So it was the day off the Grand ball and Alice the Beta female took me and Violet out to the spa so that we could get much needed relaxation. As I was lying on the messaging table I start to think about everything that happened over the three days. Everything’s happening so fast my head is really spinning; at least things between me and Alexander were going slower. Which also frustrated me as the pull was getting so much stronger, it was starting to get very hard to resist him, but was I ready for this, was I ready to say goodbye to my old live in total and take on the new one. I just didn’t know, my head and feelings have been a mess, I need to figure this out or I will go crazy.

In the three days that passed Alice and I was busy with the arrangements for the ball spending countless of hours on the internet searching for ideas for the ball. We finally had an idea of what we want and how everything would look so we went to the shops to get everything and of course dragged all the guys with us so that they can help carrying the things we buy. Which was a good idea as Ben and the rest of the guys started to form a real friendship and it was wonderful to see them together not in a formal way, but in a goofy friendly teasing way. Between all that, we also had training with Chin and Peter and the Elites. That was brutal learning how they move, when to go where and of course how Jax’s use the roots when he is in a battle, so that we will not get hurt and be able to use it to our advantage. It was difficult at first, Violet and I had the bruises to show for that, but I think we pretty much got the hang of it now.

As for me and Alexander it has been a wild roller-coaster, we are either at each other’s throats or kissing each other senseless, but being the perfect gentlemen that he is he will always warn me when his coming to the point where he won’t be able to stop if we go on further. And that is just it......sometimes I am grateful that he does that and other times I wish he will just keep his mouth shut and carry me into total bliss. I know he does it to respect me but what the hell we can deal with it after much later, but NO....he must always bring me back to my senses. I am not a stone you know I also have needs and O mi when he kisses me it is like the whole world just disappears, all my worries, all my stress just poof...and it is gone. His lips are so soft and his body so-so hard, I can melt into him with just a single touch. Most of the time after we made out like two teenagers just discovering they have hormones, I have to go and take a shower as my body is all haywire and the only thing that I can think off is him in my bed. can everything be so difficult why can’t I just let go and fully accept him as mine, what is wrong with me? S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Then there is Violet and Blake, they have become good friends over the past three days and have bonded very well. They are either busy with those internet gaming, or watching a movie, or outside battling against one another, but they are never alone one of the guys are always with them and Violet is starting school again on Monday that will at least put well needed distance between the two of them. As I am sure that Blake also needs to return to his duties in the city.

Then I hear Alice calling me pulling me out of my thoughts. “Hey Scar we need to go and do our hair and makeup now.” “I don’t want to, my body so relaxed now I just want to fall asleep please.” “Nope,” she said while popping the “P” at the end and I know by experience there is no arguing with her she always wins. So I got up putting my robe on and head after them to get our hair and makeup done. After a long day at the spa we were finally ready to go and meet the guys by the cars. I was dressed in a red silk ball gown, with an open back and spaghetti straps that lined across my back and it hugged all my curves at the right places and loosen up just above my knee to the ground. My hair was straight down my back and my makeup was done a little darker that usually giving me smokey eyes. Violet was dressed in a white gown that was off the shoulder with a heart shape neckline that hugged her middle then came out into a princess ball gown. It was decorated with gold embroidery and it looked breathtaking on her as her hair was styled into curls on the top of her head with a few strands framing her face and her makeup was very natural. Then there was Alice, she had on a strapless mint green dress with white flower embroidery on it and it also hugged her middle and then came out like a princess ball gown. Her blond hair was up into an elegant bun and her makeup was done very natural, she had a heart shape face and a very kind smile making you instantly relax when you see it. They both looked so beautiful I almost started to cry. “O crying you will ruin your makeup mom.” “But you look so gorgeous and it is your first little princess.” “Mom seriously, please don’t, I am not little girl anymore.” “But you will always be my little baby.” I said while pouting at her. “This is going to be a long night,” she said while shaking her head and Alice just laughed at us.

