“Where is Lexis?” Is all I asked as I look at every one. “I’m here what’s wrong?” “Is all your hunters accounted for?” “As far as I know...but I will contact the group leaders and make sure.” “Please do, we have two men and one woman taken.” “By whom.....who took them?” Alexander ask while looking very worried at me, Violet came to my side with water and painkillers. I took it from her giving her a thank you and looked at Alexander. “I...I’m not sure.” “I thought your vision shows you everything?” One of the young Alpha’s in the room said, making all my boys glare at him and some growled. “Yes my vision shows me everything, but....” I look at Alexander and he saw the confusion in my eyes. “But what love?” “They were....I am not sure what they were. They looked like Vampires but also had parts of other creatures. It was strange.” Now everyone was silent not knowing what was going on and Alexander took my hand, he was about to speak when Lexis returned. “Luna we have two men Daniel and Ralph and one woman Cindy missing. No one can find them.” “Were they patrolling the Northern side of the City?” “Yes they were.” I look at Alexander then at Violet straightening myself up knowing that we will go into yet another battle. “Princess you ready for a battle?” “I’m always ready to fight alongside you mom.” “What! No you don’t even know what you are getting yourself into?” Alexander exclaimed. “No worry we will scout the place out and report back then we can decide how we are going to attack. Lexis I am very sorry, but I don’t think they are still alive.” “I guess that much, but we have your back, whatever you need we will help.” I nodded to her and looked at Alexander, and then he spoke. “All guests please return to your hotels we will let you know when it is safe to come out.” “But we can help you.” One of the older gentlemen said. “Thank you for your offer Alpha, but we will handle this.” Alexander looked at me and nodded agreeing with my statement. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Chin please send one of your drones to the North side and see what you can find out. Elites you and the worriers get ready for battle and meet me in the meeting room in 15 minutes.” Alexander said in his Alpha voice, then he looked at me and whispered, “there is probably no way I can ask you to stay out of this is there?” “I’m sorry I can’t, even if it wasn’t humans that were taken, but one of the other residence I would still go out there and fight. So please never ask that of me. It is not who we are.” Alexander just sigh and leaded me and Violet out of the building to go and gear up for what awaits us. “You two will not go and scout we will wait for the footage of the drones and then strategies our attack.” I did not argue with him on this, he has done this more than I have, so I would let him take the lead, for now.

As we enter the meeting hall all geared up and ready for the fight, we saw a lot of our guests Alphas and leaders in the room. “I am sorry King, Queen, but we cannot stay back and let you fight alone we are here to help. A threat on the royals is a threat to us.” Gareth said with confidence. Alexander nodded his head thanking them for their help and I just kept quite not liking that he called me queen but that is probably what I am now even though I haven’t accepted Alexander fully. At that moment Chin came in with the drone and plugged it into the projector. “You guys won’t believe what you are going to see.” Is all he said when he started playing the footage he took and it was terrifying.

It was all creatures of the night, but they looked mutated as there were other body parts from different creatures on one. “What the hell is that?” Liam was the one asking and I looked at Alexander. “You have never seen anything like this?” “No never, it looks like someone is experimenting with body part of all creatures or something.” “So how do we kill a thing like that? Jason asked from the other side. “Well best is going for the head, without a head the body would not be able to do anything.” They all nodded and agree with my statement. Then Liam stepped up to the table, “okay so we need a plan, Scar do you have anything in mind?” Everyone turned to me. All of them look dead serious...with no fear in their eyes. I kissed Violet on the head and stepped forward. “Well I suggest that we have three rows of defense. First will be Violet and me with Alexander and the Elites, second will be all the Alphas including.” I put my hand up before Alexander can even start to argue with me. “The third row will be the Beta’s and the worriers. We cannot allow them to get into the city there are too many innocent people that will get hurt. We need to keep a barrier.” After I spoke I looked around the room to see if anyone will disagree, but no one did or so I thought. Alexander then spoke up, “I don’t like it why should you and Violet be in the first line of defense?” I lowered my head as I knew he would ask that and more, he is definitely not going to like the rest I have to say. As I look up, I look directly at Chin and I saw he knew exactly what I was going to say next and he just confidently nodded at me giving me a little bit more confidence as I turned to Alexander, as he was looking between me and Chin and I could sense the anger already starting in him.

