The next morning was busy as Alice and I started to look at the arrangements for the ball which should be in three days, I am still swearing Alexander in my head for giving this over to me. I am a worrier not an event manager, what the hell. But the time was flying and soon it was noon and it was time for some training again, but this time it is with the Elites and I was actually excited for it.

Violet and I enter into the clearing in the forest where we will be training and was met by Chin and Peter and the rest of the guys all smiling brightly, probably just as happy as we are to get some training done. “So girls you will have to be awake and all senses heighten for this to work. You have to concentrate on the battle and on the guys next to you so that you don’t hit each other by accident and of course look out for Jax and his roots.” We nodded to him and as we look to our right a group of the pack’s best worriers came into the clearing, there was about hundreds of them only dressed in there training pants and oh my was that a sight to behold. “Princess, Baby Girl please put your weapons to the side, we don’t want to kill anybody just train. You will be able to use your abilities in hand to hand combat.” On the side we hear Peter saying, “And please don’t kill anyone.” I just looked at the crowd and smiled as I said, “We will try our best.” As we went to set our weapons on the side I hear one of the guys say, “as if I will get my ass kick by a chick.” Liam let out a growl silencing everyone and glared at the guy as if he would rip his head off at any moment. I went next to him putting my hand on his shoulder so that he would relax a bit and told him that I would take care of the guy. He just nodded at me not taking his eyes of the poor guy that was struggling against his Alpha aura.

As we started to get ready to fight, I notice that the guy’s made a line on both of our sides ready to get this on and I could almost taste the excitement coming of Violet as she let her aura out around her and I did the same so that they would link with each other. I looked at her and winked and then we started.

All our senses was awake and I loved the feeling of letting my muscles exercise for a bit it has been too long, but the roots that jump out of the ground all the sudden did startle me a bit not expecting it to happen. As we ran into the group of guys my eyes was set on the one that make that shitty comment and I will make him regret it. When I came near him, he was already preparing to hit me straight in the chest, but I dodge him and hit him on his side as he came past me making him winch a little in pain. I was holding back on my strength as I don’t want to kill him, but I must admit I wasn’t holding back much. As we turned to face each other again I was startled by the root shooting up next to me and he used my distraction to his advantage and hit my right on the jaw send me back a few paces. Dam he was strong, but I steadied myself in no time and as he came at me again I jumped up over him and landed a punch to his kidney sending him forward. In an instant he was in his wolf form and I knew he felt threatened by me, He launched at me baring his canines and I shifted at the last moment to my side hitting him on his snout as he turned very quickly he bit down on my leg. I was really not expecting that and I laid a few punches to his face so that he would let go. I then ran towards him and jumped on top of him and just pushed my legs closer so that his rips will crack and that is when he submitted to me. I must say I was a little disappointed with the quick submission I got from his wolf I was expecting more, but I had no time to think of it as others came towards me ready for a fight. We went back and forth with punches and I misread some of the locations where the roots will come up and a few of them hit me really hard. This was very overwhelming not being use to have my senses all over the place like this and I saw Violet also got hit a few times, but at the end we did it...all of them gave up and together with the Elites we stood victorious.

“O Baby girl look at you Alexander is going to have my head.” Chin said while looking at my injuries. “I don’t look that bad.” “Mom you need a mirror you look horrible.” “O why thank you for the compliments princess, you don’t look any better yourself.” “I know some of the roots got me a little there.” Violet stated while looking at her own cuts. Jax came closer as we were talking and Chin started to clean some of our wounds, but luckily as we got stronger our healing abilities also got faster so no stitches needed, but some of the bruises will take time to heal. “I am so sorry guys I was really trying my best not to hit you, but you are so fast it was kind of hard to anticipate your moves.” Jax said while hanging his head and I notice that the guys were in much better condition than we were. “Don’t worry about it, we have to be alerted enough to sense the roots before they come up, in a real fight you would not be able to concentrate on us it will put your live in danger. So please don’t stress about it we will learn and get better.” At that he gave me a big smile and left to go and help some of the guys that was still lying on the ground. Then the guy that made that shitty comment came up to me stretching his hand out. “My name is Roman and I must say you are stronger than I suspected, you will make a fine Luna,” and he bowed his head. I took his hand and shook it, “and you are a fine worrier, you had me going there for a moment.” “Thank you Luna, I will practice harder maybe someday we can have a rematch.” I stood there a moment not knowing how to react at being called Luna and I don’t think I like it very much. “Please call me Scar and I am looking forward to that rematch.” He then gave me a wink and walked away. “Did that little mongrel just winked at you I will have his head for disrespecting you like that,” my little Jason said behind me but I caught him before he could grab the guy and told him to let it go and that it was nothing to worry about. Liam come from behind me and said, “I don’t think my brother will feel the same about that.” “And he will never know okay guys.” They all just smiled at us and agreed that we keep what happens on the battlefield between us. “But you need to get used to being called Luna you know, Alexander won’t have anyone disrespecting you.” “No need to worry Drago I can handle him.” Marcus started to laugh at my side and looked at me, “O you have no idea what you are in for, he is not the King for nothing.” I knew he was right, there is still so much that we have to learn about each other it is frightening, but I am sure I will be able to handle him.

