After our little dinner Alexander stood up and took my hand. “It’s time love.” I looked at him in confusion, “Time for what? “Time for you meet the residence of the city of course.” All of the sudden I felt tired and really not in the mood for more introductions and questions and just.......people, I wanted to go home curl up on the couch with a cup of coffee and just watch a movie or something. “I’m sorry love I know but the people are already at the stadium waiting for us.” That is when I notice that we were the only ones left in the little diner except for our waiter. With a big sigh I let him help me up and followed him to the SUV.

As we entered the stadium I felt Violet taking my hand and looking around, all eyes was on us and I also wasn’t a big fan of this. In the center of the stadium was a little makeshift stage were Alexander went up and silenced all the whispering and then I caught the glare of the blond and I could not help it, but I gave her a smile and a little wave, which made Violet and the rest of the guys chuckle a little, making Alexander turn around and give us a playful glare. As he cleared his throat again, I thought to myself that his throat must be in so much pain with all this clearing and growling.

“Good evening everyone,” he started to speak in his all so powerful voice that would make many women’s knees weak. “I thank you for making time to come here and meet our two new residents in the city.” I gave Alexander a glare that would make people want to pee their pants, but of course not he was the big and powerful king. I would love to kick his ass, he knew we did not decide to stay here we just came to meet everyone and then return home until I have fully accepted him, which by the why he is making very hard for me to do right now. As if I am not affecting him at all he went on, “It has been over 600 years since we last saw Assassins among us...” Just there some already knew who we are as I felt all there gazes on me and Violet and I could feel the unease in her, so I did what I do best I took her closer to me as I pushed my aura out making everyone divert their eyes from us. We were tired and wanted to go home, we had enough shit for one day I really can’t think why he would want to do this now. Chin and Peter came up from behind us, “Now is definitely not the time Baby girl.” There closeness was actually enough this time to make me calm down, but I still kept my aura out still don’t want them all staring at us. “They have been a great part of our society, but then there was the tragedy, I have wished so many times that I could go back in time to change it as it had evicted a lot off us in not so good way, but that is impossible. So we made new ways to keep everyone safe and to help where we could, but even with all of us we could not stop everyone who did wrong and over the years it was humans who had paid a heavy price in this, but tonight I would like to welcome back into our society the long lost Assassins. The curse has been broken.” Alexander said as his hand came to me to help us up on stage. Holding onto Violets hand I took his and went up onto the stage. “Is everything okay love?” He whispered in my ear, probably only catching on now that I am irritated with him. “We will talk later,” is all I said and started to pull back my aura as it would be rude of me to not allow them to look at us. “Please everyone help me in welcoming Scarlet Queen of the Assassins and Princess Violet.” You could hear the cheers of people glad to see that we are once again joining their community and then there were some that gave us glares as if we were the worst thing that could happen to them, but we did not pay much attention to them as we knew that there will be haters out there. All of the sudden the Hunters in the community came down in front of the stage kneeling down on one knee and lowering their heads to show respect. I could feel the pride of this coming from Alexander, but it made me feel uncomfortable as I would not bow down to anyone so why must they to me. I step of the stage to go in front of them knowing all eyes is one me but did not care at all. “Please guys stand up, you don’t ever have to do that I am just a worrier like you, so please.” They all stood up and a tall beautiful girl came to me and I could see that she was the leader of the group. “We are sorry for that we just wanted to show our respect and wanted you to know how glad we are in having the assassins back. We have groups all over the world trying to help humans, but it is not as easy as it sounds.” As she spoke I wondered to myself when last she actually help a human as they took up residence here. “I thank you for that, but there is no need to ever bow to us.” She gave me a nod and returned back to the others.