“Babe we are not just in the front of the line we will be going in first.” Before he could speak I lift my hand to his lips silencing him. “Please let me finish.” He kissed my hand and took it into his, letting me say what I needed to say. “Before we all show up there, we will need Witches and Warlocks to make a protective barrier between us and the creatures as they will probably attack us as soon as they see us and we will still need to form the lines of defense. After that Jax will use one of his roots to boost Violet and me into the air taking us right to the center of all the creatures. From there we will use our guns to kill as many as we can and when we are done they will lower the barrier and we will all go into war. There are hundreds of them, we have to eliminate as much of them as we can without putting lives at risk and if we use our guns with all of you with us we might accidentally kill some of you. Please Alexander do not argue about this, this is how we will be able to protect the ones we love.” “But you will be in danger, direct danger love, I....I don’t like it.” As he said that his aura was felt all around the room and it was dangerously murderous. So I did what I could and pushed my aura out as well, pushing his aura as far back as I could. “This is how it will be done.” Is all I said as I kept on pushing his aura with mine and I felt that our strength match each other.

“And I said no Scarlet it is too dangerous! I will not allow it!” “You will not allow it! What am I your fucking child!?” “No you are my mate and I will not put your live at risk like that!” “You are not putting my live at risk I am doing this because it is the right thing to do Alexander! I am your mate yes, but I am also a Queen and I will protect everyone as far as I can.” “So...what you are saying is that I will not risk everything to protect the people of my city!?” “I am not saying that Alexander I know you will give your live for them, but so would I!” “I am not saying that you should not fight Scarlet, I just don’t want you in the front line that is all!” “Alexander I know you are worried and so am I, but this is what we were trained to do so let me do it and I am not going to argue about this anymore!”

Then all of the sudden I felt my aura being deflated and at the same time Alexander as well as we turned I looked straight into Violets eyes that was ablaze with fury. That is enough! Can’t you see what you two are doing to the rest of the people in the room?” I looked around and saw everyone on their knees looking down, fighting against our auras. “I’m so-so sorry everyone.” I said and looked at Alexander. “This is your fault.” “My fault you are the one that wants....” “Enough!!!! I said that is enough.” Violet screamed and spoke further. “Papa Alexander...mom is right we have to go first we will be fine don’t worry okay, we got this.” Alexander then just nodded not believing that she at such a young age is able to overpower us, but I knew she was already stronger than me the only thing that kept her to obey me was the fact that I was her mother. I looked around as everyone started to stand up and looked at Violet in awe. She was truly amazing as Blake went next to her and took her hand to lay a kiss on it. “You okay?” “Yes I’m fine now, thank you.” Then Liam spoke up again, “so we have the plan, shell we go.” Everyone agreed and left to go to the North side of the territory. As agreed the Witches and Warlocks lead by Amara raise a barrier before any of the creatures saw us and as soon as they did they started to crash against it, mindlessly. I felt sorry for them, I’m sure they did not agree to the fate that was put on them. I turned to Jax, “Will you be able to capture one of these things?” “Yes I think I should be able to. You want to analyse it.” “We need answers.” He just nodded and then fire started to hit the barrier making it harder for them to hold it. “There is witches among them...be careful.” I hear Amara scream from the side and I looked back at Jax. “It’s time.” Violet joined me and we stood face to face as Jax wielded one of the roots to come up underneath us. I did not look at Alexander as I wanted to keep my mind clear and I believe that if we are a little scared of losing everything while going into battle, it makes us stronger as we will fight harder not to lose. “Princess point down and make all of them head shots I will defend us from all sides okay. Keep your focus.” “Yes mom....I love you.” “And I love you.”

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