As we enter his apartment I was hoping that Alexander will not be there to see how we looked as I know he will freak out, but yet again fate hated me and there he was rooted on the spot with his phone to his ear looking us up and down and I saw his eyes started to turn darker the longer he stood there. I walked closer to him trying to look as if every step I took did not hurt as my mussels fight against every move I made. It has surely been a while since I had exercise like that. He put his phone down and looked murders at poor Liam. “I am going to kill you all, look at them I thought you were training, not trying to kill them!” “O please Alexander just calm down, we are fine.” “ call this fine!!” “Don’t...! Raise your voice at me. We get hurt during training so we can learn from our mistakes so that we can be ready when we have to go into a battle.” “You will not....” “Don’t finish that sentence, we have talked about this and I will not be told what I can and cannot do. Do I make myself clear?” I said without taking my eyes of him if I back down now I will regret it. He needs to know that I will not back down from him. I am his mate his other half, I am equal to him. The faster he learns that the better for all of us. He looked down releasing a breath and took me into his arms taking in my scent and I had to bite down on my lip to hold back the scream of pain as he was pressing down on my bruises. “I am sorry love. I...I just don’t like seeing you hurt that’s all.” “I know as I am sure I wouldn’t like seeing you hurt, but it is a part of our lives and we will just need to learn and adapt to it.” He then pulled away from me and I was grateful for the release as he step toward Violet and started to check her out raising her arms and looking everywhere like a concern father will do and my heart swelled at the site he really is accepting us as his new family. Then I felt his aura and it was murderess once again as he kept looking at Violets wounds. “Papa Alexander please stop it will heal, I am okay I promise.” I don’t know who got a bigger fright from Violets words me or Alexander. As she look at our shocked faces she burst out into laughter and winched a little at the pain. “You should see your faces priceless I tell you priceless.” Is all she said as she pass us going up to her room leaving us both staring at her back. “Did she just....did I hear her correctly?” “I think so....” I replayed looking shocked at Alexander trying to wrap my mind around what just happen. How can she accept him so fast and easy, maybe it is because she is so young or maybe it is because he is worried about her just like her father was, or maybe....or maybe I am just overthinking again. I really need a shower to relax and a little bit of alcohol would not hurt. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

After my very long and relaxing shower I came down to the kitchen and saw Violet and Alexander. Violet was sitting at the island and Alexander was busy make us dinner, they were chatting like they knew each other their entire lives and it made me smile, I love the way she was so happy now and I would not trade it for anything. After a few glasses of wine and dinner I was ready to go and get much needed sleep, but once in bed I could not get my brain to shut down. I was busy replaying everything over and over in my head trying to find a way to better sense those dam roots before they jump up out of the ground.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door and Alexander poked his head through. “Mind if I sit with you for while?” “Not at all...” I said while shifting up a little for him to climb in next to me “So how do you feel?” “O well like I have been hit by a train nothing serious though.” I replayed chuckling a little. “Want to play twenty questions?” “How about you tell me something true?” “Something true you say...hmmm let me think,” he said while scratching his chin. “I am deeply and madly in love with you already,” he said as he laid a kiss on my lips “O come on not that, something that no one knows about you.” “O okay sometimes I dream in black and white.” “Are you being serious right now?” “Yes I don’t know why but it just happens.” “Really that is your secret, you dream in black and white.” “Sometimes....yes.” I just chuckled at that knowing I am probably not going to get anything juicier out of him. “Now you...why don’t you tell me something true.” “Well I am an open book what you see is what you get.” “O come on you are very mysterious, there must be something.” I lowered my eyes looking at my hand not really knowing how much I would want him to know. “Well....I love to push see how far they would go, where their limits are.” “ which aspect?” He asked me while raising his eyebrow at me. “Would you like to know?” I said while giving him a cheeky smile. He chuckled a little taking my face in his two hands kissing me so passionately it felt like I was going to faint. When he pulled away we were both breathing hard trying to catch our breaths. I lay down on his chest and asked him, “Alexander....?” “Hmmm...” Was the only response I got while he was playing with my hair. “Tell me a story?” “What story would you like to hear?” “Anything you will like me to know.” “Once upon a time there was a handsome King that was looking for a strong and courageous Queen to stand by him and help him rule over his kingdom. There was a lot of lovely young ladies that would have given anything to be by his side, but none of them would stay if they knew what he had to do when he was younger, of all the blood that spilled for him to be where he is today.” As he said that I wasn’t scared of it at all, as I know what he had to go through as a young man and no one can get the status he had for shaking hands and smiling. I knew he had some hard choices to make and yes he did make some mistakes but then again who hasn’t. I tighten my arms around him to let him know I don’t blame him for anything that he had to do and that he can trust in me. “Then one day he went on a mission and he saw the most beautiful woman in the world and he could not stop staring at her as she stole his heart right away. She was strong and hard headed, but he knew that he needed her and that he will stop at nothing to get her.....,” that was the last I heard before I fell into a deep sleep.

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