As I made my way to the stage the first question came from the crowd and I knew that voice...Pricilla. “How many of you are back now since the curse was broken?” Before Alexander could answer I took his hand signalling that it is fine I will take the lead on this, as he looked down at me he gave me that breathtaking smile and nodded. “We are the only two left of the bloodline.” I answered, as she snickers at that. “But rest assure we are more than capable of protecting the humans.” I looked at her with a glare that she could not hold and started to look everywhere else except at me. “You were the two that took those Vampires out at the Blood Moon Pack, weren’t you?” the next question came. “Yes we were there that day and we did what we had to do, to protect everyone.” I saw some looking proud of it and some thinking hard, probably about the stupid law that was in place at that stage. “Why did you wait so long before revealing yourself to the inhumane world?” another person asked and I could hear Priscilla snickering while talking to the girl next to her, “Probably too scared she might get a scratch or break a nail.” I looked at her but decided to just let it go and get this night over with. “The curse was only broken a little over four years ago and during that time we started to learn about this world and of course we had to train as we were new to all of this. Thanks to Chin and Peter who trained us we have become what we needed to be.” “I bet you did a couple of man stealing sluts.” Priscilla exclaimed and before I could react to that Violet was already in front of her grabbing her by the throat and throw her to the middle of the field. Alexander gave me a look as if asking me to stop this and I just said, “Don’t look at me like that she has disrespected us enough.” “It is not what I am asking I just don’t want Violet to get hurt that’s all.” “Don’t worry she is not as fragile as she looks.” As I made eye contact with Violet I gave her a nod, stating that I support what she is about to do. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“You want a piece of me little girl?” I heard Pricilla ask and Violet just gave her a smile as she said, “O darling I don’t just want a piece.” I just chuckled knowing she used that word on purpose, as I caught the movement of Blake in the corner of my eye and took his arm before he could get of the stage. “Don’t...she can handle this.” He looked at me with a little doubt in his eyes, but stood still next to me nonetheless. That is when Pricilla launched for Violet and at the last moment Violet took a side step making Pricilla go past her and kick Priscilla behind the knee making her fall to the ground, but Priscilla was fast and was in front of Violet in seconds and send a fist to Violets face. Violet countered the move by landing her fist straight on Priscilla’s fist and that is when they started to exchanging hits. Violet landed a few good punches to Priscilla’s ribs and face, but she made a calculation error and Priscilla landed a right hook to Violets jaw sending her back a few steps. I heard a muffled growl leaving Blake’s chest and I knew he was fighting his counterparts for a change. Then I hear bones cracking and as I look back I saw Priscilla now in her wolf form and I must admit she was not ugly at all she had golden brown fur, she wasn’t as big as Liam was but she was big enough to look Violet straight in the eye.

Violet took a defensive stand and waited for the wolf to attack. As soon as the wolf came close to Violet she jumped into the air as we all expected she would do and Violet ducked down hit her in the ribs and I could hear a cracking noise and I knew some ribs were broken. As the wolf landed she turned and charges again to Violet and that is when I saw Violet making a mistake to think she is going to jump again. At the last moment Violet realized she made a mistake and put her arm in the way of her throat as the wolf went for it and she bit down on Violet’s arm and started to shake her head as to try and pull her arm off. I caught Blake’s arm again as he was about to run and help. Violet pulled her arm out of the wolf’s mouth and it was bleeding a lot. As the wolf went for her again, Violet hit her other fist to the ground sending a sort of shock wave out, throwing the wolf to the other side of the stadium against the wall making the wall crack and making everyone to sit down as the wave went through the crowd. I wanted to push my aura out to help her, but I knew it would be unfair as this was her fight she had to learn from it. As the wolf came at her once again she readied herself and when the wolf was near her she jumped on the wolf’s back and put her arm around the wolf’s neck and pushing her legs down on the wolf’s ribs braking the ribs in the process and then it was over. The wolf fell to the ground whimpering at the pain, but Violet did not release her as she turned back into a very naked Pricilla. “Enough...!” I said out loud and Violet nodded at me and got off Pricilla and it was quiet for a few seconds everyone just watching and the next moment there was cheers coming from everywhere and people clapping and whistling. As if snapping out of a trance Blake suddenly jumped of the stage running towards Violet and then it was quiet again as they watch Blake approaching Violet probably thinking that he is going to hurt her, but he grab Violet and pulled her into a hug as he put his head in the crook of her neck making her winch a little from the pain. When he pulled away he looked her in the eyes and then at her arm taking his shirt off to bind her arm so that she would not bleed so much and I pushed my aura out letting it hug her and help her heal faster as she looked at me with a tired but big smile.

“Is there anyone else that would like to challenge the Assassins?” Alexander’s voice boomed over the crowd as he asked, but to my relief no one came forward. As Blake lifted Violet into his arms and carried her bridal style to the stage one of Alexander’s pack leaders spoke. “Sorry Alpha I was just wondering if the young lady was Prince’s mate as he look quite fond of her?” I knew someone would pick up on it sooner or later or that word will spread as the council also knew the truth. “Yes they are fate mates.” Alexander confirmed and the crowd started cheering again, “Our Prince has found his mate,” I heard some of them scream and saw Violet smiling at him as he gave her a kiss on the top of her head. Alexander then looked at me as to ask permission and I knew I could not say no to him any longer as he was the Alpha and his pack had the right to know, so I took his hand in mine and smiled. That was all he needed as he made the announcement that told me that we will never be going back home as this will become our home. “My fellow pack members and the rest of the residents of the city....” everyone went quite once again and all eyes were on Alexander. “I have also found my second chance mate....” Everyone looked between him and me as they could already see where he was going with this. “I would like to introduce to you my second chance mate and your future Luna and Queen.....Scarlet Rosewood.” He looked at me and I saw the sparkle in his eyes as he bend down and took me into his arms and kissed me. Now just let me say....what a legs was actually going numb underneath me and if it was not for Alexander holding me I would have surely fallen. The crowd was silent for a moment but then again cheers and screams came from the crowd showing how happy they were that their Alpha has found a mate once again.

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