As we came out of the spa dressed for success all three heads snapped to us and everything was silent as they took in how we looked. Alexander took two big steps and was right in front of me as he took my hand and kissed it. “You look breathtaking my love,” he said as his eyes turned a shade darker and I could swear that I saw lust in them as he looked me up and down. “You look not to bad yourself Mr. Corvene.” And he did look mouth watering, panting dropping hot, in that suit with his hair neatly styled and those eyes, o my those silver eyes....I am sure I was about to actually drool as I was checking him out. As our eyes meet yet again my cheeks started to heat up as he smiled that.....I know what you did smile. “Shall we?” he asked as he was showing with his one hand to the car and the other one was still holding my hand. I just nodded and we headed to the SUV’s.

Once at the building in front of the massive doors leading into the ballroom Alexander looked at me and asked, “Are you ready love?” “Ready when you are.” I replayed. As the doors open up I could feel all the eyes on us as everyone turned to see who was entering and as the King I guess he had to make a big deal if entering a place like this. We went down the stairs so elegantly it felt like I was flying and once at the bottom everyone stepped away to make a path for us so that we can go and stand in front of them all. It was so silent that it was almost creepy as no one took their eyes off us. Once we were in front Alexander started to greet everyone as I was looking at all the High rankers and Alpha’s of all the packs, clans and covens in the world and I was surprised to see how many there were. There were at least over two hundred Alpha’s and leaders in the room.

“Good evening everyone and welcome to my home I hope that everything is to your liking and that you will enjoy your stay here with us. I know you are all here for one reason and that is to find out about our new residents. Without further ado I would like to introduce to you my second change mate Scarlett Rosewood and Blake’s mate Violet Rosewood.” As he said our names I could hear some of the whispering going around. “O please I would make a much better queen that she will ever be.” “Now what makes them so special so that we had to come all the way here?” “They want to tell me a woman and child defeated that entire group of Vamp’s....please.” I know that Violet heard it as her anger was rising and it pushed me into a defensive act as I don’t want my daughter to get upset at her first ball. So I wielded my aura out so that everyone stop talking and stared wide eye at us as I make sure they can feel the strength coming from us. Alexander took me by my waist as he pulled me closer to him whispering in my ear. “Calm down love I can handle this.” As he turned he started to address everyone again, but being as stubborn as I am I refused to pull my aura in. “Everyone I am sure by now some of our Elders have figure it out how special these two are. Yes it is true the curse that Amara have put on the Assassin Queen over 600 years ago has been broken. I welcome back into our society the Legendary Assassins....Scarlet and Violet.” As he said that I felt the pride radiant from him and we could hear people gasping while looking at us. “Love....,” he whispered in my ear again. “With you aura dominating as it is it’s making it difficult for them to speak.” “I think there are some of them that I rather not hear speaking.” “Well now that is not very Queen like off you.” He said with amusement in his voice. “I never said I was a Queen, you did.” He just gave me a stern look and I sigh knowing that I will not win this one. “Fine....,” I said while pulling my aura back and all the whispering started again.

“Please if there is any questions do not hesitate to ask we will gladly answer them all.” I looked at Alexander shooting daggers at him with my eyes as he said that. I am really in no mood from more questions they can ask the Council if they want to know anything, why us. I looked over at Violet and saw that she lost her smile as I pulled her closer to me and kiss her on the top of her head whispering in her ear, “I’m sorry princess this will all be over soon and then we will dance the night away.” “You promise?” “I promise.” Her smile was back again and now to get this over and done with, before my thought was over the first question came from, what I can sense is a witch. “King no disrespect but how can we be sure that you are fated to the lovely lady and how do we know they are of the Assassins bloodline?” before Alexander could answer Amara started to speak. “Please rests assure that the council has conducted the necessary test to confirm that they are fated to each other and for the bloodline....well you felt her aura it is of ancient power and it is as pure as freshly fallen snow. There is no doubt that they are Assassins.” Some people looked at us in awe and some in surprise, while other in discuss. “O joy this is going to be fun,” I said in a whisper to Alexander and with as much sarcasm as I could. “Remember love over half these people that is here has never met an Assassin so there will be doubt.” I just rolled my eyes looking back at everyone waiting for the next question. “I guess if she is your mate then there will be a coronation ball held for the new Queen to take her place next to you and a mating ceremony.” At that I felt the blood drain from my face more events more ball’s o please no.

