cold shiver running down my spine and when she open her eyes I saw admiration and surprise in them. “The only reason I can think of is that it is because the gene was so long dormant that it somehow grew in strength, but other than that I have no idea.” She said while letting go of my hand. Alexander then stood up and said, “Well if there is nothing more I think this meeting is over, you all may go.” As the council members stood up and started to leave for the doors, “O and Council members please get use to the Elites being in the meeting as they go out and risked their lives for battles we send them to,” Alexander said in his Alpha voice so that no one can disobey or argue against him.

As soon as the council left Violet stood up looking at me, “Mom can we please get something to eat now, I’m like dying right now. I let out a chuckle as I answer, “Yes princess we can go and get something to eat, I can also do with some food and relaxation. “Everyone loves pizza here? Alexander suddenly asked. All of us said in unison yes. “Great I know just the place.” As we all stood up to leave the office Violet and I had to take our weapons that was still lying on the table. Alexander just looked at us when he went to his bookshelf opening a secret door and told us we can leave our weapons in there until later. So we did as he said and we were off.

Right across from the office building was a small and homey restaurant which apparently sold great pizza’s, so as we enter everyone that was busy inside stop and stare at us and I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. “Does everyone always do that when you enter a building?” looked at Alexander as I asked him and he just gave me smile. “They are not staring at me they are staring at all of us; it is the first time that they see all of us together. We as brothers goes out sometimes, but it is the first time that the Elites and you four are with us, so they are probably just curious that’s all. As we sat down I looked over at my new family and smiled, “Well I don’t think that I will be able to go one day without see all of you as you have become like a family to us in these last few days.” “O...Scar we love you to.” Jason said while very dramatically hold his hand to his heart. And we all just laugh and had a great time being together.

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