“Yes there will be, but all in good time.” Is all he answer them and I wanted to punch him right there and then. As a young Alpha said to his partner, but loud enough for all of us to hear, “I haven’t even heard about this...curs.” “And you’re an idiot.” I heard Violet replay under her breath and I had to bite my bottom lip to help me not to laugh, but I am sure everyone heard that, as there were some of them chuckling at this and the young man glaring at Violet, but before I could react Blake growled at him and he averted his eyes. “Well young one...” Drago said to him, “The curse is, there will come a day when heart break has been felt, when the human world are in danger and will need them the most. Only then will the Assassin gene awake and the days of the Assassins will start again.” Everyone went quite for a few seconds and then another question came. “So what was the heartbreak?” a man in the back of the ballroom asked. All eyes were on me, I looked at Violet as this affects her as well and she gave me a nod and stood tall and proud looking at everyone. “Well it is a little personal, but if you must know my husband was killed by rouge Werewolf’s, three to be exact and they are all dead now.” I said it while keeping the man’s stair not even blinking for a second keeping my face neutral with no emotions showing and I must admit it wasn’t as hard to say as it was a view months ago and I continued, “And I am sure that the humans have been waiting for our return for quite some time.” As I said that I looked each and everyone in the eye daring them to say something.

That’s when a gentleman, no scratch that an ass named Aldan cleared his trough and spoke. “Well King Alexander I hope you are ready for a battle.” The three Corvene brothers let out a growl so fears that the whole building shook. “Is that a thread!?” Alexander spoke in a very deep and threatening voice. “No it’s not a thread Sir, it’s just....there is a lot of rouges out there and if they find out about the lovely young lady not being mark they will maybe try and take her and force a mark on her.” At that moment Alexander pulled me into him even more tightening his grip and I am sure that it is going to leave a bruise. I put my hand on his chest to try and help him calm down as Aldan kept on talking. “And of course her lovely daughter will also make....” I cut him off by throwing him against the wall with my aura keeping him there, the anger rising in me and I am starting to see red in front of my vision. “No one threatens my daughter!” I walk down the stage till I am standing in front of him looking him dead in the eye. “Now you listen very carefully to me, I had enough of your stories. We can look after ourselves and you better hope that no harm come to my child, because I will come for your head first as you have raised enough suspicion in my mind and I know you are up to something. I promise you I will find out what it is.” “Is that a threat?” He spit at me and before I can even blink my eyes Alexander was right next to me with his hand around Aldan neck, looking at him with a death glare, but said nothing. “O no Aldan I do not make threads, I make promises and I always keep my promise.” I said as I turned around and started to walk back to Violet. I said to him over my shoulder. “Aldan I think you have overstayed your welcome, you may leave.” “I am a council.....” “She said leave!” Alexander said in his Alpha tone and I knew he would not be able to go against him, as I heard the doors open and close again, everyone is quite not knowing what to do next.

When Alexander joins us on stage once again he asked if there were any more questions and we hear nothing from the crowd and then he announced that the ball can commence. We went down to everyone to start mingling and meeting everyone. Violet had her big smile back and I could feel she was happy once more, I on the other had went straight to the bar needing a little encouragement. All the guys were there with their mates and I was glad to meet them all. Drago’s mate was surprisingly a human and she was sort and plum with blond hair and kind blue eyes. Marcus mate was also a Siren and she had what looked like dark purple hair with light green eyes that smile at you. Liam’s mate was a Vampire which was strange to me, but she was lovely, black hair and it looked like a light red eyes. Jax mate was a Witch with white hair and dark green eyes and of course my little Jason was still without a mate, but wasn’t to heartbroken about it, because every time you will look for him he was busy charming a group of lady’s.

We were having a lovely time meeting everyone, dancing and drinking and all of the sudden I felt myself being transported somewhere, as my eyes adjusted I saw a woman and two men being taken by I was not sure what it was it looked like a Vampire, but it had a tail like a dragon and then there were what also look like Vampire but had claws and a snout. What the hell was going on here? As I looked around trying to figure out where this was happening I looked straight to the City, this must be the border line and then I hear my name being call repeatedly. I was back in the ball room as everyone’s eyes were on me. “Hey love you okay, what happen?” I stood there saying nothing still trying to proses what I just saw. Then I hear Chinn speaking. “She just had a vision.”

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